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Chapter 103 I dont want to pretend anymore

Chapter 103 Hatred, isn’t it a right? She will have it too

I don’t know if her inner wish was heard, but the Honorary Court Judge actually agreed.

"Ye Yining, if you can really recognize three thousand kinds of medicinal materials, I will accept you as my disciple. No, you don't need three thousand, just recognize three hundred."

"Yes. I will definitely not let you down." Ye Yining stood up with a smile, her eyes full of confidence.

"Come in! Come with me to the medicine storehouse of the Tai Hospital. Come in with His Highness King Ji!" the Magistrate of Rongyuan ordered, and then entered the Tai Hospital first.

Ye Yining heard the words of the Rongyuan judge, and then looked at Jun Jiuji, winking mischievously, "I will definitely pass the assessment."

Jun Jiuji raised his hand and gently rubbed her head, "I believe you!"

When Ye Yining heard this encouragement, the smile on her face became sweeter and she became more confident.

She has the Medicine Spirit Immortal Residence, but she cannot practice medicine openly. How inconvenient this is!

When she has the ability to help others, she actually wants to be a useful person.

Why should Su Yuer have to be given such a good name and a good name?

Isn't it good to give it to her?

"Don't let yourself be wronged, I will feel sorry for you." After Jun Jiuji murmured softly, he took Xiao Ning'er's hand and did not let go when he entered Tai Hospital.

Su Yuer looked at the hands held by Ye Yining and Prince Ji with envy and hatred, and then snorted softly.

"How proud you are now, how embarrassed you will be soon."

She wanted to take a good look at Ye Yining's embarrassing scene soon.

Under normal circumstances, outsiders are not allowed to enter Tai Hospital at will, but many people have found connections to go in and watch the fun.

I couldn't find any connections, but there were actually people who spent money to buy tickets and entered Tai Hospital.

At this time, Ye Yining had already entered the medical warehouse of Taiyuan Hospital under the leadership of Rongyuan judge.

Seeing this medicine warehouse covering an area of ​​​​1,000 square meters, Ye Yining was very excited.

Because the medicinal materials in her medicine garden are not so complete.

The Rongyuan judge ordered hundreds of bags of unclassified medicinal materials to be moved over and handed over to Ye Yining.

"If you can successfully classify these medicinal materials, it means you recognize these medicinal materials. Let's get started!"

"Okay." Ye Yining nodded and immediately opened the first bag of medicinal materials.

"This is Anemarrhena, which is bitter, sweet and cold. It returns to the lung, stomach and kidney meridian. Its function is to clear away heat and purge fire, nourish yin and moisturize dryness... This one will be moved to the medicine cabinet No. 2 in the third row on the right."

The Judge of the Rongyuan took a look and then nodded, "Yes, this is correct. Move it away."

As soon as the judge from Rongyuan finished speaking, someone immediately moved the bag of medicinal materials away.

Ye Yining continued to look at the second bag of medicinal materials.

"This is Prunella vulgaris, which is bitter, pungent and cold. It returns to the liver and gallbladder meridian and can clear liver fire, disperse stagnation, and can also treat blood pressure diseases in the elderly..."

The Rongyuan judge glanced at Ye Yining in surprise, "This is not bad!"

Ye Yining nodded and continued: "This is trichosanthin...this is light bamboo leaf...this is peony bark...this is ground bone bark..."

"Here are Gan Zhu, Morning Glory, Dagan, Daphne, Clematis..."

As Ye Yining named more and more medicinal materials, the smile in the eyes of the Judge of the Rongyuan became stronger and stronger.

He is so old that he actually picked up a good disciple with great talent?

After Ye Yining easily identified more than 200 kinds of medicinal materials, the group of people following behind who were waiting to see the joke were speechless.

Su Yu'er, who was mixed in the crowd, looked even more shocked.

Didn't Ye Yining hate medicinal materials since she was a child?

How did she know so many medicinal materials?

But at this time, Ye Yining, who was about to recognize three hundred kinds of medicinal materials, was staring at a box of medicinal materials in a trance, and did not say a word for a long time.

At this time, the people next to him became excited.

