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Chapter 898 Trophy

Compared with Southern Africa, which can produce aircraft, artillery, and aircraft carriers, it is the normal state of most countries' armaments at this time to not even be able to produce a single shot. Britain's military industry is already strong enough, but before the outbreak of the world war, it has to start from Southern Africa.

Ordering rifles can meet the needs of the British army expansion. The Ottoman Empire has been ordering weapons from Southern Africa since the Italian-Turkish War. It was once the largest overseas customer in Southern Africa, so Southern Africa is very clear about the situation of the Ottoman Empire's troops.

Not to mention the Umbrella Company's all-pervasive intelligence department.

In order to adapt to the situation in the Ottoman Empire, the Umbrella Company hired many Persian intelligence agents, and there were Umbrella Company intelligence agencies in Basra, Damascus, and even Constantinople.

It was only after he started to form an intelligence department that Rock discovered that engaging in intelligence work not only did not cost money, but could actually make money. Almost all intelligence agencies in the Ottoman Empire appeared in the form of companies, with various business scopes, ranging from food to military industry.

The company does not need to invest in these companies at all, and can still obtain high profits from business operations. This is also the fundamental reason for the rapid development of the intelligence department of the umbrella company.

After the outbreak of the World War, prices in the Ottoman Empire and Europe began to skyrocket. A kilogram of bread in Constantinople cost only 2 pence before the war, but now it costs 4 pence. The cheapest meat before the outbreak of the World War was 3.5 pence per pound.

It costs 9 pence now. The world war has just begun. Prices will definitely rise further next year. No one knows how high they will rise by then.

Unlike the soaring prices in Europe, farm product prices in southern Africa not only did not rise after the outbreak of the world war, but actually declined to a certain extent.

This has a lot to do with the fact that Southern Africa is confiscating German farms in Southwest Africa and Tanganyika. Prices in Southern Africa are much lower than in Europe. Taking eggs as an example, one pound can buy almost 530 eggs in France.

Nearly 3,000 are available in southern Africa.

Nearly 3,500 are available now.

In France, only 270 can be purchased.

The price gap is so huge, so buying various materials from southern Africa and selling them around the world has become the best choice for the intelligence department of the umbrella company. There are many people in this industry. In addition to the umbrella company, the South African company is the largest in southern Africa.

For import and export trading companies, if the agricultural products industry is listed separately, the business volume of the South African company is larger than that of the umbrella company.

Like Constantinople, prices in Basra and Damascus are also skyrocketing, generally about double compared to two months ago. Miraculously, many suppliers to the Ottoman Empire’s forces are supplied by umbrella companies.

Even the weapons used by the Ottoman Empire's troops were produced in southern Africa.

After the outbreak of the World War, southern Africa has stopped exporting materials to countries other than the Allied Powers. Not only does it not sell to the Allies, it also does not sell to countries that have no definite position, including the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Italy.

After the reinforcements arrived in Port Elizabeth, the 3rd Cavalry Division and the 1213th Division were stationed in the Elizabeth Oil Field, the 17th Division was stationed in Port Elizabeth, the 19th Division and the 206th Division were stationed in Ahvaz. The only troops that could be used for the offensive were the 305th Division and the East India Division.

The transferred 501st Division and 502nd Division.

In the Ministry of Defense of Southern Africa, numbers starting with "4" refer to the troops of the Sultanate of Najd.

The strength of the three divisions was obviously unable to meet the needs of the offensive. Fortunately, the Sultanate of Najd could still squeeze it. After Martin came to Port Elizabeth, the Sultanate of Najd added four more divisions to the original four divisions to use against them.

Ottoman offensive.

Martin wants to drain the Sultanate of Najd dry. The poor Sultanate of Najd only has a population of 1 million. It has already mobilized 60,000 people to join the army. If another 60,000 people are recruited, the number of troops in the Sultanate of Najd will already exceed ten percent of the country's population.


Of this tenth, probably not one out of ten will be left after the end of the world war.

After the outbreak of the World War, the Sultanate of Najd reformed its army and reorganized the cavalry division of only 10,000 people into an infantry division of about 15,000 men. After the restructuring, the Sultanate of Najd only had four divisions left, and

It is stronger than before.

Years of war have caused a sharp decline in the population of the Sultanate of Najd. In contrast to the Sultanate of Najd, the population of Port Elizabeth and George Town is increasing rapidly. Many mercenaries of the Umbrella Company have moved their families to Port Elizabeth and George Town.

The combined population of the two regions now exceeds 100,000, and the total population exceeds 500,000. The extra 400,000 are workers hired from other countries. Port Elizabeth and Georgetown are not independent countries yet, and their immigration policies have more

Great autonomy.

What restricts the development of Port Elizabeth and George Town is the serious shortage of land. Both Port Elizabeth and George Town are located on the coast of the Persian Gulf. There is very little arable land around the cities. That is why Roque coveted the rich and fertile Mesopotamia and did not occupy the Mesopotamia.

, Southern Africa cannot truly gain a foothold in the Near East.

The Ottoman Empire's participation in the war had a lot to do with Winston.

