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Chapter 353 352 Shadow Intelligence Agency About 'Iron Fist' Turner

Chapter 353 352. Shadow Intelligence Bureau’s report on “Iron Fist” Turner

Today's boxing championship was a big upset. The warrior Niu Niu, who had been unstoppable for eleven consecutive victories, was ended by a strange monk who didn't know where he came from.

Considering that Niu Niu is quite famous among players and NPCs, this news directly spread like a storm throughout the Scarlet Castle.

In another area of ​​the sewer, when today's game had just ended, and he easily won twelve consecutive victories and pocketed three construction points, the "seed player" Xiao Ashina of the shooting team came to the boxing match to watch the excitement, that

The Winter Wolf Monk has successively defeated the veteran boxers of the People's Army, the mountain people boxers and the Blood Alliance Knights boxers, becoming the biggest "dark horse" tonight.

At this time, the time has reached one o'clock in the morning, and the vampires are full of energy, but the citizens have to go to work tomorrow.

The boxing championship is just an adjustment activity and cannot affect the normal operation of the entire territory of Scarlet Castle. Therefore, today's boxing match comes to an end at this time, waiting for another fight tomorrow.

But today's handicap offered by the Blood Rat Gang has undergone great changes due to the emergence of this dark horse. The odds of several players who were originally optimistic have been revised. Obviously, the shrewd Dorothy

It seems that this strange winter wolf monk has become the favorite to win the championship.

But for other viewers, this kind of reversal is really fun, and the Winter Wolf Monk is indeed powerful and has "martial ethics". Every opponent he defeated was not seriously injured but was just knocked unconscious.


It can be seen that although this player acts in a relatively high-profile manner, he is very measured in his actions, which has won him another wave of "fans".

But this kind of little trick cannot be hidden from "peers".

After today's boxing match, the gloomy-looking old Eugene found President Natalie, and he said to Natalie straight to the point:

"The damn Winter Wolf Church is using this method to spread their faith. Those believers of the God of the North Wind have obviously figured out the character traits of the Transians. Their show of strength is to build momentum for themselves!

This can't go on like this!

If the mysterious monk really wins the championship, our god will lose many potential believers, and the Yankees can extend their hands into Transia.

But this is a holy land that belongs only to Avalon and is not allowed to be touched by others!


You know very well that the spiritual world of the people on this land is in urgent need of comfort, and the Church of the Winter Wolf has issued a provocation to us."

"Eugene! Don't be so crazy."

Natalie was very troubled and comforted the most fanatical missionary leader under her command:

"This is only the first day of the boxing match. We don't even know the origin of the Winter Wolf monk. It's really hard to say whether he came here with the missionary mission of the Winter Wolf Church.

He arrived at Scarlet Castle among the Yankee prisoners. I have to go to Lord Maxim first to ask about the situation. Maybe he can give us more information, but even so, I guess it is the will of my god or the governor.

Even our orders will not allow us to fight a 'war of faith' in Transia.

Eugene, I know that you regard the rebuilding of the church as your mission for the rest of your life, but please understand that our church is currently only in the recovery stage.

Let me beg you!

Don’t be so radical, let alone provoke conflicts.”

"I'm not that stupid! The collapse of the old religion is enough for me to learn to be rational."

Old Eugene explained:

"But Natalie, you are very young. You have not experienced the great conflict between the Church of Avalon and the Church of Winter Wolf in the Ice Bay area. The Second Night War ended because of that incident. I was just a young man at that time.

An orphan of the islanders who was taken in by the church, but I have also heard about the horrors of that war.

Originally, the Old Religion was a barbarian tribe that had great hope of spreading the fire of faith across the Ice Bay, but it was not possible because of the obstruction of the Winter Wolf Church. What was even worse was that taking advantage of the confrontation between the Old Religion and the Winter Wolf Church, the Western Sabarians

The faith of Varmu the Berserker actually emerged in the tribe.

You have to know that in the teachings of the elves, the berserker Varmu is regarded as an evil god!

The same thing cannot happen again.

You have to understand, little Natalie, fanaticism and war have never been options for my god, but the Church of the Winter Wolf, which believes in the law of the jungle, will not give us the option to live in peace.

The followers of the God of the North Wind have always been famous on the continent for being wild and aggressive. It is their hundreds of years of training in the wilderness that fill the hearts of the Nords with the desire for expansion and plunder.

Those Yankees only do bad things!

We must not allow the Church of the Winter Wolf to preach on a large scale in Transia!

They will drag this suffering land into strife again. You must make this point clear to Governor Murphy. Not all gods love peace and tranquility like my god."

"Alas, for those of us who personally triggered the ten-year war, this statement is really not convincing at all."

Natalie sighed.

she says:

"I'm going to understand the situation first. You must not act rashly, Eugene. Our current situation has entered the right path. The congregation is developing rapidly. This is my God's protection. It is really hard-won. Don't destroy it.


