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Chapter 194 193 The consequences of not doing a good job are just a few

 Chapter 194 193. The consequence of not doing a good job is that only a few thousand people will freeze to death. Don’t feel any psychological pressure.

When the Asher just entered the game, his "talent" was discovered by the dumpster Iai who was the supervisor of the survivor camp. Although this humble graduate student kept saying that he had little talent and knowledge, he did indeed get a lot of help for the construction of the camp.

A full set of plans was made.

Including but not limited to the specific division of living areas and working areas, helped Aunt Jules formulate a camp health and safety manual, improved the tools used by lumberjacks, and brought new and more convenient methods of making bamboo baskets to women.

They even came up with a simplified tutorial for building a simple Arabian tent using wood and cloth.

That was knowledge that the Ashers searched for on the Internet, but after teaching it to the NPCs in the camp, they got a pretty good response.

All this hard work pays off.

Although in the current player group, the chosen gray man is just an unknown little Karami, but in the world of the survivor camp, this "young scholar" who is "erudite and gentle" is not as famous as

Not low.

He was not only the architect of the camp, but was also appointed by Dame Miriam to other official positions, such as teaching the children how to make a living in their spare time, such as basket weaving, using various tools, and even wood polishing.

This experience made him highly respected by the people in the survivor camp.

This can be seen from the increasing intimacy with his two female assistants. From being cautious at the beginning to now taking the initiative to help him pour tea on his back, this "favorability" has improved by no means.

The Grayman's own gaming experience is also different from other players.

It has been so long since he entered the game, except for going to the Blood Vulture Corridor, he has basically never taken the initiative to fight monsters. However, what is surprising is that the character level of the Gray Man has not dropped much.

He is now level 9.

Of course, he is not as good as the first-tier players who have completed the Black Iron Trial, but he can still be considered a mid-range player.

So here comes the question. The Gray Fighter doesn't fight monsters or practice combat skills. Why can this character's level be improved?

emmmm, this is probably due to his special profession.

After he guided the survivors to complete the planning and transformation of the camp in the game, the Gray Man changed his job to a very special profession "Architect".

This is a typical "administrative career" that the development team has been promoting.

The skills it gives to the dustmen are "terrain prospecting", "environmental inspection" and "quick drawing", and the behavior required to improve the professional level is for the dustmen to complete the planning, design and construction of larger and more complex buildings.


The gray man thought this was outrageous at first.

But if you think about the principle carefully, it is not difficult to find that in the real world, if an architect wants to accumulate experience and obtain better certificates, he also needs to continue to complete learning and precipitation at work.

After figuring this out, he believed that this was just an "attempt" by the game development team for life and career, and then he entered a life of "fishing" with peace of mind.

But no matter how you convince yourself to fish, what is supposed to come will still come.

After he was led into the Blood Vulture Corridor by Mrs. Adele, the Gray Man's mood became heavier with every step he took.

Lord Murphy had told him before that he should produce a planning map for the new city. That was when version 2.0 was just launched, that is, a week ago. He had been drawing the map since accepting the task.

Of course, it is indispensable to "borrow" some ready-made information from the Internet, but even with the magical tool of the Internet, the work of dust collectors is still slow.

This is a city!

Even for a medieval city, the complexity of its planning and design is far beyond what a design student who has not yet graduated can handle.

The more he tried to plan on his own, the more he discovered his shortcomings in the professional field. The only good news was that he didn't need to consider designing a hopelessly complex sewer system for this new city.

The sewer system left behind by Cadman City can be used directly.

But even so, at this moment, not even one-third of his overall plan has been completed. The dustman holding a lot of drawings sighed, and he seemed to be taking his own design to show to his instructor.

That feeling of misery and despair, like visiting a grave, but he couldn't escape it.

"This is playing a game!"

The gray man encouraged himself in his heart and said:

"Don't be afraid! The worst result is that the mission fails and your favorability is reduced. You won't be kicked out of Transia by Lord Murphy to make a living on your own. Anyway, I'm just a casual player. Strength doesn't matter."

He said this to himself.

The restrained mentality gradually relaxed, but after rounding a corner, the gray man did not see Mr. Murphy, but instead heard the laughter of some children.

He poked his head out from behind Mrs. Adele and looked forward in surprise, and found Aunt Jules in the camp and a nun he had never seen before, but she was also dressed as an old church clergy, leading a group of about three people.

