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Chapter 495 494 What era are we still using traditional contracts?

Chapter 495 494. In what era are we still using traditional contracts? We must keep pace with the times, do you understand?

"You said they are still alive?"

In the underground area where Murphy was alone, facing the message thrown by the astral monster Mannis, the vampire lord instantly clenched his fists and asked:

"Are you sure you're not kidding? So many ordinary people were thrown into that hellish place in the star world. It was a chaotic place where even the golden strong men didn't know how long they could survive. Do you really expect me to believe that there are still people there?

One hundred thousand ordinary lives are suffering?

More than four months have passed.

To say that they are still alive is equivalent to telling me that they are all Transian Superman or Transian Captain, do you think I will believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not."

The tone of Mannis the Endless also became playful. He was like a poker player holding a big king in his hand so he was not panic at all. He said slowly:

"Anyway, the truth and evidence will not disappear just because you don't believe it. You mortals who walk on the earth and can only look up at the sea of ​​stars have a mediocre understanding of the star world. I admit that my hometown is a place of chaos, where time and space are.

It is built into an intricate and dangerous tower in a disorderly manner.

However, precisely because of the chaos and disorder, it is possible for a 'safe place' to appear.

Of course, in this case, your compatriots were not lucky enough to be thrown into a beautiful environment where they could preserve themselves.

Nor does their survival mean they are lucky.

That was just the beginning of a more terrifying torture. The astral tear that occurred in Cadman City was a sacrifice that mortals could not understand! Murphy, that was a 'sacrifice' sacrificed to the shadow of the subspace.

They won't swallow it in one bite.

I know that there are more than 300,000 people in your city, and now I tell you that there are still 100,000 of them alive, which means that the remaining ones have embraced a fate more terrible than death.

In your battles in the future and at dusk against their warp shadow masters, you will see for yourself that those warp-twisted beings born from the shadows of Chaos have no need of these, yet their servants in the material world require an incinerator.

The power to destroy the world.

Um, you look shocked?

Then let me reveal to you a little more truth that will shock you.

Cadman City was not the first city to be sacrificed to the Warp; a comparable number of mortals were thrown into the filthy vortex during the initial sacrifice hundreds of years ago.

They have become a people of chaos!

Their wild roars in the subspace can be clearly heard by me in the star realm. At some point in the future, they will return to their "hometown" with hatred and anger. Those abyss residents wrapped in iron and blood

The pain they have suffered will be returned to you intact or even multiplied tenfold.

If your history is good enough, you should know what I'm talking about."

"The 'Blood Terror Doomsday' two hundred years ago, right?"

Murphy immediately thought of a lot. He sighed, already convinced, and said:

"In order to gain an advantage in the Second Night War, the Blood Terror clan took the risk of opening a subspace rift. Over 300,000 residents of the Ice Bay area were drawn into a foreign land overnight, and even forced the terrain of the Ice Bay to permanently change.

But isn’t Dusk an organization that only emerged in the last hundred years?”

"Ignorance! Why do you always equate 'twilight' with subspace? The two are not the same thing at all, or in other words, the relationship between them is clearer than you think.

The shadows of the warp have power but are blocked from the worlds, while the dusk is a group of idiots whose brains have been burnt by taboos, and they are fanatically eager to see the destruction of the material world."

Mannis snorted and said casually:

"Dusk is just a tool used by the shadows of the Warp to disrupt the world. How can a blacksmith dedicated to creating destruction only have one tool at hand?

Of course, the shadows of the subspace are not a problem you need to worry about. You and their levels are too far apart. The so-called soldier versus soldier, general against general. Before the astral giants fail, you and other mortals only need to deal with dusk.

That's all.

And in this process, you will undoubtedly need the support of a great force, and that is me. Come on, Murphy, sign the summoning contract with me.

I know this is a bit early for you, but I also believe that after we get through the mutual adaptation and running-in period, you and I will set off different storms in the two planes.

