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Chapter 839 Role Positioning

If accuracy is not considered, it would take less than a minute for Lee Enfield to fire out ten bullets. A skilled shooter can empty the magazine in fifteen seconds. Of course, in this case, the hit rate is quite impressive.

While ensuring accuracy, the output must be crazy, so there is the term "crazy minute".

Ordinary soldiers use Lee Enfield. The process of firing a gun and pulling the bolt takes a second or two. The movements of precision shooters are simply invisible. They all use Patton's method of placing their middle finger on the gun.

On the trigger, the index finger and thumb control the bolt. When the middle finger pulls the trigger, the index finger and thumb are already preparing to complete the series of actions of extracting the shell, pushing the bullet, and loading the gun. Once you become proficient, it will be so fast that people can't see it.

Almost as soon as the gunfire rang out, George White and the others were stunned. For a moment, George White simply doubted whether the Lee Enfield used by these precision shooters was the same type of gun as the Lee Enfield equipped by the British army.

The Lee Enfield equipped by the British Army still uses a magazine divider. It is obviously the most advanced magazine-type rifle in the world, and it is used as a single-shot rifle in a gorgeous way.

Lee Enfield in Southern Africa has canceled the magazine divider from the beginning, and there is no limit on the consumption of bullets. Precision shooters are fed by bullets. No matter how good the talent is, it requires a lot of training to be realized. George

It's not that White doesn't understand this truth, but he just can't accept it mentally.

Compared with ordinary soldiers, precision shooters need less preparation time. They only need one or two seconds to aim, and the hit rate is still very high. George White needs a telescope to see clearly the head target a hundred meters away.

, these precision shooters are used to it.

It was said to be a crazy minute, but in fact it was useless at all. Even the longest-serving precision shooter did not take more than fifty seconds to fire ten bullets. The last precision shooter stood up and immediately started to tally the results. George White felt a little

Tired, Rock asked someone to bring a chair for George White to rest.

"When I see you young people, I really feel that I am old -" George White's tone was filled with regret, saying that he could not accept old age, and it was indeed time for his generation to call its last day.

"The martyrs are full of ambition in their old age. The empire still needs your contribution, and we also need your protection." Roque must have said in a nice way at this time. He knows what he is old and young. It doesn't matter how old he is. Stubbornness and old-fashioned thinking are really fatal.

"Hahahaha, thank you Lord, your words make me feel much better." What George White wanted to hear most were these words. The so-called disobedience to old age actually meant that he was unwilling to be abandoned by the times.

The statistical results were quickly rescued. There were 46 accurate shooters with an average score of 9.5. This result was very satisfactory to Rock, but it was far beyond George White's imagination.

"This result is so surprising——"

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be unbelievable——"

"These precision shooters are all qualified to serve as instructors at the Army Academy——"

Other military observers talked a lot, but there were also discordant voices among the praise.

"Since their shooting skills are so good, why do they need to be equipped with scopes? We should give scopes to soldiers who are not good at shooting."

Such idiotic remarks are probably due to sitting in the office too much or being hungover.

"Actually, it's not just precision shooters. Our ordinary soldiers also have a hit rate of 50% to 70% on a 100-meter head target. This requires rigorous training day after day. They spend more than ten hours a day training at moderate intensity.

However, a large amount of repeated training is actually extremely boring, but they can persevere, so they have achieved their current results." Roque did not respond to the idiotic remarks. Southern African recruits must undergo six months of complete training, even if

The same goes for African soldiers, except that compared with professional soldiers, the requirements for African soldiers are relatively lower.

The situation in the UK is much worse. New recruits only have three months of training, and a lot of time must be spent on formation training to ensure that the thin red line tactics can be executed smoothly.

It is right for the army to emphasize courage and discipline, but if the direction is wrong, it will be useless even if Roque is the Minister of War.

"Ten hours!"

"every day?"

"My lord, how did you let them accept such rigorous training?"

The observers had many questions, and the answers to these questions were actually found in the "Army Drill Code" compiled by the Nyasaland Army Academy. Rock believed that the Ministry of War must have obtained relevant information, but it is estimated that no one had read it carefully.

Before the thin red line tactics cause heavy losses, don't expect those officials to take the initiative to make changes.

In fact, in the final analysis, the thin red line tactics implemented by the British army were also determined by the personal qualities of the British soldiers.

The British army has always been small in size, and its international status mainly depends on the powerful Royal Navy. Therefore, Lu Jun is like a grandma who doesn't love his uncle, and will only be recruited temporarily when needed, just like the second Boer.

