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Chapter 229 228 Damn! I can’t handle such a big job.

 Chapter 229 228. Damn it! I can’t handle such a big job, hurry up and get rid of me! [Please give me a monthly vote of 310]

The graywashers and brick movers successfully completed their most urgent work. After proving that the "quick construction technique" they developed was completely feasible, the enthusiasm of the workers on the construction site was also aroused.

They had been told before that this residential area was for the survivors in the camp to live through the coming winter.

Since you are building a house for yourself, of course you cannot be careless.

They didn't even need to be urged by the dustmen and brick movers. Under the leadership of their respective foremen, they actively devoted themselves to the work of making molds for the new house.

They had the simple drawings drawn by the brick man in their hands, and they had learned how to make these not-so-exquisite things under the brick man's step-by-step instruction in the past four days, so they no longer needed two masons for the next work.

Brotherhood "designers" stare at the construction site.

They have been given a new task, and this task is quite overwhelming for the two design graduate students.

"Tsk, tsk, design the new city plan of Scarlet Castle. This is equivalent to asking you to be responsible for the planning of a small county. Can you do it?"

In the tent at the forward camp, three administrative professionals sat together with the dustman and the brick mover. They were studying the side mission that the dustman had just triggered, while the brick mover was wandering in the world at the moment.

Thinking about his career.

Facts have proved that the trial of the administrative profession is indeed easier than that of the combat profession. Judging from the experience of the gray man, as long as he can lead the completion of the construction of the survivor's residential area, he can become an "official village chief".

Not to mention various administrative career benefits, you can bring 4 guards alone!

Tsk tsk, now I feel so majestic when I go out on patrol. How about I choose four female soldiers like my half-assed brother?

Then put them in handsome armor.

Ha, I’m a little excited when I think about it.

"Why are you laughing? You are so naughty. Are you thinking of something good?"

Brother Shovel suddenly asked, waking up the brick man from his beautiful fantasy. He coughed twice and said with a serious expression:

"I was thinking about this important side mission of me and the Gray Man. We have discussed planning a city before, but we can't do it alone. This is not a modern city. There is not much information about this on the Internet.


We can’t directly modify the ready-made template, after all, there are too many things to consider.”

"So? We have all triggered important side missions and been given the important task of building the city. You can't give up on the mission, right?"

Brother Shovel threw the berries on the table into his mouth, chewed his mouth full of juice, and said:

"And don't belittle yourselves. Although in your own eyes you are just a novice in this field, I dare say that among all the people in Transia, including jackals and kobolds, no one is better than you two in this aspect.

More professional.

So feel free to do it boldly!

The worst thing you can do is make it look ugly, and the NPCs won't care.

It’s nothing more than being ridiculed and ridiculed by subsequent players, and this is an opportunity to independently take charge of a super project!”

Brother Shovel said with shining eyes:

"Think about it carefully. In the real world, who would give such a big project to you two students who have not yet graduated? Even if it does not involve professional fields, the management and operation and maintenance experience you can accumulate after completing this process

It's enough to last you a lifetime.

This is much better than interning at some bullshit design company.

This is the kind of job where you can really learn your skills.”

"Well, Shovel is right."

The dump truck guy nodded and said:

"This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Just do your best and don't feel pressured."


The gray man was stubborn at this time.

He pushed up the aristocratic glasses on the bridge of his nose, touched the design drawing at hand, and said:

"I don't really care whether I will be laughed at. The main problem is that this is the first city in Transia. No matter how much we ignore its political significance, it cannot change that this city will become this city as soon as it is born.

The reality of the capital of the earth.

This is our ‘Novice Village’!

If you fool around casually, it may have a terrible negative impact on your future gaming career, and Mr. Murphy has entrusted this important task to us, and we cannot live up to his trust!"

"You are playing a game and being stupid!"

The full-risk semi-guaranteed person curled his lips and said:

"No matter how perfect Mr. Murphy is, he is just an NPC, and this is just a task you need to face. It is a good thing to empathize with others, but you have to distinguish between reality and virtuality. I can understand your thoughts, but the problem is now

Isn’t there nothing we can do?”

"No, there is a way!"

The gray man rubbed his brows vigorously. He seemed to have made a difficult decision, and then he patted the table and said:

"I want to bring in my mentor. He has had similar experiences and has enough knowledge and experience to lead such a large plan."

"Old Chentou?"

