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Chapter 870 St. George

Rock was quite satisfied with this battle loss ratio. You must know that the battle loss ratio between the Allies and the Central Powers in August was more than four to one. For every German soldier killed in battle, more than four French soldiers were killed.

The British Expeditionary Force did not achieve a very good battle loss ratio in battles before. Looking at it this way, it is still very impressive that the African Division can fight the German troops one to one.

"I have promised Martin that I will replenish him as much as he loses. Ideally, there should be ten to fifteen divisions fighting in France." Now that the troops have arrived in France, Roque doesn't care about the number of casualties. The French are already dead.

It doesn’t feel bad to have paid more than 200,000 yuan, but it’s still early days in southern Africa.

"There are more than a dozen divisions and more than 200,000 troops. What will happen to these troops after the war is over?" Ade raised a very sharp question. African soldiers seem to be obedient now, but the future may not be certain.

Unlike Britain and France, which had a large number of colonial servants, the German army was almost entirely composed of white men.

This raises a very serious problem. In Africa, the status of white people is completely superior to Africans. Africans do not even have the courage to talk to white people, let alone fight with white people. As a result, thousands of people died in the world war.

White people died at the gunpoint of African troops. The psychology of African soldiers will definitely change, at least the fear of white people will disappear.

In this case, after the world war is over, if these African troops return to southern Africa, it will be difficult to get them to return to their previous state of obedience.

"We'll talk about it later, there's no rush now -" Roque was very steady. Some words should not be said too bluntly. France will lose a whole generation in the world war. After the world war, France will have a large number of immigrants from the colonies to fill the local labor force.

There are vacancies, so it remains to be seen how many African soldiers will be willing to return to southern Africa.

What's more, even if they come back, African soldiers will have better choices. The Kingdom of Congo and the Kingdom of Mozambique are both countries composed of Africans, and there should be many Africans willing to immigrate.

As a result, it is estimated that there will be very few soldiers willing to return to southern Africa. When the time comes, Umbrella will come out to recruit more than ten or two hundred thousand people, which is really not difficult to digest.

"What do you mean we'll talk about it later? What does this mean?" Ade was very dissatisfied with Roque's answer. In Ade's view, this was a sign of immaturity. In Ade's view, as the defense minister, Roque, even if he can't do it,

A plan that covers everything is considered exhaustive, but should not be so short-sighted and without a plan.

"The staff department has a plan, and this problem can be perfectly solved by then." Roque couldn't say anything now, and wanted to leave after the report.

"Wait a minute, Minister Botha will be here soon, you should also listen together." Ade refused to let go.

"What does Minister Botha have to say have anything to do with me?" Roque asked casually.

Ade glared at Roark without saying anything, and continued to work on the documents.

Roark looks at Sidney Milner.

Sidney Milner quietly lip synced "State Farm" to Rock.

Rock suddenly realized that Louis Botha still refused to give up, but the target had moved from the farms in southern Africa to the newly occupied Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. No wonder when the war broke out, Louis Botha would help Roque in Congress.

Grams speak.

Ten minutes later, Sidney Milner brought Louis Botha in. This showed Roque's status. Even if other ministers came to see Ade for something, they usually would not get more than ten minutes.

"Lord Nyasaland, it's great that you are here too." Louis Botha was not surprised. Rock could see Ade anytime he wanted.

"Good day, Minister Botha." Rock greeted with a smile. The Sixth Division and the Eleventh Division were working together to kill the illegally gathered rebels in the west of Orange. Schalk Biegel did not go south to the Cape, but attempted to go west.

Entering Southwest Africa and joining the German army, he was surrounded by the 6th and 11th Divisions at Upington. Seeing that destruction was imminent, Louis Botha seemed not to know.

"After Germany occupied Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, it declared that the land in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika belonged to Kaiser Wilhelm II. Now that we have occupied Southwest Africa and Tanganyika, we can also declare that all

All land belongs to the king, and then there is a basis for establishing national farms. The combined land of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika exceeds 1.8 million square kilometers. On this basis, we can establish countless national farms, as well as attached to national factories.

With the establishment of various enterprises, within a few years, the financial crisis of the federal government will be greatly alleviated." Louis Botha was in high spirits. If Louis Botha's plan can be realized, there will indeed be many benefits.

"Minister Botha, even if there is no national factory, the financial situation of the federal government will gradually improve." Roque does not want to establish a national farm. Roque also has arrangements for the land in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika.

The land in these two places will definitely be confiscated, but even if a national farm is established, the land that can be allocated to new immigrants in southern Africa this year has only ten acres left. During the World War, new immigrants will further increase.

