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Chapter 944

In 330 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine I established a new capital in Byzantium and named it New Rome. According to European naming habits for cities, more people called the city Constantinople.

From the mid-4th century AD to the early 13th century AD, Constantinople was the largest and most prosperous city in Europe.

After the Industrial Revolution, other European cities gradually emerged and Constantinople gradually declined. However, with nearly 1,600 years of accumulation, Constantinople can be said to be the city with the oldest history and the deepest foundation in Europe.

Constantinople has a large number of gorgeous buildings, gorgeous churches and luxurious mansions abound. These buildings are tall and solid. The most common material is marble, which can provide good defense for the defenders, so although the efficiency of the offensive troops is

It was high, but not very fast. An hour after the battle started, the Muscat Pirates only captured one block.

A neighborhood on the edge of this huge city.

Even if it's just one block, the harvest is already rich enough.

When Hank entered a house on the street, a battle had just ended. A neatly dressed old housekeeper was lying at the door. A large pool of blood next to him was shocking. Next to him was a body wrapped in white cloth. This was the sacrificed horse.

Soldiers of the Scat Pirates.

The living room was in a mess, the furniture was messy, the chair was still on the coffee table in the living room, the carpet was set on fire and most of it was burned, the glass on the clock on the wall was broken, there were several obvious bullet holes in an oil painting on the wall, and there was a person at the door.

The tall vase was also broken, and Hank picked up a fragment with a sky-blue square seal on it.

Hank doesn't know Chinese characters, but he knows that porcelain with Chinese characters is generally more expensive.

Several soldiers with satisfied faces walked down the wooden stairs chatting and laughing. Their backpacks had become bulging. One corporal's clothes were a little messy. Hank raised his hand to call them over.

"No, no, no, I didn't touch anyone. I got my pants hung on the fence when I climbed over the wall. I didn't mean to do that -" the corporal strongly denied that the Muscat Pirates did not prohibit plundering property, but strictly prohibited infringement.


Looting property is part of war, and the expeditionary force never fails to take advantage of the masses. The loot captured during the battle is the biggest source of income for the officers and soldiers. In the past, many people in the Umbrella would rather work as mercenaries without a salary, because

The loot during the battle was far greater than the salary.

Compared with plundering property, assaulting women is a serious crime in the expeditionary force, and rescuing delinquent women is not recommended. There is a lack of effective protective measures in this era. In the British Expeditionary Force in Belgium, 80 out of every 1,000 people in the British Expeditionary Force were suffering from venereal diseases.

The German army has a higher infection rate, and the French army has a similar infection rate to the British.

Relatively speaking, the Southern African Expeditionary Force is much better in this regard. This is not because of how clean the expeditionary officers and soldiers are, but because of the repeated orders from the expeditionary force headquarters that if anyone in the expeditionary force is infected with a sexually transmitted disease, they will be sent to the hospital.

Return to southern Africa and throw it to Shark Island not far from Whale Bay to fend for itself.

In 1904, the Herero people in German Southwest Africa rebelled. The Germans killed 100,000 Herero people down to 200, and imprisoned all 200 people on Shark Island. As a result, a year later, these people

All died of tuberculosis.

Therefore, in the Southern African Expeditionary Force, no one really dares to cause trouble. It is okay to make a small fortune during the battle, but if you fail to control the third route, you will lose your life.

"Mr. Captain, I just picked up a pocket watch. I picked it up on the street-" The sergeant was more discerning and casually took out a pocket watch from his pocket and handed it to Hank with a wink.

The golden dial is studded with diamonds. This kind of pocket watch is not something you can pick up casually.

But during the war, things like this were really everywhere.

I don't know what items were packed in the backpacks of several soldiers. They made a lot of noise when they walked around. This would definitely affect the battle.

"I have to remind you that if you die in battle, these things will become the trophies of others -" Hank did not stop this behavior, but he still had the necessary reminders. Think about the corpse wrapped in white cloth at the door. If you are more careful,

It could all have been avoided.

"We'll go find the quartermaster later." The sergeant didn't want to part with his backpack. With such a small backpack, he might not be able to make a living farming in southern Africa.

"Why are you going to find the Quartermaster? Are you going to fight the war?" Hank felt his head start to hurt. These guys who want money rather than their lives will be shot if military law is strictly enforced.

Several soldiers looked at each other. They were obviously dazzled by the glittering trophies and had completely forgotten about military discipline.

The sergeant was still smart and pulled a curtain casually, dumped all the contents of his backpack onto the curtain, then tore off the military badge from his neck and tied the curtain tightly.

This is a good idea. Hank just took a casual look and saw that the things the sergeant poured out were basically all kinds of gold objects, and there were more than a dozen rings of various kinds. He didn’t know how many he had robbed along the way.

Home, the battle has just begun.

"Be careful and save some for other brothers. It's too ugly to eat them before each other." Hank reminded the soldiers not to eat alone, as the officers and soldiers in the follow-up troops also wanted to make a fortune.

