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Chapter 533 532 Development Team Plan Goatman Copy Folder

Chapter 533 532. Development team plan·Goatman copy folder has been created

Six days later, the outpost pioneer of the pioneering group finally walked out of the filthy swamp. Lao Qin, who had almost turned into a savage, and his team members rode out of the swamp on their demon-hunting horses and entered a new area that they had never set foot in before.

This speed is one day faster than planned, probably because the tasks shared by Mrs. Shui made the members of the pioneering group yearn for it.

The battle at Wolfsburg became a legendary story, allowing the student party to indulge in the addiction of "Heroes of Transia". During the Holy Blood Festival, the six of them would be surrounded by people cheering wherever they went, and some girls even gave them hot drinks.

The kiss, coupled with the real benefits, made other players very envious.

They thought that it would take some time for such a large-scale event to be triggered again, but they did not expect that Mrs. Adele gave them a surprise.

It's another stronghold mission, and this time it's a defensive mission that doesn't require a copy of the strategy guide. You just need to hold on until the end of the war.

Even though the Silver Moon Group has locked the land deed for the reward, they also promised that after the "Silver Moon City" stronghold is established, all players who participated in this event will be able to enjoy many privileges, and "Rich Woman" Xiaowei Ming

He also offered a very high salary for this mission.

It means that she has activated her money ability to hire all the players who are willing to help.

In the past few days, Mrs. Water has reached an agreement with the five village chiefs and Stromgarde. The richest "rich men" among the players will fully support the Silver Moon Regiment's stronghold war, and even provide potions and scrolls.

There is also some equipment.

The benefits from this trip are absolutely amazing, especially for those who are transitioning from "old players" to "elite players". As long as they seize this opportunity, take off and become famous, it is not a problem.

Moreover, those small groups of ambitious players also plan to take advantage of this opportunity to "observe and learn", so that they will have enough experience when they encounter similar opportunities in the future.

"Wow! I never thought that the Dark Mountains could have such terrain? Isn't this so shocking?"

Sitting on the saddle, Diguayaki is worthy of being an art student, with rich and abundant emotions.

It was pleasant and exciting to return to the vast sunny land after escaping from the dark and disgusting swamp. More importantly, the "new map" that appeared in front of them was completely different from Transia in terms of topography.

The earth-red desolate rift valley stretches from the front of several outpost players to the end of the line of sight. The bare mounds and the looming mountains in the distance represent a desolate land with a harsh environment in front of them.

No wonder this place is called "Desolate Mountain" on the map. This description is extremely accurate.

Bursts of scorching strong winds blew up the tumbleweeds on the ground, bringing up smoke and dust, and even formed a small dust tornado in front of the sweet potatoes, giving this almost barren place more desolation and vicissitudes, and quite a bit of flavor.

The style in western cowboy movies.

Several art students got together to take pictures of the new map using computational orbs.

Those who study art are always very good at analyzing more aesthetic values ​​​​from ordinary scenery. For example, at this time, Sweet Potato Shao and Bean Curd were arguing about the "aesthetic style" of this new map. They thought it must be from

The landscape is recreated using scenes from real-life deserted areas.

Diguashai even listed a few possible filming locations based on the extension of the terrain, but he was completely unable to convince his roommates. They obviously all had their own opinions on the new map.

As for Lao Qin

Lao Qin is not an artist, he is very realistic, and he has already begun to collect intelligence information near Desolate Mountain.

"The temperature here is at least fifteen degrees higher than Transia. It's already deep winter over there, but the temperature here is about the same as in the subtropics.

It seems that the existence of the filthy swamp completely separates the climate of the two places, preventing the scorching winds here from affecting the more suitable climate in the middle of the continent. I guess the ecosystem here is completely different from Transia.

The vampires will probably suffer a lot if they fight here."

Lao Qin recorded his findings while circling around. They were on a high ground, with a huge canyon extending forward with a drop of tens of meters. If you want to truly enter the Barren Mountain, you have to pass through this crooked canyon, and then

Only by climbing high can we continue to move forward.

