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Chapter Thirteen Cicada

 The next day, the weather was calm and sunny.

Li Ming sat in the classroom and stared at the clock above the blackboard in a daze.

There is a dying cicada lying on the branch outside the window. The cicada chirping in this season is far less hoarse than in summer.

Li Ming knew that cicadas would lay their eggs in woody tissue after summer.

The eggs parasitize in trees and grow until they hatch into larvae. They will fall to the ground when blown by the wind, and the larvae will burrow into the ground and live underground for 2 to 3 years. After enough time, they will

It will crawl from the ground to the surface and turn into an adult, which is what people often see as a cicada.

The cicadas must be miserable. Even though it has already entered autumn, their chirping is still a bit noisy.

At this time, the boy at the front desk was frothing at the mouth and arguing with his deskmate Wang Bohua about the [Trinity Association] issue.

"To be honest, I think the government's exploitation of extraordinary people is a bit excessive. You say that they are extraordinary people after all, but they are restricted like dogs all the time. No wonder others are making trouble." The boy said angrily.

"Certain rules are necessary. Have you forgotten the time when there was chaos decades ago?" Wang Bohua obviously did not agree with the boy's point of view, so he retorted angrily.

This kind of debate is obviously a commonplace, and people's views on this can be roughly divided into two categories.

On the one hand, the logo on the back of the extraordinary person's neck [Transcendent Eye] is called the Sword of Damorix hanging on the heads of all extraordinary beings, while the ugly one simply calls it a dog leash.

On the other hand, people with extraordinary qualifications represent status to a certain extent.

This is like people in the world calling those who work on official business or working for the government as "hawks and dogs", which is both fearful and ridiculing.

As for why such a complex and contradictory social situation exists today, we must start from half a century ago.

Fifty years ago, a group of innate awakened people suddenly appeared for unknown reasons. Their uncontrollable extraordinary abilities caused unimaginable damage to society.

Even so, in the first ten years, ordinary people still held the attitude of being able to coexist harmoniously with extraordinary beings. However, it was later discovered that after people awakened to extraordinary abilities, their expanded desires almost always led them to choose to challenge the rules of society.<


Just when the government decided to legislate for control, a group of extraordinary people conspired to form an organization called the "Tower of Babel" and launched a challenge to the entire human society.

"Babel" is Hebrew, meaning "Gate of God".

In myths and legends, there is a tower that can reach the sky called the Tower of Babel, and as long as humans follow the Tower of Babel, they can ascend to the sky and become a god-like existence.

With the blessing of extraordinary abilities, the [Tower of Babel] organization has developed an [Awakening Potion], which can enable ordinary people with talents to awaken extraordinary abilities.

In order to gain a chance to awaken, crazy people made society experience an extremely chaotic decade.

But... The essence of science is the summary of objective laws. After enough samples are obtained, constant conflicts will make science and technology progress rapidly.

Then the [Gendarme of Order] appeared and began to cleanse and sort out the extraordinary people for more than ten years.

By the time Li Ming's generation was born, the entire world had just established a new order.

"Li Ming, what are you thinking? Tell me what you think?" Wang Bohua was so flustered by the boy at the front table that he immediately chose to ask for help from the audience outside the venue, "Do you think [Trinity Association] is doing this against the government?"


"Of course I watched it on TV." Li Ming lazily picked his ears and said casually, "Besides, there is no question of right or wrong. It's just that people are good at standing in their own positions and defending themselves.

Just fight for your own interests."

"That's right, that's right." The boy at the front table saw that he was on his side, so he was overjoyed and agreed.

"But even so, you can't do anything harmful to nature, right?" Wang Bohua shook his head and still insisted on his point of view.

"It should be wrong to disturb social order, right?"

"It's always wrong to take advantage of others by taking advantage of others, right?"

"Killing and arson must be wrong, right?"

Too lazy to argue with Wang Bohua, Li Ming looked back at the cicada outside the window and said perfunctorily, "If you look through the history books, it has always been like this. This kind of thing is not new. It's just a different role."

"It's always been like this, does it have to be right?" Unable to accept Li Ming's indifference, Wang Bohua looked at Li Ming angrily and asked firmly.

The tapping sound caused by the friction between the uppers of shoes and the bottom of the podium rang out at the right moment. The head teacher walked to the front of the class with a sealed envelope, knocked on the table, and said, "Quiet for a moment. The results of your talent test."

It has come out, now I am announcing the list of talented people, please listen carefully..."

Li Ming in the audience turned his head and looked at Wang Bohua, who was still unhappy about the argument just now, and said casually,

"There is a low-level logic in the operation of society - 20% of the people always control 80% of the social resources.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the question of whether it is extraordinary or not. The resources of society are limited. As long as anyone wants to become a group that owns 80% of the resources, they must snatch it from others. At this time, everyone can do it.

It depends on your ability...So, if it has always been like this, then it must be right!"


The other side.

Standing in front of the automatic withdrawal machine, Chi Uesugi looked at the balance of 50,000 yuan in his account and couldn't help but be stunned.

Didn’t you say a deposit of 5,000? Why is it 50,000!?

Did he...did he press the wrong button and hit an extra zero?

Although my last full payment was 50,000 yuan, if I just tell him without saying anything now, the other party will find out sooner or later.

This is a very rude and honest behavior, and I still hope that the noble man named "Zheng Ze" can buy more paintings from me in the future...

Thinking of this, Uesugi Chiconi reached out and fumbled for the business card Li Ming had left, and typed it in without much hesitation.

The phone rang twice before being cut off, and Uesugi-Chien received a text message from Li Ming.

[What’s wrong, I’m in a meeting and it’s not convenient to answer the phone.]

[Nothing's wrong, it's just that you sent the wrong money to me. I just saw that there is 50,000 yuan in the account.]

[Ah? Sorry, maybe I pressed the wrong button, so please transfer the excess to me. Please transfer it to this account:········】

[Okay, wait a minute, I’ll figure out how to transfer there.]

【Sorry to trouble you.】

At the same time, in the classroom.

"...Li Ming, Wang Bohua..." The number of people on the list is not large, only about one-fifth of the entire class.

Soon, after reading the name of the last student with extraordinary talent, the class teacher put down the list in his hand, glanced at the disappointed or excited students in the audience with a serious look, and said slowly,

"Don't be too excited, those who read the name. You must know that having talent does not necessarily mean that you will be successful. Having no talent does not necessarily mean that you will not have a bright future. Regardless of whether you have talent or not, hard work is a must."

After a pause, the class teacher continued, "In addition, being talented depends on what kind of abilities you have awakened, and whether you are qualified for the jobs you may do after awakening! This is the first lesson that the real society teaches you, so what exactly

I suggest you discuss with your family whether you want to enroll in an extraordinary school and awaken your extraordinary abilities, and then make a decision after careful consideration. Also, although you do not need to take the college entrance examination and you can enroll after graduating from high school, once you choose, it will, to some extent,

It will determine the fate of most of you for life..."

"Li Ming, will you choose to awaken your extraordinary abilities?" After hearing the teacher's words, Wang Bohua looked at Li Ming with some confusion and asked.

"Ding" a text message pops up on the phone screen.

After Li Ming glanced at the information on his mobile phone screen that 45,000 yuan had been credited to his account, he said lightly, "Yes, I have been underground for long enough. Even if it is about to die, I still want to see what's on the tree."

The world, I am so curious about it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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