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Chapter 522 521 From vowing to win to fighting for the last life

Chapter 522 521. From vowing to win to fighting for a spot in the last survivor! - [Monthly ticket plus 310 more updates]

Happy time always passes very quickly, and the flow of time seems to be different under different emotions.

The good days of the Feast of the Holy Blood seem to last forever, but unfortunately in the carnival day by day, time has finally reached the closing day of the Feast of the Holy Blood.

Early this morning, several booths in the city square had been removed after the last performance, which made the old and young men in the city look regretful, especially the performance of the Silver Moon Group's "Foreign Fashion Show" today was really complete.

A big job.

The talented designer Mrs. Shui will make a "limited time return" of twenty-seven of the most popular costumes in the past nine days today.

The scene cannot be described as "competing for beauty". The old and young men at the booth were screaming and watching the performance from beginning to end. There were even angry young people who had nosebleeds on the spot. There was no need to count which costume.

The most popular one. Just from the cheers and applause that surrounded him, one could tell that even Transians had the same understanding of "beauty" as men from other worlds.

This is actually a very "sad" thing.

Because Mrs. Shui unexpectedly discovered that men in any world like black, and the more it is exposed, the more they like it.

What a tragedy!

It seems that the local people’s taste for “beauty” needs to be improved.

However, what makes Mrs. Shui feel gratified is that Palano Knight, who is the legendary carrier of the "Knight of True Love" on the mainland, watched her fashion show throughout and gave a very high evaluation. The Golden Knight even put the "Never Fading"

Strange objects like "Midnight Roses" were given as "prizes" to the girls who performed on the last day.

As you can tell from the name, this delicate flower can keep blooming under any circumstances, and it is by no means a precious thing that can be born in nature.

The most amazing thing is that this bouquet, which expresses the Rose Knight's appreciation for beauty, is itself a rare "wonder equipment". It does not belong to the traditional equipment sequence, but as long as it is worn, it can restore the speed of psychic energy.

Permanently increased by 10%.

This is definitely considered generous.

Therefore, during the final curtain call, Lady Water invited Knight Palano to "walk the show" with them.

For Rose Knight, she selected three sets of men's outfits that are very classic in other worlds, from the straight and handsome black military uniform to the classic windbreaker and work hat with a humanistic feel, to the obscure and dark mafia outfit.

These are all excellent designs that can enhance male charm to the greatest extent. Knight Palano was full of praise. He happily appeared with the beautiful things he found in these ten days, and the results were unanimously recognized by the onlookers.


After all, ordinary handsome guys will make men feel resentful. However, when handsome men reach a certain level, that resentment will turn into envy and appreciation.

The Silver Moon Group's fashion show is undoubtedly the most surprising performance in the Holy Blood Festival celebrations, but the other booths are not inferior.

Although Big Bird Group’s “ten-day non-stop crosstalk performance” was far inferior to the fashion show in terms of “customer flow”, they gained at least 1,500 pan-believers for the Avalon Church in these ten days. This achievement made Lao You

Father Jin was quite satisfied.

Even shed tears in front of the icon.

In his own name, he selected some reliable and durable high-quality components from his past combat equipment and gave them to the "preachers" of the Big Bird Group, plus the income from the rewards he received when the cross talk performances were wonderful.

Brother Mingmiao made a rough estimate. Although it is not clear how much they made, they definitely did not lose money.

The final winner of Lao Huo's charity gambling competition was decided at midnight yesterday.

Not surprisingly, Major Ron from the Plantagenet Kingdom became Transia's first "Charity Gambling King"!

He obtained a 36-month gold VIP qualification at the Booty Bay Casino, but he certainly couldn't go to the casino to work for Lao Huo, but it didn't matter, because the remaining runner-up and third runner-up and even the remaining 5 who reached the semi-finals

Everyone is recruited by Booty Bay with huge sums of money as "service personnel".

The addition of this group of old gamblers will make the development of Lao Huo's casino and village more organized and develop gambling equipment more suitable for the "local baby's physique".

The most bleak thing was the student party’s concert booth.

The local audience for pop music from other worlds is still too small. The student party entertained themselves almost the whole time. But the good news is that the player community is very receptive to this stuff. In the last few days of the Holy Blood Festival, everyone had singing skills.

The players will perform on stage.

The self-entertainment mode is not bad. Although there is no reward, at least everyone has gained happiness.

When the concert ended last night, some of his disciples pushed him to the top of Lao Chen and sang a song called "Unforgettable Tonight", which won applause from the whole house.

Niuniu's song "Intimate Lover" was interrupted midway by the audience below who didn't want to eat dog food, but it didn't matter, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Although she didn't finish the song, An Bo was already moved.

No more.

From this point of view, no one loses.

Although the exhibition stand has been removed, and the Blood Vulture sculpture of the Thorn Clan standing in the square has begun to melt, the festive atmosphere in the city has not diminished. Especially after lunch, the number of people in the square is not less, but more

stand up.

Everyone knows that the finale of the Holy Blood Festival, the "Governor's Challenge", will have its last attempt at a battle this afternoon. This is enough to arouse the last bit of expectations of the locals after the ten-day carnival. They regard this big battle as a

The most perfect finale to this year’s Holy Blood Festival.

