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Chapter 407: Having more children to inherit the throne

Jun Jiuji's eyes were more like ice suddenly tempered with poison, looking at Emperor Sheng with a warning consciousness.

"Are you full and have nothing to do?"

Emperor Sheng suddenly opened his mouth in shock, thinking for a moment that he heard wrongly.

Xiaojiu is scolding him?

Are you scolding him for having nothing to do when he is full?

How dare he?

After realizing it, Emperor Sheng suddenly slammed the table angrily to show his imperial power.

"It is also your responsibility to spread the branches and leaves. If Ye Yining cannot give birth, then let another woman give birth. I have decided to give you ten concubines. You cannot refuse!"

Just when Jun Jiuji was frowning and about to get angry, Ye Yining snorted lightly and spoke lazily.

"Then your Majesty, shouldn't the most important thing for you be to do is to depose the queen? I remember that you have no children. If you have no children, who will sit on the throne in the future? Should you give it to the three princes?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

Emperor Sheng's eyes almost jumped out of his head.

Was it Ye Yining who said such treacherous words?

He was about to question Ye Yining, but Jun Jiuji unexpectedly nodded.

"Yes. If Your Majesty has no children, it will be the same if the throne is given to me. I will work harder in the future and Xiao Ning'er and I will have more children to inherit the throne."

Emperor Sheng: "..."

He suddenly regretted his bad mouth!

Ye Yining pursed her lips and glanced at Jun Jiuji. Why did she think her focus was on having more children?

General An, who was standing outside the courtyard, felt a little sad for Emperor Sheng.

Feng Lie shook his head frequently, this Emperor Sheng was indeed a bit stupid.

However, it is precisely because he is stupid that he is easy to control.

Just when he was about to go in and rescue Emperor Sheng from the siege, Wan Tianbao, Feng Qingyan, Bai Qi and others came over.

For a moment, Feng Lie's attention was immediately diverted.

Emperor Sheng also noticed that someone was coming and smiled covertly, "If you don't agree, forget it, I just mean well."

Jun Jiuji gave a cold warning: "Don't show such good intentions casually in the future."

Emperor Sheng's face darkened and he felt extremely unhappy.

Ye Yining also saw that Emperor Sheng was quite unhappy, so she also added, "This is a Chinese New Year, so your Majesty doesn't have to accompany the Queen on New Year's Eve? Or is your Majesty here to say goodbye now?"

Emperor Sheng's face turned dark again.

Ye Yining, this woman, actually drove him away?

He felt that his majesty had been provoked, and just as he was about to scold Ye Yining sternly, he heard the Imperial Master cough lightly.

Emperor Sheng swallowed the words as soon as they came to his lips.

He explained a little irritably, "She is not in good health and needs to be well taken care of in the palace. I came to Hanluocheng because I wanted Mr. Rong to prepare some medicine for her."

Having said this, he nodded.

Yes, he came here to find Mr. Rong to prepare medicine for Shen Chanyi.

He didn't come to Hanluo City for free.

While Emperor Sheng comforted and convinced himself in his heart, Ye Yining shook his head in disgust.

"The Queen is from the Medicine Valley. She still needs to find my master to prepare the medicine. The people in the Medicine Valley are really useless!"

Emperor Sheng once again experienced the feeling of something stuck in his throat.

He suddenly felt that he should not talk to this woman Ye Yining.

Seeing that Xiao Ning'er was unhappy, Jun Jiuji raised his hand and rubbed her head gently, "Are you hungry? Go eat first!"

He didn't want these people to dampen Xiao Ning'er's interest during the Chinese New Year.

"Yeah." Ye Yining turned around and left the living room.

When leaving, she called Feng Qingyan and went to the flower hall she had decorated.

The flower hall is very warm, with lush gardens and a small and exquisite flowing water rockery, which is very warm and beautiful.

Mrs. Ye, Mrs. Lu, and Mrs. Rong were joking and sipping tea inside. When they saw Ye Yining and the others coming over, they immediately waved to them.

"Ning'er, Miss Feng, sit here."

Feng Qingyan was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that Princess Ji would bring her here.

There were all female relatives here, and they were all Princess Ji's family, which really made her feel a little flattered.