The brick mover was stunned for a moment, then said in a dumbfounded voice:

"Don't be ridiculous. Although Old Chen is very interested in the construction plans of Cadman City and always asks questions, but it doesn't mean that he will come and play games with us? He is really

He is an old professor of Erba Jing, an academic leader in the circle.

Although I am about to retire, I am still very busy every day.

How can you have time to mess around with us?"

"It definitely didn't work in the past."

The gray man rolled his eyes and said:

"Have you not watched the news these days? The pandemic is getting worse. Yesterday when I went to the cafeteria to eat, I heard some teachers from the next department say that the school might be closed. Lao Chentou couldn't go to several meetings.

Otherwise, why do you think he is so idle these days?"

"Oh, yes, that big flu."

The dump truck also remembered the news he heard yesterday when he had dinner with some buddies. He said with some worry:

"I heard from some of my friends abroad that they are starting to rush for medicines and masks. It's really panicking. Although we haven't done so in China yet, I guess measures will be taken soon."

"I heard that the city might be closed down."

The full insurance semi-trailer whispered:

"A friend from above sent me a message, asking me to collect more things. I won't talk about real things, but just talk about the current matter. Are you sure you can invite your tutor in? There is also an invitation code.

How to do it?"

"Let's ask Fa Ge to be accommodating."

The Asher shrugged and said:

"Didn't you say that you have been accommodating before? During the Smuggler's Woods Intervention Battle, didn't Brother Mingmiao ask the test team for an invitation code from Brother Bang? And last time Brother Fa also said on the forum that they are now

We need professionals to enter the game to help test various functions.

I think that given Lao Chentou’s status, giving him an extra helmet is just a matter of Fa Ge making a report to the development team.

But I have to go talk to him first."

"Then I'll go to those scheduled farms to check out the terrain."

The brick mover stood up and said:

"Try to get the planning map out before it goes offline today. It's just a farm. It can't be more difficult than building a city, right?"

"Let's go together."

The three camp supervisors also got up.

They all took over the task from Miss Miriam, and they will also need to mobilize people from their hands to assist in the subsequent construction of the farm. As the current middle-level leaders in the Scarlet Castle governance system and the "top horses" among the administrative players, the three

This old man must shoulder the responsibility of mobilizing manpower and promoting and applying the new order.

This is also the main game content for these administrative players.

It does sound a bit boring, not as exciting as fighting and killing, but again, the definition of "fun" is different in everyone's eyes, and there are always people who can find differences in these "special gameplays"

of happiness.

Not to mention anything else, it was a scene of three brothers riding a tall horse, followed by four or five secretaries, and a total of 12 well-armored guards.

Tsk, but it’s very majestic.


"This is what happened, Brother Fa. I know this is not in line with the rules of our testing team, but it is indeed a special situation, so I hope you can report it to the development team and apply."

Grayman sent a message to the administrator Alpha on the forum, telling him his thoughts and the difficulties he is currently facing.

Alpha, who was respectfully called "Fa Ge" by the testers, adhered to his duties as always and responded quickly.

Alpha: [Okay, this kind of thing is not considered a violation. In fact, the development team has been inviting professionals from various fields to participate in the game development and modification process, but not every expert is willing to participate in the project, which also makes

We have a headache.

The development team will also be very happy if you are sure to invite your mentor to participate in the testing process.

But the question is, can you convince your mentor?

You have to understand, brother Asher, the current rules of this testing phase are all voluntary. We can’t ignore your mentor’s personal wishes and forcefully send someone a helmet, right?]

The chosen one: [Hey, as long as you don’t embarrass yourself, I’ll go and persuade Old Chen to fill out the test application. 】

Alpha: [Wait a minute, you download this and transfer it to your mobile device. I have given you special download permissions.]

After saying that, Alpha sent a compressed package labeled "Research on Alien Architectural Styles of the School of Architects of the Shardau Artisan University - Outline of the Elves and Songhai Chapter". This unclear name made the gray man confused.

Then he activated the download permission and downloaded the compressed package to his tablet. After decompression, there were two documents in a folder that had been translated into Chinese.

The first is an introduction and drawings about the architectural style of the Castilian elves, and the second is an introduction to the unique architectural style of the Songhai Empire where it originated.

The two quite professional papers are named after a certain halfling architect, and the watermarks on them are marked with the words "Real Alien·Development Team Modeling and Story Background Setting Internal Documents·Strictly Prohibited External Transmission".

