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Chapter 33 33Alpha10 test version is officially online!

 Chapter 33 33. Alpha1.0 test version is officially online!

By the time Murphy tasted other flavors in Lady Adele's blood, it was too late. Once the first embrace ceremony started, it could not be stopped midway.

Because essentially it is not a simple exchange of blood.

This involves the unique reproduction model of the vampire bloodline, and as we all know, any behavior related to reproduction is difficult to stop midway.

Murphy suppressed the doubts in his heart. After drinking three large mouthfuls of virgin blood as a "gift" for his heir to his elders, he stood up and raised his left hand, touching the bite mark on Mrs. Adele's neck with his index finger, relying on the vampire

The control of blood continuously draws the lady's blood from the body.

The dark spiritual energy wrapped around his fingers prevented the hot blood from falling, but instead swayed in Murphy's hand and changed its shape like a non-Newtonian fluid.

This thing that looks cool actually requires 100% obedience from the person who embraces it for the first time. Once she makes the slightest resistance, the process of drawing blood will not be so smooth.

The comatose Mrs. Adele could not resist at all. She could only become weak and close to death as the blood continued to flow.

Her originally plump and fair skin became shriveled and dull, and even the astonishing size of her chest shrank rapidly. As Miriam covered her mouth and watched in horror, the originally indifferent but tall lady soon became something like "dehydrated"

"Mummy"-like state.

The toxin plague imposed on the blood by the Wolfsbane Clan dissipated rapidly at this moment because the blood left the body.

Murphy held up the "blood ball" that became pure under the dark night in front of him, and bit the fingers of his right hand at Miss Femis's signal, causing the vampire blood in his body to flow out drop by drop.


His blood is obviously thicker and scarier than ordinary people's blood, and the fusion of the two is like "dying".

When the ratio between the two sides was accurately controlled at 1:3, Mrs. Adele's blood had been completely dyed the same color as Murphy's blood.

"That's it! Inject it back."

The eldest lady prompted.

Murphy brought the blood ball to his mouth, sucking all the blood into his body like a big meal. He repeated the first step and bit Mrs. Adele's mummy-like neck, sucking the brand-new blood through his canine teeth.

Inject it back into Adele's body again.

At this moment, a special reminder suddenly appeared in front of Murphy:

[Please select the inheritance template for the descendant ‘Bella Bernice Adele’.

Currently available character templates: common/rare.

The character template inheritance rules are as follows:

1. When selecting ordinary template inheritance, the offspring will have complete vampire characteristics and ordinary race initial values. There is no additional cost for this option.

2. When selecting the rare template inheritance, the offspring will have complete vampire characteristics and 150% of the initial racial value, and will randomly select one inheritance from the talents and specialties you have.

This option will consume an additional 30% of your blood and make the blood connection between you and your offspring deeper.


Deep blood connections are not always a good thing for vampires! Please consider this carefully.】

"Character templates actually have such a wonderful use?"

Murphy blinked and chose the second option without much hesitation.

I don't plan to have too many children, so quality is very important. And since I have to do a favor for the eldest lady this time, I'll just do it to the end!

Thinking about it, after you have paid so much, even the eldest lady would be embarrassed to delve into some of the "accidents" that happened before, right?

[Choose a rare template to inherit!

Additional consumption is activated!

The descendant's inherited ability is being drawn. The inherited ability is: Summoning: Astral Wolf. This descendant has no summoning expertise, and this ability is downgraded to: Summoning: Astral Wolf.]


Murphy screamed in pain, causing Miss Femis, who was presiding over the ceremony, to freeze in place.

She could tell from Murphy's painful expression that this marginalized member of the family had given part of his blood essence to Adele.

For a vampire, this is an extremely generous act. It will not only allow his offspring to gain greater power, but it can even help them skip the long "adaptation period" after becoming a vampire.

This move indeed caused the eldest lady's sense of Murphy to undergo subtle changes at this moment.

Murphy can handle this!

He really does it if something happens!

The food is indeed a little overdone, but he is generous and generous, has brains, decision-making and execution ability. It is indeed worth getting to know him deeply and cultivating him.

For example, without him this time, the task of intercepting the transport team would definitely fail.

So, the favorability level is up!

The other two bystanders did not know what happened in these few seconds. They could only see that Mrs. Adele was like blowing up a balloon, and her withered body quickly returned to her round, cold and sultry posture.

It's just the influence of blood that has begun to change Mrs. Adele's life form.

As her skin became whiter, her pupils began to glow scarlet, and her heart began to beat again, but the speed had weakened to one-tenth of its original speed or even slower.

But more and deeper changes will take time to complete.

Generally speaking, it takes at least five to seven days to wake up after the first embrace, but of course this is not absolute.

If the elder particularly favors a blood servant and is willing to give him more power, then he will use his own power to simultaneously transform the blood and body of the blood servant during the first embrace.

