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Chapter 502 501 What? What did the Bone-Gnawing King ask you to do? Kill Gods

Chapter 502 501. What? What did the Bone-Gnawing King ask you to do? Kill gods?

Hogg suspected that there might be a big problem with his brain, and he urgently needed to find a better doctor to check it out. If necessary, he could even undergo a craniotomy for a closer examination.

Because after it woke up, it immediately took the bone-gnawing king's skull to the psionicist in Wolf Castle for inspection, and the latter assured Hogg after repeated inspections that this thing did not have any psychic fluctuations. In addition to having some commemorative value, this thing

The thing had lost any magical power after being desecrated by the Cripple Claw and "purified" by being picked off by Lord Murphy.

In this spiritual continent, a golden strongman can do many things, but unfortunately, their remains are difficult to become a true "treasure of heaven and earth". At most, they can only be what the necromancer desires.

Spellcasting materials, or high-level crafting materials in the hands of others.

But if there is nothing wrong with this skull, how can we explain our "adventure" last night?

Thinking back to the "simple task" given to him by the King of Bone Grinders, Hogg felt that his useful head was going to explode. He was so anxious that he was scurrying around like an ant on a hot pot, and instinctively wanted to find some help.


But among the people wandering around Wolfsburg, are there any players who can help it "kill gods"?

Running around and being disappointed everywhere made Hogg completely depressed.

After much thought, it still had to ask its "old superior" for help, so it hid in a secluded area of ​​Wolfsburg and used the calculation orb to contact Lord Murphy, intending to tell the matter to the most powerful and cunning guy in its mind.

, to get some valuable suggestions.

Baozhu was quickly connected.

There were sniffing and huffing sounds from Murphy's side, as if he was having breakfast.

The vampire lord who was eating "Alien Instant Noodles" suddenly fell silent after hearing Hogg's sad description. He put down his fork and thought carefully. Hogg waited uneasily for several seconds before the sound came from over there.

Lord Murphy’s surprised voice:

"Tell me, what does the King of Bone Grinders want you to do? I seemed to have heard you wrong just now. It was probably because I was too tired last night and fell into a trance. Say it again."

Hogg sighed, shortened his vocabulary, and said concisely:

"The big jackal who calls himself the 'King of Bone Grinders' asked me to rush into the holy land of all jackals when the black disaster breaks out, and strangle the unborn Lord of the Hunt to death. You heard me right, Mr. Governor, I

The nominal ancestor now lets me, a disabled gnoll, kill a god."

"Oh, it turns out I heard you right. Do you want to check your brain or thinking or something? Did you experience hallucinations due to excessive stress after receiving Wolfsburg recently?"

Murphy suddenly asked with concern:

"Do you need me to help you contact a doctor? I can help you make an appointment for psychological treatment at Crow's. Although it is knowledge from another world, I guess it will be useful to you."

"I can't tell, sir, I really can't tell."

Hogg almost collapsed.

It covered its face and wailed:

"You'd better meet with me and I'll tell you in detail."

"Well, okay, I'll go to Wolf Castle in a minute and inspect my defense line. You can eat something first. You can eat whatever you want. Don't panic. Killing God is just a small problem."

Murphy comforted him a few words, leaving Hogg on Baozhu's side confused.


What do you mean by a small problem?

Have you been under too much stress recently and gone crazy? How about we make an appointment to see a psychiatrist together?

And is the joy in your words genuine?

What good thing has happened?

The Jackal Chief slandered like this, and it calmly waited in the Wolf Castle with a long sigh. Almost half an hour later, Murphy and Tris appeared in the sky above the Wolf Castle.

Both of them were dressed in the same clothes as before, because the leather armor that Old Edward had come to support had been damaged in the battle with the Bone-Gripping King, so Murphy changed back to the ceremonial swordsman robe of the Archduke of the Blood Vulture.

This thing looks elegant and majestic, but its practicality is actually a bit poor. After all, it is a ceremonial armor and you cannot pursue too much.

But now Lord Murphy doesn't care anymore, because he is wearing the "Legacy of the Creator" under his armor.

The defensive power of the tight-fitting inner armor with three different armor pieces has surpassed Old Edward's flawed leather armor, and is more concealed and close-fitting. It also has a constant temperature effect that makes Murphy no longer protected from the outside world.

climate impact.