After finally convincing the anxious old Eugene, Natalie went to the Blood Vulture Corridor regardless of her fatigue, trying to get some information from Maxim, who was in charge of prisoner reception.

But she couldn't find Maxim.

On the contrary, under the leadership of the patriarch's personal guard "Crazy Woman" Bonnie, Natalie came to a lounge in the corridor.

Everyone including Murphy and Miriam were here, and when Natalie opened the door and walked in, she heard Andre, Earl of White Mountain, who was also from the Kingdom of Nordtov, explaining the origin of the Winter Wolf Monk to everyone.

Murphy, who was listening as if he was listening to a story, motioned with his eyes to sit down and "listen to the lecture". The president did not refuse, but after she sat down, she accidentally saw the sitting posture of Grand Duke Tris next to Murphy.


Why are you still using invisible psychic energy to lift your body and hang it on the chair?

Is this a hip injury?

Natalie glanced at Tris, whose cheeks were still a little red, with a strange look, and then at Murphy, who had a subtle smile on his face. She whispered something in her heart, and then focused on Count Andre's description.


"What appeared in the ring today was a ring-bearing monk from the Church of the Winter Wolf. Although these guys are also protectors of the church, they are closely related to the protector monks who are widely involved in Nordtov's military system.

The positioning is not the same.

To be precise, these precept-abiding monks are equivalent to 'high-level monks'.

From my understanding, monks who keep the precepts often stay in monasteries all over the wilderness throughout their lives to study the scriptures of the North Wind God. It is said that only when the domain of the North Wind God is seriously threatened, these secrets will be revealed.

Only the monks sent by the sect will intervene in the situation."

Andre explained with some confusion:

"This is why I am so surprised today. To be honest, the monks who keep the commandments are equivalent to legendary figures even in Nordtov.

It is impossible for ordinary people to see these guys who are far away from the world and live in isolation in their lifetime, but they actually appeared in Transia without any warning and participated in this temporary boxing match.

This incident itself reveals all kinds of unreasonableness.

The only explanation that can be convincing is that these guys have received the will from the God of the North Wind? Su, the giant winter wolf, asked them to come to this land and actively participate in various affairs of Transia? "

"Maybe it's because of the black disaster?"

The Scarlet Archon is a disbeliever, and like Murphy, she listens to the story about the Winter Wolf Monk as an interesting anecdote.

After recording the legend about the esoteric monks in her personal notebook, Miriam put forward her own opinions from the perspective of the situation.

She said to the others in this lounge where the atmosphere was not solemn but more like a tea party:

"You see, God Avalon has ordered the witch hunters to participate in Transia's defense against the Black Disaster, and Lord Paying has also ordered members of the Blood Alliance clan to participate and even scolded the Wolfsbane clan not to disrupt our preparations for war.

If Transia cannot stop the Jackal Black Disaster offensive, the entire continent will suffer.

Under the current circumstances, it is normal for the Winter Wolf to send its secret forces to Transia to participate in the grand event."

"Makes sense, but not much."

Earl Baishan shook his head and retorted:

"If it is really the will of the God of the North Wind, then the monks who come are not the monks who keep the precepts but the monk soldiers who protect the teachings. No matter in terms of quantity or combat experience, the monk soldiers are a better choice. They do not have the commandment to kill.

The Monk Corps under the Winter Wolf Legion is known as the 'Teeth of the Wolf God'. They are blessed by faith, and their ferocious performance on the battlefield is enough to make even the craziest berserker feel fearful.

In contrast, the mysterious precept-keeping monks are actually more similar to the role of scripture researchers.

Although they possess secret techniques that make their combat effectiveness far superior to ordinary monk soldiers, to be honest, these martial arts masters will probably never actually kill a living being in their lifetime.

For them, practicing martial arts is just a way of life to seek wisdom and health from the God of the North Wind, and is not a necessary condition for becoming a monk.

Therefore, I can confirm that the appearance of the precept-keeping monk in Transia has little to do with the Black Disaster.

At least not as big as you think.

They must have come with some special purpose."

"Maybe the truth is not as complicated as you think. Maybe they appeared just to satisfy the God of the North Wind's simple curiosity about a strange vampire?"

Tris suddenly said something.

This caused other people to look at her. Next to her was Governor Murphy, and the vampire Governor known as the "weird" shrugged his shoulders unconsciously.

He felt that Tris's statement was true.

It is not incomprehensible that with his peculiar "god-sucking monster" physique, the Winter Wolf could send his own esoteric monks to "observe" him at close range.

While everyone was discussing this matter, the absent Maxim pushed the door in with a frosty look on his face, followed by Mrs. Adele.

Maxim said in a low tone:

"I'm sorry, Master Murphy, I was negligent in this matter. I didn't discover the Winter Wolf monks who were hiding among the prisoners and entered Scarlet Castle in advance. This was my mistake."

"What does it have to do with you?"

