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Chapter 973

After the outbreak of the World War, the War Department issued a total of approximately 150 battlefield interview permits for media reporting on the front lines.

The media of this era did not have a clear position. Many war correspondents who reported on the war were of German origin, so some of the reports that appeared in newspapers were actually very detrimental to Britain.

Even if all the media did not exaggerate, were not biased, and reported the world war truthfully, it would actually be very detrimental to Britain. Think about how many people have died so far in the world war. If the media reported the truth, would the British dare to join the army?

, those pacifists in the UK will make trouble, and French's sister is a pacifist.

Taking into account the needs of the world war, the Ministry of War no longer issues new battlefield reporting permits, and the certificates that have been issued are gradually being withdrawn. Only a few media outlets that stand firm and whose reporting fully meets the requirements of the War Department still have the right to report on the battlefield.

The two reporters caught by Martin's men have photographed something that has yet to be verified. Judging from the diaries alone, if the report is published, it will have a great impact on the South-South Inland Alliance Army.

Even if we don't report it now, considering the virtue of the British, as long as they have some writing ability, they are willing to write something like "Memoirs" and monetize it. This is also a huge threat to the South-South Inland Alliance Army.

"Where are they?" Martin had a headache, and his men still couldn't do things.

"We encountered resistance when we arrested them. They were armed and died accidentally during the arrest -" the adjutant's answer satisfied Martin.

"What nonsense, how could this be possible!" Martin slapped the table, and the expression on his face was definitely not angry, but almost like laughing.

"Uh, no, they were attacked by the rebels. When we arrived, the rebels had already escaped and took away the things they carried." The adjutant was still very smart, so that's right.

"Send out the gendarmerie immediately and put all the Ottomans within ten miles of the attack site into concentration camps." Martin closed the diary in his hand and returned to the pile of items.

The adjutant immediately packed up everything and took it away. There was no need to ask Martin for instructions on what to do with it.

That's not right. If this kind of thing happens again in the future, it is estimated that it will not be reported to Martin. During the World War, an unknown number of British people were killed. Some British people who did not know life or death rushed into the battlefield rashly, and the probability of accidents was very high.


Roque doesn't even know what happened in Damascus. He is now in Paris, attending the funeral of Joseph Gallieni.

Joseph Gallieni may be the best general of the French army. During the Battle of the Marne, Joseph Gallieni, who served as the commander of the defense of Paris, played a huge role. Although most of the honors for winning the Battle of the Marne belonged to Joffre,

But Joseph Gallieni deserves a lot of credit.

After becoming the Minister of War, in order to ensure that France continued to fight, Joseph Gallieni dragged his sick body and worked day and night. Finally, he was tired at work. Last winter, Joseph Gallieni underwent his first operation.

The operation was quite successful, and Joseph Gallieni returned to work. At this time, Germany launched the Battle of Verdun. Before the war, Joffre transferred Verdun's troops and artillery to the Somme River to prepare for the launch of the Battle of Verdun.

The Battle of the Somme resulted in the emptiness of Verdun and the heavy casualties of the French army. The cabinet believed that Joffre must be responsible for this. Joseph Gallieni once again protected Joffre. Joffre is a hero of France. Joseph Gallie

Eni advocated transferring Joffre back to Paris to serve as commander-in-chief of the army, but he would only be responsible for rear munitions management, similar to Kitchener in the UK today.

However, this suggestion was fiercely opposed by Joffre. Joffre believed that Joseph Gallieni was targeting him. Regardless of the fact that Joseph Gallieni's body had not fully recovered, Joffre often quarreled with Joseph Gallieni.

During Joseph Gallieni’s secretarial meetings, Joffre often banged the table in Joseph Gallieni’s office.

At the end of February, Joseph Gallieni's condition worsened, and the doctor told Joseph Gallieni that he needed to rest for six months to recuperate before the second operation so that he could face the operation in better physical condition.

Joseph Gallieni rejected the doctor's advice. The fierce battle in Verdun was raging, France was on the verge of life and death, and Joseph Gallieni had no time to rest at all.

The doctor's advice was correct. Joseph Gallieni could not wait for the second operation before he died of serious illness. Roque respected Joseph Gallieni very much and took the initiative to come to Paris from Cyprus to participate in Joseph Gallieni's surgery.

Ni's funeral.

In Paris, Roque also learned more and more about the Battle of the Somme.

At first, Xiafei only planned to send 45 divisions to participate in the war. However, as time went by, 45 divisions were no longer enough to complete Xiafei's vision, so the number of participating troops was increased to 60 divisions. As a result, the British and French coalition forces in France were insufficient.

, which requires the cooperation of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.