Beside Lao Qin, Old Baldwin, who had entered the Dark Mountains to fight the Jackals, explained to Lao Qin in a hoarse undead voice with a touch of nostalgia:

"Your opinion is very accurate. If you use Transia's experience to survive in the Deserted Mountains, it is basically seeking death. Most of the areas outside the Dark Mountains are so deserted. The living conditions here are very harsh, and this harsh environment has created

It reveals the more cruel and ferocious habits of local creatures.

You should be more careful when moving here.

Due to the lack of water sources, local creatures often have very keen senses in order to find water, and there are goat people around the Baphomet Canyon all the time. In my time, there were rumors that the goat people were hiding under the canyons and highlands.

A dark lair.

Some even say that there is an underground palace city of goat men hidden under this land.”

"What is a Goatman?"

Diguashao came over and asked. Corpse Witch glanced at him and said:

"A kind of half-orc, like a goat that walks upright, so it is called this name, but don't really think of them as goats. Even the gnolls will not take the initiative to provoke the goatmen. If it weren't for the number of these guys

Young Master, he has long since become the overlord of the Dark Mountain Range.

They have their own language system and twisted and degenerate civilization inheritance. It is difficult for outsiders to learn the obscure words and symbols. Even the best explorers have extremely limited understanding of the Goat People.

These guys live a savage life of eating hair and drinking blood, and will attack any outsiders who enter their territory.

Unlike gnolls who are good at melee combat, goatmen not only have strong and flexible bodies but are also very good at shadow spells. They are rich in cruel night assassins and have their own set of various curse spell inheritances.

There are rumors that the original inheritance of cultists such as the Tricksters came from the fallen gifts of the Goatmen, but no one is sure of the authenticity of this rumor.

But don't worry too much about them.

Goatmen have a strong sense of territory, but they will not take the initiative to leave their territory and wander, so as long as you avoid the caves and some strange places where the goatmen are entrenched when moving forward, you can avoid conflicts with them."

The old corpse witch is indeed well-informed. After explaining the characteristics of the Goatman in a few words, he pointed to the desolate canyon and highlands ahead and said:

"This area is the most famous territory of the Goat People. According to transliteration, in our time it was called the 'Baphomet Canyon'. There were so many Goat People tribes here that they looked like stars in the sky.

We should speed up through this area, and when we reach the barren mountain ahead, we won’t have to worry about the threat of the Goatman."

"Zhuo, Mrs. Shui also plans to turn this place into a trade route."

Pickled Cucumber rubbed his eyes helplessly and said:

"According to Lao Luo, if she wants to open up the trade route, she not only has to deal with the trouble in the swamp, but also has to deal with the goatmen around the canyon. Otherwise, the caravan will be kidnapped and a few unlucky people will be taken away while walking.

, who can bear this?"

"Well, the goatmen may be savage but they can communicate."

The corpse witch shook his head and said:

"Others cannot learn their language, but they can learn other languages. These barbarians are very cunning, but being wise means they can negotiate.

In our era, whenever the threat of the Black Disaster is too great, there will even be goatmen who actively cooperate with the scouts we send. They do not want the gnolls to be too powerful and affect their territory.

I also heard in the swamp that in the past many years, the Transcian smugglers had a very safe road, and they only needed to bring some 'sacrifice' to the goatmen and they could pass without being disturbed."

"Well, so they are fallen intelligent creatures."

The eyes of several students suddenly lit up, and they realized that there might be something to be gained from this matter.

In this real game world, it is impossible for beasts to drop equipment, because beasts cannot make weapons and armor, but only drop various materials.

But these goatmen have learned the robbery business of taking over the mountain as king, which means that they must have good things in their hands that can be dropped, and since the Baphomet Canyon is so big, there must be a copy prepared by the development team!

Maybe, just like the Silver Moon Group supporting Chief Hogg, the Goatman can replicate the old Wei family's classic mission of "establishing the leader of the country and winning countless victories".

"Let's go back and report back, so that the pioneering team can speed up through the swamp."

