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573 National dishes

Although Louis Botha is very willing to make changes, there are some things that cannot be made up for by hard work.

The farms in the Transvaal are getting better and better, which is of course inseparable from the efforts of Chinese farmers. It is also related to the innate advantages of the Transvaal. These advantages include the government's policy preferences, the financial support of the Rand Bank, and the expert team.

technical guidance, and finally the efforts of the Chinese farmers.

Orange does not have these advantages, so it is very difficult to replicate the success of the Transvaal in Orange. Full enthusiasm is not enough.

In other words, it is not enough that Louis Botta is willing to change.

Obviously Louis Botta was also aware of this problem, so Louis Botta was particularly silent during the rest of the trip.

Roque didn't care about Louis Botha's attitude. It's not that easy to get rich. When the farm in Johannesburg just started, Roque specially invited experts from Europe to solve technical problems and purchased breeding cattle from all over the world in order to improve livestock breeds.

Sheep, in order to increase farm income, simply invested in textile mills and wineries in Johannesburg. This was all thanks to the strong financing capabilities of Rand Bank and the underground black gold of the Johannesburg Mining Alliance. It also had to catch up with the once-in-a-century power change, and then

That’s how Johannesburg is today.

Now that Orange farms want to make money, the first thing they have to solve is the funding problem. Without start-up capital, no matter how good the plan is, it cannot be implemented.

Rand Bank could have provided funds to Orange, but there were many bad incidents in Orange where farmers lost loans and then disappeared. After that, Rand Bank stopped its business in Orange.

The Boers in Orange are different from the Chinese in southern Africa. Chinese farmers in southern Africa have no choice but to run their farms honestly.

The Boers have too many choices. Don’t forget that we are still in a great era of global immigration. Canada, Australia, and the United States are all welcoming new immigrants. There are new immigrants from southern Africa who will directly reimburse their houses and land for their ferry tickets. Canada and Australia

Likewise, this gives many "smart people" opportunities.

The most common operation is to use the farm as collateral to get a sum of money from the Rand Bank, and then travel to a new country to start all over again. The money is a net profit.

In this process, the Rand Bank got the farm, the farmer got the money, and the Orange government suffered the biggest loss. In fact, both people and money were lost.

"That's why the Ministry of Agriculture wants to promote state farms, nationalize all land, distribute it by the state, and not allow private resale. Farmers work on state farms, complete their daily work, and receive corresponding rewards.

." Louis Botta confessed the original intention of establishing the National Farm during lunch.

"This is even worse!" Roque vetoed it. Louis Botta thought it was a good idea, but he was afraid that Louis Botta didn't know how to cook in a big pot.

"Why?" Louis Botta really didn't know.

"Not necessarily, you can try it." Rock suddenly realized that he had also made an empiricist error.

Policies really depend on national conditions. If there are more people and less land, and the food grown is not enough to eat, and people do more and less, everyone will definitely have nothing to eat in the end.

But if there are fewer people and more land, and the food grown on the ground cannot be eaten, then the national farm is not impossible.

The situation in southern Africa is that there are fewer people and more land. One acre of land, without modern fertilizers, will produce limited output even if it is cultivated intensively. In the north of the Qing Dynasty, the current yield of one acre of wheat is only two hundred kilograms.

, the harvest in a good year is only about 300 kilograms. Under such circumstances, no matter how intensively you cultivate, you won’t be able to eat enough.

A family in southern Africa should start with at least 100 acres, and 100 acres is 600 acres. If they are all planted with wheat, even if they are left alone after planting, the yield per mu will only be 100 kilograms, but the total yield will be 60,000 kilograms.

If you grow potatoes instead of wheat, you can really eat them for a lifetime.

The consumption of key grains is flexible. An adult can eat three bowls of noodles without adding anything. If you add an egg and some meat, you can be full in one bowl.

The food in the Qing Dynasty was not even enough for people to eat, so naturally there was no surplus food to raise poultry and livestock. There was too much food to eat in southern Africa. Every household had hundreds of chickens, ducks, and geese, sometimes hundreds, as well as various poultry and eggs.

There is an abundant supply of meat, which in turn will reduce food consumption.

Therefore, the state farm had no future in the Qing Dynasty, and it may not have a future in southern Africa. It mainly depends on execution ability.

"Your national farm in Nyasaland is pretty good." Louis Botha would also be obedient when asking for help.

