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Chapter 39 39 Dependence on each other

 Chapter 39 39. Dependence on each other

After the astral rift was completely opened, the psychic energy around Cadman City quickly dissipated, or it would be more appropriate to say it was crushed by the more violent astral psychic energy.

At this time, the entire city is being dragged from the material world into the star realm.

This process may be slow, but it has been advancing steadily. The collision of psychic energy and the constant bombardment of dimensional meteorites have caused earthquakes and landslides to occur without warning in the surrounding land.

The old horse that Murphy was riding was no longer willing to move forward as it approached the edge of the city. The perception from the wild beast made it fear the drastic changes in the city in front of it more than the riding crop in Murphy's hand.

In this case, Murphy decisively chose to dismount and walk.

In front of him, the entire huge gate of Cadman City had been torn apart by the cracks that had cut through the city, and the black smoke formed by the chaotic astral spiritual energy was entangled like a spider web on the ruins on both sides of the street, covering the entire city.

It was all extremely dark, as if a huge sandstorm had swept across the desert and blocked all light.

Astral psionic energy is also psionic energy, so it will not affect the release of psionic masters' skills. It may even enhance the destructive power of psionic masters' spells because it is too wild and disorderly.

The premise is that the psionicists who have been "pampered" in the material world can withstand the mental filth attached to the astral psionic energy.

Murphy walked forward quickly with the Blade of Desire in his hand. When encountering obstacles, he waved his hand and fired an enhanced Dark Explosion, blasting away anything in the way.

But the deeper he went, the more he could hear a strange hissing sound in his ears.

In the past, such phantom sounds existed when he cast spells, but now the sound echoed more clearly, and in the deep shadows around him, there were also some twisted creatures that did not belong to this world, peering at the young vampire.

They were "thrown" into the material world when the rift in the astral realm opened. Although they would eventually return to the astral realm, they did not want to give themselves an "extra meal" during this unexpected journey, so that they could taste it.

Alien flavor".

But this chaotic city is full of panicked people.

Compared with those souls carrying delicious fear, the vampire with a fire burning in his heart was obviously difficult to deal with. Therefore, after weighing the balance, there were far fewer eyes peeping at Murphy from the shadows.

But this is not a good thing.

The clown's exit often means that real danger is about to appear.

With the current scale of the astral rift above our heads, it is impossible for only these small fish and shrimps to be thrown into the material world.

The only good news is that Tris's manor is not far from the city gate.

In the past, being unable to live in the inner city where vampires were entrenched due to poverty has now become an advantage. This means that as long as Murphy makes a quick decision, he can definitely escape with Tris before the situation worsens.


A roar so deep that it penetrated into the soul was accompanied by an evil wind and struck from behind. Murphy turned around and thrust out a sword while avoiding the attack by dodging and sliding.

This kind of elegant and agile swordsmanship is obviously not the style of blood vulture swordsmanship, but the "dark steps" that come from the unique swordsmanship skills of the shadow elves are indeed very suitable for dealing with sneak attacks.

The vampire stood still and looked at the sneak attacker behind him.

It was a dark cheetah.

But there are no eyes on the face. Instead, there are two strange tentacles with chitin scales extending from the side of the neck. The tops of the tentacles, which are open like piranha, are flashing with light, locking Murphy's position tightly.


At first glance, this strange-skeletal thing is not something that can be born in the material world.

Murphy didn't want to get entangled with it. As he retreated, he threw a psychic impact forward that turned into a strong wind, picking up dust and debris on the street before dodging and retreating further away.

The weird black panther failed in a sneak attack and was slashed by Murphy. Realizing that the prey was not easy to mess with, he walked down the slope and did not continue to pursue it.

"That does not work!"

Murphy frowned and looked around in the dim ruins.

The spiritual energy from the astral world is still pouring into the material world. If this continues, there will only be more and more monsters in the city. Even if he rescues Tris, it will be difficult to get out of the city safely.

A safe escape route must be cleared in advance.

Thinking of this, Murphy immediately grasped the core orb hanging around his neck and injected spiritual energy into it to activate the communication between the orbs.

Before he could speak, Miriam's scream sounded over there:

"Murphy, what the hell kind of luck do you have! Why did this happen when we first arrived in Cadman City? Where are you now? Maxim is going to the city to find you, and I can't stop him!

Those crazy warriors of yours are still poking fire at the side, constantly encouraging us to enter the city!

Are they crazy?

Who in their right mind would go to a place that is being destroyed?"

"Calm down!"

Murphy's head hurt from Miriam's sharp voice, and he couldn't help shouting, and the other side immediately fell silent.

"Listen to me now! Give Maxim an orb to help him activate it. I need him to maintain a safe passage east of the city gate. The wall there has collapsed, so this job is not difficult. My warriors will cooperate with him.