After Ye Yining greeted the elders, she added a lot of snacks and food to the flower hall.

She also poured a cup of Linggui tea for everyone.

After everyone talked for a while, Princess Guanyue and Qixuan also came over. For a while, the flower hall became more lively.

Near noon, Jun Mushi arrived at Hanluo City with Shen Yaozhi, followed closely by King Qikang and Ji Shuhua.

There were two more people in the flower hall, but the atmosphere took a turn for the worse, and there were obviously fewer people talking.

Ye Yining was also afraid that her mother and aunt would be uncomfortable, so she said to Shen Yaozhi and Ji Shuhua: "Today the emperor said that he would open a warehouse to store grain, let's go out and have a look too!"

Ji Shuhua was not interested, "That's nothing interesting."

How comfortable is this flower hall in Jiu Ning Yuan? The environment is beautiful, the climate is suitable, and it's not cold at all.

The most important thing is that there are many snacks and snacks here that taste good. She only ate a few and didn't want to leave.

Life in Hanluo City is really much better than in Xinglin City.

Ye Yining actually found out why Ji Shuhua didn't want to leave, and felt quite disgusted with it.

Shen Yaozhi was quite sensible and immediately said: "Go and have a look! My prince also talked about opening a warehouse to store grain, but I don't know how it was arranged. You might as well go and have a look!"

When leaving, Shen Yaozhi even pulled Ji Shuhua, "Don't you care about your prince and the people at all?"

As soon as the big hat was put on, Ji Shuhua had no choice but to get up and follow him.

Ye Yining not only took another look at Shen Yaozhi, but this person became quite discerning!

Princess Guanyue was curious about everything, so she simply went along with her.

Feng Qingyan and Qixuan looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally left.

On the other side, Jun Jiuji was already making arrangements with Emperor Sheng and others to release grain.

Just follow what Emperor Sheng said, one pound of rice and noodles per person.

I don’t know how Jun Jiuji negotiated with Emperor Sheng. In the end, Hanluo City delivered 10,000 catties of rice noodles, Emperor Sheng delivered 20,000 catties of rice noodles, and Beiyou City and Xinglin City were responsible for the rest.

Seeing the people lining up to receive food, each one as happy as a child, Ye Yining's mood was quite complicated.

She glanced at her Yaolingxianju, and then silently ordered the slaughterhouse to slaughter ten pigs that had been raised fat and strong.

Considering that dividing the meat would probably waste firewood to cook it, she simply let the cooking spirit combine it with other foods to cook a variety of dishes.

After making it, she asked Kitchen Spirit to pack it into containers and put it on the shelves in batches in the trading room.

She temporarily changed the trading rules. Whether it is firewood, bamboo, trees, cloth, gold, silver, spiritual plants, etc., it can be traded.

She also changed the transaction number, giving priority to the area in the Northern Han Country.

After a while, Ye Hanxiao was "surprised" to buy two large baskets of meat buns. Under Ye Yining's instruction, he happily set up a stall to deliver food to the children in the city. Junqu Pavilion

After a while, Shen Yaozhi was also "lucky" to buy two large vats of radish and pork ribs soup.

Yes, it is calculated by cylinder.

Shen Yaozhi was both surprised and worried, so in the end she just followed Ye Hanxiao's example and distributed it to the people for free.

However, she was smart. Ye Hanxiao gave it to the children, and she gave it to the elderly in the city, asking everyone to bring bowls to serve.

Then Wan Tianbao bought eggplants with minced meat in barrels, but he liked meat and didn't like eggplants, so he simply gave them to Ye Yining and distributed them to the people.

Perhaps this atmosphere infected the people in the city, and finally Feng Qingyan bought two large vats of potatoes and roasted meat and gave them to the people.

Bai Qi, Wen Qing, and Qixuan bought fried pork with green peppers, braised pork sausages, roasted pork with carrots, meat pies, etc.

The people in Hanluo City celebrated the New Year happily, but Emperor Sheng felt very unhappy.

Smelling the delicious food, he realized that he was hungry.

But at noon, no one cared whether he was hungry or not.

When he saw King Ji coming, he couldn't help but said: "Xiaojiu, should we have lunch?"

This chapter has been completed!
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