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Chapter 245 244Transia 'Big Movie'

 Chapter 245 244. Transia "Big Movie"

Murphy and Maxim, the commander of the army in his current territory, worked together to formulate the next step of annihilating the Jackals. He had previously obtained the reserve knights of the Blood Alliance Knights to participate in the battle, but in his calculations with Maxim, these forces were obvious.

It's far from enough to fight the jackals head-on.

Therefore, they could only choose to use a surprise attack to deal with the warlord Ken Porter.

At present, the high-end forces of Scarlet Fort have been gathered. However, Murphy still needs some elite troops who can shoulder the main responsibility in the subsequent sneak attack war.

The first phase of 500 recruits recruited by Maxim's Cadman People's Army is still training, and Murphy plans to give them another ten days to complete formal preparation.

In addition to these professional soldiers, there is another important force under his command that cannot be ignored.

Witch hunter!

To be precise, the Adventurer's Guild.

President Natalie, who has recently been busy selecting young talents to join the Adventurer's Guild and establishing a new organizational framework, had already guessed the task they would undertake next when she received Murphy's call.

So when she saw Murphy strolling along the ruins of the wall made up by the shadow of the astral world to the camp, Natalie handed in a form that had just been completed.

Murphy took it in his hand and glanced at it, then raised his eyebrows.

"So many 600 people? When we attacked the Ring Tower before, you could only dispatch 500 people."

He said doubtfully:

"I know you want to show your sense of responsibility to Transia, so as to better integrate into this place that you have already called the 'Holy Land'. But considering that there are more than 1,000 of you now, such a large scale

Is the corvee going a bit too far?

I don’t want to see the witch hunters who belong to me be forced by me to rebel again.”

"What you think is a bit too bad, Lord Murphy, we witch hunters are all soldiers."

Because the price for reselling the calculation orb plug-in was too high, Natalie, who was nicknamed the "Black-hearted Demon Hunter" by players, explained:

"It's certainly not possible for the old, weak, sick and disabled among us to deal with psionic knights and psionic masters, but if the opponents are just jackals, then even those teenage recruits in Morland Village at this time

Nor will I be afraid.

In fact, in the system of the Old Church, a reserve witch hunter most often faces the scourges like jackals and kobolds all over the continent. Occasionally, they are also responsible for dealing with the wave fish people on the coast and the people hiding in the dark areas.

The goatman warlock is a tougher guy to deal with.

Of course my people can't lead a charge, that's not how we fight.

But if it's just reconnaissance and hunting, then we have absolutely no problem.

The scourge of jackals on this land is indeed quite serious. If getting rid of them can allow my people to enjoy a peaceful life and prepare for the arrival of the black disaster, then we will never show mercy!

More importantly, even if you take pity on us now and refuse to let us participate in the battle, once the black disaster truly takes shape, we still cannot avoid the fate we must bear, so it is better to prepare for the battle from now on."

"Well, it does make some sense. Now I feel more and more that introducing you to Transia is a genius idea. You are as martial and fearless as the Spartans in Transia."

Murphy nodded, returned the list in his hand to Natalie, and said:

"Then select three hundred people as elites to form a fast-acting safari reconnaissance team.

The remaining people were assigned as instructors to the forward camp and our collective farms to help Miriam train the militiamen everywhere, as well as those who had arrived at the collective farms and were ready to start a new life.

If things go wrong, they may have to take up arms to defend their homeland.

I have already told Miriam that the formation of militia will become one of Transia's new laws. From now on, each village must have a certain time for militia training every year.

I plan to entrust this task to you permanently. After all, for the militiamen, the things they usually have to deal with are not more threatening than ghouls and ghosts, which is your area of ​​expertise."

"We have no problem."

President Natalie nodded seriously.

She clearly doesn't see fighting as a burden.

The witch hunters who could survive to this day and follow her to Transia would not regard sleeping with a weapon as a strange experience.

They have lived through enough days where they could not survive without fighting, and they do not mind taking up arms again when necessary to defend their new home that was finally accepted.

Then Natalie talked about another thing.

She pointed to several newly erected tents outside the Adventurer's Guild camp and said:

"Old Eugene and his disciples went back to Moreland Village a few days ago and sorted through the supplies we brought back from the pioneer fortress. As you told us before, there are now hundreds of sets dedicated to hunting.

The protective gear and weapons of the wizards and oak apprentices have been sorted out.

You can take them back to your quartermaster now.

In the past few days, your warriors have been coming over to ask us when we will open the ‘suit exchange’. Although I still can’t understand their extreme desire for equipment, maybe this can solve their worries.”

Natalie seemed to remember the interesting interactions between herself and some young players who joined the Church of Avalon. She smiled and introduced:

"These leather armors and robes have been specially processed by our alchemists and have a certain bonus to natural spiritual energy. Of course, you can't expect how well we can make them.

But if it’s just for novices, it’s definitely more than enough.”

"Let me see."

Murphy became interested.

He followed Natalie to the tent and opened a box first, then picked up a piece of witch hunter armor and looked at it.