Before the outbreak of the World War, the Ottoman Empire ordered two Dreadnought-class battleships from Britain, costing up to 11 million pounds.

On July 28, the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on the Kingdom of Serbia, and World War I broke out.

At that time, the naval officers and soldiers of the Ottoman Empire who received the first dreadnought had arrived in Britain. Winston decided on the same day to requisition the two dreadnoughts built by Britain for Turkey to supplement the strength of the British navy.

This was understandable, but it pushed the Ottoman Empire towards the Allies.

The straw that broke the camel's back was the German navy.

In order to promote a break between the Ottoman Empire and Britain and France, Germany sent two high-speed cruisers into the Mediterranean. On August 10, they bombarded coastal cities in French North Africa and then fled into the Dardanelles Strait.

The 34-year-old Enver Pasha, Minister of War of the Ottoman Empire and leader of the Al-Shabaab, decided to let the German warships enter the Dardanelles Strait, blocking the British and French warships that were chasing the German warships from the Dardanelles Strait, and at the same time closing the Strait.

Dardanelles Strait.

The consequences of closing the Dardanelles Strait are very serious. Britain and France can still ignore it. The Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Empire has lost its access to the Mediterranean, and 350,000 tons of goods ready for export are stranded in the Black Sea.

At this time, Germany decided to send two warships to the Ottoman Empire. Although the two warships raised the flag of the Ottoman Empire, they still had German naval officers on board. After entering the Black Sea, the two warships headed towards Feodosia on the Black Sea coast.

Odessa and Sevastopol launched successive attacks, and the Ottoman Empire explained to the Russian Empire that the actions of the two warships were not ordered by the Ottoman Empire.

The Russian Empire demanded that the Ottoman Empire expel the German warships as a sign of innocence.

On October 25, before the Russian Empire's ultimatum arrived, the Ottoman Empire did not expel the German warships, and the Russian Empire declared war on the Ottoman Empire.

At this time, Britain had not declared war on the Ottoman Empire, so Port Elizabeth and Basra had not yet entered a state of war. However, small-scale battles broke out frequently. If the patrols of both sides encountered each other in the wild, they would launch merciless attacks on each other.

In Fwan, an Ottoman patrol tried to attack a patrol equipped with armored vehicles of the 3rd Cavalry Division, but was annihilated by the armored vehicles. In Umm Sesar, a patrol from the Sultanate of Najd and the Ottoman Empire

The troops met head-on, and the battle was inconclusive.

After the Russian Empire declared war on the Ottoman Empire, Colonel McMahon sent three telegrams to Martin in one day, hoping that Martin would transfer more troops to Egypt to ensure the safety of the Suez Canal.

Martin has no extra troops to reinforce Egypt and promises to launch attacks on Basra and Damascus at the same time after the war breaks out to reduce the pressure on Egypt as much as possible.

On the 26th, Britain finally declared war on the Ottoman Empire. Martin immediately ordered the 501st and 502nd East Indian Divisions, as well as the four divisions of the Sultanate of Najd, to attack Basra at the same time.

Compared with Martin who was impatient, the Ottoman army was also eager to prove itself in the war. Martin's order had just been issued and the troops had not been fully mobilized before the Basra garrison launched an attack on the Elizabeth Oil Field.

Alligator armored vehicles show great power in battle. In defense, alligators become the defensive nodes of defensive positions. The defenses of the 3rd Cavalry Division and the 12th and 13th Division are centered around Alligator armored vehicles.

The Ottoman Empire's offensive was mainly based on cavalry. The cavalry has not disappeared yet. It was not until World War II that the cavalry completely bid farewell to the battlefield.

In front of the Alligator equipped with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun and a 40mm grenade launcher, the cavalry equipped only with rifles had no power to fight back. The armor of the Alligator armored vehicle is not thick, but it can defend against frontal attacks from rifles.

The shooter on the top is protected by a semicircular armor shield. The shooter can mow down groups of cavalry through the shooting holes. The cavalry who are lucky enough to escape the large-caliber machine gun cannot escape the accurate shooting of the precision shooter, especially the 40mm grenade launcher.

The nemesis of the cavalry, coupled with mortars equipped to the company level, the attacking Ottoman cavalry suffered heavy losses.

The terrifying thing about the Alligator armored vehicle is that it can counterattack anytime and anywhere. The biggest advantage of cavalry over infantry is speed, but in front of the Alligator armored vehicle, all speed becomes a cloud. Whenever the cavalry has suffered heavy losses, it has to retreat.

, the Alligator armored vehicles would leave their positions to pursue them. In the vast desert hilly area, the cavalry had nowhere to escape. Two Alligator armored vehicles of the Third Division captured 650 cavalry and cavalrymen in a battle in Zubair.

Their war horses.

Many of the war horses used by the Ottoman Empire's cavalry were the world-famous Arabian horses. This oldest horse breed in the world is famous for its beautiful shape and hard work. The Arabian horse is fast and has strong endurance, making it the most suitable horse breed for riding.

, has always been very popular in southern Africa, and a good Arabian horse can be sold for tens of thousands of pounds in southern Africa.

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