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Chapter 466 465 Stepping on a path of ashes where no one has gone before

Chapter 466 465. Trampling a path of ashes where no one has gone before

Three days passed by in a flash. On the Maginot Line in the evening, Happy Stick was warming up for the upcoming cool operations of high-speed flight and dive bombing.

Not far behind him, thirty-year-old Yansang, who will serve as the "bombing instructor" tonight, is explaining the specific operations of this operation to the gathered vampire players.

There was also a circle of vampire NPCs under the Shadow Intelligence Agency. Mrs. Adele did not appear here, but her heir Dana listened very carefully.

Although the Blood Vulture Clan has tended to recruit players to form the backbone of the family, a game force cannot only have players. Among other things, the cumbersome diplomatic matters of dealing with vampires from other clans are simply beyond the reach of the players.


Even if you let the real RP party come over, just learning those ancient etiquette passed down for thousands of years and the taboos of various families would probably drive them crazy.

This kind of thing still needs to be done by locals.

Therefore, after the Blood Vulture Clan was rebuilt, although the process was very secretive, the number of members of the Blood Vulture Clan was still increasing steadily. At present, nearly a hundred people have become vampires under the command of Archduke Tris, and each of them is a vampire.

Carefully selected.

Most of them come from blood servants who are hopelessly fanatical, and each of them must be strictly investigated by the Shadow Intelligence Bureau before receiving their first embrace.

This was a double order from Tris and Murphy, so Adele didn't dare to neglect it.

However, tonight's operation is risky, so Yan Sang did not arrange for these NPCs to join in the dive bombing, but only arranged for them to do escort work.

This is also a very important part.

Tonight's bombing starts from the Maginot Line, passes through the north, south, and finally ends at the camp in the west. Without resting in the middle, the bombing must be completed as quickly as possible, so as to destroy the second and third layers of the Jackal's defense line in one fell swoop.


It's shameful to say that although Brother Bang and other guild leaders gave tonight's battle a very middle-of-the-road strategy called "Road to Ashes", the number of "Li Mei Happy Bullets" they currently have is still very short.

After all, the workers in Zhongzhong's arsenal were beating screws until they were smoking, but they still couldn't meet the quantity required for this operation.

After repeated reductions, there are now only more than 200 incendiary bombs that can be used, which is not even enough to carry out the second bombing. And this is after Mrs. Tris and the eldest lady, as well as all their alchemist apprentices, work tirelessly to join in.

The production volume was not achieved until the production of incendiary bombs.

"But the good news is that although the quantity is small, the quality is high!"

Yan Sang, wearing World War II pilot goggles on his head, was playing with a dwarf pipe and standing next to his beloved Wind Eagle with great feeling.

He blew out smoke rings and said proudly:

"The Li Mei happy bombs used for bombing tonight are all filled with gold-burning catalysts. This uses up all the gold-burning inventory in Mrs. Trish's hand, which is enough to ensure that this thing will explode in a big way if dropped!

Moreover, the Nightcrawlers of the Thorn Clan have not been fishing in recent times. They have marked the areas most worthy of bombing for us.

Although there is definitely no way to burn all the skeleton army in the swamp, it is enough to open a gap for us on three fronts. If everything goes well, everyone can gather outside Plague Town the day after tomorrow to celebrate the grand event."

"But if you can't kill those guys, it will only cause the out-of-control undead army to spread throughout the swamp."

Sister Pomegranate said while doing warm-up before the flight:

"In the long run, these guys wandering around will still make the swamp full of dangers. We are not afraid, but in the future this road will lead to the Dark Mountains. A bunch of undead tribulations always pop up while walking, who is this?

Can you bear it?"

"Sister Pomegranate, your question is really meaningless."

The Cuckoo Chicken next to him, who was trying to move the bomb next to him, curled his lips and said:

"You said that this road will lead to the Dark Mountains. Who doesn't know the 'good reputation' of that damn place in the entire continent? Which normal person would go there for a walk with nothing to do?

Those who dare to set foot on this road are either warriors who dare to fight the jackals, or businessmen with ulterior motives who plan to use this road to do illegal business.