When I find Tris, I will go over and join you.

Remember, never! Never enter the city casually!

There are many astral creatures hiding in the shadows in the city and attacking the living. They are very difficult and dangerous and cannot be dealt with by my warriors now.


"Oh well."

Miriam is very reliable at critical moments, and takes action immediately after answering.

And Murphy also operated on the core orbs. A few seconds later, soldiers were still in the "Black Storm" outside the city, and the computing orbs on the little players gearing up all made a soft ding sound.


The mission from Murphy is triggered.

[Main Story Prologue: The Last Night in Cadman City

Mission One: Escape!

Explanation: The leisurely vacation of the warriors from another world was ruined. Due to unknown reasons, Cadman City encountered a disaster from the star realm.

There is no time to rest, you must act now!

The summoner Murphy, who is burdened with a mysterious destiny, hopes that his warriors, led by his servant Maxim, can open up a temporary safe passage beside the collapsed city wall so that Murphy can retreat safely after rescuing his elders.


Warriors who are unwilling to surrender before disaster should report to loyal Maxim immediately!

Goal: Hold the safe passage until Murphy and Tris return safely.

Reward: Some money, and the subsequent main mission will start.


This mission is the main mission, and failure of the mission will result in serious consequences.


This mission is a series of missions, and the final reward is: Decoration·Blood Vulture Clan Midnight Hunter Ceremonial Clothing·Set [9/9]]

"Damn! The main mission is here, and there are also out-of-print fashion rewards, brothers! Rush!"

Brother Miao Miao raised the bloody halberd in his hand and waved it forward.

The eleven players ran excitedly to the anxious Maxim like wild dogs. The loyal servants did not say much and led them towards the collapsed location of the city wall in a dim environment.

Miriam did not want to wade into this muddy water.

But if she stays here alone, she is basically going to die, so she can only follow the player with a shotgun and play a guest role as a "support NPC".

But these guys were walking in a hurry and seemed to have forgotten something.

In the carriage they left not far outside the city, the coffin containing Mrs. Adele kept making rattling sounds, because the erosion of the violent astral spiritual energy caused Mrs. Adele to wake up early.


After a muffled sound, the entire coffin board flew out.

The powerful attack even broke the carriage shed, and Mrs. Adele, who was lying in the coffin, also rubbed her forehead and sat up.

Her last memory was still the scene of the battle with Jopan Macchi in the Smuggler's Grove. She knew nothing about what happened in the past two or three days, and she only had some vague memories of the process of her first love.

She blinked her already scarlet eyes, and her keener senses swept around her, finding neither her elder nor Miss Femis.

Have you been left here?

What's going on with all these rampant psychic powers around?

Adele stood up and walked out of the broken carriage, and then her pupils dilated in shock. When she saw Cadman City being dragged into the star realm and the absolutely abnormal environment around it, she realized that something was wrong.

Although she hasn't fully adapted to her new power yet, she knows she must get going.


When Adele took back her rapier and handgun from the coffin, she suddenly felt that there was some more knowledge in her mind, which seemed to be a summoning technique given to her by her elders.

The housekeeper with a hot figure and a cold face hesitated for a moment before trying her first summons.

She thought it would be difficult.

But in fact, just like the instinct of eating and drinking, the whole process was completed without any ambiguity. With a loud howl, an astral wolf the size of a hound appeared at her feet.

The disembodied creature circled Adele twice and licked her fingers in a flattering way.

"You came just in time."

Mrs. Adele took out the eldest lady’s notebook from the coffin next to her, gave it to her astral wolf to sniff, then waved forward and ordered:

"Take me to her."



Tris, who was lying in the ruins of the manor, coughed a few times with difficulty, and thick blood spurted out of her mouth, which meant that she was in an extremely bad state at this time.

Next to Tris lay a huge and decomposing corpse. It was a strange creature made up of horrifying tentacles, a black-gray chitin carapace and crab-like claws.

It is ferocious and strange when it is alive, and after death it will continue to release filthy energy to impact the hearts of the surrounding beings.

Killing this guy almost exhausted Tris's last bit of psychic energy, making it difficult for her to even move.

Tris felt like she was about to die.

Of course, for vampires, this may be an illusion caused by "anemia".

Her body was already numb from the stinging pain, and to make matters worse, it was actually snowing in the sky, which was already as dark as a sandstorm.

That's black "snow".

Pieces fell to the ground, and then turned into spiritual embers and disappeared.

Tris, who was once a master of psychic energy, knew that this was a strange environmental phenomenon caused by the assimilation of spiritual energy from the astral world to the material world, which meant that this land was being integrated into the mysterious and dangerous astral world.