More than a dozen children were walking in the corridor leading to the Children's Hall.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

With the Mind Microphone plug-in, Asher no longer needs to translate sounds into text. Now he can talk directly, so he asked in a low voice:

"Why are there human children in the corridor? Isn't this the holy place of the vampire clan?"

"This is Dame Miriam's suggestion to Lord Murphy."

Mrs. Adele replied calmly:

"She said that since Master Murphy has repeatedly emphasized that vampires will only be one of all races in the Earl of Cadman in the future, it would be inappropriate to deliberately maintain the mystery of the vampires. In order to weaken human beings' rejection and disgust of vampires, the Baroness hopes that

A portion of the Blood Vulture Corridor is open for curious humans to visit.

Master Murphy agreed to the proposal.

Today is the first day of the open day, these children are the lucky ones selected from the camp, and they are also the first foreigners allowed to enter the Blood Vulture Corridor in 400 years."

Having said this, Mrs. Adele's eyes swept over the middle-aged woman next to Aunt Jules who was also wearing a nun's robe of Avalon.

The latter's feeling was very keen and he immediately looked back.

When she noticed a very obscene female vampire staring at her with evil eyes, Sister Marian did not immediately draw her weapon as before, but made a religious gesture on her chest and smiled at Adele.

, and then raised a provocative middle finger towards her.

This action was immediately noticed by Sister Jules who was traveling with him. The latter glared at her fellow believer and whispered a few words to dissuade her.

There are children here!

Come on, Marianne!

You will teach these potential little followers of Avalon bad things.

"Damn witch hunters!"

Mrs. Adele cursed in a low voice. She had no objection to the children entering the Blood Vulture Corridor, but she was very unhappy that a master witch hunter could visit the Holy Land of the Blood Clan so openly.

But this was an order from Master Murphy, and no matter how unhappy she was, she could only endure it.

"This is the right choice. People's fear often comes from the unknown. Once they clearly understand the daily life of vampires and know that not all vampires feed on blood, they will be more concerned about the situation under the command of Lord Murphy and Mrs. Tracey.

The resistance of the new Blood Eagle Clan will also weaken."

The gray man nodded, obviously very much in agreement with Lord Murphy's decision.

This made Mrs. Adele couldn't help but take another look at this tall, thin and shy foreign warrior.

She has not been in contact with the players for more than a day or two. She knows that no matter what their external personality is, these guys have been strictly educated internally. Their knowledge and knowledge exceed 90% of the civilians on this continent.

It really makes people unable to help but imagine what kind of grand scene the world they live in is like?

"Master Murphy is waiting for you."

Mrs. Adele pointed to the heights, and the gray man looked up. Mr. Murphy in a robe was standing on the edge of the second floor. There was a boy around him chattering, even in the vampire

They were holding a little girl in a floral dress in their arms.

These two children are very brave. They are not afraid of vampires?

With this mood, the gray man climbed up the steps and came to Lord Murphy.

"Well, my wise warrior is here. Children, go play and enjoy today's leisure with your children. Remember to send my greetings to your parents."

Murphy put the little girl in his arms on the ground, and like magic, took out two pieces of palace hard candy obtained from Count Andrei and stuffed them into their palms. With a smile, he watched his brother lead his sister down the stairs.


He explained:

"These are Professor Malcolm's children. I don't know how that professor educates his children. The two little guys are surprisingly brave. Even if I scare them with my sharp teeth, they are not afraid and come up to ask.

I have a lot of weird questions.

For example, that little girl is very curious about whether vampires like us dream when we sleep during the day."

The vampire lord shook his head, slapped the railing and sighed:

"But I can't give them an answer because I'm an anomaly and I rarely sleep during the day.

However, winter is coming, and they are still living in tents. Although the food problem is being properly solved, the housing problem cannot be solved overnight, which is really worrying."

As he spoke, he looked at the Chosen Gray Man next to him who was once again anxious and anxious while holding the drawings. He smiled and said:

"This is why I summoned you today, my warrior warrior, about the progress of the job I entrusted to you. Please understand that I don't want to put pressure on professionals, let alone a layman commanding an expert.

But as a lord, I must make careful calculations to ensure that my people can survive this winter safely."

"Uh, I'm sorry, sir, I disappoint you."

The dustman sighed and handed over the drawings in his arms. He said:

"Seven days are not enough time for me to complete the planning of the entire city, or even the general planning. I just tried my best to divide different functional areas for our future Scarlet Castle.

But so far, I have not even finished the sketch of the administrative district, I need help, and there is almost no one in the world who can help me.”

Hearing the Asher's answer, Murphy's heart sank.