The only thing the two have in common is that they are not afraid of the undead that jump out randomly.

By the way, do you really expect to build this road into a ‘tourist attraction’ in Transia?”

"That's right. It seems I've thought too much."

Sister Pomegranate nodded and said no more.

The Dirty Swamp was originally a ghost place. As Cuckoo Chicken said, locals with any brains would not go near this place. As for what the place would develop into in the future, she did not need to worry about it.

Xiaowei Ming is more open-minded in this regard.

She looked sadly at the thick and big bombs on the ground and said:

"Hogg is worried about the skeletons in the swamp. That guy has already set his sights on the Filthy Swamp, a geomantic treasure land. In the eyes of humans, this is a ghost place, but the jackals simply love the swamp environment.

The Bloodclaw clan's migration here will not only expand their territory, but the swamp environment will allow them to raise more clan members. Although moving here means that if the battle on the front line goes wrong, Hogg will have to face the pressure of the gnolls in the Dark Mountains, but

I guess that guy is probably ready.

If it wants to lead its clan to become the true descendant of the Bone-Gripping King, it must pay blood and tears for this.

Alas, this aerial bomb is too heavy!

My small frame can’t carry it! What should I do?”

Ashina tried several times, but was unable to carry the heavy bomb on her back.

Because Transia lacks real aerial knights, tonight's bombing requires the vampires to carry this thing on their backs for a death dive. Ashina's inability to carry the aerial bombs means that she will miss this interesting bombing.

This made her very disappointed.

"Aiya, don't cry. Come on, your uncle Zhongzhong made a small-sized aerial bomb specially for you."

Yan Sang came over and said carelessly:

"Look, there are a lot of them over there. They definitely fit your small body. Those things are not only incendiary bombs but also have the function of indicating the direction, so you will have to play forward in a while.

You and I have to be the first to drop bombs so that the brothers who follow will not drop aerial bombs at grandma's house."


Xiao Ashina flew up and spun around in excitement, but she soon realized what she was doing and folded her arms angrily and said:

"I feel full of malice from Uncle Loyalty. Why should I carry a small one? There are also white phosphorus bombs? I will carry that one!

That’s light.”

"Well, it's not impossible if you insist on trying."

Ah Yun came over very maliciously and said:

"But I heard that Brother Zhongzhong is not very good at making white phosphorus bombs. There is a certain chance that the thing will explode for no reason even if it is hit or not hit at all.

I guess you have never seen the terrifying scene of white phosphorus bombs sticking to the body and burning. Uncle Qin and others used that stuff to burn many skeletons to death.

Gee, I feel scared just looking at it.

If your delicate skin and tender flesh accidentally get stuck on it, we will have to find a way to dig you out of the wreckage with a spoon."

"Don't be so fucking scary. I will turn into light when I die. Where do you need to dig out with a spoon?"

Xiao Ashina was so frightened that he shrank his neck.

She knew that Ah Yun was deliberately exaggerating fear, but as a girl, she was still a little frightened. Finally, under the command of Brother Bang, she obediently carried a special small aerial bomb on her back, and met other vampires who were ready to go.

They stood together and formed a loose flying formation.

At this time, the scene was extremely "awesome".

Currently, more than two hundred vampire players in the game are here, and they are arranged in many rows according to their size.

Ten people in each row were wearing leather jackets for heat insulation and flight goggles, like pilots preparing to go off, but each person had their "attack weapon" tonight tightly bound with a special belt behind their back.

The big and thick black incendiary bombs or white phosphorus bombs reflected dark light in the evening night, and the "Gear Skeleton" logo of the First National Arsenal of Transia on them was so dazzling, foreshadowing their ominous fate.


Some of the more naughty guys, such as Che Che and Ah Yu, even used their kindergarten-level painting skills to paint strange things on their bombs.

There was a sentence written on Pigeon Bao's bomb in crooked Transian language:

"Uncle Qin, the concierge, treats you to hot pot."

Well, it's full of malice in every aspect.

