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Chapter 105 Qilian Mountain, Guan Shanyue

 It’s a moment!

Gai Yin and Wang Yu, each riding a handsome horse, set off for Anding County.

Wang Yu didn't know much about Huangfu Gui. After all, he was not a historian, and he didn't have the time to know every famous general in the late Han Dynasty. He only knew that he was famous, but the details were unknown.

However, after his father Wang Teng's explanation, even the well-informed Wang Yu couldn't help but secretly admire him.

Huangfu Gui was a native of Chaona County, Anding County. He was the grandson of Huangfuleng, the general who conquered the Liao Dynasty, and the son of Fufeng Duwei Huangfu Qi. Together with Zhang Huan and Duan Qi, he was known as the "Liangzhou Sanming".

Huangfu Gui was born in a family of generals. He was quite knowledgeable and familiar with the art of war.

In his early years, he served as a meritorious officer in the county, as a commander in chief, as a lieutenant, and as a lieutenant. He was also transferred as the prefect of Mount Tai, and successfully quelled the uprising of Shusun Wuji. He successively served as general of the rank of general, general of the Liao Dynasty, and was promoted to captain of the Qiang protection school. He defeated and surrendered the Qiang many times.

Ease Han-Qiang conflicts.

Moreover, Huangfugui was honest throughout his life, not afraid of power and treachery, and remained upright and unswerving.

He loved talents and cherished them, recommended talents to appointments, opened a school for fourteen years, and taught his disciples in "Poetry" and "Yi".

It can be said that any of the things he did are worth talking about?

Of course, if it were just these, Wang Yu could only say a few words of surprise, because China is in short supply of famous generals, but when his father Wang Teng introduced Huangfu Gui to him, he specifically mentioned something surprising and admirable.<


It was March of the fifth year of Yanxi, that is, 162 AD. Fifteen years have passed since then. At that time, the Shen Di Qiang attacked Zhangye and Jiuquan, and Huangfu ordered his cavalry to conquer the Qiang in Longyou.

At this time, the roads in the Western Qiang Yin area were blocked, and there was a great epidemic in the army. Three or four out of ten people died of the disease.

But what is unexpected is that during this epidemic, there was not a single deserter, and there was no mutiny in the military camp. You must know that in this era of cold weapons, soldiers have lost more than 10%, and the morale of the military may collapse at any time.

Otherwise, if those eight hundred to one hundred thousand people were defeated in this way, they would not really think that they could defeat a hundred thousand army with only eight hundred people.

It's just that the soldiers suffered too many casualties or the commander was incompetent, which caused the morale of the entire army to collapse at the first touch, and it was finally defeated.

Take Huangfu Gui as an example. The reason why there was no mutiny this time was because Huangfu Gui personally visited the soldiers' nunnery, delivered medicine and asked about their illnesses, which made the three armies very happy.

It is precisely because of this that the Eastern Qiang begged for surrender again, and the roads in Liangzhou were once again unobstructed.

"Even famous generals in ancient times are nothing more than this." This was Wang Yu's admiration after listening to his father, General Wang Teng, talk about Huangfu Gui's deeds.


Speechless all the way!

Wang Yu and the two men rushed all the way from Hanoi to Dunhuang County. Although Gai Xun is now the governor of Hanyang, he is from Dunhuang after all. He must be waiting at home for the arrival of the two Wang Yu men.

Five days later.

Wang Yu and Wang Yu traveled all the way to Dunhuang County after five days of eating and sleeping in the open air!

During a journey of more than a thousand miles, the two of them cannot ride horses all the time. They have to rest, sleep, and eat, which will naturally take some time!

However, even so, Gai Xun and others were extremely surprised. After all, it had only been six days since they received the letter!

The next day, several people did not stay in Dunhuang County, but went all the way west, after passing through Mingshui, they went straight into Jiuquan County.

"Qilian Mountains, is this the Qilian Mountains where the Huns lamented in the legend that "the loss of our Qilian Mountains will deprive our animals of their ability to feed"?"

Looking at the endless Qilian Mountains covered with white snow in front of him, Gai Yin was so shocked that his whole body was trembling involuntarily.

Not only Gai Yin, but also his brother Gai Shun was dumbfounded at this time, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden, which made the two Gai Xun brothers on the side laugh.

However, it is not strange for them, because when the two brothers first saw the snowy scenery of the Qilian Mountains, their reactions were almost the same as those of the two children.

Because no one can remain indifferent to the majestic and endless Qilian Mountains in front of them.

But soon, the two brothers were slapped in the face.

Because Wang Yu's face looked very ordinary at this moment, as if he had seen it all, as if the Qilian Mountains in front of him did not interest him at all.

"My nephew, why are you so indifferent? Isn't this Qilian Mountain in front of me still worthy of my nephew's eyes?" Gai Xun asked doubtfully.