Tris also wore that set of protective gear under the Grand Duke's robe, and because she was a psionicist, she chose psychically enhanced armor pieces. At this time, Tris had nine pieces of armor floating next to her that were recolored.

The scarlet smart shuttle that vampires love most.

Those things flew around behind her to form a "wing", just like his "light wings spread".

However, the Grand Duke's expression at this time was not very good.

He seemed to have had a verbal conflict with his little darling. He kept a cold face and refused to answer Murphy's questions. The lord tried to hold hands but was thrown away, looking like a classic angry girlfriend with shame and indignation.

She escorted Murphy to Wolf Castle with a straight face, then threw a teleportation spell and returned to the Blood Vulture Corridor without even saying goodbye.

This made Mr. Murphy, who was slowly falling, look helpless. Hogg and Murphy, who were waiting below, stared at each other with big eyes. After a few seconds, Hogg asked with a flattering face:

"Um, did you have a quarrel with His Excellency the Grand Duke? I have never seen such a cold relationship between two talented and beautiful people like you."

"Oh, woman."

Murphy complained extremely helplessly:

"Obviously she did it voluntarily, but she turned against her when she got up in the morning, and said she would never do it again. She is almost 500 years old, and she is the same as a little girl who has a tantrum. Forget it, let's not talk about her.

Tell me about your problem.

You said you saw the Bone-Gripping King last night?

Describe the scene in detail and show me its skull."


Hogg hurriedly handed over the skull of the Bone-Gripping King, and described in great detail the scene of his conversation with the Bone-Gripping King last night.

While listening, Murphy put the skull in his hand and started the item identification. As a result, he was shocked to find that the entry for this thing was indeed subtly different from the previous one:

Name: The Remains of the Bone-Gnawing King, Philip's Head

Quality: Collectibles/Crafting Materials

Special status: Extraordinary·will connection point

Item description:

[This head hides something that does not belong to the human world, but it is obviously unwilling to open it for you.]


Murphy frowned and returned the bone-biting king's skull to Hogg. He said to the worried and troubled Chief Bloodclaw:

"Are you sure you remember correctly? Did Philip really tell you that it left its name in the Creator's 'register'?"

"Yeah, I confirm this."

Hogg nodded vigorously and said:

"It also says that it is only one step away from becoming truly transcendent and holy, but its current state is difficult to explain. I guess it itself may not understand why it can still maintain its soul and consciousness even after being dead for more than a hundred years.

Doesn’t it mean that after the death of jackals like us, our souls will also enter the underworld?”

"I don't know much about this."

Murphy rubbed his chin, trying to think of a reasonable explanation, but a few seconds later, a cold voice sounded in his ears:

“That’s a typical ‘living Holy Spirit’ state!

There are similar records in various faith churches in mainland China. When a sincere believer dies after coming into contact with certain sacred objects, his soul will not enter the underworld but will exist in a special state in certain objects or places.

in a scenario.

The most typical example is that the Church of Avalon has a "Pond of the Past" in the holy land of Glamour Island. It is said that the summoned believers can communicate with the ancient natural sages by entering the pond to meditate.

But the state of living Holy Spirit will not be maintained forever.

Their ectoplasms will dissipate over time, and the living Holy Spirit that has existed the longest currently is a Winter Priest of the Winter Wolf Church.

She died in battle while following the King of Heroes to conquer the wilderness. She was given power by Su and wandered in the cold wind of the wilderness. No one is sure whether she still exists, but she has been seen appearing in blizzards in the past ten years.

Folklore about rescuing trapped people.

The King of Bone Grinders has obviously entered this state.

Perhaps it was because it came into contact with the mysterious power of the Creator before its death, but obviously the cunning guy did not tell Hogg all the truth, and its current state did not force Hogg to help it complete certain things.

Theoretically speaking, as long as Hogdang doesn't have this problem, the Bone-Gripping King can't affect it.

As long as Chief Bloodclaw can withstand the pain caused by long-term insomnia, then it does not need to bear the heavy responsibility of 'killing gods'."

"Oh, I knew I couldn't do without your help."

Murphy responded quietly:

"Thanks for explaining, Tris, are you okay?"

"Shut up! I'm angry, don't come to me these days!"

The Duke of Blood Vulture scolded, and Murphy sighed again, and he said:

"If it's because of what happened last night, I just want to tell you that there is no need to do this. Love will tempt you to do some outrageous things that you wouldn't normally do. It's just that your emotions have gone there, and that's not your fault.


