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Chapter 33 The Fairy Bureau

"Old liar, here, I saw that you were covering your knees when it rained, so I brought you a hot water bottle." Li Ming took out a charged hot water bottle from a worn canvas bag and handed it to the master.


After taking the hot water bottle and playing with it for a while, the old liar put the hot water bottle in his hand with satisfaction, then threw the cattail leaf fan beside the bed to Li Ming, and then said, "This is such a bad weather, fan yourself more and more."

Hot, you come."

After fourteen-year-old Li Ming caught the fan, he cursed with a black face, "Damn it, you're the only one who's hot and I'm not hot? And don't your knees hurt? Why are you fanning me?"

"Little bastard, you know nothing. I have rheumatism. Do you understand rheumatism? It hurts when it rains. It has something to do with the fan." The old liar lay on his side on the bed, pillowed his arm on his arm, blew his beard and scolded Li Ming.


Seeing the old man's bastard look, Li Ming was a little annoyed and just about to throw the fan in his face at his face when he heard the old liar said leisurely with his eyes closed,

"The fourth category of deception is deception. It uses intimidation to lower the other party's psychological defense, and uses profit to lure others into the game.

I have a story about deception, do you want to hear it?"

Li Ming, who was just about to throw his fan, heard what the old liar said, and immediately suppressed the words he was about to blurt out. Then he picked up a small stool and sat in front of the bed, shaking his fan diligently.

The old liar opened his half-closed eyes and glanced at Li Ming, stroked his beard and nodded with satisfaction, and then spoke leisurely,

"In ancient times, there was a place called Changyuan, which was a large market town with a population of more than a thousand. There was a strange man in the town who, in addition to taking medicine and treating people, also performed divination for them.

Since he was very accurate in deducing the lifespan of a person, many men, women, and children in the town asked him to die. And this man also decided to die if he should be sick, and the names of those who died were secretly recorded for later inspection.<


One day, there was a traveling Taoist priest who looked haggard, yellow, black and black. He heard about this and came to visit this strange man.

After some verbal conversation, the Taoist priest exchanged the prescriptions from the travel prescription for the names and horoscopes of the people who were going to die this year and were suffering from the disease.

After this corrupt Taoist priest got this information, he disappeared.

Half a year later, the Taoist priest arrived here again. When he saw some foolish people, he claimed that he was born in an impermanence. And he was ordered by the underworld to come with the ghosts to arrest someone and someone in this place. They will be there this season.

People take it away.

Although there are some ignorant people who spread the word, most people don’t believe it.

So the Taoist priest used yellow paper to write a talisman record, and finally wrote the word "Yinsi". In the upper part, he wrote the names given to him by the fortune teller. He also found the names of the beloved children of local wealthy families and wrote them in the lower part.


Taking advantage of the lack of people at night, the Taoist priest deliberately burned the yellow paper in front of the community where the villagers prayed, starting from the place where there was no name in the middle and extinguishing it where there was someone's name. The next day, the people who prayed came and saw the incense burner.

There was a half-burned piece of yellow paper on it. When I took it out, I saw that they were all the names of fellow villagers, with the word "Yinsi" behind them. I thought it was strange, so I passed it around among my neighbors.

Later, two of the people on the list died, so everyone with names on the cards came to inquire. Since the middle part of the cards had been burned, everyone was afraid that their names were actually on it, so they also came to inquire about the escape.


The Taoist priest said leisurely: "The underworld is the same as the yamen in the Yang world. Those who are willing to use money can be exempted.

After hearing this, the rich men and women bribed the Taoist priest with money, and he made a lot of money. Later, none of the people whose names were in the cards died, so they thought it was the Taoist priest who had contributed, and they were deeply confused!"

The old liar finally opened his half-sleeping eyes, looked at Li Ming and raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you think the people in this story were deceived?"

"Because they are stupid enough to believe this stuff?" Li Ming replied.

The old liar took the fan from Li Ming's hand and hit him on the head, and then said, "Who was not afraid of ghosts and gods in that era? It was you, and you were deceived."

