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Chapter 280 Knocking on the Mountain and Shocking the Tiger

 After hearing Wang Yu's inquiry, the clerk immediately replied: "Your Excellency, Yicheng has a large population and naturally has a lot of fields. It's just that most of the fertile fields are controlled by the wealthy families in Yicheng, and not those controlled by the government."


"However, there is a lot of uncultivated wasteland around Yicheng. However, bandits have been making a lot of noise recently. The county lacks troops and has no way to deal with it, resulting in many fields being abandoned."

"How come there are so many wastelands? This is very abnormal. What is the land tax rate in Yicheng? Is it one tax per fifteen?" Wang Yu asked urgently!

Since the land in northern Xinjiang of Bingzhou had just been recovered, Wang Yu did not collect land tax from the people and exempted it for three years. Instead, he spent a lot of money to encourage reclamation.

In Xihe, Yanmen, Shangdang and other well-developed counties, the land tax rate is thirty to one.

Only Taiyuan County, the capital, adopts a tax rate of 15%, but I don’t know what the land tax rate is in the south!

Think back to the beginning, when Liu Bang initially established the Han Dynasty, he adopted a tax rate of fifteen taxes to one. Later, in order to reduce the burden on the common people, encourage people to farm, and develop the national economy, the tax rate was halved to thirty taxes to one.


When Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty happened, even the thirty-one tax was cancelled, and it became no tax!

It can be said that it was precisely because of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty that he left a bright reputation in history!

Therefore, Wang Yu wants to know what the tax rate is in the south!


Seeing Wang Yu taking the initiative to ask about taxes, the clerk immediately shook his head, then thought for a long time, and then hesitantly said: "Ten taxes are one!"

"Ten taxes and one~~~"

"What, one tax per ten, what kind of international joke are you kidding!" After Wang Yu heard such an outrageous tax rate, his eyes widened and he couldn't help but take a breath!

No wonder in history, after Zhang Jiao launched the Yellow Turban Uprising, people from eight states gathered to respond. There may be some who took advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, but most of them could not survive and rose up like Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.

You know, in the Han Dynasty, under normal circumstances, the land tax was not the heaviest, because the Han Dynasty had many various taxes. The first was the head tax, and every adult man had to pay a hundred dollars!

It is worth mentioning that this was still the amount of money in the early days of the Han Dynasty, but now it has already risen to 150 yuan.

In addition to the poll tax, there is also corvee!

Twenty-year-old men must serve in corvée until the age of fifty-five. Those who do not serve can pay two thousand a month.

Two thousand yuan and five baht is not a small amount. Only wealthy families would choose to use money to offset their corvee!

In addition, there is also a household tax, which is a tax levied on households in the feudal city. Each household is 200 yuan, which is for the enjoyment of the feudal princes and princes, and is not directly listed as national fiscal revenue.

In Bingzhou, where Wang Yu was originally located, basically no place was the fiefdom of others, so there was no such tax, and the same was true in Yicheng, which could save some expenses.

However, even so, the situation in Yicheng was not so good, because there were many miscellaneous taxes in the Han Dynasty.

Such as customs duty, municipal tax, ruminant tax, fish tax, salt and iron tax, asset tax, liquor tax, interest tax, etc.

Among them, the draft tax is more typical.

There are three types of Cuo tax: household Cuo tax, field Cuo tax, and field Cuo tax. Qin bamboo slips collected three stones of Cuo and two stones of Cuo per hundred acres, but there were changes in the Han Dynasty. The amount of Cuo per household far exceeded the sum of Cuo in the field and Cuo in the field. There was an obvious difference.

Aggravation tendency.

It can be said that this is a miscellaneous tax that farmers bear a heavy burden.

It's okay during peacetime, but once social turmoil occurs, it will be a very bad factor!

It’s true that you can still live if you do evil in heaven, but you can’t live if you do evil on your own!

With so many taxes, it's strange that the people can't bear it. At this time, Zhang Jiao raised his arms and the people naturally gathered to respond, and the Yellow Turban Rebellion really began.

It can be said that these things happened because the imperial court dug its own grave!

However, this is also a common problem in history!

Fields were a never-ending topic in ancient times!