Lao Qin didn't think so much.

He focused on the current task. He had to solve the trouble in the Dark Valley first before he could have time to do other things. However, after they left, a strange figure suddenly appeared at the top of the originally empty and desolate canyon.

The latter was lying in the shadow of the rock, staring at the intruder as he retreated into the swamp with his strange eyes.

Its furry head with coiled horns shook, took out the animal skin and made a few marks, then raised its head and glanced at the sky.

It could see Reifnor spreading its wings and flying high. The figure of the vulture made this guy show a bad expression, and then quietly disappeared into the cave hidden behind the rock.

Adele's memory of escaping from the barren mountains to the filthy swamp when she was a child has been blurred. She can't remember how she, Bella, and Bernice passed through the Baphomet Canyon, but Bernice, who followed Adele there first, reminded her

She must be careful of the goatmen's plunder, so the Dark Baroness spread out her combatants as outposts.

However, when the pioneering group spent a day and a night passing through the narrow Baphomet Valley and approaching the Barren Mountains, the legendary goat men did not jump out to rob them. Instead, a group of sickle-clawed monsters hidden in the rocks jumped out.

He came out and almost ate Yuan, who was in charge of the investigation, alive.

Fortunately, Orchid reacted quickly and pulled him out of the sickle-claw monster's ditch trap, and then those ferocious monsters that looked like giant mantises were easily eliminated by the swarming players.

After discussion, they all agreed that the strength of the monsters here is indeed higher than that of Transia, but it is not impossible to deal with it. It seems that this is also a "leveling area" left by the development team for new players.

However, according to Old Baldwin, the area they are currently in is only the border area between the Dirty Swamp and the Dark Mountains, and cannot be completely regarded as an area of ​​the Dark Mountains. They have not yet entered the "Black Flame Pass".

The Deserted Mountain defense line of the Blood Alliance Knights is located there, about two hundred kilometers away from the Filthy Swamp.

But the pioneering team no longer planned to move forward today. They had already reached their destination after crossing the Baphomet Canyon.

The Shadow Valley is hidden among several bare and barren peaks with complex terrain nearby. While others were setting up camp, all the members of Brother Mew Mew's Big Bird Group had already mounted their eagles and took off for reconnaissance under the command of Mrs. Adele.

She has long forgotten how to enter the mountain, and it has been more than thirty years since Mrs. Bernice left here. It is difficult to say that the shadow half-elves still maintain the previous patrol route from time to time.

Soon, good news came from Brother Meow Meow. They discovered a passage hidden among the rocks. At the end of it was a very hidden cave. From here, you should be able to get close to the dark valley if you go up the mountain.

"Aunt Bernice, you are staying in the camp to help everyone set up camp and defend. I will go up the mountain first to check the situation."

Mrs. Adele has a strong execution ability and takes action immediately after receiving rewards.

Lady Bernice did not object to the order. She knew why Adele wanted to leave her here.

Although the shadow elves are evil and vegetarian, desecrating the dead is still a terrible sin in their tradition. Half-elves have inherited some of the shadow elves' customs. Bernice's attitude is definitely not something they can communicate with smoothly.


Therefore, even if Mrs. Bernice desperately wanted to see her daughter again, whom she had not seen for many years, she had to stay here and wait for news.

Adele didn't bring too many people there, she just asked Ashina, Pomegranate and Lumina to follow her. They could fly, and Lumina's half-elf identity might win the favor of the people in the valley.

Guided by the flash bombs played by Lao Qu, the four ladies quickly approached the cave hidden in the middle of the mountain. Adele seemed to recall this place from her long memory. While stroking the wet rocks at the entrance of the cave,

While saying to the three vigilant people behind him:

"This is an outpost. Someone should be guarding this place. Put down your weapons."

"What if they attack?"

Ashina, who was holding a big gun, said warily:

"Didn't you say they were unfriendly?"

"This is true of outsiders, but in my memory my people are very united, so if you are 'one of our own', you don't have to worry about being attacked here."