"Fuck, that's awesome! Look at the strength of this development team! They obviously made up something and it turned out to be the same as a real paper!"

The gray man roared excitedly.

Of course he knew what Brother Fa was giving him these two documents for.

I was planning to fish, so I took Old Chentou as the "koi" that must be hooked.

The cunning graduate student thought carefully for a moment, then opened the supervisor's communication and sent the two documents. Without saying anything else, he casually ordered takeout for himself and the brick man.

Just when he finished eating the fried chicken and was drinking happy water, the communication on his mobile phone started buzzing like crazy.

When I picked it up and took a look, it was as expected.

Hey, Lao Chen took the bait.

Lu Youwei: [Where did you find this information? Is this the document in your game? Are young people nowadays able to write stories to the point where they are so fake that they look real? The buildings of the elves and the Songhai people

What style does aesthetics refer to?

Why can they use plant vines and trees themselves as building materials?


Can you, a bastard like you, send out everything?

Both papers only published an introduction. What are they planning to do? Are they going to whet my appetite?]

The chosen one: [Hey, mentor, it’s not that I didn’t give everything, but the development team only gave me so much. This is an internal document. You also saw that this is obviously a background force in the game.

Teaching textbooks.

We are far from pushing the plot to that stage yet.

How about you come in and see for yourself?

I just want to guide your students in their work.

I’m not bragging, NPC asked me and my junior brother to plan and build a city for them. Although it is only equivalent to a small county town here, but we can’t handle it, we have to ask someone like you to come forward.]

Lulu Youwei: [???I occasionally watch my grandson play games. Although he doesn’t understand much, can’t he just do it with two clicks on the screen?

What? You two can’t click a mouse? Or can’t you look up guides?

You can’t be inferior to my teenage grandson, right?]

The chosen one: [Oops, it’s hard to explain to you. How about this? You fill out a test application first. I have already settled the relationship with the development team. As long as you submit the application, I will send you the helmet. Finally

You can come to Transia as late as tomorrow.

By then, you will know what kind of hot potato your students have picked up.】

After finishing speaking, he copied the test invitation link on the forum and sent it to his instructor. A few minutes later, the instructor wrote back and said:

Lu Lu Youwei: [Why do you still need to fill in your mailing address and contact information? Are you sure this is not a new type of fraud? Tell me honestly, are you being manipulated and threatened? Are you ready to drag me, an old man, into trouble now?

If it’s true, you should call the police immediately! Or should I call the police on your behalf?】

The chosen one: [You must be too vigilant. I didn’t consider this when I filled out the form. Don’t worry, tutor, many students in our school are playing it. It’s definitely not a scam. By the way, what do you think?

Do I really dare to make such a joke with you about whether I can graduate or not?】

Lu Lu Youwei: [Yes, that’s true. So how do you fill in the specialty column? 】

The chosen one: [Just take photos of the awards you have won and upload them. 】

Wei Youwei: [No, what if someone uses my photo and identity to do bad things? I heard that there are a lot of fake photos on the Internet. There is a professor in the college next door who had his identity information used in person.

I almost got caught in the end.

I’d better write ‘construction site supervision’.]

The chosen one: [Okay, okay, it’s up to you. Anyway, I’ve made an agreement with the test team and they know your academic value. I’ll prepare the game for you first. When the helmet arrives, you can call me and I’ll teach you.

how to use.

You can also go to the forum and read the posts. There are special tutorials for beginners. If you don’t understand anything, just ask me.

I am also an old player, and now I am one of the only four village chiefs in the game.】

Lu Youwei: [Ah? What is a ‘village chief’? Some kind of game profession? The more you talk about it, the more confused I become. Why do I feel like you are not playing a game but like you are participating in a pioneer? 】

The chosen one: [Oh, it’s really hard to explain. Let’s start the game first. Haven’t you always taught us that seeing is believing? 】

Liao Youwei: [Okay! But let’s talk about it earlier, Xiao Du, if you want to take advantage of my old Chen head, then we will discuss your graduation. Anyway, the employment situation in recent years is not good, or else

Stay with me for a few more years.

Old man, I can still support you two.】

The Chosen One: [No! Mentor!]

Lu Youwei: [Do you regret it now? It's too late! I want to see what the hell you two are doing. 】

This chapter has been completed!
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