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Chapter 50 Contest

After arranging Zhang Tiankuo, Wang Yu arranged Xue Rengui. Since the latter had already become famous all over the world, it naturally did not cause any disturbance.

After arranging Zhang Tiankuo and Xue Rengui, Wang Yu began his main task, which was to select generals, and the most direct and accurate way to select generals was tantamount to a martial arts competition.

For this competition, Wang Yu even set up a ring to attract nearby people to watch, just to show the strength of Bingzhou generals. Of course, it would be better if it could attract some powerful people!

In addition to this reason, it is to let these people get familiar with each other. After all, they will fight together next. If they are not familiar with each other, it will definitely affect their cooperation!

And this competition is a rare opportunity.

Even, in order to attract talents and add some bluffs, Wang Yu even held a lottery and opened all the magic weapon cards and mount cards just for today's use.


"Dong dong dong..."

As the drummers began to beat the war drums, thunderous war drums sounded throughout the school grounds, and the sound of the drums was like thunder, shaking the heaven and earth.

Due to the grand occasion of this competition, not only people from the Taiyuan Prefecture, but also officials from Zhang Yi's governor's office were sitting on the school field, waiting for the competition to begin.

At this time, Wang Yu, as the organizer, directly used Qinggong, jumped three times and jumped up to the stage in an extremely elegant manner.

This skill alone aroused cheers from the onlookers.

"Good skills..."

"Junior brother is awesome..."

"The son of the shocking God of War is truly worthy of his reputation..."

"It's just sensationalizing!"

Faced with the admiration, cheers, and doubts of everyone in the audience, Wang Yu was not affected at all, but instead focused on the heroic generals standing on the left and right.

These people are the capital of his campaign against Xianbei, the generals he can temporarily command. When he thinks of this, Wang Yu suddenly becomes proud.

I saw him saying loudly to the crowd, "Fellow soldiers, no matter you are white or with an official, you can participate in this arena competition. As long as you can prove your strength, you can be promoted as an exception!"

"Whether you are a Sima of an army, a Marquis of Qujun, or a general in the army, as long as you have the ability, you can take it back!"


When Wang Yu said this, he suddenly paused, which instantly aroused everyone's curiosity. Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Wang Yu did not continue to whet his appetite, but said loudly: "And the three best performers are not bad.

Choose the prizes in the arena. Of course, there is one prize that you must be the first to win!"

"Prize, what prize?" People below were talking about it!

After all, Wang Yu's identity is not simple. The young patriarch of the Wang family, something that he can take out as a prize is not an ordinary thing.

Moreover, Wang Yu also specifically mentioned that there is a prize that only the first place can get, which is enough to prove that this prize is the best.

Just as everyone was talking about it, Wang Yu ordered his men to bring the prizes prepared in advance to the stage. Everyone looked up and saw several warriors carrying three magic weapons forward.

A two-foot-long iron spear, a halberd, and a four-foot long sword that Wang Yu selected from the prefect’s treasury!

After the three magic weapons appeared, they were followed closely by three BMW horses, which were led up by strong men.

After seeing the powerful weapon and the BMW horse, Du Hui, Xue Rengui and other generals flashed a fighting spirit in their eyes. After all, for a general, the BMW magic weapon is their second life.

Even though they already have these, no one would dislike having too many things of their own. Besides, in such a big competition held in front of the entire Bingzhou soldiers, those who can be regarded as prizes by Wang Yu are naturally not ordinary things.

Moreover, these two people are both master-level experts, and their spiritual perception is naturally beyond that of ordinary warriors. Naturally, it can be seen that the halberd on the ring is definitely not a human-level weapon that can match it. It must be an earth-level weapon.

level weapons.

"As expected of the Wang family, even prefecture-level weapons can be taken out at will. It is indeed not comparable to other families." Xue Rengui and Du Hui both sighed in their hearts at the same time.

Xue Rengui and Du Hui, with their master's cultivation, could tell that there was an earth-level magic weapon inside, but others couldn't. After all, they could only rely on their eyes, but those magic weapons were too far away from them.

There are still some things that cannot be seen clearly.

However, although they could not clearly see these magical weapons, they could clearly see the three war horses. After all, they were so tall and powerful that they could tell with just their eyes that they were rare horses of a thousand miles.

Although they don't know what level these three magical weapons are, but compared to these three powerful horses, these magical weapons will definitely not be that bad.

Especially the generals who lack magic weapons or BMWs are even more excited and want to show off their skills here and get this thing back.

"Enough chatter, let the competition begin!"

Wang Yu was not a person of ink. Seeing that the atmosphere had been lifted by him and everyone in the audience was gearing up, he finally announced the start of the game.



As soon as Wang Yu finished speaking, the sound of war drums sounded again on the school field, and the atmosphere on the field instantly became exciting.

However, real masters endure their fighting spirit and choose to sit still and wait and see what the situation is, so those who will take the field are almost all first-class or super first-class warriors!

At this time, a young general carrying a spear came out.

All I could see was that the person's scarf was hiding the red tassel, and his wolf-like waist and ape-like arms were slender.

The brocade robe is embroidered, and the robe is slightly exposed, revealing the dark green color.

Sitting on the side on the carved saddle, the green jade horse is lightly greeted.

The sunflower stirrup rings the cooked copper bell.

Drag the pheasant's tail backwards and fly away with four hooves.

The golden ring is shaking, and the fluttering jade python is spreading its red tassels.

The stones in the brocade bag fly gently like shooting stars.

The person who came was none other than Zhang Qing without a feather arrow.

Zhang Qing is now only eighteen years old, and his son Zhang Jie is only a few months old. His father Zhang Qi originally did not want him to participate in the Yanmen Pass battle, but he couldn't bear Zhang Qing's stubbornness, and Qiu Qiongying also supported her husband's achievements, so he reluctantly


Zhang Qing originally wanted to make a name for himself on the battlefield, but since Wang Yu had set up the arena and there was a faster way, he naturally wouldn't let it go easily, so he rode out!

I saw Zhang Qing holding a gun in his hand, facing everyone present and saying: "I am Zhang Qing, I wonder which hero is willing to come up and ask for advice."

"I'm Lu Peng, I'm here to ask you for advice." As Zhang Qing finished speaking, a strong man holding two hammers walked out of the army. He flew up and ran directly to the stage.

This chapter has been completed!
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