You can save your city, save your country, and I will take the step to the gods that I have dreamed of."

"Leaving aside the contract, why are you so sure that I will be able to enter the heart of the world left by the Creator?"

Murphy asked suspiciously:

"You don't know me, do you?

To trust a stranger so blindly either means that you have lost your mind, or that your situation is not as winning as you show.

Let me make another irresponsible guess, maybe at this stage, you need me far more than I need you."

Mannis the Endless stopped talking.

But Murphy could feel an anger brewing on the other side, perhaps because Murphy told the truth, but just before Mannis got angry, the vampire lord laughed and said:

"It's a joke, the great astral beast, I'm not happy enough to be helped by a powerful demigod. I should even call it an 'honour'.

Of course I am willing to accept you as my astral guardian, but I think in this current situation of mutual need, we may be able to draw up a summoning contract that is responsible for both parties. Ahem, I mean, contract!"

"That's right."

The tone on Mannis' side relaxed again, and it said:

"You are really a ritualistic guy, so I will give you enough time to complete this contract. Is one day enough?"

"Enough, of course it is enough, please wait patiently for my response."

Murphy stood up and said to Mannis:

"Of course, you also know the secrets you need to confess to me after the contract is completed. I don't want to hear that the survival of 100,000 people is just a lie."

"No, it's not. I am a Time Clan. I have my own dignity. Murphy, I will not lie to get what I want, but you have to be prepared."

Mannis reminded:

"If you confirm that you want to save those poor people who are falling into the abyss, it means that in the black disaster that is about to break out, the pressure you will bear will be unprecedented. I think that will crush my poor contractors, but

how to say?

People choose their own paths, right?"

After saying that, in a sound that was so weird that it was completely unlike what a snake could make, Mannis's breath disappeared from Murphy's perception, and almost the moment the contact subsided, the teleportation light flashed in this uninhabited land.


Tris appeared next to Murphy with the disheveled Liwen Knight, but the little rich man who was supposed to come back with him disappeared.

"Poor Mo, you are so poor and lost in the star world!"

Tris exclaimed:

"How bad luck is this? After I improved the teleportation technique, the probability of accidents has been reduced to extremely low."


Murphy sighed and said softly:

"Endless One, help me."

"Of course, I've been waiting for you to speak."

Mannis's laughing voice rang in Murphy's ears like a ghost. As the rift in the astral world quietly opened, the little rich man who was frightened by the chaotic scenery of the astral world covered his head and was dropped from the air. He fell to the ground with a thud.

On the ground.

"Next time you ask me for help, please call me 'Sir'. My contractor, if you show proper respect, I will be very happy."

The Endless One replied with a feminine voice, and then disappeared again.

"That's Mannis? 'The Endless' Mannis?"

Knight Liwen, who was still rubbing her eyes at this moment, immediately became vigilant when she sensed the aura around Murphy. The believer of the astral dragon subconsciously reached out to hold the sword, but she really lacked majesty in her cute bear pajamas.

As Murphy and Tris looked at her, "Pajama Knight" Liwen's expression changed drastically, and she said:

"Why would you associate with a guy like this?

It was an arrogant person born in the star realm. In the eyes of many star realm demigods, it was an out-and-out descendant of the evil god, acting wildly and without any rules at all.

He is even so arrogant that he dares to challenge my God.

Although its provocation was easily suppressed by our god, and it is said that the Endless One was severely injured in this tragic defeat and escaped by escaping into the turmoil of time in the star realm, it is still too dangerous for mortals.

There have always been evil legends about the Endless One in the ancient East. It is said that it has formed its own cult worship groups many times in the ancient country of Callum. Then, just like the games and jokes of evil gods, the Dragon Emperor noticed those evil servants.

After that, those poor people were immediately abandoned ruthlessly.

Your Excellency, Governor, you shall have no further contact with it.

If you need it, I can call on the power of my god to bless you, so that Mannis can no longer threaten you."

