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Chapter 372 371 Just the right version update

Chapter 372 371. Just the right version update

This wave of "hate" from Happy Stick was just right, so that the version update announcement sneakily uploaded by Murphy was ignored by most players.

Finally, we have avoided the dilemma of being "sneak-attacked" by players complaining about every update, but there is nothing the administrator can do about it. He can't just kick out the young players every time there is a major update and pretend to be a "server restart".

Hey! Wait!

Why not?

Speaking of which, I can indeed do this kind of chore occasionally to remind those guys who have begun to search for the "truth" that this is a mediocre game test, although for those who have already identified the truth, this is

It's just another bad and clumsy "smoke bomb", but it's better than nothing, right?

After all, who has to endure the pain of "server updates" when traveling to another world?

Murphy thought this was a good idea at this moment.

So he highlighted this idea in his "Development Team Notebook". However, after reminding Brother Mingmiao to check the update, the popularity of the previous post criticizing Happy Bar dropped rapidly, and everyone switched to the newly released post.

Update the post.

This is a real “big update”!

["Real World" Alpha3.0 closed beta version update announcement:

Hello everyone, I am your dear test team member Alpha. Before officially announcing the content of this update, I would first like to represent all members of the "Real Alien" development team and test team to make a contribution to the testing work currently in the game.

All those who contributed express our sincere gratitude!

Thanks to everyone's dedication and hard work in the past two months, our game has progressed from a bad game full of bugs to the point where it is now barely usable with patchwork.

But even the most confident programmers in the development team are not sure whether there are any undiscovered vicious bugs in the code they have typed out.

However, despite these and other worries, we and you have still made it all the way to the present. We are convinced that the "bond" between the development team and testers is enough to overcome any difficulties, and we fully believe that the current testing mode is sufficient.

Discover and eliminate most factors that affect your gaming experience.

Therefore, after repeated discussions with the development team, we decided to give all players who participated in the test a gift from the development team after the closed beta phase.

We haven't decided yet what to put in the gift box, but we have enough time to pick out the goodies we like!

And I personally believe that this insignificant gift is not enough to express our gratitude to you. (The proposal to issue server-wide rewards was made by me, so why don’t you kneel down and thank your beloved Fa Ge?)

Next is the official content of the major version update:

1. Player territory gameplay is open:

I believe that some of you who are good at collecting information already know some information about the "stronghold" gameplay, but this gameplay has not been launched because of some loopholes in the logic.

In the end, under the pressure of the test team members, the siege lions of our development team finally figured out this heavyweight gameplay before the end of the closed beta.

From the date of the update, Transia will add three new player territories, which we call ‘strongholds’!

All recruitment of territorial citizens, construction of strongholds and legal restrictions in this area will be discussed and decided by the players. The Scarlet Fort Administrative Office will issue the greatest power, retaining only taxation, inspections and intervention when necessary.

This will be another perfect reflection of the high degree of freedom in this game.

Players will no longer play ordinary adventurers but can step onto the political stage of Transia as a 'lord'. However, because the management and construction of player bases cannot be completed by one person, the development team weighed it several times.

It was decided to delegate the management of the base to the player guild.

The strongholds that will be decentralized in the current version are ‘Strength Keep’ and ‘Maginot Line’, which will be handed over to the player guilds ‘Storm Knights’ and ‘Crimson Hammer and Sickle’ that have performed well in the main line respectively.

Guilds that have not been assigned to a stronghold do not need to worry. Currently, Governor Murphy still has a stronghold whose ownership has not yet been determined. The ownership will be determined based on the progress of the subsequent missions.

It needs to be emphasized here!

A stronghold is not a single village or town. Depending on the responsibilities it has, the growth route of the stronghold will also be different.

The different development routes of the bases are as follows:

Initial stronghold-village/military camp/commercial station-town/fortress/bazaar-city/defense line/commercial center.

After each guild obtains the land title of the base from the administrative office, it must specify the function and development route of the base and complete the targets within a regular period in accordance with the construction tasks issued by the administrative office.

Once the development of a stronghold cannot satisfy the administrative office for a long time, the management rights of the stronghold will be permanently withdrawn and redistributed after up to three administrative reprimands.


The 'Maginot Line' issued this time is a special stronghold, and it cannot be used for other purposes other than 'military camp-fortress-defense line'.

2. Innovation of tester recruitment system:

When the two-month closed test has reached this stage, the test team has realized that in order to complete more in-depth testing work and advance the plot, it is necessary to recruit more testers to participate in our project.

Therefore, after repeated discussions with the development team, decision-making team, and logistics team, we finally decided to adopt a new tester recruitment model.

