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Chapter 248 247 Korando’s Malice

 Chapter 248 247. Korando’s malice

"These bastards are so ruthless. They slaughtered an unlucky clan as soon as they escaped."

Standing on the ruins of the city wall in the night of Scarlet Castle, Murphy withdrew his vision. The high-altitude bird's-eye view from Reifno allowed him to keep track of the movements of Hogg and his gang at all times.

He saw how the "pangolin" he personally selected ferociously entered the abandoned village, how it brutally executed the leaders and barbarians who disobeyed it, and then gave it all the female jackals in the clan.

of tribesmen.

Murphy was not a biologist and had no interest in watching "Jackal Porn", so he stopped watching to avoid getting corns.

"This is how they survive, Master."

Maxim, who rushed back from the Dark Barony, stood behind Murphy and whispered:

"They live a life of robbery like bandits, and they have to rob everything. Although everyone on this land hates jackals, in fact many people know that the people they rob the most are their own people.


However, even gnolls have their advantages.

They will only kill the rebellious males after each raid, but the females and cubs will not be harmed in any way. Even the cubs that do not belong to them will be raised by them and then driven out of the tribe to let them fend for themselves.

From this point of view, these barbarians are still somewhat humane."

"This may be why there are so many alien races in the Dark Mountains, but only the Jackals can cause a black disaster that shakes the continent. It is also the source of their strength, the desire to protect females and cubs engraved in their bones.

Protecting females can give birth to more children, and protecting children can keep the bloodline of the race from being cut off. These two points are enough to ensure that the gnolls are always expanding."

Murphy said softly:

"Oh, this is much more civilized than some evil-minded humans. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Hogg is a cunning dog and he will protect himself. I'm afraid it will be the winner the next time I contact him.

It's time."

"But aren't you afraid of its betrayal?"

Maxim said with some confusion:

"There's no such thing as loyalty to a jackal. Although I think that Hogg is weird and doesn't look like a serious jackal, but if I don't, he will be captured by his despicable nature."

"Then what do we have to lose?"

Murphy asked rhetorically:

"Our investment in Hogg so far is only some tattered leather armor and cold weapons. It is gratifying for us that he remains loyal, but even if he rebels, the most he can do is lead the way for the gnolls to attack through the underground tunnel.

Scarlet Keep.

But don't forget what's on the third floor of the sewer.

If King Kenbot is willing to help us completely solve the troublesome ghoul disaster in the sewers, I will even award it with a 'Good Citizen' medal as the governor of Transia.

Best of all, Mark!

When I say that I want to give all creatures on this earth an equal life, I am not joking or trying to make a mark on idealistic intellectuals like Professor Malcolm.

I really plan to do this.

Hogg is an attempt.

If it and its people are willing to abandon their savage nature and become a member of this land, I will really give them the Smuggler's Woodland as their territory and turn it into a 'Gnoll Reserve'."

"I cannot understand, my lord."

Maxim was always candid in front of Murphy. He said:

"I'm not saying that equality is bad, but I always feel that your ideal is difficult for others to accept. I was once a human being, and I know that there are three, six, and nine classes among human beings. Even if you give them equal personality, it won't change anything.


The rich will always oppress the poor, the powerful will always treat the rich as slaves, and the powerful can take advantage of the first three at will.

This is mainland China’s tradition, and it’s not something you can change with a single edict.”

"This is not a simple ideal, Mark."

Murphy is always willing to explain his ideas to those close to him and persuade them to join him instead of issuing orders. He does not regard such explanations and teachings as a waste of time.

He said:

"In fact, I came up with such a slogan out of quite selfish motives.

Think about it, if in the future Transia could have gnolls as pioneers, kobolds to mine for us, human wisdom to preside over the development of this land, and dwarf and halfling technology as logistical support,

We can have the ingenuity of the elves to make various tools for us.

During the day, we have the Songhai people blessed by the sun protecting the land, and at night, we have powerful vampires patrolling everywhere.

Whenever our warriors charge forward, there are healers from the Church of Avalon behind us, the brave and keen Winter Wolf monks are our eyes and claws, and the Gaia Guards of Mother Earth are our unbreakable enemies.


Do you dare to imagine the power that such a country can gather?

Each ethnic group has its own advantages and values, and when they can be used by you, it's not just a case of 1+1 equals 2.

No one has ever tried to bring everyone together under the same banner. It is certainly difficult, but we should give it a try. After all, the Blood Vulture Clan is now so poor that there is no extra cost in trying.

And the most important thing.”

The vampire lord looked back at Maxim and said seriously:

"My warriors like this style! They come from a more advanced and civilized world, and after they see what we do, they will realize that we are the group that represents the most advanced ideas in this world.


Mark, this ideal is not only for me, you, Tris and Miriam, but also for my warriors.

A warrior armed with ideals and hopes can burst out with enough power to change the world.

That's not something illusory!

I've talked to them and I know similar things have happened in their world."

Maxim listened to all this with a dull face.

