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Chapter 104 103 are almost dead and still killing each other? You

 Chapter 104 103. You are almost dead and still killing each other? Are you crazy? [4360]

Tris said harsh words to the reconnaissance knights of the Blood Alliance Knights. She quickly returned to her tent and packed up all the useful things. But this time she was not trying to escape, but to save her little one.


She sent Bonnie to call Miriam and Major Fraser over. The two had already rested at this time, and they were still sleepy when they came over.

"Hey, Tris, why did you change your hairstyle?"

Miriam, who was rubbing her eyes, looked at Tris with her long braid hanging on her chest in surprise.

She looked curiously at Cuisi who looked like this. Compared with the long-haired shawl before, she was a little less delicate and charming, and more capable and cold. Especially when her hair did not cover the corners of her eyes, she unexpectedly gave Cuisi an unexpected look.

There was an uncomfortable chill on Si's charming face.

People can't help but stand up straight in front of her and don't dare to overstep in the slightest.

"I just suddenly miss the past, doesn't it look good?"

Tris picked up the bottle of wine at hand and took a few sips, then winked and asked. This familiar action immediately dispelled all Miriam's doubts.

All right.

This is still the unreliable Tris from before.

"Listen, Murphy discovered a subspace rift that is opening in the Blood Vulture Corridor."

As soon as Tris opened her mouth, the bodies of Miriam and Major Fraser were immediately struck by lightning, causing them to throw away all their sleepiness.

Obviously, they have heard of this term.

"Why is there a warp rift in Transia?"

Miriam widened her eyes and said:

"The last time this thing appeared was at the end of the Second Night War two hundred years ago, right?

It is said that the Blood Terror clan cast evil spells in a small town in the Ice Bay region to summon subspace rifts, causing a small principality to be razed to the ground overnight. This incident also directly led to the demise of the Blood Terror clan.

In our history textbooks, it is criticized as a negative example."

Major Fraser said nothing.

But as one of the leaders of the intelligence system of the Plantagenet Kingdom's pioneering army, he obviously knows more details that cannot be known by ordinary people.

Because of this, he was even more wary of what Tris had just said.

"It must be reported to the Ring Tower immediately!"

The major said sharply:

"This is not something that the Blood Eagle Clan, which only has two or three kittens left, can handle!"

"Tell me again, young man of the Cape family, to whom do you intend to report this matter?"

Tris narrowed her eyes and glanced at Major Fraser.

The gradually awakening aura from the "Scarlet Witch" made the major feel cold, but he quickly calmed down, and then he was horrified.

"Do you understand?"

Tris sneered and said:

"Do you know why the subspace rift was able to operate quietly deep in the Blood Vulture Corridor for ten days before being discovered? It's because the astral tearing spell released by the Ring Tower in Cadman City perfectly concealed the brewing of the subspace rift. Chaos psychic resonance will be generated.

I even suspect that all this was planned by the Ring Tower!

Maybe it was this subspace rift that those crazy human psionicists planned to create here in the first place.

You hear me clearly, Fraser of the Capet family!

I know your grandfather.

The first pot of gold he earned from working in the Cato area when he was young was what I gave him. He did me a small favor. I don’t know if he wrote it in his memoirs, but he For now, he can be considered an old friend of mine.

And you are an old friend, so I will say a few more words.

If you are destined to return to the Plantagenet Kingdom and want to continue living and enjoy life, keep this in mind!

You can check it yourself privately.

But you're smart enough to know that questioning someone face to face will only have the opposite effect.

Okay, now I need you two to bring at least 30 calculation orbs and go to the Blood Eagle Corridor with me. Since Fraser is an intelligence master, he must be familiar with this thing. You are responsible for connecting the 30 calculation orbs into a calculation matrix. .

Miriam assisted me in calculating the projection coordinates of Cadman City in the star realm at this time."

"But. But I haven't studied any of this. I'm just an administrative student and I know almost nothing about psychic powers."

Miriam felt numb, Tris shook her head and said:

"You just need to apply a series of complex psychic formulas, and the rest is a huge amount of mechanical calculations. The matrix will help you complete this process, and you are a college student. If I don't look for you, why should I look for you in the camp? Is a farmer going to do this?”


The curtain of the tent was opened, and the panting young lady rushed in.

She should have been washing up just now, her long hair was still stained with water droplets, and her pale cheeks were rosy, but she didn't care about anything else and stared at Tris and asked:

"I just received a communication from Murphy. What does it mean that a subspace rift appears underground? Why does a subspace rift appear here? The mapping between the material world and the astral world here is not that chaotic at all!

Cadman City's Star Boundary Tear Grand Spell is indeed amazing, but it still lacks at least ten times the energy to tear the Star Boundary to the edge of subspace!

This is simply impossible!"

"The good news is that your knowledge of astral psychic powers is very solid. The bad news is that what's the use of yelling at me? Why are you yelling so loudly? If you're unhappy, go complain to the Ring Tower that caused all this!"