At this time, Wang Yu suddenly remembered that these taxes seemed to be aimed at the common people and not against the powerful families. Wang Yu did not believe that the court did not take measures, especially the emperor Liu Hong who wanted to get away from the powerful families!

So Wang Yu asked about his doubts. Although he had been in Bingzhou for many years, he still had very little contact with these things. After all, there were people under him to do it, and he only needed to listen to the work report.

At this moment, Wang Yu suddenly realized how important it was for him to come to Jingzhou to be the county magistrate. This was not Bingzhou. He had to think twice before making any move, so that he could exercise his abilities!

As the saying goes, if you don’t sweep one house, how can you sweep the whole world!

Only by relying on yourself and managing a county first can you manage a county or even a state!

However, Wang Yu is very confident. After all, his current political attributes have already exceeded eighty points. After getting familiar with government affairs, it will be easy to govern a county.


Seeing that Wang Yu was unclear about these details, the young official didn't seem surprised at all. He explained: "Of course not. For those wealthy families, the court certainly has corresponding policies, such as property tax."

Wang Yu suddenly realized what he said!

He also heard a lot about the property tax in the Han Dynasty, because there was a nickname in history, which was called "Min Qian".

"痼" means a thousand copper plates strung together. As the name suggests, "痼qian" is a number of coins that the government forcibly withdraws from those thousand copper plates.

"Historical Records Pingzhunshu Zhengyi" records: "Emperor Wu conquered the barbarians and the state supplies were insufficient, so the taxes on the people's fields, houses, boats, livestock, slaves, etc. were all counted as money."

In the fourth year of Yuan Shou, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, it was stipulated that merchants and loan sharks should report their property, and the government would levy 120 qian for every 2,000 qian, and handicraftsmen would collect 120 qian for every 2,000 qian.

If anyone dares to conceal the report, after being reported, the reporter can obtain half of the property of the original property owner (there are also those who specialize in informing people to make money).

Calculating this, the business tax for the handicraft industry may be only 6%, which is still much lower than it is now.

Moreover, the way property tax is collected is generally that property owners declare their property to the government and then pay the tax themselves. If someone fails to pay the tax in time, the government will send tax collectors to call for payment.

Sometimes, tax collectors will issue fines based on late delays.

However, it is not so easy for the court today to collect property taxes!

Wang Yu, who turned around, now looked at this sharp-edged official with satisfaction. This person not only managed all the data in Yicheng County in an orderly manner, but also knew all aspects of politics very well.<


The most important thing is that this person looks so young now. Such a talent is actually in this small Yicheng County. Is this another famous historical official?

Wang Yu suddenly felt excited. He seemed to have good luck. After all, he had conquered many talents all the way to Yicheng. I am afraid this person is not a simple person!

As soon as he thought this, Wang Yu immediately asked, and at the same time secretly ordered the system to detect its five-dimensional attributes!

[Dingdong, Zhang Chu’s peak five-dimensional attributes, commander: 81, force: 65, intelligence: 92, politics: 94, charm: 93;

Zhang Chu’s current five-dimensional attributes are: Commander: 69, Force: 60, Intelligence: 89, Politics: 92, Charm: 90;]

Intelligence and politics are both at 90. Such five-dimensional attributes make him one of the best among the famous ministers of the Three Kingdoms. If it were a time of peace, even the prime minister of a country would be able to do it.

Even in times of war, he can still serve as a military and political official of the country.

When Wang Yu carefully looked at the official with swords and pens in front of him, this person also bowed to Wang Yu, and then said respectfully: "My surname is Zhang Mingchu, and my given name is Ziyan. I am just a small official with swords and pens. You should not treat me like this."


Wang Yu just smiled because his words were too modest. Then Wang Yu started talking to him and found out that this person was actually a descendant of Zhang Liang. The reason why he was here was recommended by Xu Zijiang.
Now that Wang Yu has passed his test, he is naturally willing to work for him. Although Zhang Chu's peak five-dimensional attributes cannot provide him with a summoning card, he has also contributed nine summoning points to him!

For such a great political talent, Wang Yu naturally wanted to make the best use of everything, especially since he was a descendant of Zhang Liang!

If Zhang Chu becomes more famous, Zhang Liang may be checked or summoned in the future, or he may be implanted as his elder brother or something like that.

