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533 Make a living

 East India is known as the "Country of a Thousand Islands", but actually has more than 17,000 islands.

Eliminate those islands that are too small, have no fresh water, and are far away from the mainland. They are suitable for human habitation. However, there are many undeveloped islands, so it is really simple for some people to buy islands. Medan is not a political power yet.

It may seem absurd to start distributing benefits now, but many people take it for granted.

Christian has been busy with this matter these days.

"The area of ​​existing plantations must be re-assessed and then taxed based on the area. Those plantations that have lost their owners and are unoperated must find new owners as soon as possible. The funds raised will be used to purchase more equipment and recruit more people.

Soldiers, in the future you will have to form a government and rule more land, which will require more government staff and more funds." Christian brought enough equipment to the Medan troops and had enough knowledge on this issue.

Right to speak.

Christian has been staying in Medan these days. As his understanding of East India gradually increases, Christian's interest in East India is also growing.

Apart from anything else, East India actually has the most scarce oil in southern Africa, which is enough for Christian to do whatever it takes.

The oil resources in East India are still very rich. Oil fields are already being exploited in Kalimantan. Oil fields have also been discovered in Jambi and Palembang in Sumatra. Although a large amount of oil has been discovered in Port Elizabeth, who would dislike oil too much?

How many.

In addition to oil, natural rubber and palm oil in East India are also important industrial raw materials. The fishery resources here are even richer than in southern Africa. If Stoudemire knew this news, he would definitely be willing to open more food processing plants in East India.
In addition, East India also has large amounts of tin, aluminum, nickel, iron, copper, tin, gold, silver, coal, and huge potential for wood processing. Christian has already given Henry, now the largest mining giant in southern Africa, a

Telegram inviting Henry to jointly develop mineral resources in East India.

Of course, Rock's share is definitely indispensable, and Rock is definitely the biggest share. Christian is very clear about his advantages. He has had both wind and rain in recent years. The main reason is that his thighs are thick enough.

The thigh of Africa is Britain, and the thigh of Christian is Rock.

"What is the tax rate?" Lingzhi was cautious, not knowing how big Christian's appetite was.

This is the tragedy of being weak. They say that a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. This sentence is actually meaningless. East India has been ruled by the Dutch for hundreds of years, so it will be no problem to accept the rule of Southern Africa. Lexus simply does not

The idea of ​​independence, the national democratic movement in East India would not awaken until the 1930s during the First World War and the Second World War.

"You and Li will take care of it. One principle is that in order to maintain the plantation, it must also meet the needs of the government." Christian does not regard himself as a conqueror. According to the current situation, after the Dutch are driven away, Medan will

If you help people, you will become the ruler of East India, and Christian will be fully qualified to compete for the leadership of the country.

But Christian doesn't have this idea. It's not easy to be a national leader. Christian is not short of money now, and he doesn't have the consciousness to contribute his health to the country. Look at how hard Ade works every day. He still has time when he is the governor.

On vacation, now I can’t even guarantee enough sleep time.

Christian feels that his current situation is just right. He has money and strength. With Roque's protection, he will not be sheared. The company is managed by professional managers. Christian is enjoying life now, even if he has 180 wives.

No one cares, newspapers won’t report it.

If it were Ade who tried it, let alone one hundred and eighty wives, if he used public power for a certain personal gain of his relatives, he would be criticized by public opinion, otherwise Sidney Milner would not have such a good relationship with Roque.
So Christian also learned from Roque that he has little desire for power. Li Wan and Ling Zhi must also transform East India according to Christian's wishes. Otherwise, if Christian can push Li Wan and Ling Zhi to power, there will be

Find a way to bring down Li Wan and Ling Zhi.

However, neither Li Wan nor Ling Zhi had this realization yet. After hearing Christian's words, the two looked at each other with ecstasy in their eyes.

What surprised Li Wan and Ling Zhi even more was that Christian had no requirements for the plantations around Medan, but he did have requirements for the coffee plantations around Banda Aceh.

Li Wan and Ling Zhi knew that Banda Aceh had the best coffee in East India, so it was normal for Christian to have a request. If Christian had not made a request, Li Wan and Ling Zhi would have been uneasy.

Do you really think that Christian brought so many weapons and made such a large investment just to win over the Prime Minister of Southern Africa?

Christian is a businessman.

