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Chapter 229 Big changes in Jiuhan Palace

Chapter 229 The feeling is like the paper clothes worn by the dead

This shrill scream gave everyone in the inn a creepy feeling.

Some timid people are already trembling.

"Who...who? Is someone dead?"

"Who's going to see it?"

"Shopkeeper...Shopkeeper...send someone to take a look..."

Ye Yining was startled when she heard the noise coming from downstairs.

However, she did not go downstairs, but used microscopic techniques.

Although her cultivation level is not that high now and her mental power is limited, she can still see the situation there because of the lights in the south wing.

The person who made the shrill scream was a woman taking a bath.

She was lying on the edge of the tub, vomiting blood, her face was frighteningly white, and her facial features were a little distorted.

A man dressed as a maid was anxiously dressing the woman, and was still talking about something.

Just when Ye Yining wanted to see more clearly, she saw that the maid had put a black talisman on the body of the woman in the tub.

The next moment, the woman and the maid disappeared on the spot.

Ye Yining was stunned for a moment and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

When she looked over again, she saw that the shopkeeper, the inn waiter, and a few brave people had already pushed open the door of the wing with lights.

Because she was so focused on watching, Ye Yining didn't see Jun Jiuji leave the room.

When she looked away and found that she was alone in the room, she was still a little confused.

Just when she wanted to go downstairs to take a look, Jun Jiuji walked in from outside.

"Xiao Ning'er, I checked. Someone just tried to destroy the protective formation outside."

Ye Yining immediately reacted, "It's the woman in the south wing!"

However, they have already run away.

At this moment, Xue Ying suddenly appeared outside the door.

"Master, the shopkeeper said that the south wing where the screams came from is relatively cold. Unless it is full, that room is always empty. But when I first went to see it, there were signs that someone had stayed in it and had taken a bath..."

"Is it a woman?" Jun Jiuji asked.

"Yes. There is a white dress on the ground near the bathtub."

Ye Yining sneered, "The chef's fairy runs pretty fast!"

"The other person is probably injured. I'll go out and take a look." Jun Jiusi decided to find this person.

Ye Yining shook his head, "You can't find it. They had a special talisman on their hands, which disappeared immediately. It is estimated that it is a concealment talisman that can travel through space."

Jun Jiuji was slightly startled and looked at Xiao Ning'er thoughtfully.

Before he could ask, Ye Yining had already taken the initiative to explain.

"I just spent some mental energy and saw it with my own eyes. I saw the woman vomiting blood, but her maid used a black talisman, and then they disappeared on the spot."

A dark color flashed in Jun Jiuji's eyes, and she was shocked.

Xueying had a look of astonishment on his face.

In addition to being surprised that the princess could "see" the south wing from a distance, he was even more surprised that there was a talisman that could make people disappear on the spot.

"I think I may need to read more books." Ye Yining scratched his head.

She has learned all kinds of runes, but she has never seen that kind of black runes.

Thinking about it, I feel that I am a little ignorant.

After Jun Jiuji pondered for a moment, he said to Xueying: "Go and check that white dress to see if it is the woman in white we saw on the road when we came back."

"Yes." Xueying responded and left quickly.

Ye Yining looked at Jun Jiuji thoughtfully, "Have you seen that woman in white before?"

Jun Jiuji hesitated for a moment, but still told Xiao Ning'er that he met a woman calling for help in the strong wind.

After hearing this, Ye Yining made a little judgment and got the answer.

"That must be the same person."

Not so coincidentally, they always meet a woman in white.

I just don’t know, who is this woman?

Why does she have that weird talisman?

After a while, the blood shadow came back.

He said with a somewhat complicated expression: "Master, that white dress turned to ashes as soon as I touched it. It felt like the paper clothes worn by the dead."

He was not the only one who saw this scene and felt as if he had seen a ghost.

Jun Jiuji frowned slightly, "It seems that this person is not simple."

Ye Yining thought to herself, not only was this not simple, this woman was even more enchanting than Li Xiruo, whose spirit penetrated Su Yuer's body.

Thinking of this, she gently pulled Jun Jiuji's sleeve.

"I'm going to read a book."

There are too many things in this world that she doesn't understand anymore.

Reading books is the best way to answer her questions.

Jun Jiuji raised his hand to rub her head and said softly: "Go! But don't look at her for too long."

"Yeah." Ye Yining nodded, turned around and went to the inner room.

When Jun Jiuji closed the door, she immediately returned to Yaolingxianju.

Because she hadn't finished reading the book she borrowed last time, she went to the Sea of ​​Mirrors first.

After taking the time to read all the books, she understood and digested the knowledge she had learned in the sea of ​​​​mirrors for a while, and then decided to borrow new books.

However, after returning to the study room, she discovered that she could not open the window to the Six Realms Library because the day had not yet expired.

In the end, she simply went to the Sea of ​​Mirrors with the medicine spirit talisman book.

at the same time.

In an ice cave in Jiuhan Pass, Xiao Liang held the ice and snow in his hands and piled the ice and snow into the ice pit bit by bit to relieve the pain of his young lady.

"Miss, are you feeling better?"

Although the woman in white lying in the ice pit was covered with ice, her body was bright red and seemed to be burning with fire.

She had no way to answer her maid's words, so she could only raise her hand and make gestures reluctantly.

Xiaoliang understood, so he stood up and ran outside immediately.

About half an hour later, Xiaoliang came back.

However, she did not come alone, she was holding a man in her hand.

This man is very tall and mighty, and he looks very powerful at first glance.

However, the man was in a coma at this time.

Xiaoliang threw the man directly into the ice pit, then turned and left.

The next moment, the woman in white from the ice pit broke out of the ice and hugged the man.

The man also opened his eyes at this time.

When he saw the beautiful and enchanting woman in front of him, he was surprised at first.

But the next moment, as if he was obsessed, he picked up the charming woman wrapped around him and tore off her clothes...

Although Jiuhan Pass is extremely cold, the woman in the ice pit is as passionate as fire.

When the flames on the woman's body faded away, the man crawling on her body had also lost his breath.

The woman stood up and threw the man away like a piece of rag.

When he landed, the man's body immediately shattered into pieces of ice.

At this time, Xiaoliang walked in.

"Miss, your spirit garment was left at the inn. I have ordered someone to make another one."

The woman in white gently stroked her long hair hanging on her chest, her expression a little gloomy.

"How is the situation over there at the inn?"

Xiaoliang said in a low voice: "The people from the inn went to that room, so it's not convenient for us to check in again."

"That protective formation was set up by Ye Yining, right?"

Her voice was gritted and full of hatred.

If she hadn't been careless, that formation-breaking technique wouldn't have hurt her.

This chapter has been completed!
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