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Chapter 418 417 Basic labor force 60,000, if it continues like this

Chapter 418 417. Basic labor force +60,000. If this continues, Murphy will become rich overnight.

The military observation group of the Kingdom of Plantagenet set off in a mighty manner. Marshal Shortman politely made an announcement to Murphy before his army set off. His original intention was to prepare the cunning Murphy to receive

Ten thousand armed blood servants and fifty thousand ruffians and all the scum criminals in the prisons of East Prussia.

Although he did the same thing, Marshal Loren, a young dwarf in his seventies, was obviously not as shameless as the Yankee politicians.

Although he has never been friends with the Transians, he himself feels that what he is doing now is a bit unethical.

He originally thought that his notice would make Murphy furious, but he didn't expect that the other party's reply in the calculation orb was quite calm. There was even a sense of joy and expectation hidden in his tone. This made Marshal Loren wonder whether Murphy was serving as governor.

Are you going crazy due to too much pressure?

With the current situation in Transia, what do you, a vampire governor, have to be happy about?

Shouldn't we rush to seek medical treatment and do our best to find a way out for ourselves before the conflict breaks out?

Marshal Loren was puzzled by this, but he did not understand the significance of the "labor force" he sent to Transia at all levels.

Murphy and his administration have struggled with staffing problems for a long time.

Although the situation has been alleviated by the addition of mountain people and refugees, these people who "admire Wang Hua and take the initiative to join" are the sweethearts in the eyes of Murphy and Miriam, and they are absolutely reluctant to throw them into the Dark Barony.

Either dig a pit or send it to build a straight road from the Earl of Cadman to the West Coast Territory.

As the Black Disaster approaches, Murphy urgently needs a batch of "consumables."

At this time, Marshal Loren sent the governor what he needed most, and he sent 60,000 people at once!

What is this concept?

Even if we calculate that ten or twenty people die every day on the trench being dug near the Filthy Swamp area in the Baron of Darkness, the arrival of this batch of supplies is enough for Murphy to wait until the Maginot Line is established and transfer them to

Road construction has begun.

The Masons' Brotherhood will obtain enough basic labor force. As long as Old Chen Tou and his two disciples are determined, the construction work that they are solely responsible for will surely make rapid progress.

However, Professor Chen is an intellectual after all, and he is kind-hearted and cannot bear to see the cruel exploitation of human beings by human beings.

Therefore, the gray duster and the brick mover never let the old man go to the Baron of Darkness, lest the sentimental old man feel sad when he saw the scene of using people as livestock on the front line.

However, Murphy and Miriam's acquiescence to the frontline actions also produced an unexpected result.

According to reports from Adele's secret informants, the kobolds digging trenches on the front lines actually became more cooperative and submissive after seeing the humans assigned to do the same work as them and receive the same treatment.

Some leaders of the kobold clan have begun to believe in Murphy's original promise. They believe that Governor Murphy will definitely treat all races in the territory "equally"!

If you don’t believe it, you can see that this vampire can be so ruthless to humans, and since the establishment of Scarlet Castle, members of the Blood Vulture Clan have been strictly executing the pursuit of traitors.

Therefore, Lord Murphy will never allow superior ethnic groups to appear in his territory.

This report once made Murphy very distressed.

Although he was happy to see this scene, the vampire governor still couldn't help but want to ask those kobolds, is there something wrong with your fucking understanding of "equality"?

Oh, we don’t talk about equal welfare, but now we talk about equal punishment, right?

Your requirements for a miserable life are really low. This description is the perfect description of the word "pathetic", right? Fortunately, the kobold's brain is not very good. If it were replaced by Hogg,

That sycophant will definitely sing praises to Murphy now.

In short, after a series of arrangements that Marshal Loren could not understand at all, three days passed by in a flash.

When Colonel Fraser led the chief officer of the military observation group and the complex army under his command into Transia, they met near a newly built inn near Xikoland and the Anderma Hills.

Arrive at Scarlet Keep to receive the prisoners.

There were quite a lot of people coming. At a glance, there were probably hundreds of people.

The dozens of huge and chilling wing cavalry headed by them made everyone pay attention to the young officers of the Pioneer Legion. Although not everyone here had participated in the Battle of Xico City more than two years ago, these people almost brought Marshal Loren to the battlefield.

They have heard of defeating the collapsed Hussars on a spiritual level.

As for Colonel Fraser, he observed even more.

He saw that these winged cavalry still had some immature aura, which was enough to show that these were new recruits. In other words, the winged cavalry had already begun to rebuild.

This is not good news for the Pioneer Legion.

Colonel Fraser, who had personally participated in the Battle of Xico City, knew that once these guys regained their strength, their grudges with the Pioneer Legion would resume on a daily basis.

"Salute to you, Your Excellency."