In terms of spoils, the vanguard troops will definitely gain the most, but the vanguard troops will also face greater dangers. By the time the follow-up troops enter the city, the remaining troops in the city will have been cleared away, and there will be plenty of time to slowly plunder them.

That’s right, it’s “plundering”. The Germans did this in Belgium and France, the British and French allied forces did the same in Belgium, and the Southern African Expeditionary Force did the same in Constantinople. Otherwise, why would European countries be so keen on waging war?

A war is a transfer of wealth for the whole society. The Ottomans have accumulated enough wealth in Constantinople for 1,600 years, enough to feed every officer and soldier of the Second Cavalry Division.

There were many more Ottoman cities in the Balkans and Asia Minor waiting to be conquered by the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.

After a small disturbance, the battle continued. In a tall and exquisite church, dozens of Ottoman remnants were holding on. The offensive force made two attempts, and three soldiers died and five soldiers were injured.

"Big Cowboy" Hank called over the soldiers equipped with Super Revolvers. "Big Cowboy" is the nickname of the Southern African soldiers for the Super Revolver. This nickname fully reflects the Southern African soldiers' love for the Super Revolver.

The Super Revolver is an enlarged version of a grenade launcher. It works on the same principle as a revolver, but it fires standard 40mm grenades instead of bullets.

Two soldiers equipped with super revolvers ran over immediately. A priest wearing a robe next to him looked anxious: "Sir, there are civilians in the church, please protect them as much as possible-"

The priest is not stupid either, so he just says "try your best" rather than "must".

"Are the defenders Ottomans?" Hank asked the priest.

"Yes!" The priest looked sad.

"Then the civilians are also Ottomans, right?"


"You, the Ottomans, don't care about the lives of the Ottomans, so you want me, an American, to protect you?" Hank blurted out.

"When did the United States join the war?" The priest's expression was so cute.

"Just now!" Hank was annoyed. He had already become a Southern African national, and subconsciously he had not yet become a real Southern African.

The two soldiers used the cover of the stone stairs at the church door to continuously pull the triggers into the church.

Violent explosions continued one after another, and screams and pleas came one after another. The two soldiers who had knocked out the "Big Cowboy" threw several offensive grenades into the church. After several explosions, the soldiers rushed in, and then a series of

The bang bang bang and the ho ho ho.

"Almighty God the Father, you are the source of life. You have saved us through your Son Jesus. Please pay attention to-" When the soldiers poured into the church, the priest knelt at the door and prayed, but it was of no use. Attack

Troops and defense forces are fighting to the death in every corner of the city, and churches have also become battlefields.

On the first day of the invasion of Constantinople, the Second Cavalry Division captured a small half of the city. When dusk fell, the battle line was basically stable.

In order to prevent the defenders from counterattacking overnight, the Second Cavalry Division lit bonfires in the streets. Fine furniture and books that were easier to ignite were used as fuel. The whole city was clearly divided, with a raging fire in the middle, and the cities on both sides were shrouded in darkness.


After dark, the Second Cavalry Division was pushed to the rear to rest. The first-line defensive troops were replaced by the 11th Division, the old partner of the Second Cavalry Division. The 11th Division drove armored vehicles onto the streets to assist in defense. Compared with tanks, the armor of the armored vehicles was

It's weak, but it can still be used to defend against long-range rifle bullets.

At three o'clock in the morning on the 16th, in the attic of a house on the street, Lieutenant Commander Ruiz of the 2nd Los Angeles Infantry Regiment and Second Lieutenant Platoon Commander Wilson were taking a rest. The company led by Ruiz was responsible for about 150 meters.

A long block, almost one soldier per meter.

"Would you like to sleep for a while? We will be the main attack tomorrow, so we have to be energetic -" Wilson was taking stock of his gains. Although the 11th Division entered Constantinople relatively late, the officers and soldiers still gained a lot.

Erson found a crystal cup from a half-collapsed house and decided to drink water from it.

"You'd better send the cup back, maybe it was used by some king -" Ruiz also gained something. He found two beautifully crafted and historic flintlock guns in an old house, which were used to decorate the room.

The best decoration. Although the flintlock gun is relatively heavy and the cost of sending it back to southern Africa is relatively high, Ruiz still wanted to send the flintlock gun back and decided to hang it in the study room of his home in Los Angeles.

Before Wilson could speak, there was sudden movement in the ruins across the street.

Then Ruiz spotted an Ottoman woman wearing a robe appearing on the ruins opposite.

This woman's clothes were a bit bloated and she staggered as she walked on the ruins. Her feet were not wearing shoes and had been scratched. All the footprints behind her were blood red.

Before Ruiz could ask, a violent explosion suddenly came from not far away.

Look at that fat woman stumbling again, her face is full of ferocity.

(The author’s words are the author’s remarks, which are not included in the pirated version. Brothers who can’t see it feel itchy——)

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