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Chapter 475 474 We call it “Suicide Strategy”

Chapter 475 474. We call it "Suicide Strategy"

Not to mention how Mr. Murphy, who was hiding in the dark, slandered the pure student party members in his heart.

After they played a rather childish lottery game, the unlucky Cheche plucked up the courage amidst the encouragement and ridicule of others and cast a spell on himself that could reduce the chance of being sensed and be obscured by shadows. When everything was ready, he

He raised his middle finger to the person next to him and then quickly ran into the swamp restricted area in front of him.

This is a place they have never been to before, because the last time they came to investigate, they encountered an explorer who was sent to the stars by a spell.

But that's not a big deal.

Because although the area of ​​the swamp forbidden area is large, there is only one way forward. You only need to follow the strange building ruins to enter its depths.

And talking about the ruins of buildings hidden in the swamp fog.

There is always a feeling about cars!

Although these ruins, which have been corroded by the climate in the swamp, cannot see their original appearance, they are completely different from the buildings in the outside world.

If anything, the buildings outside, including Plague Town, actually follow a unified medieval style, mainly pragmatism with some religious flavor. However, the remaining buildings in this restricted area are more like temples.


Especially those pillars and fallen stone statues that have been covered with moss and vines.

The young man felt as if he was trudging through a larger, more weathered Parthenon in a swamp environment.

"I have long heard from Aunt Shui that the aesthetic style of this game is quite outstanding. Although I am not an art student, I seem to be able to taste it after watching it too much."

The Blood Torturer turned on the recording function of his calculation orb, and recorded the mysterious and quiet scenes of these swamps he saw during the flight.

This is his habit.

Cheche is a funny and artistic young man. He always likes to record things that he finds interesting. Currently, the game’s real-world “publicity ambassador”, the Medical Insurance God of War Daesen, always likes to ask Cheche for materials when making videos.

There are always outrageous materials on various themes found in his orb of calculation.

Cheche thinks that he might become an amateur photographer in the future. Of course, it would be better if he could make money from this hobby.

"Damn it, why are these jackals still here seducing that giant swamp snake! Do they keep doing this kind of thing here and don't care about their town being attacked?"

The young student quickly arrived at the entrance to the forbidden area, and saw those damn gnoll warlocks commanding the undead army as before to "bug" and weaken the stupid swamp snake, the same as before three days ago.

Bi, Cheche could clearly feel that the giant swamp snake had become weaker.

It seems that these Gnolls' attrition tactics are still useful.

He did not get closer, but secretly planned to bypass the scene where the jackal and the giant snake were fighting, go around and sneak deeper into the forbidden area.

It's best to find the giant snake's lair.

But just after Cheche succeeded in making a very wretched detour, one of his turns back made him immediately connect to the communication with the brothers waiting outside as if he had discovered a new world:

"This legendary giant snake is injured."

Cheche exclaimed in a suppressed voice:

"There was a terrible wound on its back that looked infected. There were purple bruises on its gemstone scales, and a small part of its long tail that was always hiding in the mud was actually bitten off.

Holy shit!

This wound is really scary!

This is definitely not something that a jackal can do, it may have been attacked by other giant beasts!"

"But who else in this swamp would mess with it besides the gnolls who attack it?"

The Meow Shark over there said doubtfully:

"Is it that strange NPC that killed us before?"

"Hard to say."

Cheche ventured a little closer and took out his monocular and looked over there for a while. He reported:

"The wound looks very much like a claw wound, so maybe it was an injury sustained when this giant snake was fighting with other giant snakes?

No wonder it became weak. It wasn't how powerful those jackals were, it was the fact that this guy was injured and couldn't rest that made it suffer so much.

These gnolls are really vicious.

They dragged it around just to make the injury worse."

"Very good, this means that the giant snake must hate the jackals deeply in its heart, if it really has such a thing as thinking."

Ah Yuan said over there:

"This can be considered a good thing.

You continue to search deeply for the giant snake's lair. News has just come from Plague Town that the eldest lady needs to rest for six hours before she can re-activate psychic countermeasures for the southern front on Lady Water's side. Based on this time, our challenge

The copy will be released at midnight tomorrow, and we still have one day to complete the preliminary preparations for this backup plan.

You find a safe rendezvous point and we'll meet you there. It's a bit too difficult for you to explore such a large area by yourself."

"Fuck, this sounds like a human saying!"

Cheche complained.

He continued to flap his wings cautiously and moved forward. After passing the area where the jackals and swamp snakes were fighting, it became very quiet.

There is even a permeating sense of quiet beauty.

Cheche felt as if he had entered a fantasy realm that no one had set foot in for thousands of years.

This lush land was no longer a simple swamp terrain. The young vampire saw tall and tall trees extending into the sheltering clouds above his head, and vines like vine ladders winding back and forth between the giant trees.

A super-large three-dimensional natural dome has been created here.

Although he is not a believer in nature, Cheche can still feel a certain "harmony" existing in this area.

The deeper he went, the more life existed in Cheche's perception. He was shocked to find that this forbidden land was not just filled with terrifying giant snakes.