She must leave as soon as possible, otherwise she will suffer the tragic fate of never being assimilated again.

However, Tris had no strength at all at this moment.

She was lying on her back in the ruins of black falling snow, with her coquettish red eyes wide open under her disheveled hair, looking at the magnificent sky spinning above her head like an energy vortex.

This is a rare sight in the material world.

Probably because she was mentally shocked by the astral creature just now, Tris actually had some strange associations at this moment.

She vaguely remembered

When I picked up little Murphy more than a year ago, it was also a cold and snowy day.

That day, she had just helped a wealthy man who was doing business between the local area and Port Chardonnay achieve his first love. The guy who came to Cadman City to visit her got the coveted "eternal life". In return, the rich man

Gifted one-third of his fortune to Trish.

Tris originally planned to use this windfall to buy a wine cellar and renovate her manor.

Later, she met Murphy who was about to starve to death on the street in the city.

It was snowing and very cold that day. Eighteen-year-old Murphy fell on the road wearing only a single coat. It was the eighth year of the Ten Years' War. There were escapees like Murphy everywhere. Cadman City would starve to death every day.


Tris has forgotten why she wanted to bring Murphy back.

Maybe it was just because I was drunk that night and I had a whim, or maybe it was because I suddenly felt kindhearted.

Maybe he couldn't bear to see such a lovely life taken away by death. In short, it seemed that he had another heir in the blink of an eye.

As before, the money earned was quickly spent.

But this time, the guy he picked up seemed different from all the previous heirs. He actually didn't leave her, just like a gentle dream that would never wake up.

"Tris. Tris, are you okay? Don't scare me. Open your eyes! It's me! Tris."

The familiar call seemed to come from the horizon, causing the dazed Tris' consciousness to return to the material world little by little.

She vaguely saw Murphy's handsome and cute face again.

But she knew that this was just the remnants of the astral monster's mental pollution taking effect on her. The illusion she saw at the end of her life was actually this little guy.

But little Murphy has obviously left!

The child listened to her words and left Cadman City forever and went to a safer place. He avoided herself and avoided bad luck, so how could he still appear next to her?

The black snow in the sky is falling heavier and heavier.

This was a sign of greater danger coming, but she had no intention of resisting this damn fate.

She has never had it easy in her life!

From childhood to old age, she has really had enough of the mockery from fate for more than four hundred years.


Another call sounded, making Tris very irritated as she wanted to close her eyes in the snow.

She stretched out her hand with difficulty to dispel the illusion in front of her, but the next moment, her raised hand was grabbed, and then her whole body was held in a warmer embrace for a vampire.

Half-kneeling in the black snow, he hugged her so tightly, as if he was holding the most precious treasure in life.

"It's great, Tris, you're still alive and I'm back, Tris, Murphy is back. I'm sorry, I came back late. It's great that you are okay."

This unfamiliar and uncomfortable feeling of being hugged brought Tris back to her senses.

She shook her head vigorously, feeling her body being picked up from the ground. She finally understood everything, but then a surge of anger rose from her heart.

"Didn't I let you go? Why are you coming back? You damn kid! You're disobedient."

She scolded, reaching out to slap Murphy in the face, but in the end she was too weak to complete the action, so she could only let Murphy put the midnight cloak on her and then carry her behind his back.

"Don't be afraid, I will take you out of here, hold on!"

Murphy asked Tris behind him softly.

He stepped forward against the growing black falling snow and headed towards the collapsed city wall. Behind him, the weak Tris buried her head in Murphy's shoulder.

Unfortunately, during the previous battle, sand seemed to have entered her eyes, and now she felt very uncomfortable and wanted to secrete some kind of weak substance.

Fortunately, vampires don't shed tears, and naturally no one can see her terrible expression at this time.

Otherwise, you will definitely be laughed at by others, right?

After all, the vampire world she was familiar with was far from as gentle as the midnight blessing and the hug at this moment.

"Little Murphy"


"I want to drink beer."

"How long have you been drinking? Bear with it! I'll go out and find you something better."

"No. If you don't drink, the wound will hurt."

"Is this the reason why you became addicted to alcohol? Why didn't you tell me before? Well, I'll help you look for it on the road. Just bear with it."


Under the dark, gloomy, crazy and dangerous sky, the whirlpool of astral spiritual energy is like a black sun, emitting a dark and evil light in the scattered black snow, stretching Murphy's figure forward in the snow,

It also made Tris behind him almost blend into his shadow.

It seems like they can no longer be separated from each other.

Well, the last offspring of Mrs. Tracey's long life seems to be really different from other heartless guys.

Maybe it was because she had been unlucky and used all the luck she had accumulated in her life on that cold night a year ago?

This chapter has been completed!
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