"Shut up! Murphy, don't let me recall those embarrassing scenes. I must have been tempted by some dirty things last night. I shouldn't have agreed to visit that private bathroom with you. Don't talk anymore.


You nuisance! I have to go brush my teeth now. Damn it!"

Tris raised her voice several times, and then completely turned off the quantum communication channel bound to their suits, leaving Murphy helpless again.

He raised his head and looked at Hogg and said:

"Ms. Tris just told me that the Bone-Gnawing King may be in some very special spiritual state, but it has no mandatory binding force on you, Hogg, so the best way is to refuse this mission.

Don't be frightened by the Bone-Gnawing King, it has no other way to disturb you except whispering in your ears."

"Oh, is that so?"

Hogg perked up immediately upon hearing this suggestion.

What it fears most is that it has been pushed into a dilemma by some strange force by the King of Bone Grinders, where it has to do something. When it is confirmed that the choice is still in its hands, the cunning Jackal Chief suddenly feels confident.

It quickly thought of another thing and said to Murphy:

"The King of Bonebiters told me that our Lord of Hunting has been contaminated, and that he will definitely be born in this black disaster. He is the god of all jackals, so if it is really born and drags down the jackals,

If we go into the abyss, does that mean my Bloodclaw clan will do the same?"

"You most likely won't be able to escape."

Murphy frowned and said:

"Vampires don't have their own gods, so I can't confirm whether you will be implicated because of a fallen god, but if we compare it with the example of Avalon, it is not difficult to find the connection.

Tris guessed that Spider Lady Avalon was the product of the pollution of the God of Nature, and you know what the shadow elves who believe in Spider Lady are like on the mainland. I guess this racial degeneration must have a source.

Faith is the channel through which this filthy will is conveyed.

From this point of view, it doesn’t mean that the Bone-Gnasher King chose you to kill the gods as he chose the wrong person, after all, this matter is closely related to every jackal."

"Ah? What should we do?"

Hogg was completely out of ideas.

It spread its paws and said desperately:

"Then it will be affected whether I do it or not. He is an evil god! I am just an ordinary disabled jackal, what can I do?"

"Don't panic, it's not like I haven't seen the evil god who was just born."

Murphy scoffed, saying:

"Your situation is very similar to that of vampires. When I advanced into the Blood Vulture Corridor to face the corrupted Sarokdar, I also saw with my own eyes the abomination he concocted for the vampire race.

I admit that that thing is very twisted and powerful.

But it is not invincible, Hogg. It is not a real god. It has fallen divinity but lacks a carrier. To put it simply, it is a brainless monster.

Its form can be destroyed in the material world.

But what you said is not wrong. No matter how this ends, it is not something that an ordinary jackal chief like you can accomplish alone.

Therefore, my advice to you is that if you really plan to take this job, then you must select a group of "god-killing heroes" for yourself from now on and do your best to train them to make them stronger as soon as possible.

Our vampire Lord Paying will not sit idly by when the evil god is born, so you already have the Knights of the Blood Alliance as a staunch ally. If you can convince the Church of Avalon to join this holy and just cause, then you will

More assistance can be obtained.”

The vampire lord spread his hands and said to Hogg in front of him:

"Look, doesn't the background of a legendary quest chain take shape? I've been thinking about whether to add main quests for each race, and now it seems that the main quest line for the gnoll race has emerged.

This is simply a godsend.

With it, you can convince the bravest and most fearless warriors among my warriors. Of course, if you want them to confirm that this extremely difficult task is worthwhile, you have to make them realize that you have the real thing in your hands.


Having said this, Murphy took out a swamp map, drew a few swishy strokes on it and handed it to Hogg. He said:

"Don't say I don't take care of you, my dear pangolin. This place hides the secret treasure of the Bone-Gnawer King. It contains the armor and weapons left by the Bone-Griddle King that dominate the world. Those things are enough to be armed if used properly.

A God-killing team has appeared.

Now that it's yours, put this information to good use.

You must choose the bravest and most powerful among the undead heroes to serve you and help you kill the evil god. You have seen how brave they are, and you know that they are fearless, they are just evil gods!

As long as that guy dares to show his health bar, they will dare to attack him with a knife.

But you must take on the heavy responsibility of helping them grow. In other words, after you choose the people, you have to 'support' them, at least until the end of the mission."