Not only are there other lives here, but there are quite a lot of them.

Swamp tigers, crocodiles, jungle bats, and some birds with brightly colored feathers flying around the big trees, and even strange monkeys hanging on vines, as well as deer wandering by the water in the forest and those in the grass

The silly rabbit is poking his head inside.

It's like a "paradise" without being disturbed.

"This is wrong!

This is completely inconsistent with the description of the ecosphere taught by the junior high school biology teacher I had a crush on. The amount of food consumed by super giant creatures every day is enough to cause the extinction of life here."

Cheche scratched his head and was puzzled.

He vaguely remembered that the biology teacher in his junior high school who had a charming charm did not describe the concept of the ecological circle in this way. Although the scene in front of him made people feel relaxed from the bottom of their hearts, the weirdness of its existence made Cheche even more vigilant.

He did not rashly approach those seemingly "normal" things. After all, he was in an "abnormal" place. He followed the giant crater-shaped route left in the muddy water when Ningji Nanka moved on the ground and headed all the way forward.

Move forward, and then make unexpected discoveries

"Damn! Come on, brothers, this is a large maze."

Che Che said in the communication in annoyance:

"I saw the footprints I just left, which proves that I have started walking in circles. There must be a large maze spell taking effect here."

"Maze Technique? Isn't that the 'air wall' set up by the development team?"

Pigeon Bao exclaimed:

"Holy shit, is there another ongoing test project behind this? Are we repeating Brother Bang's story? Do you want you to come back first?

Lest we also like Brother Bang and propose a seven-day package.

If this guide is banned for seven days now, I think I will go crazy."

"Probably not."

Cheche rubbed his chin and guessed:

"There is a bare mountain behind here. I didn't see anything worth paying attention to, but I did find traces left by the movement of the giant snake everywhere, and I even picked up its fallen scales in the muddy water.

Its lair should be somewhere in this maze.

Don't tell me, these scales are really just like gems. The item appraisal said that this is an advanced production material with its own "glare spell". Even if we can't find the nest, it would be good to pick up more scales and share them with everyone.


Anyway, come quickly.

Don’t be afraid, this road is very safe. I estimate that the Ninkinanka giant snake is the only dangerous thing in this area. Now that the hatred has been taken away by the jackals, we can pass here without hindrance."

"Okay, you wait!"

After hearing Cheche say that high-end production materials could be found in the maze, a group of student parties immediately set off.

They completely didn't realize that the evil-minded Lord Murphy was following behind them.

The Vampire Governor was invisible and followed his student party warriors, strolling all the way into the forbidden swamp that had been proven to be safe, as if traveling.

He had a strange "sense of accomplishment" in his heart.

This is a place that even Tris, the "unlucky traveler", has never been to. Ha, I finally surpassed Tris in a certain field.

Then Murphy realized that his pursuit was really pathetic

Alas, this is probably the disadvantage of having an overly outstanding girlfriend, right?

"Damn, I can really pick it up!"

After the student party reunited with Cheche, they spread out and searched around in this large maze, and soon found many giant snake scales discarded in the muddy water.

These production materials, even in their original state, are marked as "precision workmanship" quality, which represents the rarity and value of this thing. For a moment, the little discouragement in the student party's heart was suddenly thrown away.

Even if the backup plan fails to be implemented smoothly, just taking these scales back and giving them to Mrs. Tracey will definitely earn a lot of extra money.

They happily acted as "mushroom pickers" and began to rummage around in the quagmire that had been enchanted with the maze technique, but Murphy didn't pay attention to the treasures hidden in it.

He frowned when he entered the maze because his administrator system suddenly prompted him that there was an "optional exploration area" nearby.

"What is an 'optional exploration area'? Can you please explain it to me?"

Murphy complained in his heart:

"When I first activated this system, I was amazed by your functions. But the more I use it, the more I find that this thing of yours is really full of problems. Now I am too lazy to even explain the entries.

However, when the administrator system was officially unlocked, the [Data Deletion] said that it had left something on this continent to help me better fulfill my mission. Therefore, this 'optional exploration area' means that it has left something nearby.

'Assistance items' under?

Tsk, if it weren't for the current urgent situation regarding the Plague Town strategy, I would definitely spend some time exploring here.

But since it is marked as ‘optional exploration’, it proves that this thing will be the same whenever it comes, and there is a high probability that it will not interfere with the advancement of my ‘main quest’.”

With this in mind, Murphy released his perception within the effective range of the permanent maze spell. After getting past the stupid little players wandering around the maze, the vampire lord quickly discovered the path leading to the depths of the maze.

The road everywhere.

It was blocked by an illusion of rock, so it's no wonder that the student party couldn't find a way to move forward.

Murphy should have gone exploring by himself, but considering that he only had one life, who knew what kind of "plot" would be triggered by stepping into the giant snake's lair?

Therefore, out of caution, he did not act immediately but waited in place. A few minutes later, the electronic snail, which was looking for the giant snake's scales in the mud and humming a song, slowly walked over.

He was already holding a lot of giant snake scales in his hands, and his expression was as happy as a fat man who had picked up millions.