"Is that because?" Li Ming rubbed his head and said in confusion.

The old liar sat cross-legged on the bed and said with emotion, "There is no deception in this world. Deception only exists because people have fear and greed. Do you understand?"


Coming down from the mountain, the three of them drove towards Li Ming's house.

Yu Nan was responsible for driving, Li Ming sat in the passenger seat, while Xiaotian and Anzi sat in the back seat with worried faces.

Li Ming turned down the sound of the radio a little. After observing the two people behind him in the rearview mirror, he twirled the milky-white plastic stem of the lollipop in his mouth with one hand and said, "I asked you to go to Zhang San's door and pour water on it."

Do you remember the paint?"

"Remember." "Remember" the two replied with difficulty.

He took out a stack of photos (which were found on Wenbo's body) from his arms and handed them to the two people behind him. Li Ming continued, "After we left that day, Wenbo went to that person's house and killed his old dog.

You want to put the blame on me."

Glancing at the two people looking at the photo, Li Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "Unfortunately, Zhang San and Yu Nan happened to come back and bumped into each other, so a conflict broke out, and the result was that our Brother Bo was stabbed to death.

Afterwards, Brother Bo asked me to dispose of the body. Under his coercion, brother Yu Nan and I were unable to tie the body with stones and throw it into the sea. Finally, Brother Bo wanted to kill us to silence us, but it was a pity.

It was he who failed to do it..."

When Yu Nan, who was driving beside him, heard what Li Ming said again, his eyelids twitched and his hands shook slightly, and the vehicle swayed slightly.

Seeing Li Ming raise his eyes and glance at him expressionlessly, Yu Nan immediately suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and hurriedly said with a flattering smile while pretending to be angry, "It's really not the same thing, thanks to Brother Ming for fighting to the death

Give it a try, otherwise I might be thrown into the trench now."

After Li Ming withdrew his gaze, he changed the topic and continued, "Do you know now why he handed over that account to us?"

"I don't know." they replied.

"This Zhang San doesn't pay back the debt because he has an uncle who is a captain in the [Order Military Police], so the debt has never been paid back. Wenbo originally wanted to teach him a lesson and then blame me, but he didn't.

I thought that something unexpected would happen. And because you have been relatively close to me recently, you will naturally be involved."

Li Ming tilted his head toward the window and grabbed the air flowing through his fingertips with his hand, then continued,

"The problem now is that Brother Zong also has a copy of these photos. When his uncle comes to come to settle accounts later, do you think about whether Brother Zong will help us cover up the past?"

Xiaotian and Anzi fell into silence immediately after hearing Li Ming's words, and a pair of narrow and sinister eyes slowly appeared in front of their eyes.

It has been almost two years since I followed Wenbo under Brother Zong. Recalling all the past events, I can’t help but look a little ugly.

There are photos as evidence, and he also participated in burying the body. If Li Ming is caught, will the two of them be able to explain it?

Li Ming deliberately paused for a few minutes to let his emotions ferment for a while, and then continued, "This is the situation you are facing now. You can either hang your head and wait for others to come to your door, or you can choose to try to follow me and get one hundred in three months."

I will fight against everything. I think this multiple-choice question is not that difficult, right?"

Mixing truth with falsehood to induce and harm is deception. It is deception to deceive money and gain profits, and to deceive people to gain their hearts is a trick of the mind.

After hearing what Li Ming said, the two of them went through a difficult mental struggle. Anzi shook his teeth hard, then frowned and asked Li Ming with a desperate look, "Brother Ming, what are you going to do?

Tell me? Are you lying like you did last time? I can do it!"

After hearing Anzi's words, Li Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, then shook his head with a smile, "How much money can you get from cheating someone to death? One hundred thousand? Five hundred thousand? Too little..."


Xiaotian was stunned and asked, "Then what are we doing?"

"Hahahaha... If you want to play, just play big!" Li Ming licked his lips and replied with a grin, "I'm going to use the Fengzimen method to make a grand fairy game!"

This chapter has been completed!
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