After Murphy finished speaking, he still answered quite frankly:

"Actually, I couldn't understand you when you mentioned Songhai and the vampires fighting together. Please forgive me for being stupid, but I really can't imagine what it would be like for the Sons of the Sun and the Sons of Midnight to cooperate.

A scene of disaster.”

"So, when you have nothing to do, go to Professor Malcolm's and take more history classes. Learning more history will always be very useful for your brain that wants to think but is not capable of complex thinking."

Murphy snorted.

He did not rebuke Maxim, but pointed in the direction of Baron Lim and said:

"The next step there will be your battlefield. Just like you did in the Dark Barony, sweep through there in seven days and drive all the gnolls to the Earl of Xiko and the Under Armor Hills.

After this battle is over, we will begin to deal with the Kenport gang."

"I can understand this, and I am willing to do such a simple thing for you, so, as you command! My master."


The Jackal warlord Ken Porter, who was being talked about by Murphy and Maxim, was also having a night conversation with another vampire.

Of course, compared to the polite ancient races, the conversation that took place in the Under Armor Hills was more or less uncomfortable, both in content and style.

Kenbot is a powerful gnoll barbarian leader.

Its full name is Kenbot Bone-Gnasher!

From this extraordinary surname, we can see the "extraordinary origin" of this Excellency. It comes from the Bone-gnawing clan, which was the clan founded by the Bone-gnawing King who caused the disaster on the continent 111 years ago.

If the gnolls also pay attention to the order of elders and younger ones and the hierarchy of status, then the Bonegnashers clan is a proper "royal clan".

Unfortunately, the civilization of the gnolls is a tribe that has the strong will of the weak engraved into their bones. Therefore, after the Bonegnasher King disappeared in the filthy swamp and died in defeat, the Bonegnasher clan also lost its position as commander.

However, as one of the most powerful gnoll clans, they are still qualified to live in the Moss Valley. This makes the members of the Bonegnasher clan fat and strong, almost completely different from ordinary gnolls.


Take Ken Porter for example.

Its height reaches an exaggerated 2.8 meters, like a "giant species" among jackals.

Under the mane with a special pattern is a strong body. It can lift a heavy shield that ordinary gnolls need two people to pick up with one hand, and the skull flail it is best at using is divided into three strands on the hammer head and is also covered with secret techniques.

The master cast a vicious spell.

The most obvious thing about his identity is that this guy has a plate armor!

Real plate armor.

Although the craftsmanship is rough, only the gnoll elders of Moss Valley can make such terrifying armor. When Ken Porter wears it, he looks like a steel can. Coupled with its Silver-level strength and true warrior elite

Template, once this guy starts to attack, not to mention the jackals, even the trolls will have to stay away.

Powerful personal force is the standard equipment of Jackal leaders, and the peculiar thing about Ken Porter is that this guy is a barbarian and a "priest" at the same time.

Although gnolls have no gods of their own, they, like vampires, have created beliefs for themselves out of thin air.

The vampires call for the Midnight Mother, and the jackals call for the "Lord of the Hunt."

Although there is no god who can cast magic spells on them, who knows what kind of crazy thinking the hunting priests of the gnolls have been doing during the more than two hundred years of seizing the Mossy Valley. In short, they have really summed up some things that other races think are barbaric.

to an indescribable ceremony.

The most outrageous thing is that these strange and barbaric rituals can really give the jackals a certain amount of strength.

The signature skill of the Hunting Priests is "Bloodthirst". It is no exaggeration to say that during the Fourth Black Disaster, the Jackals used this skill to wipe out all races on the entire continent.

The fact that King Kenbot is a hunting priest means that it is very cunning and smart, which makes the plan of the guy sitting in front of it to deceive it not so easy to realize.

"Sir Ken Potter, your army has reached nearly 30,000 people. The barrenness of the Under Armor Hills cannot support such a large number of bandits.

What's more, each of your soldiers has a huge appetite that is completely incompatible with their strength."

A gloomy voice sounded in the strange-smelling tent, and he said:

"You must march immediately! The situation over there in Scarlet Castle is changing every day, but what is certain is that the cunning vampire lord Murphy and his mistress Tris have prepared a lot of food for his subjects.

That food is enough for you to feed your soldiers and drive them to capture cities and lands for you.

The fertile Kafhokar Great Plains is already in sight. The Winter Wolf Legion guarding there is insufficient in strength, and the weak Thorn Vampires are not even as strong as the Blood Vultures. Having been led by women for generations, they are unable to protect the rich land under the night.

Aren't you excited?

An opportunity to rival the achievements of the Bone-Gripping King is just around the corner."

"But I'm not in a hurry."

King Kenbot rolled his eyes as he gnawed on the fresh meat. To be honest, it was quite surprising that a jackal could make such a human expression.

But as a hunting priest, it is really smart enough to understand what the vampire in front of it wants to say, and can think about what will happen if it follows his temptation.

Then Kenbot let out a strange and sarcastic sound that was unique to jackals.

it says:

"I have 'friends', and my 'friends' will bring enough food to the cubs under my command. After all, this is what we agreed on at the beginning, right? Sir Corando."


