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578 Crack

 Swift has not yet realized that the mistake he made has reached the point of being sent back to Orange. Under the influence of alcohol, his brain is now in a state of excitement, so he will carry out Louis Botta's order.

Not so determined.

In fact, including Louis Botta and Carlos, they didn't think it was a big deal to touch their buttocks. After all, in places like bars, there are many people who drink too much. In a bar in Orange, let alone

I touched my buttocks and announced it in public in a remote corner.

But in Nyasaland, since this is what the law stipulates, Louis Botha has nothing to say, and Roque did not deliberately target Swift, but he still failed to live up to his expectations.

As the captain of Louis Botta's bodyguard, Swift's force value is still good, and the three of them can't hold him down.

However, this scene is indeed a bit embarrassing. When Carlos and two other security personnel wanted to take Swift away, there was a circle of security personnel from Rock and Stoudemire watching the fun, and some people were eager to help.
The security personnel around Rock and Stoudemire are easy to distinguish. Although they are both in the same black suit, most of the guards around Rock are Chinese. Most of the security personnel around Stoudemire are white. Rock's collar

They also wear the badge of the Viscount Nyasaland, and Stoudemire's person wears the South African company logo.

Louis Botha noticed very keenly that the faces of the Chinese security personnel present were very ugly.

"Let me go, you yellow monkey -" Swift didn't scold the other two Boers, but only scolded Carlos, and she scolded him so harshly, no wonder people didn't give him a good look.

"That's enough Swift, pay attention to your identity -" Carlos was very calm, his clothes had been torn and his hair was a little messy.

A graduate of Nyasaland University is really not good at wrestling.

"It's all your fault, you yellow monkey. Just wait, I will make you look good-" Swift suddenly punched Carlos hard in the face.

Carlos fell in response.

"Shut up!" Louis Botta couldn't bear it anymore and looked at Swift with complicated eyes.

If nothing else, Louis Botta really has nothing to say about his treatment of his men.

At the end of the Boer War, Louis Botha took out his property and distributed it to Boer families whose family members died in the Boer War. After serving as Minister of Agriculture and Governor of Orange State, Louis Botha also often helped those

He even adopted two helpless Boer orphans for the Boer family who were living in difficulty. These actions were not a show and were not even publicized by newspapers in Orange.

Louis Botta is equally strict with the people around him, but being strict doesn't mean he won't make mistakes. Some people are just a handful of mud, and they can't stick to the wall no matter how hard they stick.

When Swift saw Louis Botta, he immediately stopped struggling, his expression and eyes were dull.

"Send him back to his room, and when he sobers up, send him back to Orange." Louis Botha didn't even look at Swift, and quickly came to Carlos, half-kneeling to help Carlos up.

"Thank you, Minister, I'm fine -" Carlos stood up with difficulty, holding on to Louis Botta's arm, and looked at Louis Botta with an extremely grateful look.

"Swift was drunk. I asked him to apologize to you. I'm sorry." Louis Botta's eyes were filled with guilt.

When Swift, who was leaving, heard these words, there was an obvious stagnation at his feet, and then it was as if his backbone had been ripped out, and his back looked decadent and desolate.

At the door of the room not far away, both Rock and Stoudemire saw this scene, and the expressions on their faces were a bit complicated.

In the evening, when Carlos returned to his room, Louis Botta came over to visit him again.

At this time, Carlos's face had already been smeared with ointment, and Carlos was massaging his face with a hard-boiled egg.

"This is our folk remedy - a folk remedy is a folk way of dealing with it -" Carlos thought for a long time before he found a suitable translation.

"Sit down, let's chat, how do you feel?" Louis Botta looked tired and put the red wine he brought on the coffee table next to the sofa. Red wine has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, but it should be done in moderation.

"Thank you, Minister. I have no problem." Carlos was slightly injured and could not get out of the line of fire.

"Don't blame Swift. His father and three brothers were all killed in the war ten years ago. The youngest brother died in Dordrecht, while Lord Locke was still working in the Cape Town Police Department and was involved in

The battle of Dordrecht." Louis Botta took the initiative to explain, and indeed there is no such thing as hatred without reason.

"I don't blame him, he is quite pitiful -" Carlos had to endure it at this time even if he was unwilling to do so. Louis Botha took the initiative to explain, and he didn't show any sign of ignorance of current affairs.

It's indeed pitiful. Although Swift's salary is not low, Swift's life is a bit embarrassing because there are too many people to support. Perhaps the war has left too many shadows on Swift. The war has already

It's been over ten years, but Swift hasn't started a family yet.