In order to allow these aerial bombs to be carried and flown by vampires, Brother Zhongzhong specially adjusted the weight. However, to ensure the bombing effect, the amount of explosives and flammable materials filled inside this thing is still not too light.

Fortunately, every vampire has a black iron rank. Although it is very heavy on their backs, it does not prevent them from flying.

But the racial talent of vampires is not "heavy bombers" after all, and their pair of blood wings were not used to carry heavy aerial bombs when they were born. Therefore, after carrying this thing, even the strongest bulls can fly at a slower speed.

Reduced to only one-third of the original level.

If the jackal warlocks seize the opportunity to use a flame attack or a large-scale air ban, this bombing brigade will probably be wiped out tonight.

However, everyone who can come here knows the risks of tonight's battle. Everyone is fearless. Even the expressions on their faces can be described as excessive excitement, as if a serial killer has found a victim and is eager to try.


This metaphor is somewhat vivid, because it is impossible for normal people to laugh in this situation.

"Brothers! I won't say more."

Yan Sang, who served as the bombing guide, turned over and mounted his Loyal Falcon, which was also carrying small aerial bombs. He pulled his goggles down and said loudly:

"I wish everyone a successful start tonight! I wish our defense line will never fall! I wish Transia's military fortune will be prosperous! I wish the goddess of fate will favor us tonight."

"Hey, your declaration is so un-vampire-like."

Xiaowei Ming in the first row put cool goggles on her eyes, put her hands on her hips and shouted:

"You should pray to the Mother of Midnight to protect our safe return!"

There was a burst of laughter in the crowd, but the NPC vampires serving as escorts nodded in agreement.

Although everyone knows that vampires have no gods of their own, such a large-scale and important operation should indeed be said to be auspicious.

"Then, may Midnight Mother bless us."

Murphy, who was disguised as an ordinary vampire, hid at the back of the crowd and said something pretentious.

He also carries a large aerial bomb on his body, and there are three other bombs in his special psychic bag.

As he said, he didn't want to miss tonight's big scene, leading a group of undead heroic spirits from other worlds across hundreds of kilometers at midnight, summoning fire from other worlds to burn out evil spirits and lay a chance for victory.


You Pinpin, this is so exciting! Which normal administrator can resist this kind of temptation?

"Set off!"

Yan Sang finally tapped the number of people.

He unexpectedly discovered that there seemed to be a few more people than when he set out, but it was no longer the time to talk about this.

The scheduled time has arrived, and Yan Sang is the first to take off in the wind vulture.

As the only pilot among all the players with real-life "bomb-dropping" experience, he undoubtedly became the pioneer of the squadron tonight.

Of course, Yan Sang's so-called "bomb-dropping experience" refers to his experience in flying special aircraft to spread pesticides in the Northwest. Although it lacks a bit of coolness and masculine pride compared with bomb-dropping, the operating ideas of the two are at least the most basic.

all the same.

All have to be calculated in advance, all have to dive, all have to maintain stability.

Doesn't this round up to be a professional "bomber pilot"?

"The road ahead is clear! There are no stars or moon tonight! I wish you all a good start!"

The tiger and leopard riding brothers on the ground shouted in unison, and then amidst the whistling wind caused by hundreds of vampires flapping their wings at the same time, rows of vampire bombardiers took off one after another. The Meow Meow Brother team with flying mounts

Already waiting above the swamp to conduct advance reconnaissance of the bombing target for them.

"Damn it! I didn't feel anything when I was standing on the ground just now. It's really tiring to fly with an aerial bomb on my back."

A few minutes after taking off, complaints from cars and cars rang out in the dark "Flying Squadron", but before they could even complain a few words, they were scolded by the sports student next to them:

"Shut up! This is a military mission. Be serious, kid. If something goes wrong, you will have to go to court-martial."

"Hey, you think I'm afraid of a military court? How many divisions does it have?"

Cheche rolled his eyes, but he didn't continue to complain.

As one of the first veteran players to enter the game, he knew that no matter how uncomfortable he was, he could still maintain his dignity.

Che Che has already figured it out. He has been immersed in the Black Iron rank for a long time. Although he is a psionicist and always complains that the potential release bar is stuck at 30%, but in fact, a vampire like Che Che is in Mo.