Murphy rolled his eyes and said:

"A few high-level monks with the blessing of the gods have many ways to hide the truth. Don't force yourself to carry mistakes that are not yours. And now that the matter is at this point, what I hope to hear is not an apology but something truly useful.


"Then let me introduce to you the information about these 'uninvited guests'."

Mrs. Adele, who was beside Maxim, brushed her hair and stood in front of everyone with the document in her hand. She whispered:

"I just found out the origins of these people through contact with the Thorn Clan. This was due to the strong support of Grand Duke Shani, and it also allowed me to see the terrifying penetration of the Thorn Clan in the Kingdom of Nordtov.

There are five winter wolf monks who arrived in Transia this time.

They come from the same monastery.

According to the information given by the Thorn Clan, the monastery is located in the extreme north of the Great Wilderness, very close to the Savage Land, and this monastery named 'Eye of the Wolf God' is a very important one even in the esoteric system of the Winter Wolf Church.

Marginal role.

These five people are most likely the last group of monks who hold the precepts in that small monastery, and the teachings of their sect claim to be the eyes of the North Wind God in the world.

They are not keen on preaching, but believe that as believers, they should inform the gods of what they see and hear throughout their lives through the transmission of faith.

Therefore, in the past hundred years, the precept-bearing monks of the Eye of the Wolf God often chose to travel to the mainland.

But as I just said, this faction is already very weak, probably because they are stubborn in fulfilling their observation duties for God and rarely participate in real actions. They will also be considered too neutral and weak within the Winter Wolf Church.


After Adele finished speaking, everyone else in the lounge understood.

It seems that Grand Duke Cuisi’s judgment is still accurate.

Being able to use the Eye of the Wolf God to come to Transia shows that the God of the North Wind is really just curious and wants to see everything happening on the land of Transia up close.

This also made Miriam and Natalie feel relieved. The former did not have to worry about these neutral parties randomly interfering in Transia's affairs, while the latter relaxed because old Eugene's worries were over.

They are not preachers at all.

It's just a "human camera" personally selected by the giant winter wolf.

"Let's talk about the boxer who shined today."

Murphy leaned back in his chair, squinted his eyes and said:

"I don't doubt the neutral doctrine of the Eye of Wolf God faction, but the monk today didn't feel like a neutral faction to me. He had a very contradictory temperament. So, I guess that guy also has a story.



Adele turned the document back one page and said:

"Iron Fist Turner!

The former scout captain of the Winter Wolf Legion, he was once a promising young officer. However, after a tragic battle with the Western Sabarians on the border a few years ago that almost cost him his life, he left for unknown reasons.

Joined the army and joined the Monastery of the Eye of the Wolf God.

The Thorn Clan is also tracking this guy a lot, because Turner has crossed the wilderness many times alone into the Arctic region controlled by the Western Sabarians in the past few years.

No one knows what he was doing there.

But what is certain is that every time Turner returns, his strength and skills will be greatly improved.

The Thorn Clan’s informants in the wilderness believe that Turner is likely to become the first ‘Chosen’ selected by the Winter Wolf in the past ten years, but they have no evidence to prove this, and the Winter Wolf Church is also silent on this.

As for the small group of rebels and ruffians that Turner belonged to, it was probably a disguise used by Turner to hide his identity.

But according to our inquiries about other prisoners, probably because he was also a soldier, Turner was very prestigious in that small group. The rebels did regard him as their leader and formed a violent group with Turner as the core.


However, Turner has always controlled those people in a very strict way, not allowing them to do anything that violates morals, but he does not interfere with the rebels' future plans.

Those guys are already in contact with the Blood Rat Gang, and Dorothy is planning to annex them to increase her own strength.

In addition, according to reliable information, 'Iron Fist' Turner's true strength is that of a silver-level monk who is proficient in Sanda, Four Symbols, and assassination techniques from multiple sects.

He is a true genius. He was once invited by the Winter Wolf Church to serve as the red emissary in the Great Cathedral of the North Wind, but Turner refused several times.

Judging from his performance, he has no interest in power."

"This is really weird."

Murphy rubbed his chin and said:

"Why would a person who has no interest in power appear in front of us in such a high-profile manner? He seems to want to attract the attention of some people? It seems that, apart from the factor of spreading faith, I guess Mr. Turner

He also had some secret purpose of his own in entering Transia."

"So, do you need me to arrange a meeting with him for you?"

Maxim asked softly.

Murphy shook his head and said:

"I am the local owner! Even if we want to meet, he has to take the initiative to visit me. How can there be any reason for me to come to the door in person? And his appearance is not a bad thing.

In an exciting boxing match, there should always be a dark horse like this to make the progress of the match more exciting and exciting.

My warrior Niu Niu lost miserably.

But I know he and his friends won't give up, this might be a good opportunity

Andre, I heard that you have become obsessed with fishing recently?"

The vampire lord looked at his own people and said:

"It seems that I have to seize this opportunity to make two good shots. Maybe I can catch another big fish."

This chapter has been completed!
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