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551 naive

 It’s not that Roque is not rigorous, it’s that everyone here has a lot of weight. When a minister, a first secretary of the federal government, a mayor, and an industry leader all agree on something, then this matter

There is no room for change.

The results are indeed shocking. Of the 37 gold mines in the Rand mining area, 15 have engaged in smuggling to varying degrees in the past two years. The largest smuggling occurred at the Zangwill gold mine owned by the Anglo-American Mining Company.

On December 15 last year, a joint operation between the Johannesburg Police Department and Umbrella Company seized 1.5 tons of smuggled gold at the Johannesburg Railway Station. At that time, the gold was disguised as ore and was intended to be sent to Durban for shipment by train. As a result,

Although the owner of the goods has absconded and has not been caught yet, this batch of gold comes from the Zangwill Gold Mine.

"A total of two hundred and five thousand pounds, these people are so greedy and shameless!" Marcus Beaufort was heartbroken. This was seized. How many were not seized?

No one can tell clearly.

"Seal down the mine, arrest people, check the accounts, and if there are other criminal facts, deal with them together." Rock finished in one go, and the Anglo-American Mining Company was dead this time.

Enterprises cannot be investigated these days. If they really want to be investigated, there will be problems everywhere, not to mention Roque's direct order. It will definitely be the kind of investigation that finds fault in the eggs. The gold mine here in Johannesburg, among other things, is concealed.

There must be production, there must be tax evasion, there must be abuse of miners, and there must be environmental pollution.

It doesn’t take many charges. The most common situation is that most of the miners in Johannesburg are Africans. Except for a few gold mines, most of the miners live in very harsh conditions. It is not uncommon for them to be abused and even tortured to death. That is, Africans

They are not officially residents of southern Africa, so in the past the Johannesburg city government turned a blind eye. If they really want to use this as an excuse, there are gold mines in Johannesburg, and no one can escape.

Rock Gold Mine has now begun to use African miners. There is no other way. Most of the Chinese miners have bought farms and become a new generation of farmers. Rock can only hire Africans to mine.

Of course, the working environment at Locke Gold Mine is considered good among all the gold mines in Johannesburg, but this still cannot prevent accidents from happening.

Locke Gold Mine compensates miners' families after every accident, so Locke Gold Mine has a good reputation within the Johannesburg Mining Alliance.

The one with the worst reputation is the gold mine owned by De Beers Consolidated Mining Company.

"Yes, sir." Gothe couldn't help but be overjoyed when he left. As the chief of police, Gothe may not be able to get a separate gold mine, but it is still very possible to earn some shares and earn some profits.


To Rock's surprise, the miners at the Marcellus Gold Mine did not agree to Rock's request.

They hope to negotiate, but the negotiation location cannot be at the place designated by Rock, but must be held in the Marcellus gold mine, and reporters from Orange must be invited to participate.

This request was decisively rejected by Rock.

"Why does it have to be a reporter from Orange?" Rock was in a bad mood. He originally thought it was just a simple strike, but now it seems that there is indeed a hidden agenda.

"Those miners don't trust journalists outside Orange -" The people who contacted the miners were sent by the Johannesburg Mining Union, and the miners refused to contact the police and the army.

"They can't even read a newspaper, how do they know the newspaper's tendency? Do they understand the word 'tendency'?" Rock sneered, the amount of information required was a bit large.

"Now is not the time to discuss this issue. Do you want to agree to the miners' request?" Stoudemire doesn't care about newspapers. The Times is controlled by Rock, which is no different than it is controlled by Stoudemire.

"You can go if you want, but I won't go. Is Aiden okay?" Rock said decisively. Aiden was kicked in the head by a donkey before he took the initiative to send him as a hostage. Rock would not make the same mistake.

Rock and Aiden also have a good relationship. They once fought against the Boer coalition together and can be regarded as half-comrades.

Although Aiden's performance on the battlefield was not very good.

"There is no problem with Aiden's safety. He eats well and sleeps well. The miners did not harm him." Xiaosi was not surprised at all. The miners did not dare to harm Aiden because they were afraid of retaliation afterwards. Even though Aiden often felt embarrassed in front of Rock, but

For Stoudemire, Aiden is quite a good subordinate.

Regardless of ability, at least there is no problem with loyalty.

Speaking of which, Aiden's ability is quite good to be the manager of De Beers Consolidated Mining Company in Johannesburg.

For business purposes only.

"Tell the miners that if they don't agree to my request, water and food will be cut off starting tomorrow." Rock was ruthless and didn't care about Aiden's life or death.

You can't care at this time. The more Rock shows that he cares, the miners' demands will be excessive, and in the end the negotiation will completely collapse.