People's Army General Maxim, who had been officially appointed as the military commander of Transia, stepped forward and said seriously to Colonel Fraser:

"On behalf of Governor Murphy and Governor Miriam, I welcome you all to come to Transia to help us deal with the black disaster. We have selected several locations for you."

"I won't bother you with this."

The colonel said in a deep voice:

"We will choose where we want to stay."

"Well, it's not up to you, everyone."

Maxim said expressionlessly:

"Transia is not a colony of the Kingdom of Plantagenet. At the end of the ten-year war, this land still did not surrender. Since we did not bow to you in the most difficult times, now that everything is getting better,

You can't expect us to suddenly turn into a coward.

Please take your officers to the Scarlet Keep to meet with the Governor and the Consul. Colonel, your soldiers must stay here until both parties can reach a consensus!

The Transians have no tradition of allowing other nations' armies to move freely across our lands.

Please note!

This is not a request."

Such a tough reception caused a commotion among the young people in the observation group. Colonel Fraser's adjutant, Major Ron, was about to retort but was silenced by the colonel's gesture.

He looked at Maxim, whom he had acted with before, and saw the stern light in his blood-red eyes.

He knew that this matter was not negotiable.

Unless the Pioneer Corps intends to fight the Transians here and completely seize control of this land, they will have to accept the arrangements of these guys.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with your arrangement."

Colonel Fraser nodded, but then changed the subject and said:

"But all the losses incurred by my soldiers during their stay here must be paid by you. Since you claim to be the masters of Transia, then show some hospitality!"

"Although Transia is barren, it is still possible to entertain a group of uninvited guests."

Maxim whispered:

"Please calm down the soldiers. The reception of prisoners has begun. Also, where are the 'consumables' that the Half-Dwarf Marshal gave us?"

Our representatives from various industries are ready to select ‘talent’.”

"They are human beings. Although they are scum, I heard a lot of ominous things from your words."

Colonel Fraser responded:

"Although I have no favorable impressions of them, out of sympathy for my compatriots, I still hope that you will not use them as vampire food."

"You have been away from Transia for too long, Colonel. Your understanding of the vampires on this land is still stuck in the past. We have long stopped doing such stupid things as killing the goose and taking the eggs."

Maxim held the riding crop and said casually:

"It is such a waste to treat people as blood bags. Their talents need to be explored, whether they want it or not! Only those who are worthless can become slaves who provide blood.

This will be their final use in Transia."

While the high-level talks between the two sides were taking place, the people who came with Maxim had already started taking action.

Colonel Flanders, the former war hero of the Third Brigade of Armed Blood Servants, has chosen to retire. He did not join the Cadman People's Army to become Maxim's adjutant.

The leader of a band of refugees from the Reclamation Area.

But now that some compatriots from the past are returning to Transia, the colonel in his prime did not refuse Maxim's invitation and came here as a representative of the armed blood servants.

Accompanied by several officers of the People's Army, he came to the ranks of the 10,000 armed blood servants captured by the Plantagenet Kingdom.

He looked at the exhausted compatriots in front of him, with no light in their eyes, and felt quite emotional in his heart. After the Third Brigade was captured by the Yankees, they were sent to the wilderness to build the steam railway that kept devouring human lives, and the First and Second Brigade in front of him

The blood servants of the 2nd Brigade did not live a good life in the prisoner of war camp in East Prussia.

The people Colonel Flanders saw all had whip marks on their bodies, and their clothes were in tatters and lacked the aura that a soldier should have. There were also some disabled people who were placed on carts, looking as unkempt as beggars.

Some of them had seen Flanders, the war hero, and some of them, some officers who could barely maintain their dignity, tried hard to salute the colonel.

Flanders responded one by one, and then with everyone's attention, he shouted loudly:

"Where is your commander-in-chief? Where is General Berkeley? Is Colonel McCann still there? Where is Colonel Mario? Is he still alive? Squeak!

Don't hide behind your own people like a coward!"

No one responded to him, only numb eyes telling silent suffering.

A few minutes later, a colonel with a broken leg was carried to Colonel Flanders by his own soldiers. This guy's figure had become extremely thin, and the military uniform that once fit him was as empty as a flour sack.

He lay behind the soldiers and spoke in a very weak voice. He said to Flanders:

"Hello, Colonel, I am Major William Scott, captain of the 1st Brigade Assault Company. The commander you were looking for is no longer here.

After the Plantagenet Kingdom captured us, they sent us to the mines of Anjou. They did not kill us, but they waited for us for more than two years of hard labor.

General Berkeley died in a suspicious mining accident.

Colonel McCann was rushed under a cliff to save his soldiers in a mudslide, and that bastard Mario rebelled.

He took 1,500 elite blood servants to join the Wolf Vulture faction of the Wolfsbane Clan.

I was already one of the only remaining officers. The bastards of the Plantagenet Kingdom were obviously planning to clean up us, but the Midnight Mother showed mercy and allowed us to finally return to our hometown.