Starting from the date of the 3.0 version update, tester recruitment authority will be delegated to the player guilds. In conjunction with the "Guild Rating" model to be launched by the Scarlet Castle Administration Office, all player guilds that have reached level 2 or above will receive 5-

20 tester quotas are used to recruit guild members on their own.

But please be careful!

This recruitment method will be supervised by the testing team throughout the process.

All newly recruited testers must also complete a test application and wait 7-14 days to complete the qualification review in the forum before they can get a game terminal.

In addition, if a newly recruited member violates the "Real Alien Players Convention" in the game and causes serious interference to the testing work, not only will the player's testing qualifications be cancelled, but the guild to which he/she belongs will also be subject to demotion, confiscation of property and even forced dissolution.

Serious punishment included.

When the circumstances are egregious, the testing team will file a lawsuit with the local judicial department.

In addition, the test team will also allocate certain quotas every week to recruit testers who do not want to experience the guild gameplay.

Test group tip!

The delegation of recruitment authority means that the test group has trust in the presidents and management of each guild. Please do not abuse this authority.

3. Explanation on the mapping relationship between the number of territorial citizens and testers.

A long time ago, many smart treasures have been asking the test team about the relationship between the two. When the plot has advanced to this stage, the test team can finally reveal to the treasures about "Real Alien World"

"Some truths about ".

As early as when the game was launched, the decision-making team had confirmed that the number of testers would be linked to the number of people in Transia in the game, in order to achieve the authenticity and sense of immersion that the game advertises.

According to the current game rules, for every 100 additional registered citizens under Governor Murphy, one test quota will be provided for the test group.

This ratio is in line with our research and investigation of the war mode in the medieval setting. The reason why we set a fixed ratio is to tie the expansion of the tester group to the improvement of the overall environment of Transia.

In this way, players will be able to more intuitively and clearly feel the impact of their activities on this suffering land. Judging from all the information collected so far, the recruitment ratio we have formulated is perfect.

It achieved the results we originally expected.

Of course, the mapping between the number of territorial citizens and the number of testers does not just depend on the simple number of people.

It is also linked to the development of the territory. When the development of the territory or stronghold reaches a certain level, the proportion of players in the territory that can be fed back will further increase.

This ratio can be increased to a maximum of 3%.

Therefore, when the plot of Transia advances to the point where it is no longer possible to expand the player base by recruiting refugees, it is also a very good way for the managers of each stronghold to transfer their energy to territorial development to strengthen themselves.

4. Administrative gameplay update:

As the number of citizens in Transia increases rapidly, each stronghold is in urgent need of outstanding leaders. Starting from the date of the update, all administrative players who pass the administrative test will be assigned formal positions. The first batch of five collective farms will have vacancies.

There are a large number of formal positions. Administrative players who serve as managers can assign these positions to players or NPCs of their choice. The appointment will take effect after receiving approval from the Scarlet Fort Administrative Office.

All players who are appointed to official positions will receive position allowances from the administration office according to their level.

The power you desire is close at hand, obey the call of the lord's heart that is ready to move, pack your bags and officially start your 'village chief career' in Transia.

5. The "Midnight Blood Eagle Tavern" project, a third-party social platform for the public of "Real World", has completed the preliminary fundraising and the project is about to enter the formal research and development stage.

This social platform is a project authorized by the development team and entrusted to several testers. It is specifically used to promote all aspects of the game to the public. It is currently coordinated and planned by the 'Player Committee', and the launch date is to be determined.

According to its plan description, the platform will have strong social attributes and be compatible with video, text and audio books, as well as offline group running and other gameplay methods.

All testers with forum accounts can enjoy certain benefits.

6. The secret of the mysterious expansion pack.

Well, I think there is no need for a formal reveal.

According to the observations of the test team, a considerable number of players have already guessed the content of this expansion pack and have begun to prepare for its arrival.

According to the current communication between the test team and the second development team, what I can reveal to you is that the expansion pack called "Black Disaster Returns" will be released as a story connecting the first and second chapters of the main story for players.

The performance in this expansion pack will directly determine the direction of the subsequent plot.

The specific launch time of this expansion pack is highly tied to the main mission of "Dawn of Transia" that we are currently advancing.

In this regard, the development team’s advice to all testers is: Please do your best to strengthen Transia’s defense and territorial strength before the Black Disaster arrives.

7. Formal explanations of certain special events.

The incident of the tester ID "Onboard Happy Stick" unlocking the vampire race gameplay Blood Pact in advance due to some special reasons that cannot be explained in the game has triggered extensive discussions among players.

What the test team needs to emphasize here is that this incident itself stems from a mistake by the development team and does not represent normal game flow.

According to the original development plan, this gameplay would not be available until the middle and later stages of the game plot.