So it’s better to be tough from the beginning. To put it bluntly, if Aiden hadn’t taken the initiative to come to the door, Rock would have ordered a strong attack by now. The management of the Marcellus Gold Mine had all been attacked as early as the start of the strike.

If you run away, they won't be left as hostages.

"Okay." Stoudemire is not stupid. Although strikes are rare in southern Africa, they are normal in Europe and the United States. Otherwise, Stoudemire would not be so resistant to labor unions.

The man assigned by the Johannesburg Mining Union to contact the Marcellus gold mine miners is named Lulu. He is half white and is a rare mixed-race man. It has to be said that African genes are indeed strong, at least in appearance.

Look, Lulu’s African ancestry is still very obvious.

It's not a shiny black kind, but a slightly frosted black.

In the eyes of other white people or Chinese, Lulu is a standard African, but Lulu never thinks so. Lulu firmly believes that he should be classified as a civilized person, so his dressing style is similar to that of white people.

When he came to the Marcellus gold mine again, Lulu still rudely rejected the miners who tried to check Lulu: "Go away, Nico——"

This title is really uncivilized.

"Man, you'd better figure it out. The knife is in my hand now -" The miner's face is ugly. You can't tell it unless you look carefully. The color is too strong.

"So what, if you dare to kill me, the military and police outside will rush in immediately, and all of you will die by then." Lulu is confident. This is not because Lulu is brave, but because he is in the mine.

The blockade outside gave Lulu great confidence.

Just behind Lulu, four armored vehicles were lined up. The machine gun shooters on the vehicles were watching eagerly. Behind the armored vehicles were professional soldiers who were standing ready. Farther away was a blockade set up by the police. There were also patrolling mercenaries on the outermost periphery. Once the negotiations were over,

If there is a rupture, or an order is issued, or the striking miners walk out of the mine, they will immediately be mercilessly attacked by the army.

"Let him come here -" A shirtless African man waved his hand.

"Moll, you are not qualified to make demands to Lord Nyasaland. I advise you to agree to Lord Nyasaland's request, otherwise there will be no water or food supply from tomorrow." Lulu said simply and directly, looking at the shirtless man.

Han's eyes were full of disdain.

"Lord Nyasaland isn't worried about us killing those white people?" Moore looked ugly, but he was not too surprised.

"Find out More, Lord Nyasaland is Chinese." Luru shook his head, he really cared about skin color.

"What about the Chinese? They are not white!" Moore's voice was low, and he was obviously a little guilty.

"There is no point in arguing about this issue. Moore, listen to me. You'd better accept Lord Nyasaland's suggestion. In fact, let me say that Lord Nyasaland has shown enough sincerity. You can select representatives to go to Johannesburg."

The city government is conducting negotiations, and Lord Nyasaland himself will also participate. Think about it, if it weren't for this, you would never have the opportunity to enter the Johannesburg City Hall in your life." Only when Luru said this, he said to Mo

I’m a little envious.

But not much. Maybe Moore and the others still have illusions, but Lulu knows that the miners here will be in a lot of trouble in the future.

Whether or not there is a future are two different things.

"We can't go. If we step out of the mine, we will be shot by the army."

"When negotiating, you won't-"

"Will reporters be present?"

"There should be -"

Other Africans immediately started talking about it.

"Are there any reporters involved?" Moore finally thought of this question.

"Yes, but he is not a reporter from Orange, but a reporter from The Times. Do you know The Times? It is the newspaper with the largest circulation in the British Empire." Lulu was disdainful and wanted to ask More if he could read it.

I understand, but I still didn’t ask after all.

"You'd better accept Lord Nyasaland's request. Lord Nyasaland is different from those weak French people. Do you know how many white people died at the hands of Lord Nyasaland during the Boer War? The Boer Allied Forces

The commander-in-chief was killed by Lord Nyasaland himself, so if you want to use me to threaten Lord Nyasaland, you are wrong. Lord Nyasaland never accepts any threats." The miners were indeed not mistreated.

Aiden, Aiden was actually at the scene and was able to express his opinions.

"Moll, we can't trust them——" Someone was firm.

"Then what do you want? Just stay here and wait to die? Don't forget to cut off water and food starting tomorrow. If you really want to die, I have no problem with more than 2,000 people being buried with you." Aiden also thought about it.

Big, otherwise I wouldn’t have lost my mind and offered to take him as a hostage.

"If I chop off one of your hands, do you think Lord Nyasaland will agree to my request?" Moore found another way.

"Who knows, maybe it will, maybe not, you can try -" Aiden is also not afraid of death, and there is no blood yet, so the military and police outside can maintain restraint, otherwise they really think Rock is so

Easy to talk to?


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