Such as Murphy is now.

In this case, it is "surgery on the same day, work on the same day".

However, most vampires are selfish bastards. They will not waste their power on blood servants, and will not give any more.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Murphy took a step back.

He shook his body weakly and was supported by Maxim. He nodded to the complicated-looking young lady and then turned around and left.

The bright [Anemia and Weakness] status on the character card shows that it will last for 48 hours. The loss of one-third of the blood will prevent Murphy from strenuous activities for the next three days, and it will probably take even longer to fully recover.

But he actually didn't lose.

In addition to selling favors to the eldest lady and gaining a rare black iron-level template heir, he also had other gains:

[The creation of the blood descendant is completed, and you have the first heir!

Bella Bernice Adele Lesembra has a mysterious and profound connection with you based on blood.

The vampire race-exclusive system and blood contract is now open!

Your current power level is: professional, and the number of blood contracts that can be concluded is [1/1].

The specific terms of the blood contract are as follows:

1. Symbiosis Contract:

For each additional heir, the elder's maximum health will increase by 10%/15%. The specific increase depends on whether the blood connection between the elder and the heir is deep. This bonus is not calculated in the character's attributes.

For each additional heir, the elder's self-healing, energy recovery and psychic recovery speed will increase by 10%/15%.

For each additional heir, the upper limit of health, the upper limit of the energy pool, and the recovery speed of combat resources of the other heirs when fighting together are increased by 5%/10%.

2. Command contract:

The elders have the right to issue all orders to the blood descendants except 'suicide' and 'harm to oneself'.

The elder has the right to suppress the blood essence of the blood descendants at any time, causing them to enter a state of 'weakness' or 'blood thirsty'.

The longer the connection between the elder and the blood descendant, the weaker the blood descendant's resistance to the elder's will, until he finally supports the elder's majesty from the bottom of his heart. The effective time of this effect depends on whether the descendant's will to resist is strong, but in the end the descendant will definitely

The elder is regarded as the only master.

3. Death Contract:

When the elder dies, the vampire will immediately suffer 90% of the upper limit of life damage and permanently lose 30% of the vitality. He will be given the [Soul Weakness] state, with all attributes reduced by 50%. This weak state cannot be lifted until he has a new elder.

When a vampire dies, the elder will immediately suffer 20% of the maximum health damage and permanently lose 10% of his health.


When the blood connection between the elder and the blood descendant is "profound", and the elder dies, the vampire will die immediately.


When the blood connection between the elder and the blood descendant is "profound" and the vampire dies, the elder will immediately suffer 70% of the upper limit of health damage and permanently lose 30% of his vitality.


The above damage takes effect immediately, is not subject to any restrictions, and cannot be exempted in any way.


After drinking the blood of the family, the blood contract can be terminated. Apart from this, there is currently no other clear way to terminate the contract.】

"It's really a desperate overlord clause. Fortunately, my elder is a friendly and gentle guy like Tris, otherwise I would really have given up my heart. This is even more excessive than a black slave treaty!

It's just cannibalism.

By the way, is this also the reason for the abnormal attachment I feel towards Tris now?"

Murphy looked at the opened bloodline contract column in front of him. Behind every word in it was the elder's control and manipulation of the bloodline.

Under such an unequal contract, the blood descendants have no way to resist the will of their elders.

But the vampires will develop new vampires, which will continue to extend this unequal contract, and eventually weave a large network that covers the entire vampire civilization.

However, if you look closely at this contract, you can also find that the symbiosis between the two parties is not just the relationship between oppression and oppression, but also has other forms of expression. For example, under the explanation of the opening of the "special gameplay" of the vampire race, he saw

Here’s another tip:

【First love completed!

Bella Bernice Adele Lesembra feeds back part of her power to you in this process, specifically in the form of:

Dexterity +1, Thinking +1, Perception +1

New skills·Shadow Elf secret skills·Mejeva family swordsmanship acquisition, you can now learn this advanced swordsmanship from the shadow region.

New talent: Shooting Mastery Acquisition, which greatly increases your hit rate when performing long-range physical attacks.

The new talent, Shadow Affinity Acquisition, is merged with the original talent, Dark Psychic Manipulation, into the new talent, Shadow Control, which will slightly improve your dark psionic perception, making you faster, faster and silent when walking in shadows.]

Look, this process of first embracing doesn’t just benefit the blood servant!

Through the connection and fusion of blood, the elder will also receive a part of the "power feedback" from the blood servant, just like a hellish "handling fee".

According to the tradition of the vampire family, the appropriate ratio of this "first ownership tax" is between one-quarter and one-third.

But some black-hearted vampires will even take away half of the blood servant's power, which directly results in the new heir having neither power nor potential, and can only become a marginalized person in the family, bearing the name of a vampire but not matching it.