Therefore, in order to better train Zhang Chu's abilities, he directly accepted his appointment as the chief registrar of Yicheng. It can be said that he is also a high-ranking and powerful person in the entire Yicheng County!

After Zhang Chu heard that he was going to be the chief registrar of Yicheng, he was very grateful, because this was Wang Yu's regard for him. Although most of the things in the county were trivial, they could hone their abilities!

Since Wang Yu values ​​​​him so much and trusts him, Zhang Chu will naturally not choose to refuse, and immediately thanks him: "Thank you, sir. Chu will do his best to manage Yicheng well."

"Yes." Wang Yu nodded with satisfaction!

Afterwards, he asked Zhang Chu to step aside while he sorted out the evidence of the officials’ crimes!

This time, he will make them pay some price.

After roughly understanding the evidence, Wang Yu immediately said to Guan Hai who was guarding the door: "Brother Guan Hai, please go and call the county officials, big and small, as well as Zhao Pusheng, Chu Xuan and others in the army."

"Nuo." Guan Hai immediately clasped his fists and accepted the order and left.

At the same time, officials of all sizes in Yicheng County quickly received orders from Guan Hai, commanded by Wang Yu. At this moment, they knew very well that the new county magistrate was going to unleash three fires upon taking office.

The first fire!

However, everyone understands this. After all, once the emperor and his ministers are in charge, no matter who is the county magistrate, they will definitely bring up their confidants, and Wang Yu will naturally be no exception.

Moreover, through last night's exchange, they had a general understanding of the newly appointed county magistrate. This is a young man who cannot be ignored.

Even if he changes people, he will still be very careful and will not look too ugly.

However, not everyone can take it calmly. After arriving at the county government, some officials showed uneasiness on their faces. In the final analysis, most of these people are corrupt officials!

Moreover, the most important thing is that they have no family support behind them, and they were able to reach this position only through some channels and money.

Nowadays, when new officials take office, they are still like a fierce dragon crossing the river. If they say they are not afraid, they are completely lying!


Just when everyone was trembling in fear, Chu Xuan and Zhao Pusheng each led their own troops. These thousand elite soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles took over the original county government guards with lightning speed!

They have all been trained by Wang Yu, their military appearance is neat, their steps are consistent, their eyes exude an endless cold light, and they are murderous for a while, making the entire county look like a different kind of battlefield!

The originally calm people could no longer remain calm. Under the influence of this murderous aura, they did not even dare to breathe out, and sweat began to flow from their faces!

At this moment, the young man in front of him is no ordinary person. His father is the famous God of War in the Han Dynasty. He himself has been on the battlefield many times. He is a general who defeated Xianbei and shocked the northern Xinjiang!

This man has seen blood, and countless foreigners have died at his hands. Such a fierce man is not a good person.

After seeing the constipated expressions on everyone's face, Wang Yu knew that his aggressive move had played a big role. He sneered in his heart and then coughed to attract everyone's attention!

After that, I briefly introduced myself to let everyone present understand that he, a dragon crossing the river, was not something that they, the gangsters, could mess with.

Everyone nodded when they heard this. At this moment, they did not dare to look down upon the young man in front of them. The thousand murderous soldiers outside the mansion were not just freeloaders.

They have no doubt that if they don't cooperate, what awaits them is a thunderous blow!

After establishing his majesty and making everyone fear him, Wang Yu took the initiative to get to the point. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the two middle-aged men sitting next to him with a smile, his eyes full of teasing.
"Captain Zhao and Chief Chen, I heard recently that you made a lot of windfall during your tenure?"

Now that Wang Yu has decided to let Zhang Chu be the chief clerk of Yicheng, the original chief clerk will naturally be reduced. Moreover, this person's official position was bought with money, and he is not a member of a local family in Yicheng!

In addition, Wang Yu had already collected all kinds of evidence yesterday, and now was the time to deal with these black sheep.

And Captain Zhao was not a good person either. He was originally a mountain bandit who robbed merchants and travelers who were passing by. During a roadblock and robbery, he took away a lot of property, so he spent money to buy a county captain!
Since then, this man has been in charge of the county soldiers and has often colluded with the nearby bandits. He can be said to be working as an aide to the tiger. Today is just the right time to take him down for surgery.

Just come and knock the mountain to shake the tiger!

This chapter has been completed!
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