Looking at Femis, whose claws were numb and confused, Tris scolded:

"The fact is that it has appeared! In the Hall of the Blood Vulture Holy Pool, Old Finok has confirmed that the Holy Blood Pool is serving as an anchor, providing a guidepost to the material world for the subspace rift, and your father has also become The projection carrier of the shadow of chaos in the material world.

He became a ‘sacrifice’!

I now suspect that the Ring Tower's Astral Tear spell is just to cover up the vibrations when the subspace rift opens, so as to deceive other forces from monitoring the chaotic psychic energy.

The water in this matter is much deeper than we thought!

The engulfment of Cadman City by the Star Boundary is only the beginning of the disaster, but it is far from the end.

Get ready, Femis.

I know you have never presided over such a large-scale counterattack and purification spell, but I am too weak now and my knowledge cannot be transformed into power.

You must take this responsibility!

After I calculate the specific mapping coordinates of Cadman City in the Star Boundary, you can cast a spell to push the entire Holy Blood Pool Hall into the Star Boundary, so that the energy accumulated in the subspace rift can be released, otherwise we will all die in it.

The moment it opens.

And the saddest thing is that our death is not even a punishment in this matter.

I told you the fate of the Blood Terror clan before when you were stupid!

What they did back then was to open a gap between the subspace, the star world, and the material world. The surging chaotic energy swallowed up a quarter of the Ice Bay, and by the way reshaped the entire coastline of the Sachs region.

More than three hundred thousand people died for that stupid ritual."

Tris stared at Femis and said in a deep voice:

"And the subspace rift that is opening under our feet has been operating without interruption for ten days! Guess what the consequences will be when it really opens? The entire continent may be affected by the Transia region.

Was torn into two pieces.

And this is just the best ending I can think of.

Our only advantage now is that the mapping between the material world and the astral world here has not yet been completely rebuilt because of the astral tearing spell that the Tower of Rings previously released in Cadman City.

This means that we only need to pay a much lower price than usual to reopen the rift in the astral realm and pour the destructive energy into the astral realm."

"But this will have unpredictable consequences."

Femis was obviously stunned by Tris's crazy plan. She said hoarsely:

"The star realm is an isolated zone in the middle of the material world and subspace. What if we mess up."

"Don't worry, the star realm where gods can be born is not as fragile as you think."

Tris sighed and said:

"The worst result is nothing more than tearing a crack in the star realm, but it is definitely a hundred times better than letting the subspace rift open directly in the material world. What's more, little Murphy is still there, and only I can save him!

So don’t ask too many questions and start taking action immediately!

What are you two still doing?

Move quickly!”

Under Tris's stern scolding, Miriam and Fraser walked out of the tent with heavy expressions and began to make preparations. Femis gritted her teeth in the tent and said to Tris:

"I just saw the blood alliance knights releasing fireworks calling for help outside the camp. Did you tell them about this?"


Tris put on her combat belt and said without looking back:

"Why don't you find a blood alliance knight lord to stand in front of you and let you face your father who has been 'chosen' by the subspace?

Sarokdar is also a gold-level ancient man. With him being strengthened by the power of subspace, even if old Finok holds the holy blade, he can't withstand it alone. It takes another golden powerhouse to create and interrupt him.

An opportunity to connect with the Holy Blood Pool.

I know you are worried.

But don't be afraid, this is actually a good thing for you.

Your father has been tainted by the will of the warp, which means that no one will ever believe anything he says or does.

In the new situation, your secrets will be buried deeply.

The premise is that we can survive this incident."

"That's not what I'm worried about, Tris. In this situation, my little secret is nothing."

Femis rubbed her forehead and said:

"I just feel that there are more and more doubts in this matter. The more I dig into it, the more I feel that this cannot be a coincidence. It seems that we are being used by others, not just us! Even the Plantagenet Kingdom and the Tower of Rings are playing against each other.

It is possible that the attack on Germantown was just one part of a larger conspiracy.

But we simply can’t see the big picture.

What I want to know more now is, what role did my father play in this matter? Tris, do you think there is a possibility that my father

Did he volunteer?

He volunteered to be the carrier of subspace will in the material world, sealing the Blood Vulture Corridor to prevent his secrets from being discovered, all just to bring about complete destruction?"

"I don't know, but I don't think this is like Sarokdar's style. He is not so great that he is willing to dedicate everything for a goal, no matter good or bad. So I suspect that he has been tricked.


He was ruthlessly defeated in the field he was best at, and this was not my plan at all. No matter how it was extended, it could not have anything to do with the subspace.

Unless Sarokdar modified it.

In a way that I couldn't have guessed at."

Tris looked back at Femis.

She moved her left hand, and balls of scarlet light danced on her slender fingers, and she said:

"Perhaps you can ask him yourself, but now I need you to jump into the holy blood pool and cut off its connection with the clan leader. Only in this way can the constantly accumulating subspace energy go out of control.