"Two uncles, this is not true. Seeing this mountain, Yu's heart was filled with excitement. Just now, he was suddenly inspired and wanted to recite a poem. That's why he acted so calmly." Wang Yu explained.<


Gai Xun didn't believe it, because Wang Yu's indifference was not pretending, but he didn't ask for the truth, but wanted to expose it directly, so as not to make Wang Yu look bad.

However, Gaishun on the side did not have such careful thoughts. When he heard Wang Yu say that he was inspired and wanted to recite a poem, he immediately started to shout: "A Yu, come on!"

As soon as Gai Shun finished saying this, Gai Xun rolled his eyes.

However, Wang Yu didn't take it seriously and said: "Since my brother asked me to do so, I will show my shame!"

The inspiration that Wang Yu just mentioned was not groundless. When he saw the Qilian Mountains in front of him, he remembered a poem that fit the scenery in front of him.

After Wang Yu pondered for a while, he finally started chanting.

【The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains, among the vast sea of ​​clouds.

The wind that lasts tens of thousands of miles blows through Yumen Pass.

Han walked down Baideng Road and peered into the West Bay.

The origin of the battle is that no one has returned.

The garrisonmen look at the border towns, thinking about returning home with a sad look on their faces.

The tall building is like this night, and I have no time to sigh.]

The exact time of creation of this poem is unknown, but it was written by Li Bai after seeing the scene of the battle and lamenting the hardships of the soldiers and the sorrow of missing his wife in the rear.

However, it is just right when applied to this scene.

However, Wang Yu did not copy the poem rigidly, but made some simple modifications to the poem. For example, the original poem should be Qinghai Bay, but Wang Yu changed it to Xihaiwan Bay.

This is because Qinghai was called "Western Sea" in ancient times. Especially in the Western Han Dynasty, it was called Xihai, Xianhai, Xianshuihai, and Beiheqiang Sea. It was not until the Northern Wei Dynasty that it was called Qinghai. In the Qing Dynasty, "Qinghai" was added.

The word "lake".

After 1949, it was collectively known as Qinghai Lake.

As for "Guan Shan Yue", it is one of the Yuefu songs of the Han Dynasty. It belongs to the "drum and horn horizontal blowing music" and was often played and sung by the border guards at that time on their horses.

Li Bai's poem still inherits the ancient Yuefu in content, but his writing style is unique, reinterpreting the ancient meaning and making some innovations.

The poet wrote about the hardships of ancient border soldiers, condemned the suffering brought by unjust wars to the people, and used it to insinuate and criticize the militarism of the ruling class of the Tang Dynasty, expressing the theme of opposing aggressive wars.

However, due to Wang Yu's contemporary background and his own origin, the original meaning of this poem changed instantly.

These people are all people who have read poetry and books, and what they have learned is certainly not trivial. They understood Wang Yu's poetic meaning in just a moment, and fell into deep thought for a while, while feeling ashamed inside.

The Siege of Baideng was an unbearable shame for the Han Dynasty, but with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty scolding Fang Qiu and the emergence of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, the Han Dynasty completed the achievement of sealing the wolf to Xu after three great battles.
It made the Xiongnu sing a tragic song: "The loss of my Qilian Mountains will make my six animals unable to feed; the loss of my Yanzhi Mountain will make my married woman colorless."

The men of the Han family are so lucky.

But now, both in Liangzhou and Bingzhou, there are traces of foreigners. These foreigners are burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of evil in the territory of the Han Dynasty, but the court has no way.

But is this really the case?

Not at all!

The Han Dynasty did not lack famous generals, but it only lacked heroes like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Take today's Han Dynasty as an example, there are many famous generals, not to mention the late General Huangfu Gui, just take the three brothers Wang Chong, these three are the pillars of the country.

Wang Chong was good at guarding and commanded an army of 20,000. With the help of the terrain of Yanmen Pass, he was able to withstand the crazy attack of hundreds of thousands of Xianbei troops, preventing them from making any progress for half a month.

Wang Teng, the terrifying god of war, is good at attacking and defending, and is brave and resourceful. If the emperor trusted him, how could the foreign races today dare to be so arrogant?

Wang Chen, who is the bravest of the three armies, is more powerful than the Han Wei general Xiao Mohe, and is also a powerful commander who is good at fighting.

Xue Rengui, the White Tiger God of War, wields Fang Tian's painted halberd. Not only is he superb in martial arts, but he is also very good at commanding the army. His ability is not inferior to that of Wang Teng.

It can be said that the Han Dynasty does not lack real famous generals, but among these famous generals, because of the emperor, Dang Guo, Dang Guo, even if one of them is born, I am afraid he will not take action with all his strength!