Those who have been following this battle are well aware of the four failed attempts by the Warriors in the past few days.

They followed this game almost from the beginning, seeing the Warriors' ridiculous failure in the first attempt, their rapid progress in the second attempt, their steady progress in the third attempt, and their near success in the fourth attempt.

In yesterday's fourth attempt at the challenge, 40 warriors had successfully reached the junction between the second and third stages. They had survived until the stage where the third golden powerhouse, Mrs. Shani, gave strong support.

According to the voice-over of Ms. Dorothy, who served as the "Challenge Commentator", during yesterday's attempt, Governor Murphy's health had been reduced to less than 20% by the warriors, and he had entered a stage called "killing".


Although the locals don't quite understand the meaning of these terms, the Transians are always keen on combat matters, and they can understand that the warriors are only one step away from defeating Governor Murphy.

This makes some people feel worried and others feel excited.

But no matter what the audience thinks, these four failed attempts have proven two problems.

First, the mountain warriors from the Seris tribe are really powerful! Not only are they good at fighting, but they are also good at learning from fierce battles and adjusting their tactics. Their cooperation, their consciousness and their courage become stronger the more they are frustrated.

Worth learning for everyone.

Second, Governor Murphy is really strong!

He is a Tomb Sword Guard of the Black Iron rank, but he is still able to defeat forty with one.

This is still in a sewer where the ability to fly and move is limited. The warriors choose to challenge during the day. This is the moment when the vampire is weak. If he fights Master Murphy in the open area in the dark, these forty

A brave warrior might not even be able to survive the first stage.

Ah, our Governor of Transia is so awesome!

Understanding this, it is not difficult to understand why during the ten days of Holy Blood Festival, the local people's intention to support Murphy became more and more obvious.

Transians worship the strong!

When this strong man gives them protection and guidance, this kind of worship can easily evolve into obedience and loyalty under subtle guidance! So from this point of view, Murphy chose this moment to conduct this Governor's Challenge.

It was basically implemented perfectly.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the last challenge started on time.

It is still a real-time live broadcast of psychic projection on the square, but this time the members of Miss Femis's "Red Devil Mansion" went out collectively, and they used four different perspectives to "live broadcast" the final challenge. This is

This brings the number of psychic curtains in the square to four, making it quite dizzying.

And at the edge of the crowd watching the game, in a small booth, Major Ron, who proudly held the charity gambling king's nameplate and trophy in his hands, was sitting next to Colonel Fraser, and there was a circle around the two of them.

Plantagenet sergeants preparing to return to barracks in the afternoon.

Their eyes were all fixed on the psychic curtain in front of them.

As a "foreign force", Colonel Fraser has not missed any challenge matches in the past few days. He is eager to know where the upper limit of Murphy's strength is.

This question is also one of the answers Marshal Loren wants to know.

As a figure who has been regarded as the "Enemy of Plantagenet", the Pioneer Legion must master as much useful information about Murphy as possible in order to take available measures in the event of future conflicts.

"I don't think we need to stand here stupidly and watch this silly game. This kind of public large-scale competition usually has a script, right? I don't believe that the vampire lord would take the risk of embarrassing himself in front of all the people.


Major Ron stroked his "big trophy" and whispered to Fraser:

"And no matter how stubborn and powerful a black iron he is, if your four silver-level guards find the right opportunity to swarm him, it's just like chopping up melons and vegetables? Once something like strength rises to the level difference, no matter how powerful the skills are, it can't make up for the quality.


"You can listen to what my guards have to say."

The colonel stared intently at the projection on the psychic curtain in front of him, while the low-key silver foil swordsman beside him shook his head and said softly to Major Ron:

"It's not clear whether the four of us can kill Governor Murphy. With the speed and special abilities he showed in the battle, it would be difficult to just block him. And I'm sure that Governor Murphy didn't do anything during the battle.

Show all your proud strength.

Locals have been rumoring that Governor Murphy once faced gold-level enemies and escaped unscathed.

I thought this was a ridiculous joke, but after seeing four games with my own eyes, I'm starting to lean towards the possibility that this legend does exist.

Major, I admit that the power gap between classes means easy victory in many cases, but this conclusion cannot be applied to those 'combat geniuses', geniuses are born to trample on tradition."

"You're saying that Governor Murphy is a genius?"

Ron frowned.

The foil fencer shook his head and said:

"Genius is just a word we mediocre people use to describe powerful people. Governor Murphy is obviously not among them. If you analyze this game, you will find that in the past four days, Governor Murphy has been using his swordsmanship to fight against the enemy.


And according to our information, he is also an astral summoner.

That is the most ancient profession that cannot be discussed on a regular basis, so my advice to Master Fraser is that even if a conflict does occur, we do not need to resort to decapitation tactics.

Unless, we can really invite a golden strongman and make the other party abandon their dignity and act as an assassin."

Major Ron roughly understood this conclusion that was too high to be easily understood. He handed the trophy in his hand to his attendant and watched the challenge match that was about to begin with Fraser.