As long as the connection is not cut off, the thing will continue to operate stably.

This is basically equivalent to me asking you to die!

And your chance of survival is negligible. If you are not willing, tell me now and I will find a way to make you 'will'."

"I'm not unwilling."

Femis lowered her head and said:

"I have walked away from the lies of life, and I will no longer live blindfolded! I want to figure it all out, no matter what the cost!"

"Very good, it seems that you have come to your senses and finally did not waste the birth opportunity that I sacrificed everything for you."

Tris nodded with satisfaction, took out a sealed scroll and handed it to her, saying:

"It records how to cut off the connection between the Blood Vulture Archduke and the Holy Blood Pool. Don't ask me how I got this terrible secret. Just feel free to learn it. Of course, you have to keep these taboo knowledge in your heart!

If other people knew you learned this

Believe me, even Lord Paying can't protect you.

Departure in 10 minutes!”

Femis nodded and turned around to walk out of the tent, but when she walked to the door, she suddenly looked back at Tris with her braids, and asked in a low voice:

"So is this what the Scarlet Witch really looks like?

Sharp, decisive, wise, cold and ruthless, you must have put a lot of pressure on my father and even felt a strong threat, otherwise he would not have given up such an outstanding blood descendant just to exchange for a not-so-excellent me."

"No way, you are flattering me. You are actually better than you think, but you are still not as good as me back then."

Tris waved her hands and said:

"How can I have one-tenth of the grace I had back then? Otherwise, I can handle this trivial matter by myself. It's just a threat from subspace, and it's not like I haven't been exposed to it before. What we played back then was much more powerful than what we play now.


As for the Scarlet Witch

That was more than a hundred years ago.

I have already buried her, and frankly speaking, after sinking in misery for more than a hundred years, I actually prefer the freer and more comfortable me I am now."

"Since you have buried her, why should you resurrect her tonight?"

Femis winked and whispered:

"Is it for Murphy? You two are really interesting. Murphy dared to rush into a city invaded by astral psychic energy for you, and you are even more outrageous! For him to dare to face the threat of subspace is really an enviable feeling.


"Don't ask about our affairs!"

Tris said fiercely:

"Hurry back and prepare!"

"Okay, Your Majesty the Witch."

Femis leaned forward slightly.

After making the decision, she seemed to relax a little and was no longer as rigid and rigid as before. The moment she stepped out of the tent, she whispered:

"Perhaps it's not up to me to remind you, senior, but there are indeed certain taboos between elders and blood descendants in vampire society. I think you know these better than me, so I wish you both good luck."



The low sound of gunfire echoed in the small dark area, and the direct, hot projectiles flew out of the muzzle of the gun and grazed the forehead of the gray-haired Witcher Natalie.

It's not that the shooter didn't aim, it's just that the witch hunter quietly dodged based on his instinctive reaction.

This is obviously not normal.

Especially at this distance.

So Mrs. Adele has enough reasons to believe that the witch hunter holding double swords in front of her must have used some special technique.

But she had no time to think about this.

The straight-edged swords "Guardian" and "Sanction" entwined with the fire of purification were slashed by the wind. The first knife cut off the stabbing sword in her hand, and the second knife cut out along the neck, killing Adele.

The lady's long hair is divided into two parts from her chin.

Outside of this fatal fight, Maxim was already covered in blood.

He was at a disadvantage facing the three ferocious witch hunters in front of him, but he still refused to retreat like a bloodthirsty hyena.

All because of the order given by Lord Murphy!

They must defend this self-destruct core in order to complete Lord Murphy's plan to kill two birds with one stone.

But the two sides have been fighting to the death with their will and the terrain for nearly 20 minutes. No matter how powerful the guy is, he can't stand it any longer. Not one of the six people present is still intact. The blood spilled on the ground has already gathered into a pool of blood.


Both sides are reaching their limit, and the winner is about to be decided.


The scarlet psychic transmission was quietly activated at the edge of the secret room at this moment, and then Tris rushed in with a large group of people. Tris under the skin of the "Scarlet Witch" glanced here, shook her head and made a gesture.

Major Frazier behind her pulled out his trench gun of astonishing caliber and fired upwards. The bullets fired by the buckshot hit the top and scattered the gravel, and the fatal fight stopped at this moment.

Natalie and Adele looked back almost at the same time.

The former's knife is placed on the latter's neck, and the latter's gun is pressed against the former's heart.

"have you had enough?"

Tris said coldly:

"Come over here when you've had enough trouble! Now I need your cooperation. I hope you have fully exercised your body just now, because everyone in this area will not have time to rest next. I hope you can hold on until we solve the problem.

Or when everyone holds hands and dies together.

Now I take over here, everyone listens to my command!


Raise that self-destruct core!

Start modifying it immediately, it must be done within six hours!"

This chapter has been completed!
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