There are currently a huge number of bugs in this gameplay, and these procedural issues will directly affect the player's game experience. Therefore, the test team hereby reminds vampire players not to use various normal or abnormal methods to try to obtain blood descendants in advance.

The development team hereby officially warns! Taking risks to obtain this gameplay will not bring any benefits to the current vampire players' gaming experience. The development team will reserve the final interpretation right for a series of subsequent issues caused by this risky behavior.

emphasize again!

I hope players will cherish their accounts and test qualifications.

8. Fixed a few bugs and added a new air wall.】

There have been many comments under this official update post, most of which are related to various important information disclosed in this update.

But there are also people whose focus is always crooked.

Meow Meow King: [Damn, Brother Bang is so awesome! This is the first time I have seen a player’s name posted in an official version update. Now you can be regarded as a ‘famous person’. @ Board Joy

Great, how's it going?

The experience of being officially sent as a wife must be great, right?]

Onboard Happy Stick: [What a great thing! I just chatted with Melina and found out that she does have a secret mission of 'Gray Claw Treasure' and a side mission of 'Corando's Revenge'. See

It all looks exciting.

But the biggest problem is that she is too weak now!

The vampires who kidnapped her injected poison into her, which not only blinded her eyes but also caused her to lose almost all her fighting power.

I still have to suck her blood every three days to ensure that she doesn't continue to get worse, but the problem is, every time I suck blood, it will give me an 'anemia' buff that lasts for a day.

All attributes reduced by 30%!

Damn it!

I was basically destroyed by this old vampire! How can I fight monsters and level up in the future?】

Deadly Orchid Flower: [You are so upgraded! Haven't you already obtained the stronghold management rights of the 'Maginot Line'? Then you can honestly serve as the commander, and given your current situation, I can only

Say so!

Look at all these things you have done, Xiao Weiming almost turned into a vampire and a human trafficker. Now, after seeing Brother Bang’s miserable end, do other people still want such a two-dimensional wife? 】

Ah Yuen: [I have completely lost interest and am heading to the examination room. Please do not cue.]

The Invincible Tyrannosaurus Cheche: [@波多乐stick, Brother Bang, your wife has been poisoned, wouldn’t it be enough to detoxify her? 】

Onboard Happy Stick: [It’s not as easy as you think. Grand Duke Tris showed it to Melia herself, and she concluded that this toxin contains some subspace breath.

Unless she found the person who prepared the poison and asked for the antidote, there was nothing she, a master alchemist, could do.

And Melia said that the person who poisoned her is still in the Wolfsbane territory on Greene Island. That ghost place is not open at all, and it sounds like it is an advanced map.


I have become a useless person!

Whoever wants this electronic wife wants it, I don’t want it anymore!]

Ashina Female Swordsman: [Hahaha, you deserve it! I came to laugh at you immediately, hee hee hee.]

Lumina Yanghen: [@honorary knight taipal, Taige, where exactly is your stronghold of ‘Strength Castle’? 】

Honorary Knight Tapal: [In the Under Armor Hills, it is a barony under the command of Lady Femis, Countess of Under Armor. It happens to be near the First National Arsenal of Transia. It can even be said that our rapids

The fort was actually built to defend this factory area.

It's at the bend of the Cadman River.

It happens to be right next to the secret passage leading to the Scarlet Castle sewer. We plan to build a village there first and then accept the citizens transferred from the administrative office.

In addition, I have confirmed that after the establishment of Stromgarde, our Knights of Strom will have the power to issue territorial tasks, so I hope that all brothers and sisters can come and participate in this grand event!

If the name of Stromgarde resounds throughout the continent one day, we will never forget your help!】

Wholesale Invincible Old Fording: [Ah, the Children of the Holy Light finally have a place to stay in Transia, and a new era is about to begin. 】

Tiger and Leopard Cavalry·Soldier: [It’s enough to have a paladin with slanted eyes and the ability to break his leg while riding a horse.]

Wholesale Invincible Old Fording: [What does it mean to break a leg? Can the thing about the Paladin be called a broken leg? It was just a trial given to me by the Holy Light! Don’t talk nonsense!]

Seeing that Uncle Fording was getting anxious when his dark history was revealed, the post was suddenly filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

But on the other side, Brother Zhongzhong, who was still busy in the game, immediately brightened up after seeing the post update, and he immediately sent a message to his team members:

What is the color of loyalty: [Ziwei, go to the administrative office to register a guild and raise the rating to level 2 or above as soon as possible. There are 5-20 places per week. Gee, isn't this a good opportunity to add some sand?

Let the other brothers in the team get ready, and then we are going to transfer the structure to the game.


The development team finally did something good.】

This chapter has been completed!
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