In Fei's eyes, he is already a qualified elite member of the family.

Although they are inferior to NPC vampires in terms of attributes, their actual combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of Black Iron vampires due to their unafraid style and ability to summarize.

"We are about to enter the enemy-occupied area on the northern front! There are still seven minutes left before the first bombing zone. The first wing is preparing to drop bombs!"

Yan Sang's deep voice echoed in the temporary team framework, and he commanded:

"After a while, the formation changed and everyone followed me, maintaining a distance of about 500 meters from me. After the incendiary guidance bomb I dropped lit up on the ground, everyone kept flying at a constant speed and counted silently for five seconds before diving around according to the guidance bomb.


This is your first time doing this kind of work, so you don’t have to worry about accurate projection.

What we are pursuing is range destruction.

Last reminder!

The safe explosion height of the gold-burning incendiary bomb is about 150 meters. After the bomb is dropped, it will climb immediately! Do you understand?"


The responses from all the players were sonorous and powerful in the dark night, while Murphy, who was following at the end, was carrying the bomb and looking around in a relaxed and happy manner. Just thirty seconds before he was about to reach the bombing zone, Murphy suddenly discovered a sneaky guy.

Also hiding in the crowd.


The vampire lord leaned over, looked at it carefully and said in shock:

"Xiao Sharon? What are you doing here?"


Countess Siko was also startled when her name was called out.

At this time, she maintained the illusion of transformation and shaped herself into an ordinary vampire image. She looked at Murphy who was also disguised in surprise and said:

"I just came here to support them. What about you? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to support you just like you."

The vampire lord said in a long voice:

"Just watch the fun, why are you hiding your head and showing off?"

"whispering sound"

Little Earl Sharon curled his lips and firmly refused to admit that he had become a qualified fun-loving person under the temptation of the young players.

She moved her shoulders and looked at Yansang who had begun to dive in front of her and the first group of vampire bombardiers who were also lowering their altitude. She stretched out her hand to adjust her goggles and said:

"I just want to see how destructive the things I made with my own hands are, that's all."

"Alright alright."

Murphy shrugged and descended in the air very easily. While searching for targets on the ground, he said:

"Catch a few corpse witches while they're in chaos and take them back?"


Little Sharon looked at Murphy, and then heard the vampire lord explain:

"I heard before that my warriors almost captured General Baldwin's ancestor who had been dead for more than three hundred years. This made me realize that some of the dead whose peace was disturbed by the gnoll warlocks might actually be quite 'valuable'

The goal.

We will definitely be able to capture Plague Town, but how to deal with these guys with sensitive identities is what we must start to consider now.

First, capture a few corpse witches and torture them. It would be best if you can make a list."

"Hmm, good idea."

Xiao Sharon also started a standard death drop.

As she descended from an altitude of nearly a thousand meters to a few hundred meters, she twisted the lock on her waist with her head down. From this height, she could even see that the corpse witch below had raised his cane towards her.

, however, the aerial bomb behind was released and continued to accelerate due to the accumulation of kinetic energy and the call of Mother Earth, with a sharp and ominous roar, blasting towards the dark earth below that had begun to bloom with flames.

Murphy beside her also completed the dive bombing accurately and perfectly.

But the target he chose was more valuable. He saw the corpse witches and the Hades knights charging around on the ignited position of the Skeleton Army below who were trying to teleport out. He also gave away his "gift".


The huge vibration brought about the explosion of dazzling fireballs, and amid the screams of death one after another in the restless night all around, everything in Murphy's eyes was engulfed in flames.

In the illuminated sky, he could hear the wild shouts of the little players and the howls of ghosts and wolves, like a group of devils from a foreign land dancing wildly on the ignited ruins.

Then Murphy laughed too.

He looked down at the unconquered swamp and said:

"Well, filthy swamp, welcome to join the Transia Family Bucket! If you don't answer my invitation, I'll take it as your acquiescence.

Hum, just serve Mr. Murphy's great cause honestly, one day.

You will also become a legendary place."

This chapter has been completed!
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