Adele said softly.

Then she opened her assassin's hood to reveal her face, raised her hands and stepped into the small cave in front of her.

The three girls hesitated and followed in. Before entering, Sister Shiliu waved her hand towards the sky and made a gesture, indicating that Brother Qu, who was hovering high in the sky, was ready to support the evacuation.

They walked in the dim cave, but the darkness could not block the sight of the four people. Especially the vampires' perception in the dark allowed Adele to quickly locate the sentry hiding in front.

She stopped, took a deep breath, and shouted in the language of shadow elves:

"I am Adele Bella Bernice! The only daughter of Mona, 'Free Hand'. I was forced to leave twenty-five years ago, and now I am back! Who is the current leader of Shadow Valley?

?Can I talk to her?"

No one responded, which is bad news.

But no one attacked, which is good news.

The four people waited patiently for a response in the darkness. It was not until several minutes later that a thin figure jumped down from the hiding place. She turned over nimbly in the air and landed safely. She held a long bow like a poisonous snake and looked at the people in front of her with vigilance.


After a moment, she replied:

"Adele, I remember you! Ms. Bernice and Mr. Bella escorted you away in the chaos many years ago. We all thought you were dead. Now it seems that Avalon is sheltering you.

Just wait there, the news has been sent back to the valley, and the leader's order will arrive soon.

You should also remember her, she is Lisa, your follower when you were a boy and now our young leader and reserve chief priest."

"Chief priest?"

When she heard this post, Adele's body shook a little, and then she asked sharply:

"Are you believing in the Spider Lady again? Damn it! You degenerates! Are you going back to the Eternal Rift to serve the Medjeva family? Bastard! You have betrayed this valley, and you have failed your fathers!

I should really take my clan and destroy you before you completely fall."

Facing Adele's scolding, the huntress in the dark was ashamed, but she quickly sighed and replied:

"You have been away from us for too long, Adele. As fate has changed, you have also changed us, don't you know? The Medjeva family that everyone has always hated is gone. Now in this valley, there are also those shadow elves

Their final resting place.

They are just like us, poor people who have lost their homes."




The sharp staff sword penetrated the flesh covered with bristles, causing the ferocious thing to fall into a pool of blood. Under the lonely moon, Murphy sheathed his sword. He frowned and looked at the killed goat in front of him.


Higher up in the night, Reifno was spreading his wings and flying high, overlooking the entire Baphomet Canyon below.

Murphy did not act together with his players. He was six days late before arranging matters and setting off from Scarlet Castle. However, Murphy flew fast enough and almost reached the vicinity of Desolate Mountain with his pioneering team.

He came here to have a conversation with the second lord of the Blood Alliance clan and to see the situation in Barren Mountain with his own eyes, but he had no intention of getting involved in the Dark Valley. That was Adele's job. He believed that Adele

Dale will definitely get it done.

Murphy's focus at this moment was entirely on the crypt of the Goatman clan that he had just slaughtered. The stupid little players thought they were lucky not to be attacked by the Goatmen. In fact, these attackers had just finished looting.

Just as he was about to prepare, he was bumped into the sword of the vampire governor who "happened to pass by".

"These guys' writing"

Murphy knelt down in a pool of blood and looked at the scratches on the wall in the deepest part of this filthy crypt.

He has seen these words.

In those chaotic scenes about Eden, in the curator's room in the forbidden swamp, he had seen similar things. He could confirm that this was the same kind of writing, but it had undergone strange changes over a long period of time.

Murphy estimates that the goatmen themselves may not be able to understand these words, and they use these symbols as part of their rituals.

And these words are indeed magical, they have a certain specialness that can resonate with spiritual energy.

"The goatmen are undoubtedly from the Eden area. Their situation is worse than the vampires. They have even forgotten their own civilization."

Murphy stroked the scratches smeared with animal blood and whispered:

"It is said that there is a huge underground palace of the Goatman under the Baphomet Canyon. Hmm. There is no doubt that the development team and the dog planner have work to do again."

This chapter has been completed!
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