Banda Aceh has not yet been occupied by Medan, and the Kingdom of Aceh still exists. How to coordinate this relationship is the test that Christian will give Li Wan and Ling Zhi. If the Kingdom of Aceh is successfully captured, then Christian will

Continue to support Li Wan and Ling Zhi. If that doesn't work, Christian will definitely have to find a new agent.

In fact, large-scale property rights transfers have already begun. Every regime change is accompanied by violent social unrest. The old vested interest classes are overthrown and new interest classes emerge. This is a carnival for everyone.

East India has very good natural conditions. The climate is humid and rainy, the sunshine is sufficient, and the crop growth cycle is short. Because it was developed earlier, there are many mature plantations around Medan. These plantations are actually managed with care, and the benefits are still the same.

Very good.

In the past, the Dutch only plundered the East Indies but did not build. They purchased various products at low prices and then sent them to Europe to sell at high prices. As a result, the Netherlands has become one of the countries with the best economic conditions in Europe.

Now this part of the profits belongs to the Adan Company, and the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company are taking advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Many ownerless plantations in the areas controlled by the Medan Army have been bought by the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company. It does not matter if the money is not enough, Rand

The bank's branch in Medan Port has begun operations and can provide sufficient financial support to the mercenaries.

"Twain sent me a telegram to leave as many plantations as possible to our mercenaries. Your Adan company eats meat, and our protective umbrella always needs some soup." David personally came forward to ask Andy for the land, although

Many mercenaries own farms in southern Africa, but more mercenaries who have just joined the umbrella have missed the opportunity to carve up farms in southern Africa, so East India has become the best choice now.

What's interesting is that no one questions whether the Adan Company's actions are legal. Although the Dutch colonial government is still the nominal ruler of East India, no one doubts the future ownership of East India.

"No!" Andy decisively refused. Just as David was decisive before, Andy is just as decisive now.

"Don't be like this, the new East India Company has been established, and we are in the same boat." David laughed, not worried at all that Andy would not cooperate.

The new East India Company is no different from the previous Dutch East India Company and British East India Company. It is also a mixed political, military and economic complex. Both the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company were once glorious, but have now been disintegrated.

, I wonder how long the new East India Company can last.

Andy has been appointed as the general manager of the East India Company, responsible for all matters of the East India Company except military operations, while David is the deputy general manager, responsible only for the military operations of the East India Company.

That’s why David is so confident.

"You are no longer under the umbrella now, so you have to consider the interests of the East India Company." Andy refused to let go. He sold the plantation to mercenaries at a low price. A plantation with an area of ​​500 acres was only

It can be sold for fifteen hundred pounds, and the price will at least quadruple if sold to an East Indian.

"Of course I am thinking about the interests of the East India Company. Those unoperated plantations cannot produce any benefits. The mature sugar cane is rotting in the ground and no one is harvesting it. The production of natural rubber has dropped significantly. There are no workers and no products in the oil mill.

How can our East India Company make money?" David's reason is very good. After the establishment of the East India Company, it has to be responsible for its own profits and losses. Now it is necessary to borrow money from the Rand Bank to pay wages. Profiting as soon as possible is the most serious thing.

"I'm going to auction off all the unoperated plantations after we capture Palembang." Andy had already planned, and now this situation won't last long.

"If there are not enough benefits, then the troops will not have enough motivation." David's words were threatening. To put it bluntly, there are still few rich people in Medan. The rich people are all in Palembang, Batavia and so on.

It’s a big city, so if you follow what Andy said and wait until you capture Palembang before auctioning it, the price will definitely increase significantly.

The officers of the Medan Army are basically mercenaries. If Andy doesn't let go, it's hard to say what will happen.

"Even if I sell the plantation to you now, you won't be able to find enough workers." Andy had a headache, feeling like a scholar meeting a soldier.

In fact, most of the plantations available for sale now are concentrated around Lake Toba.

After so many tug of wars, many areas around Lake Toba have become no man's land, so workers are a big problem.

"Don't worry about it. As long as the salary is high enough, you don't have to worry about running out of workers." David has a way. If it were anyone else, he might have a headache for this problem, but for mercenaries, this problem must be solved.

Not difficult.

There are no workers around Lake Toba, but there must be some here in Medan.

Even if there is no surplus labor force in Medan, there certainly is in Banda Aceh. Many Javanese and Malays in East India are at the bottom of society, and working on plantations is their only way to make a living.

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