At this time, at the entrance of the sewer arena, Brother Bang glanced at the lit arena in front of him and Mr. Murphy sitting on the "Pava" dining chair. He took a deep breath, turned around and looked back from his head.

Ah Feng, the pants-removing demon who came here in a sweat, took the tube of pure black alchemical liquid in his hand.

The other thirty-nine people all have such a tube of liquid in their hands.

Ah Feng was still explaining next to him:

"This is the 'Decisive Wine' that was improved just last night under the guidance of Tutor Bella. We tested it on jackal captives. Once you drink it, it will strongly stimulate your bodies and endow you at the cost of overdrafting your life.

Super growth in a short period of time.

According to my observations, the strength increase can reach up to 50%!

And the closer you are to death, the stronger the power of burning life.

But you need to pay attention, the effect of this thing is too overbearing. I can't understand how the jackals discovered this deadly thing, but even if I made it harmless, it is still deadly.

If the strongest gnoll can't last ten minutes after drinking it, then I think the maximum time you can last after drinking it is only ten minutes, and the greater the intensity of the battle, the shorter the effective time."

"So, will you definitely die if you drink it?"

Cheche asked, Afeng nodded seriously and said:

"There is no doubt that he will definitely die! This thing will destroy the internal organs, and the sequelae are fatal, but if the life burning is forcibly interrupted by a special method before exhaustion, maybe he can survive.

But that situation is so rare that I can't make a conclusion.

By the way, do you really want to do this?

If all of you ‘elite players’ are offline for three days, the collective strength of the players will be severely weakened.”

"But this is the only chance to challenge Lord Murphy."

Sister Pomegranate clenched the solution in her hand and said:

"Maybe it's only once a year, and Lord Murphy's power will increase as the plot progresses. If you can't win now, you won't have a chance in the future. We have to try at least once, right?"

"You're right, this battle is no longer just about victory or defeat."

Brother Cat leaned on his heavy sword and said in a deep voice to the brothers beside him:

"This is also a test for ourselves! We have been fighting here for a minimum of two months and a maximum of four months. We also want to see how far the once delicate urbanites can be transformed in the world of the law of the jungle."

"Come on, come on, bring this with you."

It's been a long time since I've acted with everyone. It's a good thing. Today I put down my "business empire". He walked among the crowd and put special spells into the hands of the soldiers.

He explained:

"This is the psychic talisman of the 'Last Fight' spell. I have been making this kind of thing for you these past few days. Keep it close to your body. You only need to say the password 'If you don't win, you will die' to activate it. These are disposable items!

Instantly drain your life into corrosive psychic energy.

There is no pre-casting motion and it takes effect immediately.

Even Mr. Murphy can never avoid it. The only disadvantage is that it requires you to be completely voluntary and you cannot resist the extraction, and it is very, very painful when it takes effect.

Use this thing when the situation is not good after entering the beheading, and use it with the decisive wine to definitely double the effect!"

"I think we can actually add the Winner's Wine and the Last Stand Charm as daily supplies."

Brother Xiaofu played with the charm in his hand and grinned:

"This thing can make the scenes before we log off every time become extremely exciting. After 'Transia Bistro' is launched, we can also create a 'Top Ten Wonderful Offline of the Week' clip or something, what do you think?

Woolen cloth?"

"Hey, you are such a talent!"

Brother Meow Meow, who was carrying the legendary battle ax, laughed and said:

"That's it! Guys, let's have a battle today. See you in the secret room at midnight."

"Hey, you don't have any momentum at all when you say that!"

Ah Yu retorted unhappily:

"It should be more impressive. How about saying goodbye to everyone in the Hall of Valor! Anyway, in the eyes of the locals, we are already war heroes from another world. Calling us like this is in line with their world view."

"Okay, okay, I listen to you, let's go! Beat Mr. Murphy!"

The moment the warriors appeared on the stage, among the audience in the stands, Meng Haha specially adjusted the volume of the calculation orb and played the music "Ride of the Valkyrie" together with other scheduled players as the BGM for the final battle.

The effect was quite good, and the atmosphere at the scene was already heated up before the war started.

Murphy sat on Pava's chair and looked at the menacing warriors below. These forty little players had become the deadliest knife in his hand, but before killing others, he had to try how sharp the knife was.

Not to mention, the chair they donated to them is quite comfortable to sit on. No wonder the "War God of the Ward" always brings this thing with him every time he appears.

"Mannis, are you ready?"

The moment he stood up, Murphy, who was holding the "imitation version of the Yama Sword" in both hands, asked softly, and the cunning Endless One responded with a weird smile.

Obviously, the bastard Snake, who was extremely bored in the star realm avoiding "enemy pursuits", could not wait to open the eyes of foreigners on his own territory. After signing a contract with Murphy to protect the star realm, the Endless Man

Nice has understood the special identity of these foreigners.

Not only Murphy is curious about them, the Endless One also wants to see the essence of the souls from another world.

"very good."

Murphy's wings spread out and he whispered:

"You can be gentler in a moment and scare my babies. I'm not done with you."

This chapter has been completed!
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