If the border of the Han Dynasty were still garrisoned by these people, it would probably be a different scene.

In this way, everyone moved forward slowly with indescribable emotions, and arrived at Qianqi County in the evening. Since it was getting late, Wang Yu and others chose to stay here overnight and continue their journey the next day.

Guan Shanyue's poem seems to have been forgotten by everyone, but the truth is in everyone's heart!

Silently all the way, everyone soon arrived at Jiuquan County, which is very close to Gai Xun's hometown, Dunhuang County, and has a similar population. The entire county has a population of more than 60,000.

Jiuquan County is governed by Fulu, and it governs nine counties, namely Qianqi, Shatou, Yumen, Yanshou, Fulu, Leju, Anmi (Suimi), Biaoshi, and Huishui.

The total population of the nine counties is only more than 60,000, and the average population of a county is only 7,000, which is simply too small!

It stands to reason that with such a sparse population, economic development should be very lagging behind. However, when Wang Yu and others arrived at the Jiuquan County Government Office and Lufu County, a new world suddenly appeared!

Because there are many cities here, it doesn't look like a deserted land at all. Faced with the unusual prosperity here, Wang Yu couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Not only Wang Yu, but also Gai Yin was a little strange. Even though he was from Liangzhou, he didn't know why this happened.

At this time, Gai Xun, the prefect of Hanyang and a great scholar in Liangzhou, began to explain to the two of them, saying: "Hucanshui comes out of the middle of the Southern Qiang, and reaches the Huishui in the northeast and enters the Qiang Valley, thus forming the plain in front of you. However,

It is precisely because of this that this plain is not big!"

"But despite this, this plain still has sufficient water resources. In addition, the climate here is pleasant and suitable for people to live. The land is more fertile than other places. Therefore, almost all the people of Jiuquan County gather here, and the nearby

There are a full 30,000 residents."

"Because of this, Lufu County, the seat of Jiuquan County, has developed far beyond other counties. It can even be said that it is the most densely populated place in the four counties of Hexi and the granary of the four counties in Hexi."

Along the way, Gai Xun answered every question he asked. Whether it was Wang Yu's question or his two sons' questions, he told them in detail one by one. The admiration of Wang Yu and the three of them for Gai Xun continued like a surging river.<


Because Gai Xun is so talented, as long as it is in the Liangzhou area, whether it is local allusions or the origin of these cities, it is all easy for Gai Xun!

If it were just these, Wang Yu wouldn't be too surprised, because it may be that Gai Xun has been in Liangzhou for a long time, so he is familiar with the situation in Liangzhou.

But the key thing is that Gai Xun also knows the military affairs very well. In Liangzhou, where can ambush be laid, how many ambushes can be set up, and where must be strictly guarded.

Gai Xun can describe the march route in Liangzhou, as well as the distribution of troops and population, and it is hard for anyone to fault him. No wonder the system gives him such a high commander attribute!

[Dingdong, Gai Xun’s current five-dimensional attributes are: Commander: 92, Force: 93, Intelligence: 78, Politics: 82, Charm: 90;

Gai Xun’s peak five-dimensional attributes, commander: 94, force: 95, intelligence: 82, politics: 88, charm: 93;]

The current Gai Xun has just assumed the post of governor, and his political attributes have not yet been fully developed. Even with his commander-in-chief attributes, there is still room for growth.

Take this peak five-dimensional attribute as an example. Looking at the entire late Eastern Han Dynasty and the subsequent Three Kingdoms period, he is also a rare famous general.

Along the way, Gai Xun gave Wang Yu a lot of knowledge and broadened his horizons with his undisclosed advice. I am afraid this is also one of the reasons why his father, Wang Teng, asked him to come here.

Because these insights are endless wealth that cannot be measured by ordinary gold and silver.

There was no words all the way. After everyone left the boundary of Jiuquan County, the next stop was the boundary of Zhangye County.

At this time, it is already the ninth month of the ancient lunar calendar. Of course, ancient China has always used the lunar calendar.

It is the ninth month of the lunar calendar, which is also the tenth month of the Gregorian calendar. Autumn has already entered, and there is a hint of desolation in the air. However, in fact, the land here is very fertile and the water and grass are luxuriant. If it had not already entered autumn, I am afraid I would have thought that it was here.

Where is the land of the Central Plains!

The only drawback is that there are too few Han people in Zhangye County.

There are ten counties in Liangzhou. If you do not count the two vassal states, namely Zhangye and Juyan vassals, the population of Zhangye County ranks third from the bottom in the entire Liangzhou.

It is conceivable how large his population is, only more than 30,000. You must know that Zhang Ye governs eight counties, with an average of just over 4,000 people per county. Even Dunhuang, a county with only six counties, has a population

There are more than it.

Gai Yin doesn’t understand.

This chapter has been completed!
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