Rock knew that, like the Battle of Verdun, the Battle of the Somme was another cruel meat grinder. In another time and space, the British and French forces suffered more than 620,000 casualties in the Battle of the Somme. The number of casualties was the highest in the history of war.

Among them, the British Expeditionary Force suffered 420,000 casualties, the French Army suffered 200,000 casualties, and the German Army suffered 630,000 casualties.

During the Battle of the Somme, the main force of the French army was attracted to Verdun, so the British Expeditionary Force served as the main force. As a result, the British suffered 420,000 casualties in five months, and their vitality was severely weakened.

Now that he knew the result of the Battle of the Somme, Roque had enough reasons to oppose the launch of the Battle of the Somme. Therefore, Roque's attitude was very firm and he refused to dispatch the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force to participate in the war on the grounds that the fighting in the Asia Minor Peninsula had not completely stopped.


But Joffre had equally good reasons for launching the Battle of the Somme. The French army suffered heavy casualties at Verdun and urgently needed to reduce pressure. The Russian Empire launched an attack on the German army at Lake Narach near Vilnius. Nicholas II had too much foresight and too little skill.

, there were also problems with employment. The general responsible for commanding the troops to attack was the 68-year-old veteran General Kuropatkin. He served as the Minister of War during the Russo-Japanese War and commanded the Russian troops to fight the Japanese army in the Far East. He was dismissed because of the tragic defeat of the Russian army.


After the outbreak of the world war, Kuropatkin returned to the army and served as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Army. His preparations were not sufficient. The offensive only lasted for a week. The Russian troops made certain progress, but the offensive had to be stopped.

In just one week, 12,000 soldiers froze to death in the Russian Empire. It is hard to imagine that this happened in the Russian Empire. Cold weather has always been Russia's "fifth column", but now it has become Germany's.


The offensive of the Russian Empire failed, and Joffre could only solve the problem on its own. When Joseph Gallieni was the Minister of War, the logistics of the frontline troops was very smooth. Joffre wanted troops and supplies, and the Allies were turning the corner.

disadvantage since the war broke out.

When Gallieni was still alive, Joffre could not feel the convenience brought by Gallieni. Now that Gallieni is dead, Joffre began to realize how important Gallieni's existence was.

It's a pity that it's too late. The French cabinet has discussed whether to replace Joffre many times before. In the past, it was Gallieni's firm support that allowed Joffre to stay in office. Now Joffre has lost his talisman. Through Gallieni, all

Everyone knows that Jia Fei is a man of cold nature. Next time someone proposes to change the commander-in-chief of the French army, no one will speak for Jia Fei.

Before and after Gallieni's funeral, Roque had been living in Paris. As a conqueror of the Ottoman Empire, people who wanted to visit Roque were like crucian carp crossing the river, but not everyone had the opportunity. Paul Coker and Louis

Botha was a frequent visitor to Roque's home, and Louis Botha attended the funeral of Joseph Gallieni on behalf of the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

"Sometimes we have to admit that luck is really important to a country. Our slow generals escaped again. The officers and soldiers on the front line must be very disappointed." Louis Botha's body is a little put on, he is in the federal government

I have always been on the edge, and my heart is open and I am naturally fat.

Louis Botta was talking about Joffre. Just five days ago, the German army launched an attack on the west bank of the Meuse River and once broke through the French defense line. The French troops desperately blocked the gap under the pressure of machine guns.

The next day, Jia Fei issued an order to Pétain, requiring Pétain to "launch a brave and powerful counterattack in the shortest possible time."

Before Pétain could organize a counterattack, the German attack struck again. This time the German army consumed seven trains of artillery shells before the infantry attack. Seeing that the French position was about to collapse, it suddenly rained heavily and it has not stopped yet. The German army

The attack was forced to stop.

It seems that God is the one who has the least stance. At Lake Narach, the weather has just finished helping Germany, and now it is helping France. I don’t know which country will be the next lucky winner.

"Not necessarily. The generals have the same subordinates. The most indispensable thing for a butcher is a butcher. They don't care about the sacrifice of soldiers." Roque disagreed. Xiafei's subordinates have now gathered a group of butchers. Bei

Consider it a different kind.

What emerged in the Battle of Verdun was not a hero, but a butcher, that is, after Robert Nivelle, a new butcher appeared in the French army, Charles Mangin. This man commanded the French army's most elite fifth division.

He never cared about the casualties of soldiers and was directly nicknamed "Butcher" by the soldiers.

Another butcher who used machine guns to force the soldiers to attack was Robert Nivelle. These two butchers are now Joffre's confidants. Pétain was not liked by Joffre because of his rotation tactics and was gradually being marginalized.

Another confidant of Joffre is Foch. Is Foch now on the north bank of the Somme, making preparations to launch the Battle of the Somme?

(Sorry, it’s a bit late——)

This chapter has been completed!
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