Congress is already considering stopping land distribution. If the land in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika is confiscated, the current immigration policy in Southern Africa can continue for at least another three to five years.

Without the lure of land, southern Africa would be significantly less attractive to new immigrants.

"Lord Nyasaland, I didn't say all, I meant a part, a third, or a quarter." Louis Botha has learned to be smart now, but he still speaks loudly, even if it's half.

Roque is willing to give up part of his interests, but it is impossible to give up one-third or one-quarter. Based on Louis Botta's understanding of Roque, if one-tenth of the land is designated as national farm, then for

This is a huge victory for the Department of Agriculture.

Mantian opened his mouth and landed on the ground to pay back the money.

"How could there be so many? There are more than 500 plantations in Tanganyika. Before the war broke out, someone said hello to ensure the interests of British capital in Tanganyika. I initially thought that only some of the plantations were run by the British.

Yes, there are nearly 200 of them now. What to do with these plantations? Will they be harvested?" Rock also has a headache. Those who are qualified to invest in Tanganyika are all British dignitaries. If these people are touched,

interests, then it will be much more difficult for Southern Africa to annex Tanganyika.

"This is simply subsidizing the enemy!" Louis Botha was furious. British colonies are spread all over the world, Canada and Australia are full of desolate lands, but British capital wants to invest in Tanganyika. This is indeed subsidizing the enemy.

However, this problem cannot be viewed this way. Although Canada and Australia have vast land, their sparse population lacks sufficient labor force, so even if the capital goes to Canada or Australia, it will not be able to obtain sufficient returns.

"So many?" Ade didn't expect that there were so many people who were enemies.

In other words, I didn't expect that the guy who was the enemy was actually so powerful.

"There must be some people who haven't reacted yet. The actual situation may be more serious than what has been revealed now." Rock is not optimistic. The Northern Rhodesian Division has advanced to Lake Victoria. The 1st Cavalry Division just occupied Karatu and Glory Castle yesterday.

The troops are advancing towards Idra, and the troops of the Kingdom of Mozambique have also reached the banks of the Rufiji River. The German army's activity space in Tanganyika is gradually being compressed.

Benefiting from his experience during the Second Boer War, Rock also took steps to attack Tanganyika, using bunkers and barbed wire to gradually squeeze out the living space of the German troops in Tanganyika. This method seemed a bit clumsy, but it worked very well.

It is the rainy season in Tanganyika now. It is very difficult for the German army to survive in the wild. The air force's reconnaissance plays a big role. Since the German army lacks air defense power, the air force will take the initiative to attack after discovering the German army. Although the attack effect is not good,

But the psychological blow to the German army was very serious.

According to the staff's deduction, the fighting in Tanganyika will end by the end of this year.

"Don't worry about the British capital. Since they chose to invest in Tanganyika, they must accept the current results. All farms, plantations, industrial and mining enterprises will be confiscated, and all Germans in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika will be imprisoned in concentration camps.

After the war is over, they will be sent back to Germany, or other German colonies, if Germany still has colonies by then." Ade was decisive in killing, and compared to officials of this era, Roque was indeed too kind.

According to Rock's previous assumptions, as long as the German residents of Southwest Africa and Tanganyika submitted to the management of Southern Africa, then Southern Africa could also accept the white people from these two areas.

Unexpectedly, Ade would send them all away with a stroke of his pen. This is indeed more in line with the interests of southern Africa.

It was obvious that Adelaide's decision was more in line with the values ​​of this era. Except for Rock, several people in the office felt sorry for him. Sidney Milner and Louis Botha did not react at all to Adelaide's words. They looked like they were taking it for granted.

Let Rock have a deeper understanding of the colonial thinking of white people.

That's right. Rock's previous positioning of the occupying forces was inaccurate. Look at what Germany did in Belgium and France. That's what the occupying forces should look like.

Entering September, Southern Africa's attack on Southwest Africa and Tanganyika entered a new stage. The Southern African armies that had some humanistic feelings before all went into a frenzy. All acts of resistance were resolutely suppressed. Silent resistance was also resistance.

, the renovation of Usombula and Dar es Salaam is also underway at the same time.

According to the tradition of southern Africa, the first thing to change when renovating an area is the name. The two names Edward and Elizabeth have already been used. George and Victoria have become the new favorites. Usombula's new name is Victoria, Dares Sala.

Dar es Salaam's new name is Georgetown. To distinguish it from Georgetown in other areas, Dar es Salaam is "Saint George".

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