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Chapter 964 Verdun

The meal was extremely harmonious. Roque did not take any credit or be arrogant. He praised Winston and Kitchener and praised the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In short, everyone benefited, even George V was not left behind.

Just kidding, without the wise leadership of George V, the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force would not have won so quickly.

Haig did not return to London until that night. Here you can see the difference in emphasis. Cyprus is further away from London than France, but Roque came back earlier. Haig inadvertently lost points.

The joint meeting began on the second day, and the focus was on whether it was necessary to cancel the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force after the surrender of the Ottoman Empire.

Haig insisted that after the surrender of the Ottoman Empire, it was unnecessary for the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force to maintain a size of 300,000 men, and insisted that part of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force be transferred to supplement the Western Front.

Rock definitely disagrees. Although the Ottoman Empire has surrendered, more troops are needed in the Asia Minor Peninsula. The Osma Empire has not completely surrendered. There are still Ottoman troops persisting in fighting in the mountains of the Anatolian Plateau. They are now

Not knowing the news that the Ottoman Empire had surrendered, Rock estimated that the entire Asia Minor Peninsula would need at least 250,000 defenders.

These 250,000 were exactly the total number of troops after excluding the British and French troops. Roque agreed to transfer British and French troops to supplement the Western Front, but did not agree to transfer other troops.

"The Mediterranean Expeditionary Force is a force of the British Empire, not someone's private army, so it is not up to one person to decide whether to deploy troops or which troops to deploy." Haig had lost his mind. He won the competition with French.

But he was far behind Roark, and jealousy was like a poisonous snake gnawing at Haig's heart.

In addition to Kitchener and Winston, the meeting was also attended by General William Robertson, Chief of the Royal Army Staff, and former Prime Minister Arthur Balfour, Commander of the Home Fleet John Jellicoe and George, who succeeded Winston as Secretary of the Navy.

The Duke of Battleford, the special representative of King V.

"General Haig, while the Western Front is important, the Asia Minor Peninsula is equally important. We must consolidate the fruits of our victory and firmly occupy the Asia Minor Peninsula. As for the Western Front, we should rely more on the French troops rather than our British Expeditionary Force.

." Winston had long disliked Haig. This man was arrogant, determined to have his own way, headstrong and had no sense of responsibility. Once the battle failed, he would frantically blame others. He was a complete villain.

Winston's attitude is also very clear. It was only after the outbreak of the World War that the British Expeditionary Force suffered heavy casualties. Up to now, there have been more than one million casualties. This is not in line with British national policy. Britain has never suffered such a huge disaster.

The government and the opposition are complaining about the losses. Haig may not care about it, but politicians cannot care about it. If the casualties continue to increase, it will definitely affect next year's general election.

"The French are as cowardly and weak as mice, and they are simply unable to defeat Germany and win victory." Haig inherited French generals' contempt for the French generals. This contempt is unreasonable. To be fair, the world war has continued until now.

France has definitely paid a greater price than Britain. Without France's life-and-death resistance, the English Channel would have been the frontline by now.

"Everything you say is right, but has the expeditionary force ever achieved a decent victory under your leadership? Whether it is Mons or the Marne, or Ypres or Roos, the battle reports always show heavy casualties, and the troops are fighting bloody battles.

, but the place where the battle is taking place is getting closer and closer to Paris. You are consuming our vitality, but you have not been able to make the progress we deserve-" Roque directly exposed the scars. If it were replaced by the previous Roque, he would still give more.

Haig saves some face, forget it now, Rock conquered the Ottoman Empire and is qualified to judge anyone.

"You can't blame me for the lack of progress on the front line. Do you think the Germans are as weak and incompetent as the Ottomans? You just took advantage. Just shut up now. I am the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force on the Western Front." Haig.

He slapped the table and challenged Roque. In the past, Haig would not have been so straightforward. But now it is different. Roque already has the strength to threaten Haig.

"Bullshit! It's not like I haven't fought the Germans before. I commanded Operation Horn of Victory. Have you ever won a victory similar to Operation Horn of Victory? If not, shut up. You are a complete waste. Just

I will dye your military medals red with the blood of soldiers. I will never put any troops under your command again. Even if you are completely defeated in France, I am confident that I will stop the Germans from the mainland!" Rock yelled,

The resentment that had been accumulated for a long time burst out.

Indeed, before the war broke out, Roque was prepared to use the war to improve his record, improve the status of southern Africa, and at the same time reduce the threat from Africans in southern Africa.

But Roark has a principle. Even if the threat is reduced in a planned way, it must be done in Roark's way, rather than disregarding human life like Haig and Joffre.