"If you had come five minutes earlier, I would undoubtedly have accepted your suggestion and blessing from the astral dragon, but that is no longer possible."

Murphy sighed and said:

"The Endless One threw out a bait. It was a bait that I, the ruler, could not give up. I knew the danger but I had to bite it. I am such a cunning person."


Tris frowned and scolded:

"I don't know what kind of promise Mannis gave you, but I know that you are not a person who will be dazzled by power. You should not lose your mind and make peace with such a dangerous guy. You listen to me."

"Those who were thrown into the star realm in Cadman City did not die."

Murphy looked at Tris and said softly in a subtle tone:

"The essence of the disaster we experienced that almost killed everyone was Dusk's sacrifice to the shadow of the subspace. The purpose was to create a thing called the 'World-Burning Demonic Soldier'. Dusk's trick was successful.

More than half.

But there are still 100,000 people who have not been corrupted, and Mannis told me that it can help us save them."

"Here comes the Midnight Mother!"

Tris was shocked by the news, but what was even more shocking was yet to come.

After hearing Murphy say that the Blood Terror clan's misdeeds two hundred years ago had created a force of 300,000 people, they were currently hiding in an alien abyss but were ready to return to the material world.

After the soldiers were defeated, the Scarlet Witch's whole body was in bad shape.

"Look, it's too late to run away now. Mannis's appearance is a pleasant surprise. It tells us the opponent's plot and the upcoming plan."

Murphy reached out and took Tris's cold hand, and he whispered:

"The dusk hidden in the shadows has put its gun to our heads. Now the only way to resist is to have the last chance of survival. I will tell Lord Paying the news at the right time. I believe in fighting wits with the subspace.

The Lord who has been brave for a thousand years should have been prepared.

But Mannis's appearance at this moment is not a bad thing. We can try our best to save the bad situation, even if it is just to tip the balance back a little.

I have decided to accept Mannis' request to become my astral guardian.

But don't worry.

I already have ways to minimize the impact."

"What are you going to do?"

Tris looked at Murphy, who shrugged and said:

"Mannis may be like a cunning devil, but there is a 'devil's advocate' beside me. Lord Crow has been causing trouble in the temple of Avalon for long enough. I hope his skills as a lawyer are still there.



At the same moment, the crow who was cleaning the Avalon Temple like a sincere believer heard the hum of the calculation orb. He looked down at his character interface in surprise and found a message called "Everything is in its best condition".

Hidden tasks with " are activated.

The local governor, His Excellency Murphy, invited him to the Blood Vulture Corridor and gave him a pretty good reward.

"Hmm, interesting."

With a humble smile, Crow bowed to say goodbye to the Avalon icon behind him, and left here with elegant and decent steps under the adoring gazes of the young priests and nuns in the church.

Judging from his appearance alone, anyone would think that this elegant man is a sincere believer.

But only a few people know that this guy is a hateful unbeliever.

Not only is he an unbeliever, but he also holds important positions in the current Church of Avalon and the Adventurer's Guild as an unbeliever. What's even more frightening is that many sincere believers regard him as the person blessed by Avalon and are willing to

Follow the crow's instructions and act.

This is scary, bro.

"Where are you going?"

Just as Crow mounted an old horse and left the camp, Natalie, who was leading the horse back to the temple, passed him. The heavily armed Witcher asked:

"Are you finally unable to bear the rebuke from my god and are you planning to flee this place of faith with your tail between your legs? You unbeliever."

"No, no, no, I was just called and I had to answer."

Crow saluted Miss Natalie on horseback and said in a gentle tone:

"The revision of the Avalon Canon has not yet been completed, and the church reform has only just begun. The young monks need my guidance to distinguish right from wrong and reshape their understanding of the correct relationship between gods and humans.

As Father Eugene's most capable assistant, my mission here has only just begun.

I know you have a problem with me, Ms. Natalie.