There is nothing to say about the quality and craftsmanship. After all, the Old Religion is an ancient religion that has been passed down for more than 500 years. It has its own simple but self-contained aesthetic design in the style of protective gear.

Murphy was very satisfied.

This close-to-nature style can be distinguished from the gloomy scarlet style of vampires, and can also clearly distinguish the two current professional systems in appearance.

He put the armor back into the equipment box, picked up a classic hunting knife, played with it in his hand, and said to Natalie beside him:

"You also have your own quartermasters, so there is no need to leave these weapons and equipment with me to exchange them for them. The Blood Vulture Corridor already has a clear equipment exchange and recycling system. Let your quartermasters take the time to learn from us.

You can officially start working immediately.

But you have to find a way to get some of the elite equipment of the Church of Avalon, as well as the high-end equipment that will be exchanged for them in the future."

Murphy reminded:

"My warriors change equipment faster than you imagine. They also have a certain hoarding habit and collection addiction. If you don't have a complete equipment system, you will lag behind the Blood Eagle Clan in terms of strength, and even the newly established Blood Eagle Clan.

Rat Pack.

This is extremely detrimental to the future development of the Church of Avalon."


Natalie was a little depressed.

She brushed her short hair, thought for a moment, and said:

"When we escaped, we didn't bring so many patterns with us. In the old religion, there were special church members who were responsible for keeping this kind of things. There was also an underground cave in the Holy Land of Grammo that specifically stored all kinds of ancient protective gear and weapon patterns.


But we can't go back now.

However, I think that in the Cato region, which has superb textile skills, there should be similar things in the southern church of Avalon Church that once stood there, and there are definitely enough of them.

The Ring Tower's destruction of churches in the Cato area was far less complete than in other areas. Given the chaos of war at the time, it was unlikely that anyone would go to the underground storage room to look for the manufacturing drawings.

So if we're lucky, we should be able to recover something useful from that place.

It seems that I will have to go to the Cato area myself in a while."

She shook her head and said:

"The place where things are hidden in the Southern Temple is not something that most people can find. However, before joining the White Oak Chapter, Sister Marian was one of the witch hunters responsible for protecting the Southern Temple. She was born there, so she must be very familiar with it.


"Look, I told you to make good use of the power of my warriors, but when you encounter trouble, your first reaction is to do it yourself."

Murphy shook his head, sighed and reminded:

"You can save these drawings as a 'secret message', divide the map and information of the Southern Temple into several pieces, and give them to the warriors you trust most. Even if you have enough leisure, you can also do

A puzzle for them to guess.

You believe me!

As long as your design is good and clever enough, those energetic guys will take the initiative to bring you the supplies you need without you even having to take the initiative."

"But. But"

Natalie wanted to retort.

But after much thought, she felt that Murphy's statement was indeed a good idea.

As the first batch of believers after the reconstruction of the Avalon Church, even the most stubborn old Eugene would not object to entrusting them with the task of recovering the "ancient heritage". This is the most sincere expression of believers.

Good behavior.

And as long as the warriors can find the underground storage room of the Southern Temple, they don't even need to prepare the troublesome "mission rewards" for them.

Just let them go and plunder empty buildings and they will become "self-sufficient".

"Your warriors' hobbies in this area are really strange. They actively seek out troubles that others avoid."

In the end, President Natalie could only shake her head helplessly and said:

"I can't imagine their mental state, but you are right, I still need to learn from you vampires in this regard. Then after the Jackal War is over, I will keep this information as a 'secret'

Share it with them.”

"You still have many secrets that can be shared, Natalie. You have to make good use of the knowledge in your mind."

Murphy continued to remind:

"For example, the 150 imitation holy blades lost by the old religion, what a good material, what a good secret blueprint, but now only two holy blades have been recovered, which means that you still have 148 exclusive quest lines in your hand that can be made and


Gee, a vampire like me would be so hungry to see it.

This is a huge and valuable asset to you, and you have to make good use of this knowledge.

As long as you use it well, the prosperity of the Church of Avalon is just around the corner. 150 holy blades means 150 saints. I can't even imagine how powerful they will be when they gather together."

"Stop, stop, stop! My brain is about to explode with what you are saying."

President Natalie waved her hands, rubbed her brows and said:

"You have too many weird ideas, Lord Murphy. I need to think about it. After all, using objects of faith as tools is something that requires self-persuasion for us devout believers."

"I thought we cleared this up in our last conversation."

Murphy snorted, clasped his hands behind his back, and said:

"You are the shepherds of Avalon. At this stage, expanding the sheep flock as much as possible is your main task. We will talk about the other things later.

Be realistic, Natalie.

It's not bad for you or your beliefs.

Okay, let your witch hunters assemble, I will inform you before the official operation on Under Armor Hills begins."


The president of the Adventurer's Guild nodded and watched Murphy sneak away from the wall.

She returned to her tent and took out a pair of imitation holy blades that Old Finock left for her. She wiped and maintained them in her hands. She played with these exquisite killing tools and watched her own eyes reflected on the blades.

At this moment, she once again realized that she was the last leader of the witch hunters.