I heard that the same thing happened to the Third Brigade.

Those shameless bastards in the prison camp will also use your experiences in the wilderness to remind us how kind they were in not taking our lives.

They claim to be the embodiment of 'civilization'.

I bother!"

"We failed, and this is what losers do."

Colonel Flanders was silent for a moment, then said softly:

"You have come back, which means that your long hard labor is over. I must tell you with pleasure that the current ruler of Transia, Governor Murphy, is a unique vampire. We may not be able to harvest anything under his rule.

The life you long for, but I can guarantee that you will not suffer discrimination and abuse in your hometown.

Several other retired officers and I formed the ‘Transcian Veterans Guild’, which is a semi-official non-governmental organization. The administrative office allocated us enough materials to arrange our brothers’ future lives and whereabouts.

Major William, I now solemnly invite you to join us. Our brothers have already shed their blood for their hometown, so we cannot let them shed any more tears.

Of course, the work you will have to shoulder in the future will still be heavy.

The Cadman People's Army is recruiting qualified soldiers. You are responsible for selecting enough elites from the current 7,000 people under your command to transfer to the People's Army.

1,500 people were also mobilized to become militiamen to defend various villages and cities, and the remaining brotherhoods were demobilized.

Those with family members will seek refuge with their families, while those without family members will be scattered into various collective farms, or they may go to the south with our newly formed Dark Baron Reclamation Group to build our own villages and cities with our own hands.

I have obtained the authorization from His Excellency the Governor!

As long as we can do that, we can have our home again! His Majesty the Governor even named our future territory himself.

He named it 'Darrowshire'.

I don’t know what that means, but I believe the name is full of blessings for us.”


Major William, who was being carried on his back, was stunned for a moment. He subconsciously lowered his tone and said:

"But it's a black disaster."

"We can't escape, William."

Colonel Flanders whispered:

"Unless you are willing to leave your hometown again and live a life without roots, after everything you have experienced before, will you still make such a choice?

I think that even if we have to die, we must die in our hometown! This is the last dignity for those of us who can no longer keep up with the times.

What do you think?"

The major, who was very tired and just wanted to take a rest, was silent, and no one among the junior officers around him raised any objections.

Anyway, the situation is already so bad, how much worse can it get?

The reception on their side can be said to be a peaceful handover, but the situation on the side of the 50,000 border guards who were assisted by the Plantagenet Kingdom in Transia is not so easy to describe.

The queue of 50,000 people stretched all the way over the grassland of Xi Ke Territory like a black tide. Even if these people did not carry weapons, their numbers alone were enough to form a large-scale chaos after they were disbanded. Fortunately, the military

The officers of the observation group were quite smart and did not release these guys as soon as they entered Transia.

Several officers responsible for escorting these "consumables" reluctantly handed the roster to Professor Malcolm in front of them, who came to receive assistance on behalf of the administrative office.

The professor did not spend time chatting with the people in the Plantagenet Kingdom. After getting the roster, he returned to his people, flipping through it, and said:

"The information collection of the Pioneer Corps is very confusing. They did not register the personal specialties of these border guards, which means that you have to find a way to recruit the required manpower yourself.

This is 50,000 people, and it won’t be finished in a short time. My opinion is to spread them out.”

"No need to bother, Professor."

The representative of the Masons Brotherhood, the Brick Bearer, waved his hands and said carelessly:

"We are about to start building two straight roads from Scarlet Castle to the south and north. According to Old Chentou's calculations, if we want to complete them within three months without professional tools, it will require at least 30,000 overtime workers.

A little extra work.

I mean just separate them right here.

First, form a basic labor force of 20 people into a group of them all. Then someone will naturally check who has what talents and so on when they arrive at the construction site.

I have brought twenty foremen with me, and each of us can take three hundred men."

"We need all veterans with gunnery experience!"

Linye, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry who came to recruit people on behalf of the Scarlet Hammer and Sickle Regiment under the People's Army, said loudly:

"Brother Bang said, first bring all the valuable people there, and then slowly transform them."

"Okay, okay, you pick first."

The brick mover shrugged and said:

"I will take them away after you have finished choosing."

"But that means they have to stay here."

Professor Malcolm frowned and said:

"This is a scale of 50,000 people, temporary accommodation and so on."

"Can't they just build a prisoner-of-war camp for themselves on the spot?"

The brick mover glanced at the sky, and as expected saw the griffon Reifno flying in the sky, which meant that Lord Murphy was looking over here.

He squinted and said:

"With so many people, each person can build a town with one brick. This is the first aid order. If they are not even willing to do this little thing, it means that there is no need to keep this layer of window paper.


Aren't the hussars under Knight Wallander waiting for orders one kilometer away?

To be honest, I kind of hope to see these guys start a riot. Really, the alien people have always been afraid of power and have no morals, so the ancient wisdom of killing the power stick is necessary in any era."

This chapter has been completed!
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