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Chapter 917 What a coincidence!

Kitchener, the Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force during the Second Boer War, is now the British Minister of War, so you can imagine how miserable the German soldiers captured by the British and French forces were.

By the same token, the Allied soldiers captured by the Germans were also miserable. Not many British and French soldiers were captured by the Germans, but more than 200,000 Russians were captured, which was more than the total number of the Southern African Expeditionary Force in Europe.

There are also many prisoners of the Ottoman Empire in Port Elizabeth. Since the beginning of the war, the coalition forces have captured about 40,000 Ottoman Empire officers and soldiers. According to European tradition, the treatment of captured officers is not bad, but the soldiers are a bit miserable. They are participating in the transformation of Basra. Roque wants

Basra must be completely demolished and rebuilt, erasing all traces left by the Persians in Basra, and then immigrating all the Persians to other areas, and moving new immigrants from southern Africa to fill the two river basins, so that long-term peace and stability can be achieved.

Demolition, reconstruction and resettlement will definitely incur a lot of costs, but compared with the future stability of Basra, everything is worth it. Roque is ordering people to design an oil pipeline from Port Elizabeth to the Mediterranean coast. Once the pipeline is completed, the oil in Port Elizabeth will

If it is transported to Europe, it will bypass the Suez Canal and go straight to the Mediterranean. After the world war, Rock can use this as an excuse to legitimately annex the area around the oil pipeline. Britain and France will have to agree even if they don't agree.

If you disagree, the consequences will be serious. Rock doesn't even have to cut production, but Britain and France can't stand it if they raise prices at will.

In Roque's plan, Damascus's position is very important. If Damascus is not captured, it will be impossible to control the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea, so Roque is bound to win Damascus.

While the coalition forces were still trying to persuade Colmar von der Goltz to surrender, the partition of Damascus was in progress.

Capturing Damascus is really lucrative. Putting aside all kinds of gold products, tall and splendid Arabian horses, exquisite Persian handmade carpets, the legendary Damascus steel scimitars that blow hair and break hair, and Persians that are light-sounding and soft and easy to knock over.

slave girl——

The last one doesn’t count. How can this happen in a civilized society?

In short, the wealth accumulated by the Persians for thousands of years was wiped out during the city's destruction. There was a constant flow of trucks from Damascus to Port Elizabeth, and freighters traveled between Port Elizabeth and Port Edward every day.

Don't get me wrong, the cargo on the freighter is all local products such as oil and sand, nothing else.

It must be said that Kolma von der Goltz was a real soldier. Even at the end of his rope, Kolma von der Goltz did not surrender. On the night of February 1st, Kolma von der Goltz

·De Golz organized the last remnant army to break out, but was jointly strangled by the coalition forces. Kolmar von de Golz died in the melee, and his body was sent to the largest church in Damascus for temporary storage. After the world war,

Then he was sent back to Germany for burial.

With the annihilation of the last remnant army, Damascus announced that it had changed hands. During the forty-day siege, the coalition suffered 45,000 casualties and more than 10,000 people were killed. The entire Damascus garrison was wiped out, except for

Except for more than a thousand prisoners, all the others were killed.

After occupying Damascus, Martin did not give the Ottoman Empire a chance to breathe and ordered the East India servant army to launch an attack directly on Beirut.

Beirut means the city of many wells. It is said that a long time ago, Beirut was a barren land lacking water. In order to survive, people dug many wells in Beirut. Beirut eventually replaced Ashterit as the place name.

Ashtrit means the goddess of love and beauty.

Like Damascus, Beirut is also a famous historical and cultural city. In the Neolithic Age, humans lived on Beirut's coast and in caves on the cliffs. In the Phoenician era, Beirut already took the form of a city and was an important commercial port at that time.

The Port of Beirut is one of the most important ports on the Mediterranean coast, and it is also the location where Roque's ideal oil pipeline enters the sea. Before the outbreak of the world war, about 120,000 people lived in Beirut. After the coalition forces captured Damascus, a large number of Beirut residents fled to other places to escape the war.

, the garrison had already withdrawn long ago, and now the entire city has less than 10,000 people.

After capturing Damascus, the coalition forces finally made a name for themselves with their strength. Except for Kolmar von der Goltz, the Ottoman Empire did not have a single general who could fight, and the coalition forces were facing a smooth battle.

After capturing Damascus, Roque also fulfilled his promise to Winston and deployed two divisions to cooperate with the Royal Navy in launching the Battle of Dardanelles.

The 501st and 502nd Divisions, which successfully occupied Beirut, were mobilized by Roque and placed under the command of Sackville Carden, Commander of the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet.

Sackville Carden has what can be called the most powerful naval fleet in the world today. This fleet includes 12 British battleships, four French battleships, 14 British destroyers, and six French destroyers. In addition,

There are cruisers and 35 trawlers transferred from the North Sea.

