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Chapter 373 How can deep love be a stain?

Ye Yining saw that Feng Qingyan admired her brother very much and her mental state seemed to be a little better, so she said casually.

"What I heard was that Feng Chenqi slept in Meng Pavilion for a hundred years. Where is Meng Pavilion this time?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Feng Qingyan's face turned dark again and she didn't speak again for a long time.

Ye Yining looked confused and touched his face.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Wan Tianbao glanced at Feng Qingyan, and then explained with a smile, "It's not that I said something wrong, it's because Feng Qingyan couldn't pass that hurdle. Feng Chenqi slept for a hundred years in order to return to the time mirror of Meng Pavilion.

He is searching for the whereabouts of a woman. During the hundred years he slept, there were many geniuses in the spiritual realm who surpassed him in strength."

Ye Yining suddenly realized after hearing this, "So that's it! Geniuses may be afraid of being surpassed by others."

But Wan Tianbao smiled and shook his head, "That's not what I mean. It's because Feng Shenqi didn't get the answer he wanted during the hundred years he slept, and for a period of time he was very depressed. In addition, his strength was also overtaken by others, and the Feng family

I am ashamed of these hundred years. I think this is the only stain on Feng Shenqi."

Ye Yining blinked, somewhat dissatisfied.

How can someone be a stain on someone's deepest feelings?

What an affectionate person this is!

Just as he was thinking about it, Feng Qingyan suddenly retorted, "My brother doesn't think that is a stain."

Wan Tianbao smiled and laughed, "Yes, yes, that is the white moonlight in your brother's heart, the goddess in his dream. How could it be a stain? Even if it is a brand, it is colorful, the most holy and beautiful."

Feng Qingyan glared at him and said nothing.

Ye Yining was afraid of making the atmosphere awkward, so she didn't ask any more questions and changed the topic.

"Our Demon-Sealing Pillar in Hanluo City is about to be repaired. Next, we may have to go all out to repair the Demon-Sealing Pillars in Beiyou City and Xinglin City. Did Bai Qi and the others say when they will be back?"

Feng Qingyan came back to her senses and calculated the time, "Bai Qi probably wants to use the lightning talisman and observe the Demon Sealing Pillar again. They will probably be back tomorrow night."

At this time, Wan Tianbao suddenly answered, "I went to see it today. The demon-sealing pillar in Hanluo City was just a little bit able to expel all the demonic energy inside. Leave the rest of the demonic energy to me."

Feng Qingyan couldn't help but look at him more when she heard this.

"Wan Fatty, are you finally willing to use your magic exorcism device?"

Wan Tianbao glared at her angrily, "What a waste of your beautiful eyes. Didn't you see that I lost weight recently?"

You can stay away from the title Fatty Wan.

Feng Qingyan raised her eyes and looked at Wan Tianbao's still chubby face.

Although I have lost a lot of weight and my face is not as round as before, but really, I am still very fat.qqxsnew

Anyway, Wan Tianbao is still a fat man in her eyes.

Moreover, he is still a stingy fat man!

Wan Tianbao saw that Feng Qingyan's eyes did not change when he looked at him, and there was still disgust in his eyes. He hummed twice and looked at Ye Yining again.

"Princess Ji, let me tell you another secret. Feng Qingyan and Yan Fan asked for help before, asking for their body-protecting essence, but they were rejected. This is the real reason why she was angry."

When Ye Yining was surprised, Feng Qingyan was already angry with Wan Tianbao.

"You damn fat man, why are you spying on me when you have nothing to do?"

Wan Tianbao was called a fat man and became angry.

However, he still had a smile on his face.

It's that horrible smile that's superficial but not smiling.

Ye Yining was stunned. She had a hunch that Wan Tianbao was a more vicious person than Feng Qingyan.

Sure enough, Wan Tianbao's next words made Feng Qingyan go berserk.

"Feng Qingyan, please don't talk nonsense. Who is spying on you? I think you Feng family members have a common problem, which is unrequited love and self-righteousness. You have a crush on Fan Yin, and you want to deliberately get close to him.

, just like your brother secretly..."

"Shut up!" Feng Qingyan shouted angrily, raising her hand to hit Wan Tianbao.

Ye Yining quickly took a few steps back, staying far away from them.

Try to break up the fight, it doesn't exist.

There were so many magical weapons on these two people, and she was afraid that she would be affected!

However, when Wan Tianbao was about to fight back, she reminded her, "If you damage nearby houses and other things, you have to pay double the compensation! I see you still have a lot of earth-spirited houses..."

Wan Tianbao suddenly stopped, smiled, avoided Feng Qingyan's attack, and ran behind Ye Yining.

Feng Qingyan: "..."

Ye Yining: "..."

Why does she think Wan Tianbao is a bit of a dog?

Wan Tianbao smiled and touched his increasingly handsome face, looking at Ye Yining with a half-smile.

"Princess Ji is still smart and kind. I am not as knowledgeable as a woman. Princess Ji, let's repair the Demon-Sealing Pillar. I have a special spiritual treasure that can eliminate the demonic energy of the Demon-Sealing Pillar in one go."

When Ye Yining heard what Wan Tianbao said, she didn't care about his previous behavior and followed his words: "Then go!"

It would be great if she could eliminate the remaining demonic energy of the Demon Sealing Pillar without consuming her Dark Night Realm Talisman and Thunder Drawing Talisman.

Although Feng Qingyan was angry with Wan Tianbao for speaking out, she saw that they were going to see the Demon Sealing Pillar, so she followed them without saying a word.

Wan Tianbao is also a real family with a lot of wealth. If there is a special magic weapon, it is true.

Arriving near the Demon-Sealing Pillar, he took out a strange black flute and blew several times at the Demon-Sealing Pillar, and then a shocking scene happened.

The demonic energy in the Demonic Sealing Pillar actually merged into an air current, and was all swallowed up by the black flute.

This situation has the same effect as Feng Qingyan's Demon-Sealing Gourd, but the effect is hundreds of times greater than the Demon-Sealing Gourd.

Almost in the blink of an eye, all the remaining demonic energy in the entire demon-sealing pillar was purified.

But the black flute in Wan Tianbao's hand also turned into ashes inch by inch.

Wan Tianbao shook off the dust on his hands and clapped his hands again, "Okay, from now on, at least Hanluo City can be regarded as a pure land."

Feng Qingyan looked at Wan Tianbao with a dark face, "I wouldn't have taken out the purifying magic flute earlier."

Even if she was given a few more days, she would be able to get rid of the remaining demonic energy in the Demonic Sealing Pillar.

But now this credit belongs to Wan Tianbao.

Ye Yining blinked and praised Wan Tianbao with a smile.

"It's not too late! Maybe this flute can't drive away the evil spirit of the entire Demon Sealing Pillar, right?"

Wan Tianbao glanced at Feng Qingyan proudly, and then nodded, "That's true. Princess Ji has good eyesight."

Ye Yining smiled, then looked up at the clearer blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

Indeed, Hanluo City is more beautiful like this!

The sun shines through the clouds and falls on every corner of the city. Ye Yining feels that the fragrance of flowers in the air becomes more peaceful and pleasant.

Just when she thought everything in Hanluo City was slowly getting better, a flock of black birds suddenly flew in the distant sky.

They flew in groups, like endless black air, which made people's scalp numb.

Ye Yining took a deep breath, unable to believe what she saw.

What happened again?

This chapter has been completed!
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