Murphy reached out and patted Hogg on the shoulder and said:

"In addition, I think you can find compatriots in the gnoll race who are not willing to sit still and wait for death. Do you understand what I mean? Since you have become the 'savior sage personally selected by the Bone-gnawing King', you should use this identity reasonably!

The evil Lord of Hunting is about to be born, and the future of the Gnoll family has been shrouded in darkness. At this critical moment, Hogg, the 'Wise Wolf' from Transia, resolutely embarks on the road to prevent the destruction of the species for the sake of racial justice.

Inspired by this righteousness, it and its clan refused to become a part of the black disaster!

Not because you are traitors, but because you have realized that the progress of the Black Disaster will only accelerate the degradation and destruction of the Jackals!

This is the right thing to do, not even the most stubborn servants of the gods can deny it, and you and I both know that the best way to make friends with other people is to choose a common enemy.

Standing on the civilized side in the fifth black disaster is definitely not a betrayal of your own race. My dear Hogg, the heart disease that has been bothering you has been blessed by the justice of the family and the country. Now you can finally face it openly.

To your fellow citizens."

The vampire lord leaned down and spoke in a long voice into Hogg's ear:

"You are now the Gnoll Hero recognized by the King of Bone Grinders, and now all Gnolls should listen to your roar!

Ah, it seems that the identity of the bone-gnawing grandson we knitted for you needs to be modified, but in any case, you have obtained an unprecedented Tianhu start. Next, it depends on how you complete this amazing game.


But no matter what, the warriors and I are your strongest backing.

Chief Hogg, as long as you are willing to preside over this legendary race line, I will give you all the assistance you need.

Go back and think about it."

Murphy stood up and said to Hogg, who was full of thoughts:

"Such a big matter cannot be decided casually. I need you to seriously consider every possibility, agree with our plan from the bottom of your heart, and devote yourself to it wholeheartedly. Only in this way can you be freed from your mortal identity and become a true

'The Savior'."

"So what do I do?"

Hogg raised his head and asked eagerly:

"If I am determined to participate in it, what should I use as the beginning of this legendary mission?"

"Slate of Civilization!"

Murphy declared with all his wisdom:

"The majesty and power of the Bone-gnawing King come from the Jackal Civilization Slate. That sacred object is the real secret of the Bone-gnawing King, but it has been torn into flesh and brought back to the Dark Mountains. So your 'Gnoll Savior'

The first step in the plan is to hold the civilization slate in your hands.

You must become the ‘spokesperson of civilization’ for the gnolls!

This is a complex process.

But as long as you get the slate, I can help you with the rest.

When you become the spokesperson of civilization, when you truly become the successor of the Bone-Gripping King, you will have the capital to compete with the fallen followers of the Lord of Hunting.

But you must act as soon as possible. Once the Black Disaster advances to a life-or-death stage, the extremely dangerous continent's tolerance for the Jackals will be reduced to zero. At that time, any action you take will encounter great risks.

Ah, my poor Hogg, you must embark on this road.

There is no happiness, only endless burdens, no leisure, only the ascetic pursuit, but you have indeed received an opportunity that everyone dreams of.

An opportunity to step into history!

An extraordinary opportunity!

Once you really complete this thing, you will not only become the savior hero of the Jackals, but you will even become the hero of the entire continent.

Black disaster!

The horrific black disaster may become synonymous with the past, and a new era will be ushered in by your own hands.


You are such a lucky and unlucky guy."

Facing Murphy's seductive words, Hogg's body kept trembling. Murphy thought it was considering whether to accept this heavy responsibility, but that was not the case.

After a few seconds, Hogg raised his head and said:

"I can go to the territory of the Pestilence Clan. Before Ripping Flesh, he promised me that its people can help me become a hunting priest. All I need is to bring the heart of a goatman priest. I can be the last one of Lord Ripping Flesh.

As an apprentice, you can sneak into the Pestilence Clan's territory and gain leadership.

Of course, the premise is that the Tear Flesh must die! It must not be allowed to return to its clan."

"Well, you already have a plan, that's great!"

Murphy's eyes lit up and he said:

"It will be difficult for us to hunt it down. We have no foundation in the Dark Mountains, but we have friends who are good at it, so let's take care of it, Hogg.

I will send you to see Mrs. Shani.

If you can convince her to help you, the entire Nightwalker clan of Thorns will be willing to help you."

This chapter has been completed!
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