"Can't Ye Yining recognize these 297 medicinal materials?"

"Yeah, there are almost three hundred species. If you can't recognize them, all your efforts will be wasted..."

"Sure enough, I still want to be embarrassed..."

"What's wrong with this?" The Rongyuan judge asked Ye Yining without looking at the medicinal materials.

Ye Yining whispered: "If this is a test, I will say it! If not, someone will be punished for it, it is none of my business. This bag of medicinal materials contains Millet Spatholobus, but it is also mixed with some large amounts of Blood vines. They are originally of good quality, but for some reason, some musk powder has been applied to these chicken blood vines."

The surrounding doctors were shocked when they heard Ye Yining's words, and the judge from Rongyuan immediately took the medicinal materials Ye Yining had and inspected them himself.

However, when he took a closer look and found that the situation was the same as what Ye Yining said, his face suddenly darkened.

"Who is responsible for this medicinal material? Once found, send it to the Shenxing Department immediately."

"Yes." Someone immediately went to check.

In addition to the imperial doctors from the imperial hospital, there was a large group of people in the back who looked at the verdict in the Rongyuan hospital in confusion.

"What happened to the medicine?"

"I just heard something about musk. Musk is an abortion pill..."

"Oh my God...if someone takes this, I don't know who is unlucky..."

"This is nothing, isn't it normal for the drug store to have abortion pills?" Some people were puzzled.

At this time, an imperial doctor explained in a low voice: "Chicken Spatholobus has the effect of activating and replenishing blood. It is often used for women's irregular menstrual disorders, which are women's diseases. However, when combined with musk and Spatholobus, which should not be used by pregnant women, , that’s not right. Moreover, our hospital does not allow mixing of medicinal materials..."

As for Ye Yining's assessment and so on, there was no time to prepare!

In other words, there was a problem within Tai Hospital, and someone had tampered with the medicinal materials.

After hearing this explanation, some people saw that Ye Yining's expression changed.

"Ye Yining is quite capable, you can see that..."

"So, Ye Yining really knows medicine..."

Some people were unconvinced and began to speculate, "It couldn't have been agreed upon..."

Su Yu'er also looked at Ye Yining intently. She also felt that this was arranged by someone.

As for who arranged it, her eyes suddenly fell on King Ji who had been guarding Ye Yining.

If it is King Ji, then what is impossible?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard someone pointing at his father and saying, "The Rongyuan Judgment has verified that the person in charge of these medicinal materials is Dr. Su."

Su Yuer was stunned on the spot, "It's impossible, it's impossible, how could it be my father. You must have made a mistake... Ye Yining, you harmed my father..."

Ye Yining was stunned for a moment, then looked at Su Yu'er with a strange look on her face, "I have never been to Taiyuan Hospital before. Su Yu'er, they just said that the person in charge of these medicinal materials was your father, and they didn't say that your father was responsible.

It's poison. This is the crime you yourself have made for your father. It seems that you know your father very well, and that's why you are so anxious to clear up the relationship."

"You fart!" Dr. Su was also anxious and hurriedly stepped forward to explain, "Master Judge, please check clearly. All this has nothing to do with me!"

Ye Yining curled her lips slightly and said dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Su's mouth really stinks!"

"You..." Doctor Su was glaring at Ye Yining fiercely when he found that King Ji was looking at him with a deadly expression. His voice suddenly disappeared and he did not dare to say any more.

Jun Jiuji, on the other hand, raised his hand and said coldly, "Come here, slap your mouth!"

Before anyone else could react, they saw two guards appearing out of nowhere. One of them grabbed Imperial Physician Su, and the other slapped him over.

Hearing only two snaps, Doctor Su's face suddenly swelled up, and it was very symmetrical.

Su Yuer's eyes suddenly widened and she looked at King Ji in disbelief.

He attacked his father just because of Ye Yining's words?

Her father said he was an imperial physician and an official in the imperial court!

How could King Ji abuse his power like this?

She suddenly felt resentful.

Oh, isn't it just a right? She will have it too.

When the time comes, she will make their lives worse than death.

This chapter has been completed!
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