"Nyaasaland is not a state farm at all. The land is mine, and the farmers rent the land. The key is that I do not collect taxes. The money earned by the farmers is their own. Of course, there is enthusiasm. In the past, everyone

A family can rent a hundred acres. Some people work tirelessly to cultivate land, and eat in the fields. People and animals will die from exhaustion. Now each family only has ten acres. After all development, they can apply again, so

We have to keep expanding, otherwise there won't be enough land to accommodate new immigrants." Rock finally found a suitable reason for his behavior. It's impossible not to expand. Time waits for no one.

Southern Africa has 3.24 million square kilometers. The arable land is only about 200-300 million acres. One hundred acres for one family cannot actually accommodate many people. Now all states are beginning to pay attention to this problem. In the past two years, Roque has brought more and more people to the area.

resettlement of immigrants to Bechuanaland and Rhodesia, but there is actually no other way.

If you want to continue to immigrate under the current situation, you must continue to expand externally. Tanganyika and Southwest Africa are definitely annexed by Roque. Portuguese East Africa and the Congo Free State are also in Roque's plan. Roque is now

When the world war breaks out, the world's attention will be focused on Europe. Even if Rock turns Africa upside down, Britain and France will not care about it.

"Southern Africa has enough people -" Louis Botha did not hide his emotions.

"It's still early for the distance to be sufficient. It is enough for Orange, but Nyasaland has a huge gap in population resources. We now not only need a sufficient agricultural population, but also more skilled workers. Nigeria

In Asalan, only new immigrants under the age of ten can go to school. New immigrants over the age of ten must help on the farm. They can enter the factory at the age of fourteen. We need one or two generations to bridge the gap with Europe.

." Rock has great ambitions, but his ideals also need to be paid for by reality.

The reality is always cruel. Not to mention southern Africa, Europe is now full of sweatshops. In France, 11-year-old children have to work in factories. In the UK, almost all factories have child workers. They have to work 11 hours a day just like adults.

More than hours.

Therefore, even if Southern Africa wants to provide better welfare to its citizens, it does not have this realistic basis. The advantage of Southern Africa's industry lies in low cost, but this low cost is not squeezed out from workers, but from the low cost of raw materials, Henry

We will not give high wages to the miners in Fawalt. The average African miner in Johannesburg can only earn one rand per person per month. Companies in Nyasaland can pay high wages to their workers. That is because of the goods produced by Nyasaland companies.

They all have high added value, so Luoke naturally doesn’t care if the unit profit is high.

As for the age of school entry, Roque has no good solution. He can only cut it across the board in a simple and crude way. The gap between Southern Africa and Europe is not irreparable. Japan can successfully turn around through the world war, and Southern Africa has greater opportunities.
"Make up the gap?" Louis Botta finally showed a surprised expression on his face.

It's still a matter of structure. The issue that Louis Botha is thinking about most now is how to improve the level of Orange farmers operating their farms. However, Roque has already begun to consider the competition between southern Africa and Europe. Louis Botha has never considered this before.


Not to mention Louis Botha, I am afraid that in the entire southern Africa, only Roque is trying to bridge the gap with Europe. Even Stoudemire has not considered this issue.

"Yes, in fact, the gap between us and Europe is not as big as imagined. Europe has indeed completed the industrial revolution, hundreds of years of colonial expansion, and has also completed relatively good primitive accumulation. But now Europe is on the verge of war.

, Once the war breaks out, the European economy will stagnate or even regress. Then it will be our opportunity in southern Africa. At least there will be no forces around us that can threaten us." Roque is confident that Europe is indeed relatively strong in traditional fields, but

Southern Africa still has opportunities to overtake in emerging fields, as evidenced by the success of the "Strong Wind" fighter jets and Lord cars.

Next, Southern Africa will have more opportunities to overtake in corners, but before that, Southern Africa still needs more labor and more high-end talents.

"It's difficult. The gap between us and Europe is all-round, economy, education, people's livelihood -" Louis Botha shut up halfway. The economy is indeed poor. Roque also admitted this, but it is not necessarily the case in other aspects.


At least the UK has not yet begun to enforce compulsory education. There are indeed fewer college students in southern Africa, but as time goes by, as more and more colleges and universities begin to recruit students, the gap in this area will become smaller and smaller.


As for the gap in people's livelihood, it is even smaller. The land annexation situation in the UK is also very serious. Most of the land is concentrated in the hands of a few big nobles. The living standards of the common people are not much better than those in southern Africa.

At least chicken, duck and goose eggs, which often appear on the tables of civilians in southern Africa, rarely appear on the tables of civilians in the UK. The most common food for British civilians is fried fish and potato chips. These two items are not yet the national dishes of the UK.

,Only the poor eat it.

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