But he calmly unfolded the large drawing in his hand, and was shocked by the complex urban planning drawn by the gray man himself.

Is this little player going to build a super city that can accommodate millions of people on this land? Otherwise, it cannot be explained why he planned seven streets in the administrative district alone! He is even looking at the design drawings

We arrived at a planned area reserved for supermarkets.

Murphy immediately discovered the underlying reason why the Asher was unable to complete the design plan.

He glanced at the guilty little player with strange eyes, and asked in a strange tone:

"Then, my warrior, please allow me to ask you a question that I am most concerned about right now. If I need you to design six residential areas for my subjects within two months, how do you plan to implement it?


This question made the gray man silent for a moment, and then he thought about it and said:

"The simplest way I can think of is the Khrushchev Building. Well, it is an architectural style over there, which emphasizes sacrificing a certain functionality in exchange for maximum utilization. You can understand it as seven

There are overlapping towers with 10 to 20 rooms on each floor, and one building can meet the living needs of thousands of people.

But it's hard for me to make it a reality in your city because we don't have cement.

It is a building material that solidifies quickly and is extremely durable and resistant to corrosion, allowing buildings to be erected in a very short time.”

"Of course I know what Khrushchev House is! I lived there for a while when I was a kid! Don't underestimate me, you little idiot."

Murphy rolled his eyes fiercely in his heart, but on the outside he still pretended to be amazed and said:

"What an unimaginable building. What you are describing seems to be a 'civilian castle' that I cannot describe. However, I have realized that your thinking is wrong, my dear architect."

Murphy put away the drawings and gave them back to the dustman.

He patted the college student on the shoulder, pointed to the children below who were cheering while visiting the Blood Vulture Collection, and asked:

"Do you think my subjects can use the kind of 'high-end residence' you mentioned? No! They can't. Even in the previous city of Kamand, all they had was a room that could only cover the ground.

It's just a small apartment that is protected from the wind and rain.

The so-called functionality, beauty and comfort are all things that my subjects are qualified to pursue only after they have basic safety and livelihood guarantees.

As the Transian saying goes, no matter how delicious the relief food is, it is difficult to swallow in peacetime.

You have mistaken me, my warrior.

Maybe it's because I didn't make it clear to you that I'm not asking you to design a super city for me that can accommodate the people of the entire Transian region, such as the one you planned in my wildest dreams.

A city that has never appeared in .

You know that the population of the entire Transia region at its peak did not exceed 2.5 million, and that was the number before the Fourth Black Catastrophe.

Therefore, what I need you to design and plan is a city that can accommodate a population of 200,000 or less. I have also talked with you during these times, and I know that the world over there is so rich that I cannot imagine it.

Using your understanding, maybe what I need is just a big and prosperous town.

Well, the fact that there is such a huge gap between the two worlds really hurts."

"Ah this!"

The gray man also immediately discovered his misunderstanding.

After all, if you asked him, a modern professional college student, to build a city, his first reaction would definitely be to design a super urban cluster comparable to SH in New York. Who would have thought that the NPC in the game only needs a small 28th-tier county town?

What about the plan?

At this time, looking at the seven streets he had planned for the administrative district and the departments belonging to thirteen different buildings, the gray man himself felt ridiculous.

It seems that I think this life is too complicated?

His confidence suddenly rose.

But then he realized that even if the NPC only needed the design of a large town, it was still not something he, a college student, could handle.

But after the demand has been reduced by several levels, I will discuss it with a few brothers and pick up some professional information from the Internet and modify it. Maybe this can be done?

"As for the 'cement' you mentioned, well, I've never heard of that construction material, but we have alternatives."

Murphy reached out and activated his psychic powers.

Under the gaze of the dustman, some suspended dust was shaped into different shapes in his hands. Murphy said to him:

"Although Tris and the eldest lady are not professional earth priests, they can still use the 'fossils into mud' psychic technique. This is the psychic technique used to build cities on this continent. We are not as luxurious as you and can use it.

Alchemical means to create houses.

But luckily, we have spiritual help.

I think a house built with moldable stone should be strong enough to withstand falling snow in winter, right?

Look, my warrior."

The lord pointed to the carefree children below, put his hand on the grayer's shoulder, and said softly:

"Whether these children can live happily and well this winter depends entirely on your wisdom, but even if something goes wrong, I don't think they will blame you.

I don't blame you either.

Because your efforts and sacrifices for this land are already in my eyes, so don’t feel any psychological pressure and just go ahead and do it.”

This chapter has been completed!
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