Like during the war.

Troops recruited at short notice did not have time to undergo complete military training, so the "thin red line" became the most convenient and effective tactic.

The strength of the military in southern Africa is visible to the naked eye, but maintaining such a powerful force requires a huge amount of money, and the War Department is powerless.

"There are no shortcuts in troop training. It depends on strong will and perseverance. The Northern Rhodesian Division and the 1st Cavalry Division are both professional soldiers. Many of them have received military training for more than ten years. The entire

Everyone is a sophisticated killing machine—" Looking at the time, it was almost noon, and Rock invited the observers to have a meal in the officers' mess.

"Then there are not many such soldiers in southern Africa -" George White finally realized this problem.

"How can there be more? If there are more, the Ministry of National Defense will go bankrupt." Roque said frankly that Southern Africa is different from Europe in this regard, with different national conditions and different ways of coping.

European countries generally implement a conscription system. Taking France as an example, men enlist in the army at the age of 20. After serving for three years, they are transferred to the reserve force. The reserve service period is 11 years, followed by the local self-defense force for seven years, and the same seven-year period.

He served as a local reserve for 20 years, so he could not completely retire from active service until he was 48 years old.

The situation in Britain, Germany and France is similar. Generally, people retire from active service at the age of 45.

That's why Britain, France and Germany have huge reserves so that once war breaks out, Britain, France and Germany can expand their armies as quickly as possible.

Southern Africa implements a compulsory military service system, but the units where compulsory soldiers serve are infrastructure units, and the field units are all professional soldiers. Although this can ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops, it is not conducive to rapid military expansion after the outbreak of war.

The national conditions of southern Africa do not require large-scale military expansion. We are not seeking global hegemony. We only maintain local advantages in southern Africa. The existing military scale is sufficient.

"This won't work. We need more troops. A mere tens of thousands of people are not even enough to fill the gap between our teeth." George White was very dissatisfied. Britain, France and Germany were all expanding their armies crazily. Southern Africa has a relatively safe regional situation and rich natural resources.

Resources, almost free labor, and now with relevant technology and population supplements from the Far East, it can be said that the right time, place and people are right, but southern Africa is still so conservative, which makes George White very disappointed.

"It is true that we have only tens of thousands of professional soldiers, but at the same time we have millions of workers and millions of farmers. Once the war breaks out, we can also contribute our strength to the empire, and believe me, when the time comes, the workers

And farmers are more important than soldiers." All else being said, Roark will not change his position on this issue.

"Without the bloody battles of soldiers, where would the workers and factory owners be?" George White didn't understand. Rock's thoughts seemed dangerous to George White. Soldiers should strive for the right to speak. Rock's current approach

, just want to give up the right to speak.

"I am a professional soldier, not all soldiers. Southern Africa has already prepared hundreds of thousands of expeditionary troops. Isn't this enough?" Roque argued that within the Commonwealth as a whole, Roque gave Southern Africa a better position.

In factories and farms, local finance plays the role of a troublemaker on the European continent. India's main role is to provide sufficient human resources. As for Canada, Australia and New Zealand, they are inherently deficient and far away from Europe, so their importance is declining.

"There is no need to argue about this issue, gentlemen. Let's see how the Indians repay us. We helped them establish a unified country, helped them build railways and factories, and provided more jobs for Indians. But the situation in India

It’s still a mess.” Clark Bell couldn’t help but say something fair.

There is probably a consensus on this point within the War Department. After Gandhi returned to India, anti-colonial sentiment was brewing in India. Originally, the British wanted to use India as the British granary, but now it seems that once the war breaks out and there is a shortage of supplies, India will not ask for local

The support from the Indians is pretty good, but counting on the Indians is totally unreliable.

On the contrary, southern Africa has become increasingly important with its increasingly powerful industrial strength.

The British originally positioned Southern Africa as a source of raw materials, but with the efforts of colonial officials such as Rock and Henry Smalls, Southern Africa provided more and more products to the locals, from gold and iron ore to the current aircraft.

and aircraft carriers, southern Africa is the country with the most potential.

This was clearly reflected on the table in the officers' mess. The chef prepared egg custard, whitebait, chicken, and ham for the observers. There were six large dishes, which made the observers very satisfied.

Even in London, enjoying such a sumptuous lunch is expensive, and considering that this is Egypt, it is even more precious.

At this time, no one said that Southern Africa was extravagant and wasteful.

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