It could be seen that she was in a good mood, so Murphy decided to give her a "surprise".

The vampire quietly walked up behind him. When the electronic snail bent down to pick up the scales below, Murphy covered his mouth and kicked the electronic snail on the butt, causing the young vampire to lose balance and dance forward.

of rocks.

This should have broken the electronic snail's head.

However, in the snail's exclamation, he "traveled" across the rock in front of him and plunged into the giant snake's lair inside.

"Damn it! I found the giant snake's lair, come on, come on! It's so big in here! It's like an underground cave. Damn it, this style of painting doesn't feel right!

Come quickly!"

Electronic Snail's exclamation quickly attracted other student parties.

They rushed into the lair that was blocked by the illusion of rocks. Murphy waited outside for more than ten seconds. After confirming that there was no danger, the vampire lord took the hilt of the sword at his waist and walked in slowly.

It is indeed a huge cave.

But it's not dark inside.

Because there were obvious artificial lights above the head, and when Murphy first saw some of the structures of the nest in front of him, he realized that this was by no means a natural cave.

After all, have you seen any natural cave equipped with a "fully automatic feeding machine"?

A huge silver-gray instrument is embedded in the wall of the cave. Its structure is similar to a feeder for pet cats and dogs. There is a huge button below. Just touch it and there will be gray "chunks of cat food"

Sprinkle from it.

Cheche and Ayun are having a great time playing there right now.

They also discovered the difference of this "giant snake's lair". The meow shark floating in the air looked at the pool deep in the cave for the giant snake to rest, as well as some colorful "toys" suspended on the pool.

He couldn't help but complain:

"Is there a dangerous giant snake's lair here? This is obviously a pet room! So, is the swamp snake actually a pet kept by some mysterious being?"

"Look at these bones! These are the bones of a jackal. I won't admit them."

The Cuckoo Chicken stood next to a pile of corpses that had weathered into skeletons at the entrance of the nest. He picked up a bone badge from the side with disgust, distinguished it, and said:

"Item identification shows that these gnolls are the 'guards of the Bone-Gripping King'! They have been dead for at least a hundred years. Why do I feel like this is a plot exploration area?"

You can definitely find a lot of hidden historical details in it. Damn it! This flail is actually a voodoo psychic weapon of exquisite craftsmanship?

Come quickly!

Clean up this place!

You can make some money by selling these things to new people. Hey, I probably understand the fun of treasure hunters."

"Hey! Did you forget about business?"

Pigeon Bao shouted unhappily from behind:

"We are looking for something that can lure the giant snake to collide with the gnoll camp. These treasures can be explored slowly later. Come here! I found its egg!

I think this thing will definitely work.”

He shouted loudly, and others came over one after another. On a special device at the feet of Pigeon Bao, there was a "dome" half as high as a person.

This thing has been severely petrified. In addition to its smooth appearance and maintaining an egg-shaped structure, its outer material has almost completely turned into stone.

Ah Yuan went over and touched it, but couldn't feel any life fluctuations at all. He stretched out his hand and placed it on the dome to activate the item identification.

After a few seconds the message entry pops up:

Name: Unhatchable Egg

Quality: Special plot item

Item description: [Ningji Nankan is a legendary object. Even the most knowledgeable biologists in the mainland are difficult to tell more secrets related to it, let alone the secrets of the reproduction method of this giant swamp snake.

Congratulations on discovering an unhatched snake egg.

But unfortunately, this special creature needs the help of special instruments to successfully break out of its shell, and now the entire mysterious facility that protects its species has been shut down for nearly a thousand years.

The tribe of giant snakes has not seen new life come to them for thousands of years, and this ethnic group that coexists with strength and fragility has once again reached the end of its demise.

Perhaps you can try to help the endangered ethnic group of Ninginanka regain a new life?]

"Hiss, the information revealed by this egg is terrifying if you think about it carefully."

Ah Yun took back his hand and said to the others:

"I feel like we have triggered a very big event. This forbidden area definitely hides a huge secret. This place is not a forbidden area because of the existence of Ningji Nanka! It is here just to protect this group.


This is not a dangerous place at all, this is a ‘biological reserve’!

Damn it!

Who built it?

Why do I feel that the fantasy-style medieval world background we are in has suddenly become a "post-apocalyptic" style?

Guys, I'm a little panicked now.

Will we discover that a super civilization once existed on this continent when we explore it later?"

Others were silent.

They looked at me and I looked at you and they all had no idea, but after a few minutes, Ge Bao said decisively:

"Ignore that for now! Finish the strategy for Plague Town in front of us, and when it's our turn, we'll try to use this egg to lure the giant snake out.

I guess this must be risky. The giant snake with the instinct to protect the egg will probably kill us without hesitation. It is a legendary creature, and if it touches us, we will be finished.

So everyone, be prepared to sacrifice your life for good.

Even if we all die, we must defeat Plague Town! Let others see our strength."


"Who's going to go first?"

"Why don't we draw lots for this? Don't worry, whoever grows up will go first this time. Hey, is it fair?"

This chapter has been completed!
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