These trawlers are minesweepers.

If you only look at the data on paper, the Mediterranean Fleet is the most powerful fleet in the world.

In fact, this is not the case. Although the Mediterranean Fleet has a large number of battleships, most of them are old models and are on the verge of retirement.

Winston noticed this problem. In order to strengthen the strength of the Mediterranean Fleet, the super-dreadnought-class "Queen Elizabeth" battleship, which had just been launched and was undergoing trials in the Mediterranean, was temporarily transferred to Sackville Carden to join the Mediterranean Fleet's combat sequence.

In addition to warships, Winston also racked his brains to form a ground force that was quite powerful on paper. This force included the two East India Divisions 501502, which performed well in the battle against the Ottoman Empire, with a total strength of 30,000.

The Australian and New Zealand Allied Forces, the 29th Division sent by the British mainland, and a division sent by France to participate in the war.

Speaking of the 29th Division, it’s hard to say enough.

When the New Year came, Ferenczi was very happy for a while. The new recruits recruited by the British after the outbreak of the World War were about to be trained, which meant that Ferenczi would have greater rights.

As a result, strict differences arose between French and Kitchener over the use of the new troops.

French hoped to get the command of more troops, but Kitchener disagreed. He could send colonial troops to France, and he could also send troops from autonomous territories such as Canada, Australia, Southern Africa, etc. to France. But for the British troops,

Kitchener is very cautious when dispatching.

Now Kitchener's distrust of French is increasing, which is why Kitchener supports Winston in opening a second battlefield in the Dardanelles Strait.

Regarding the second battlefield, it is also difficult to say anything.

After the outbreak of the World War, retired Admiral John Fisher was re-recruited. He and Winston had a very good relationship, but on the issue of the second battlefield, the relationship between John Fisher and Winston

Huge differences arise.

John Fisher hoped to open a second battlefield on Germany's Baltic coast because it was closer to Berlin, the heart of Germany.

Kitchener chose to support Winston, so he prepared to move the 29th Division to the Dardanelles.

French strongly disagreed, and John Fisher also disagreed. Kitchener appointed his old friend Ian Hamilton to command these improvised troops. Ian Hamilton had already arrived on the Greek island of Lemnos.

But he didn't have a single soldier under his command.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is not a single soldier, it is true that there is not a single soldier, not even staff members and logistics personnel.

Ian Hamilton nominally has 100,000 people under his command, but the Australian and New Zealand forces are still doing nothing in Alexandria. The 501st and 502nd Divisions are resting in Beirut Port, the 29th Division is still in London, and Joffre is also sent to Darfur because of France.

A division in the Dardanelles quarreled constantly with Alex Millerand, the French Minister of War, and the preparations for the entire Dardanelles campaign were in a mess. It would be a fool's errand to win.

For this reason, Rock once again went to London to warn Winston face to face that if attention was not paid to the Battle of the Dardanelles, the Battle of the Dardanelles would become the Waterloo of Winston's military career.

"What can I do? The Secretary of War has the thoughts of the Secretary of War, the Admiral has the thoughts of the Admiral, there is a Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force chattering away far away, and there are a bunch of fucking pig teammates in Paris. Our Commander

The officer knew nothing about the Dardanelles Strait. Before boarding the ship, he went to the bookstore and bought a Dardanelles Strait travel guide. Could it be that he wanted to find a cemetery with better feng shui for his soldiers? " Wen said.

Winston really has no choice but to piece together the current army. Winston has racked his brains and brains——

Looking at this row of adjectives, you can tell how difficult it is for Winston. His hair is obviously much thinner, and he has a tendency to develop into a Mediterranean hairstyle.

"I can't sleep every night. I need alcohol and cigars to fall asleep. I haven't touched my wife for three months--" Winston has indeed been troubled a lot recently. Not long ago, something about Winston broke out

A scandal in which Prime Minister Asquith was also implicated.

About seven years ago, in 1907, Winston met Asquith's daughter Violet at a party, and the two had frequent trysts in the following months.

The following year, 1908, Winston met his current wife, Clementine Hozier. In the same year, Asquith became the British Prime Minister, and Winston was appointed Secretary of State for Commerce, becoming the youngest cabinet member.

, no one knows whether this has anything to do with Ovielet.

After Winston became Secretary of Commerce, he married Clementina Hozier. It is said that Violet committed suicide by jumping off a cliff that day, but was lucky enough to be rescued.

On November 30 last year, Violet finally put on a wedding dress and got married. This day happened to be Winston's birthday, and the church where Violet held their wedding happened to be the same church where Winston and Clementine were married six years ago.

·The one where Hozier held his wedding.

What a coincidence!

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