Many retired members of the Boer Alliance are in this living situation. Swift's financial situation is better because he has a job. Those former members of the Boer Alliance who have no job are really miserable. The proportion of alcoholism, gambling, and crime is very high.


"How do you feel during this time?" Louis Botta should not dwell on this issue, people must always look forward.

"There are many difficulties. Our situation is different from Nyasaland. The land in Nyasaland belongs to Lord Locke, who can deal with it as he pleases. The land in Orange is privately owned, unless we have a large sum of money.

You can buy all the land, otherwise it will be difficult to realize the national farm." Carlos faced reality.

"It's difficult to achieve even if you have money. After all, not everyone is willing to sell." Louis Botta just glanced at the red wine he brought, and Carlos immediately got up to find a glass.

Just with this sharpness of vision, he is much better than Swift.

Fetching a cup, he first poured it for Louis Botta, and then poured some for himself. Carlos hesitated to speak.

There are some things that really cannot be said. Under the premise that private property is sacrosanct, it is indeed difficult to acquire a farm, but it depends on who it is for.

It is indeed very difficult for the Orange government to purchase a farm through normal channels, but the same thing is very simple for Bechuanaland Agricultural Company.

The Bechuanaland Agricultural Company employs many Boers. It is these Boers who come forward to discuss with the farmers. If the price is suitable, it is best if one is willing to buy and the other is willing to sell. If the farmer does not cooperate, then trouble will ensue for the family.

Being harassed is a trivial matter, but a farm being vandalized is fatal. There are even cases where all the livestock on the farm died mysteriously overnight. After the Orange Police Department intervened, no investigation results were found.

The key is that the technology is not good enough, and there is no way to get the unconditional cooperation of the Johannesburg Medical College like the Johannesburg Police Department, so——

"This wine is produced in Cape Town, Cape Oak Town. Do you know this place?" Louis Bottas' mind jumped a bit quickly.

"I know, I've never been there." Carlos couldn't keep up.

"You Chinese are really amazing. You always have the ability to turn decay into magic. Oak Town used to be called the City of Cowards. There was a concentration camp set up by the British Expeditionary Force. The guards were all expeditionary officers and soldiers who cowered in the battle.

That’s why it’s called the City of Cowards—” This was the first time Louis Botta had a positive comment on the Chinese, and Carlos was extremely surprised.

"I have been to the City of Cowards. Now the City of Cowards is called Oak Town. The entire town is full of oak trees inside and outside. It is clean, tidy, orderly and prosperous. The farmland around the town is full of grapes. There are many wineries in the town.

Workshop, but brewing is not the only source of income in Oak Town. More and more people are traveling to Oak Town. Oak Town also has the best primary and secondary schools in Cape——" When talking about this, Louis Botha actually revealed

With a rare smile: "——If possible, I really hope that the towns in Orange can be as quiet and prosperous as Oak Town. This is why I joined the Boer Coalition in the first place."

Carlos also smiled. Although Carlos had not been to Oak Town, there were many in the Transvaal and Nyasaland according to Louis Botha's description.

"So the key to the problem is education. Lord Locke said before that it takes one or two generations to bridge the gap between southern Africa and Europe. The same is true for us. We must also be prepared to pay the price and pay our

This generation, or the next generation, will strive for the opportunity to develop in Orange." Louis Botta's expression gradually became firm.

Only then did Carlos realize that Louis Botta was not here to seek advice at all, but just wanted to find someone to talk to.

From this point of view, Louis Botta is quite pitiful, he doesn’t even have anyone to talk to.

"Education, education is the key to development. When Lord Locke was in Cape Town, even though there was no gold mining income at the time, he was very determined to educate the next generation. What we lack is this kind of foresight. Orange is now

A basic compulsory education system has been established, and schools at all levels are the best in southern Africa, but those farm owners would rather leave their children to help on the farm than send them to school for education. This is a dereliction of duty by the education department."

Luis Botta's voice became increasingly severe, and Carlos became a little frightened.

The education department was the territory of Jan Smuts, and Jan Smuts, like Louis Botha, was the spiritual leader of the Boers. Louis Botha and Jan Smuts were also best friends.

So what does Louis Botta mean now——

Carlos didn't dare to think deeply, didn't dare to speak, and even breathed carefully.

"Draft a document and Orange will also implement compulsory education." Louis Botha finally made up his mind.

It is Carlos's responsibility to draft the document, but Carlos has to carefully consider how to write it.

This chapter has been completed!
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