But please don't doubt my determination to help you. In addition, you have missed two psychological counseling sessions. I don't know why you want to resist this kind of treatment that is very useful to you, but I hope you can come to my appointment on time tonight.

In the tent.

I must ensure that the leader of the Church of Avalon has no psychic holes that can be exploited."

"You are just peeking into my past! I hate you!"

Natalie whispered:

"You are trying to drag me from my sincerity to Avalon into the abyss, and turn me into an unbeliever like you! You are a villain, the worst guy I have ever seen in the first half of my life!"

"Is there anything wrong with being like me? If you want to see the essence of faith clearly, you have to break away from it first. You will never be able to see the face of the mountain clearly in the clouds and mist. Only when you understand the meaning of the existence of faith will you become Ava

Long’s true messenger on earth.”

The crow asked softly:

"Look at what your faith has done to you. Your heart is riddled with holes that need to be filled, but you still can't let go of the sin of 'father-killing'.

Even if Mr. Old Finock's death has nothing to do with you.

Ms. Natalie, be obedient.

You need treatment!

Otherwise you will be on a path that Avalon does not want you to take. You will face an enemy that is very good at defeating you on a psychic level, and your psychic weapons have terrible flaws.

I'll be waiting for you in the tent at 8:30 tonight.

If you don't come, I will persuade Mr. Eugene to tie you over. You must know that many people care about you and you should not let them down.

So be it.

There is no need to be hostile to me, the relationship between you and me is just that of a patient and a doctor. If you need help, I will provide it, that's all."

After saying that, Crow smiled, pulled up the horse's reins, and sped off in the direction of the Blood Vulture Corridor.

Behind him, the Witch Hunter clenched her fists.

She gritted her teeth and looked at the foreign bastard in front of her. If she could be better at the field of Bible analysis, damn it! She really shouldn't have focused all her talent points on force and investigation.

Ten minutes later, Crow knocked on the door of Murphy's office. This was the first time he met the Governor alone. He had several strategies to show his respect for the main NPC in order to gain favor, but as a result, Murphy

He said to him straight to the point:

"Your Excellency Crow, I know that you are familiar with the laws in your world and are very proficient in contracts and contracts. Therefore, I need you to help me draw up a contract."


The crow blinked in surprise and said:

"Excuse me, what kind of contract is it? Personally, I am only good at the criminal code, and my understanding of the commercial code is not outstanding."

"Speak in words you can understand"

Murphy sat on the office chair, holding his chin with his hands intertwined. He looked at the crow in front of him and said:

"A pact with the devil!

I have to ensure that we can take more initiative under the premise of close cooperation. Of course, this is an equal contract, so I need you to give me as much power as possible to move freely without interference while maintaining fairness.


Can it be done?”

"Well, what you need is not a contract, but a disclaimer."

Crow smiled implicitly and said:

"It goes against my professional ethics to create such a contract that offends the concept of law, Your Excellency Governor, so, I."

"Avalon is watching you."

Murphy said softly:

"I can feel that the God of nature is angry because you are running amok in His holy place, trying to turn a faith organization into a dynamic group with a purpose by reconstructing the relationship between God and humans.

You are trying to replace the original system of the followers of Avalon with a concept centered on 'fair exchange'.

You are trying to release God's flock into the wilderness so that they no longer live by faith but by the beliefs of their own choosing.

This is really bold.

If it weren't for Transia, you might have been burned at the stake.

You see, Lord Crow, I am not asking you to violate your professional ethics, I just want you to protect my precarious soul to the greatest extent possible in the contract I will execute.

You are a lawyer in your world.

I have learned about your culture. Isn’t it the job of a lawyer to protect the weak?

You know, before old Finock died, he entrusted his daughter to me. Based on what you have done to Ms. Natalie now, I have enough reasons to expel you from Transia.

But I know that you are just helping her in your own way, and you have no ill intentions.

So please help me, a vampire in need."

This chapter has been completed!
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