Just as her father had advised her, she could no longer be satisfied with just being an outstanding warrior.

“O shepherds and sheep, my God, would you like to see us so pragmatic and so realistic?”


"Stop, stop, stop! This action is wrong, you guys go back and try again! This time, be braver and make your movements more exaggerated! Have you never seen a superhero movie? How cool are those guys in it, and how can you do it too.


At noon, outside a small jackal lair on the edge of Barony Lim, a young player waved his hands and yelled at several "actors" in front of him.

He constantly adjusted the attack movements of these guys and even designed a few lines for them.

It's like making a movie.

"Isn't that nonsense? Superheroes can be cool because they won't be defeated by minions, but my brothers haven't passed the Black Iron Trial yet. If we don't do well against these jackals, we will be in trouble.

Under this kind of pressure, can we be free and easy?"

The few young players who were commanded were very unhappy.

They had been called over by this guy before and said they were going to make a CG movie, and they thought it was quite interesting, but they got impatient after it got stuck several times.

Everyone complained endlessly.

The player "Medical War God Big Thain" who was commanding not far away also had something to say.

He put his hands on his hips and retorted:

"This is not an outrageous request. I just want you to behave normally and not be so exaggerated. I will always choose some clips that look awesome for editing. Just tell me if you want more brothers to play with.

, when our big movie is finished, hey, I will upload it to a certain website.

Wouldn’t the effect of diversion be delicious?

Besides, everyone should have something to commemorate when they play games. When I finish it, I will send it to everyone. When I get old, I can dig it out and look at it when I have nothing to do. Wouldn’t it be more beautiful to reminisce about my youth?"

"I can't even finish watching Neon Teachers' videos every day, so how can I have time to watch this crap like yours?"

The young player carrying the war spear grinned and said:

"I'll accompany you two or three more times at most. If it doesn't work, we won't do it. I haven't finished the dungeon today. I'm only two parts away from getting the veteran set. Then I'm going to fight club and pass the black iron test.


"Okay, okay, let's finish this place quickly. Let's go paint it later, okay?"

Da Da En looked helpless and coaxed his four team members like children.

They are all independent players. They did not join several guilds but chose to play on their own. They had similar personalities, so they formed a fixed team. They played dungeons and completed tasks every day. They didn't have so many worries and desires.

But the fun gained is no less than that of Brother Miao Miao and Brother Bang.

It can only be said that everyone's understanding of happiness is really different.

"Let's talk."

The guy with the ID name "Blow Up the Galaxy with One Punch" who just complained about Da Da En returned to the charge point with the other three brothers carrying the war spear.

While he was preparing, he complained to the three people next to him:

"I haven't rewarded myself in the week since I entered the game. My heart is completely focused on this crappy game and I can't think of that at all.

I don’t even have time to watch the recent movies that have received good reviews. Every day when I go to work, all I can think about is how to get equipment and how to kill jackals. And the most ridiculous thing is that because I go to bed early and get up early every day, my body and mind are adversely affected.

much better.

Now I feel that I am both spiritual and crazy.

Are you the same?"


Another shorter but stronger brother named "Merciless Horseworm" responded with a grimace:

"I'm different from you. Although I go to bed early and get up early, I'm trying to get pregnant recently. Do you understand? Hey! My legs are almost weak."

"Thank you for your hard work, buddy!"

The other two buddies showed coquettish expressions and said jokingly:

"But I think you are in the midst of blessings and don't know how blessed you are. We bachelors would be so envious of you."


Brother Sao shook his fist fiercely and cursed:

"When you reach this age, you will understand that, no matter how beautiful things are, it makes people crazy to do them as work. I won't say it anymore, just finish this and go get a copy.

I have to log off early today and go to the gym to exercise. If I don’t go, the card will expire. It’s a waste.”


"Brother, I think you are just showing off. Don't expect us to save you when you are kicked by the Jackal Circle later."

"Is everything ready? Ready to start shooting!"

Not far away, Da En adjusted his perspective and shouted:

"This time, by the way, we'll take care of those jackals in front of us. Once we're done, rush forward!"

"Come on!"

Brother Sao roared, and rushed out with a one-handed hammer and shield, as powerful as a mad tiger, as if he wanted to vent the depression and fatigue of the recent period.

Seeing how brave he was, the other three brothers howled and rushed out.

This momentum made Da Da En very satisfied, and he started running after him.

Just a few minutes later.

"Damn it! Why did an elite monster appear in this little lair? Rewind quickly! Reorganize the formation!"

"Heavy hair, you guys spread out and don't let the monsters get close to me. Although I didn't get all the equipment, I risked my life today and soared right here! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! My burning left hand is extremely hot, and it's roaring.

Let me hold on to victory!

Breaking through the Black Iron Trial is now!

Brothers, protect my mouth and teeth!"

"Molotov cocktail! Don't forget the Molotov cocktail you bought earlier! Jackals have hair on their bodies, and hair is weak to fire! Get rid of it! Brother Sao, kill it and show off your manliness."

This chapter has been completed!
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