Uh, why does this situation sound so "familiar"?

"If I didn't know that Tris is really a weakling, I would even think that she is also a black-hearted vampire."

Murphy complained bitterly in his heart, and with Maxim's help, he returned to the bonfire and wiped the blood around his mouth with a handkerchief.

He felt that he had to take a break now, and took advantage of this time to go to the forum and bring some small financial benefits to the young players.

And the moment he closed his eyes to rest, his previous complaints about Tris turned into an inaudible longing.

It has been six days since I left home.

The longer time passed, the more he missed the abject and stable life in that dilapidated manor. Perhaps it was the blood contract between him and Tris that was taking effect, which made his impression of Tris, the useless king, getting better and better.

But Tris is actually the most generous.

She won't even charge any "handling fee" from the blood servant, probably because the blood servant she chose has no power at all, right?

As for that kind of attachment called "missing"

Emmm, it shouldn’t just be because of the blood contract, right?



On the forum, the game group that was chatting about water suddenly went crazy because of a message.

Alpha: [@All members, I am here to tell you a piece of good news with excitement! After several days of hard debugging by the production team, a better and better new test server has been built! Therefore, "Real Alien" Alpha1

The .0 beta version will be officially launched in 16 hours!

Please refer to the official post on the forum for details!

The production team invited an old Taoist priest to consecrate our new server. I had to rush to see the fun and ask for a talisman, and put some incense sticks on it to pray that it would not suddenly have problems.】

Meow Meow King: [Damn! Why are you launching a surprise attack again? Is there any way to run this company like this!]

Ah Qianen: [Stop complaining, Brother Mingmiao, read the post quickly! There is a lot of exciting information! Everything you should have is there, it’s Chinese New Year!]

Brother Meow Meow didn't believe it and quit and went to the homepage. As expected, a latest official post had been posted there with the ID of "Alfa". The name was very concise, but the content was indeed not simple:

["Real World" Alpha1.0 closed beta version update announcement:

Five days after mobilizing the test team employees to go to the development team office to lay floors, our first official test version was finally successfully launched before the DeadLine was triggered, and successfully solved several problems currently reported by testers.

Specific information is as follows:

1. With the help of the development team, the handsome mainline NPC Revno Murphy Lesembula finally gathered all the materials to improve the summoning technique from another world.

After the update is completed, the player's active login function will be available!

Taking into account the server load and the progress of testing and bug fixing work that is being carried out in an orderly manner, the current opening hours are 6 hours/day. Players are asked to arrange their playing time reasonably.

Although the game is good, don’t be greedy.

2. Under pressure from repeated feedback from testers, our development members had to urgently contact the halfling mechanics on the Genoa Peninsula, and successfully obtained the most advanced crystallized products of steam engineering through a series of PY transactions.

After the update is completed, the player interface system is online!

In order to pursue a real and hard-core game experience, the development team specially wrote reasonable sources and explanations for the player interface functions. The specific situation is waiting for testers to experience it in person and send precious evaluation reports.

3. Although the development progress is very tight, we still took the time to conduct a general evaluation of the current gaming helmets to guide new testers on their journey. This evaluation post has been placed at the top of the forum. It is particularly important here.

Thanks to the tester "Miao Miao Wang" for his enthusiastic help.

The development team has also carefully prepared a gift for him. Please go to the mainline NPC to receive it after it goes online.

4. The new map "Cadman City" and the new force "Blood Eagle Clan" are online, and related tasks are waiting for testers to explore on their own.

5. The rewards for closed beta players have been implemented. Please collect them from the NPC after completing the exclusive quest line of Cadman City.

6. Optimized a more realistic physics engine, and added more interactive intelligent NPCs and random events.

7.Fix a few bugs.]

The content of the post is very intuitive, but the focus of the young players below is another matter.

The big pigeon in the lead: [@婷婷王, does your butt hurt? 】

Ah Yuen: [@婹梦王, do you need lubricant? I’ll place an order online right now. Are ten bottles enough? 】

Dump Truck Iai: [@婷婷王, Lao Yang has worked hard. Please keep up your hard work and maintain a good relationship with the development team. Everyone’s game experience depends on you, squinting and smiling.jpg]

Kuo Lai Miao Miao Sharda: [@婷婷王, Electronic Fairy Miao Miao Brother!]

Invincible Tyrannosaurus Cheche: [Damn! Why can Brother Miao Miao always find a way to PY? Cheche can also PY, and Cheche also wants special rewards!]

Meow Meow King: [Hold on. That’s enough for you! There is no such thing as private PY. I just accepted a random task from the administrator. Damn it! Stop chatting with me privately. I told you there is no way! No photos!

I don’t like men either!

That's enough for you!

If you make trouble again, I will pout you!]

This chapter has been completed!
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