The vampire snorted when his name was called.

He hid his whole body in the mist of shadows so that his face would not be seen by the gnoll warlord in front of him. However, faced with this gnoll's shameless statement, the leader of the Gray Claw faction of the Wolfsbane Clan had no choice. Refuted mercilessly.

He scolded:

"My agreement with you is based on the fact that you will definitely attack the remnants of the Blood Eagle Clan, but you have no intention of fulfilling the agreement now, so why should I continue to provide you with enough food?

In order to provide you with these things, my small fiefdom in the Cato region has begun to suffer from famine.

I even sent my servants to help you persuade more gnolls to join you. You have so many barbarians under your command because of me!

Ken Porter!

Without me, you would still be guarding your poor little clan in the Under Armor Hills, waiting for the 'opportunity' to come, and I will tell you ruthlessly that the opportunity you are looking forward to will never come.

I don’t ask you, a beast, to learn to be grateful, but you should have a little virtue of fulfilling your contract.”

"Are you threatening me?"

Kenbot bared his teeth in displeasure, and the teeth that had just eaten the delicious meat were covered with blood stains. It liked to eat venison, but hated human flesh.

It feels that the quality of human meat is not good, has a fishy smell and is very clogging.

The hand of the Jackal warlord has grasped the three-headed flail beside it. In the Jackal "culture", this is basically a symbol of the breakdown of negotiations.

"Think it over yourself!

As long as I cut off my support to you, your huge army will fall apart in five days! Yes, I am threatening you, Ken Porter.

I don't mind spending money to support you.

But you have to come up with something real so that I can see that my money is used for something useful, and I can still hear a sound when I throw the money into the water."

Korando didn't bother to say anything more to this smart but not smart gnoll warlord.

He knew that Ken Porter came to Transia because the chief of the Bonebiter clan gave it a secret mission, but the Wolfsbane vampire didn't care at all about the mission of the jackal in front of him. He also had his own goals and objectives.

Old Edward was already wary of the rapidly expanding Gray Claw clan, and began to use several other factions to suppress their young but energetic faction.

The old guys are unwilling to give up their territory and power. If the ambitious Korando wants to obtain more midnight blessings, he must show his talents and strategies in front of his tribe.

Therefore, the Blood Vulture Clan, which Old Edward personally arranged but failed to deal with, is an excellent target.

If Korando can personally destroy the enemies of the Wolfsbane clan for more than a hundred years, then his reputation will reach its peak and he can even confront old Edward head-on.

Gray Claw leader Moriarty Corando Gangaro doesn't care about ancient vampire traditions!

Like many descendants of Wolfsbane, he was born at the bottom of Greene Island. When he was still a human, he had already mastered the dark areas of a small city. And when the human godfather changed his profession to a vampire, how could his ambitions stop at just a mere mortal?

What about the faction leaders?

The most important thing is that he still has a "personal grudge" with the Blood Eagle Clan.

His most valued heir, Qiaopan Markchi, died at the hands of a Blood Eagle member, and Qiaopan was not just a subordinate he carefully cultivated.

That was his illegitimate child when he was a human.

Whether as a qualified leader or an unqualified father, Korando has enough reasons to personally complete the revenge against the blood vulture.

"Seven days!"

Korando stood up in the midnight shadow and said to Ken Porter, who was baring his teeth:

"You must launch a decent attack within seven days, otherwise we will break up. You jackals are only so good. You can't even defeat the Scarlet Fort, so what big things can I expect from you?

Woolen cloth?"

After saying that, Korando disappeared in front of the Jackal Warlord with an attitude that could be described as arrogant.

This is Wolfsbane's style, simple, direct and weighty.

After all, their original sin is "fear", and they pride themselves on mastering fear and being able to project it onto others.

Being ruthless is their virtue, and not leaving any bottom line is their tradition.

They are a group of thugs, and they believe in acting like thugs. They are a pack of hungry wolves in the middle of the night, and regard those who are afraid as delicious blood food.

Unfortunately, as old Edward commented, Corando paid too much attention to immediate interests, pursued short-term, quick and rough behavior and lacked some prudent thinking. He did not realize that there were superior and inferior gnolls, and the person in front of him was willing to

Potter is obviously different from other gnolls.

After all, Korando, who was transformed only thirty years ago, has not experienced the Black Disaster in a real sense.

His body has become a wolfsbane, but his understanding of the world seems to still be stuck in the time when he was the godfather of mankind. The story that is feared by countless people and has happened four times on the mainland has fascinated him.

It is just an ancient legend, and he does not have a qualified understanding of the destructive power that jackals can cause and the threat posed by truly powerful individuals among them.

Just like normal people will never be afraid of ants, but when countless ants gather, no matter how powerful a person is, they are just food that will struggle.

Just this cognitive error is fatal!

As for the power of fear currently displayed by Mr. Korando, it seems that there is still a little bit left to make a jackal from the Bone-gnawing clan surrender.

This chapter has been completed!
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