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Chapter 99 Unstable Factors

 By mid-May, Roque had been in charge of the refugee camp for two months. Under Roque's management, the situation in the refugee camp continued to improve. Before Roque came, the mortality rate in the refugee camp was as high as 20%. Roque

In the first month after arriving, less than fifty people died in the refugee camp, and the mortality rate quickly dropped to 2%. Last month, only six people died in the entire refugee camp, which is a remarkable effect.

This time Henry came to Oak Town and sent more than 700 people. This time they were not all women and children, but also more than 100 members of the Boer coalition who had surrendered. The commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force changed his previous cruel policy and allowed the Boers to surrender.

The members of the coalition laid down their weapons and surrendered. According to the intelligence obtained by the British, there are only more than 20,000 Boers still fighting.

Four hundred thousand versus twenty thousand, no wonder Henry is so optimistic. If Rock hadn't known about the process of the Boer War, I'm afraid Rock would have thought so.

"After some time, there may be a lady named Emily Hobhouse coming to visit. Be careful, this lady is not easy to mess with." Henry reminded Rock that some people in the UK have begun to notice.

When it comes to human rights issues, Ms. Emily Hobhouse is a leader.

"What are you visiting?" Rock has no impression of the name, so it shouldn't be important.

"What else can we visit? Soldiers are fighting on the front line, but a group of people in the country are accusing the military of barbaric policies. They are opposed to any violence in war. In fact, I think they should be thrown into the Transvaal and let them use love.

Convince the Boers, maybe the Boers are willing to give up the gold mines." Henry dismissed it, some people were indeed naive.

According to the Internet standards of the 21st century, Ms. Emily Hobhouse should be the standard "Madonna". If they are not deliberately naive, then they are stupid.

"Refugee camp - you don't have to accept her visit." Rock didn't want anyone to dictate what he was doing within his scope of work, especially those outsiders who pretended to be experts.

"I'm afraid not. Ms. Emily Hobhouse has a commission from the Anglican Church, and you know that some time ago, the mortality rate in the Stellenbosch refugee camp was as high as 20%, so Emily Hobhouse

Ms. House named her to visit the Stellenbosch Refugee Camp, and the Government House has agreed to Ms. Emily Hobhouse's request. "Henry has nothing to do, Emily Hobhouse has a church background, and it is difficult to offend her.


Rock can't afford to offend the church, so come on. Fortunately, the current refugee camp has improved a lot. Rock believes that as long as Emily Hobhouse doesn't deliberately seek trouble, the current refugee camp can withstand a visit.


In other words, it can withstand investigation.


Three days later, Emily Hobhouse arrived as promised.

However, Emily Hobhouse did not appear in front of Rock through normal channels, but was captured by the police.

Emily Hobhouse came to Oak Town. She did not come to Rock directly, but communicated with the Boers who were working in the vineyard, trying to obtain first-hand information. As a result, she was discovered by the police patrolling nearby, and then

Emily Hobhouse and her party were escorted to Rock.

Yes, there was a group of people, besides Emily Hobhouse, there were two German priests, as well as three servants of Emily Hobhouse and the servants hired by Emily Hobhouse.

A guide.

"Ms. Hobhouse, it's a pity that we will meet under such circumstances." Rock asked Emily Hobhouse to go to the reception room. Fortunately, Rock's men did not tell Emily Hobhouse

House takes violent measures.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't expect your police to be so rude, Inspector Locke." Emily Hobhouse was very angry. Although the police had a good attitude, it also led to Emily Hobhouse not getting the

First-hand information.

About rudeness.

After all, the police station is a violent institution, not a church, and the police are not priests. When facing criminals, it will not work to let them repent. It will not work to try to let the "Virgin Mother" understand the work content of the police. This is a group of people pretending to be asleep.

People who are obsessed with it, no matter what you say, they will think it is a bastard chanting sutras and will not listen or listen——

"Those criminals are more rude than us. No, they are not rude, they are rough, cruel, cunning, and greedy. If you have any objections to the way we work, you are welcome to report it to the Cape Town Police Station. If the police ask us

Change the way we work, and we will implement it." Roque pushed back without being soft or hard, and disliked the police's bad attitude. Come on, come on, I'll give you the baton. If you have the ability, come and see if the baton can turn into a cross.

"We are not the police. The women and children in the refugee camp need better care." Emily Hobhouse was aggressive and got into the mood quickly.

"Tell me about your work, what do you want to know - by the way, why are you with two German priests?" Roque did not dwell on the issue of criminals. A policeman and a churchman have nothing to communicate on this issue.


Germany's position in the Boer War was in favor of the Boers. Everyone knew this. Rock believed that Emily Hobhouse also knew it, so Rock didn't understand why Emily Hobhouse

I will "visit" the refugee camp with two Germans. Don't talk about boundless love. It's all nonsense. Whoever believes it is a fool.

"Isn't it possible? Mark and Hans are also very concerned about the refugees in the refugee camp." Emily Hobhouse said confidently and did not realize there was anything wrong with this.

"Of course, you can just say it -" Rock was speechless. Now Rock was sure that Emily Hobhouse was really stupid: "If you want to know about the situation in the refugee camp, then I think you can go through

To find out through formal channels, you must be accompanied by a staff member."

Rock chose his words carefully, not wanting to let Emily Hobhouse get caught.

"Do you think those refugees will tell us the real situation in the refugee camp in front of you policemen?" Emily Hobhouse looked at Roark as if he was mentally retarded. Of course, Roark

This is how Gram views Emily Hobhouse.

"I think so, the situation is not as complicated as you think -" Rock raised his hand to stop the emotional Emily Hobhouse from interjecting: "If you want to understand the situation, then you must abide by the refugee camp

This is the first prerequisite.”

It is impossible for Rock to let Emily Hobhouse move freely. If it is just Emily Hobhouse, forget it. After all, Emily Hobhouse is British, but now there are two Germans.

Pastor, these are two unstable factors.

***The author has something to say***

More tips for brothers "Paipa Xing"——

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