One fact must be made clear. As the world war continues, Rock's views on Africans have also changed.

In another time and space, the information Rock received from the Western media was all about how ignorant Africans are, how backward Africa is, how the black people are so muddy that they cannot get on the wall, and what is the nature of Africans.

How inferior.

Coming to this time and space, Rock discovered that Africans are really not as unbearable as the Western media in another time and space advertised. At least the Africans in southern Africa are honest, capable, hard-working, and never ask for any conditions. The Belgians are in the Congo Free State.

Africans can tolerate such violence, so Rock's view of Africans is also changing.

Speaking of scum, there are many scum among all races, especially white people. Not only all colonial whites are scum, but at least six out of ten are scum. Let’s take southern Africa as an example. Judicial

Among the crime cases recorded by the Ministry of Education, the proportion of white people committing crimes is significantly higher than that of Africans.

Of course, getting to know more about Africans does not mean that Rock will accept Africans. Rock is unwilling to accept Africans, including Yaya.

There is a white maid in Yaya's house. If this were to be known to the outside world, it would probably be a new round of verbal and verbal criticism.

But if you think about the fact that there are white people working in the red light district in Cape Town, you can understand why some white people are willing to hang out with Yaya. Again, there are hundreds of people, and not every white person is clean and tidy, just for money.

, for the so-called survival, or for vanity, there are many people who are willing to follow Yaya. Don't think that they are all good girls. There are people who are willing to fall for themselves everywhere, and Roque cannot save everyone.

"You are such a waste, you are a stinky pig -" Haig was so angry that he was obviously knocked off guard by Rock without even noticing. He kept saying "You are a stinky pig" and "You are a stupid dog" over and over again.

Nothing new.

"Shut up, shut up the hell. Look what you are like. One is the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, and the other is the conqueror of Constantinople. Can't you be more gentlemen?" Kitchin

Na pounded the table and screamed, Winston glared at Haig, General William Robertson shook his head and smiled bitterly, and Marshal John Jellicoe was stunned.

The Duke of Battleford did not speak during the whole process. He held his chin and listened with great interest, looking back and forth between Roark and Haig.

When Kitchener was angry, Rock didn't say anything. He still provoked Haig with his contemptuous eyes. Haig couldn't bear it: "Shut up, too. He scolded me first. Damn it, didn't you hear it?"

It didn't seem like it was a matter of who scolded whom first. Before Rock could react, Winston burst out laughing, slapping his hands and stomping his feet, almost crying.

"Douglas, if you continue to be so presumptuous, I will remove you from your position as Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force." Kitchener's patience with Haig has reached its limit. The expeditionary force performed poorly, and Kitchener is also jointly and severally responsible. God knows that Kitchener is jointly and severally responsible.

How many scapegoats did Chinner take for Ferenzi and Haig?

Before the outbreak of the World War, Kitchener was like a god of war to the British Army. In the Army's recruitment advertisements, Haig was almost listed alongside King George V, calling on young British people to join the army and fight for justice and glory.

Now that the world war is not over, Kitchener's reputation is declining sharply. First, the establishment of the Ministry of Munitions took away the power to distribute war-related materials from Kitchener.

Immediately after the establishment of the General Staff, Kitchener lost the right to plan campaigns and had to report to the cabinet every month, explaining the War Department's summary of the work of the previous month and the work arrangements for the next month.

Now that the Ottoman Empire has surrendered, Kitchener's reputation has finally bottomed out. But at this time, Haig is still causing problems. First, he launched an unprovoked attack, which caused heavy casualties to the Southern African Expeditionary Force. Then, he attacked the two Southern African expeditionary forces.

The general pursued and fought fiercely, causing Britain to lose face in front of its ally France. Now that Haig was challenging Kitchener's authority head-on, Kitchener was on the verge of an explosion.

Look at how well Roark performed. When Kitchener spoke, Roark didn't say a word, and when he listened, he nodded repeatedly. It was clear that he spoke to Roark's heart.

"Okay, of course you can do that. Next, you can appoint someone as the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force and see if he can lead the expeditionary force to defeat Germany and win." Haig's eyes were bloodshot and he was breathing heavily. He had been breathing heavily for the past few days.

There was also great pressure. After the surrender of the Ottoman Empire, the generals on the Western Front were under pressure, and Joffre was under greater pressure.

Kitchener sneered, but before he could speak, Kitchener's secretary suddenly hurriedly opened the door and entered.

"Gentlemen, the Germans have launched an offensive. At least ninety divisions are involved. The entire front is in danger!"

The Battle of Verdun finally began, on the first day of 1915.

(Although it’s a little late, I didn’t let my brothers down!)

This chapter has been completed!
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