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Chapter 547 546 The embarrassment of being late to help foreign visitors

Chapter 547 546. Late aid·Embarrassing time for foreign visitors

"Master, two-thirds of the registered members of the Blood Vulture Clan are currently in place, and the rest are still arriving as soon as possible. In three hours, your Blood Clan army will be ready.

The number of vampires participating in this battle will reach 400, and this will be the largest operation of the Blood Vulture Clan after the Cadman City disaster."

On the rocks at the entrance of the Shadow Valley, Adele quietly appeared in the shadows. With her wings folded and her hands folded on her abdomen, like the best steward, she looked at Murphy, who stood there and looked at the noisy scene in the camp below.

Report to:

"If you include the servant army, then the scale of this battle will exceed 800 people. I just talked with several elders in Shadow Valley. They are unwilling to send precious soldiers to participate in the battle, but they are willing to provide a ranger team of 50 people.

We provide fire support.

Please forgive my clumsiness, but it will take some time for me to convince them to serve you wholeheartedly."

"I don't think this is a failure. Adele, it only took you one night to persuade them to join our camp. This is already amazing. After all, this is not a strategy game. You can get 100 with one click of the mouse.

% loyalty.

We live in reality, where loyalty is always a supreme treasure that is hard to find.”

Murphy waved his hand, indicating that Adele didn't need to be so humble.

Then, he withdrew his gaze and turned to look at his "former blood descendant" and said:

"You don't have to call me 'Master' anymore, because you are already free. What the blood of sinners desires most has been obtained by you. Adele, your performance makes me feel proud. Then I have to ask

In a word, how does it feel to have freedom again?"

"I wanted to tell you everything was perfect so I could pretend I was grateful for your kindness, but in reality, it sucked."

Adele shook her head in a very calm manner and said:

"Like a ship that has lost the guidance of a lighthouse, I am crossing the angry sea called free will. Every wave that comes may make me get lost in the so-called call of freedom, or even worse, because I am not subject to some kind of freedom.

Constrained by rules, wanton indulgence will lead to shipwreck and death.

Freedom is good, Master.

But not everyone needs it.

If you really want to give me freedom, then you should not interfere with how I plan my life, just as my choice to become your loyal servant is also a manifestation of this freedom, isn't it?"


Murphy snorted and said:

"It seems that you also learned some bad habits of people from other worlds in the Forum Tavern. You clearly know why I did this. Adele, I couldn't explain it clearly because of our relationship before, but now, I think we can do it among the warriors.

During the gathering, let’s talk about this embarrassing topic for all of us.

About those twisted feelings you have for me that should not exist."

"How could you say such a thing in front of a lady!"

Adele's cheeks turned red. It was really rare to see such an expression on a vampire's face.

She yelled in a panic:

"I don't think we should discuss my personal affairs in this situation! Master, isn't there going to be a war now? Shouldn't we think about how to save our compatriots? Is your thinking really focused on this kind of thing?

Does it fit?"

"I'm just doing my best. Regarding the greed, cunning and lack of control shown by the Blood Terror clan in the past period, I feel that if I don't save them now and let them die on their own, even if Lord Pa Ying comes in person, I won't be able to say anything.

What rebuke comes.

It was those stupid pirates who did something wrong that put them in this embarrassing situation, with not a dime from us!

I am not the leader of the Blood Terror Clan, why should I consider them?"

In front of Adele, Murphy did not choose to pretend to be gentle. He curled his lips and said with a hint of irritation:

"If it weren't for the current black disaster and the need to unite all forces, I would have rushed to the place where the Blood Terror clan was killed and laughed loudly at those idiots. Okay, I admit that the topic I started was a bit abrupt.

If you don't want to talk, then we can change the time, or I can help you make an appointment with a foreign psychologist to give you psychological counseling or something."

After saying that, Murphy politely made an elegant gesture of farewell as a gentleman, spread his wings and prepared to go and brush his face among the players.

But when he was suspended in the sky, Adele raised her head.

It was obvious that she was embarrassed, but she did not avoid the question.

She brushed her hair and said to Murphy:

"I admit, Master, in the past period of time, the influence from the blood contract has made me have some undue thoughts about you that I shouldn't have. I cannot deny this.

But now, that weird feeling after drinking the source blood has disappeared.

I am able to look at my relationship with you from a rational perspective, and I must tell you that I am actually aware of your anxiety on this matter, probably because you have regarded Grand Duke Tris as your lifelong partner.

You don't want to be burdened emotionally with this.

I must confess that in this situation, I will not be a burden to you."

"Ah, it's so reassuring to hear such a positive answer from you."

Murphy let out a sigh of relief.

He folded his wings and landed on the stone again, and said to Adele:

"I'm really happy to see you get out of that twisted relationship, just like the story of Tris and I, under the influence of the blood contract, I almost became a licking dog at Tris's feet.

It was Tris who asked me to drink the blood of the Origin to end this terrible relationship. Like you, I thought it was my sincere love, but it wasn't until I calmed down that I realized that it was just the Blood of the Sin.

A vicious call.

Blood contract.

This is a weird thing that shouldn't exist!

I believe that it is precisely because of the existence of this thing that vampire civilization cannot enter the world stage openly, and it is precisely because of this completely unequal and twisted relationship that our civilization sinks in the mire of conspiracy.

I'm so happy, Adele, that you've found yourself again."

"I am also glad that I can see myself awake, Master."

Adele showed a smile and said softly:

"But I will still call you my master, not only because you saved me from the disaster of death, but also because I have witnessed every victory you created and personally participated in it.

In fact, all members of the Blood Vulture Clan, including Grand Duke Tris, know that you are the true master of the Blood Vulture Clan.

I don't call you master because I have lost myself.

It is precisely because I have found myself that I have become more aware that only certain qualities in you that are incompatible with the decadent thousand-year tradition of the Blood Clan can lead the Blood Vulture Clan to truly rise.

You are more than my master!

You are also the master of all blood vultures and vampires, and you are also the destined master of Scarlet Keep and Transia.

This title represents unreserved loyalty. In the face of such loyalty, my personal feelings are insignificant. Of course, I realized that you told the story of you and Grand Duke Tris.

Can I understand that as long as I indulge in your masculine charm in my waking state and pursue you in the name of a love that is not distorted, it means that you will no longer resist it and will choose to accept it?


A straight ball hit hard, catching the vampire lord off guard as he was enjoying the compliments of his subordinates.

"Ah this."

Murphy didn't expect that the always well-behaved Adele would suddenly ask such a tricky question. He was a little unable to answer for a while, but when he saw Adele's eyes waiting for an answer, the vampire lord hesitated and said:

"We are vampires, Adele, and we have endless time to waste. Tris once said to me that after I spend my first hundred years as a vampire, the way I view the world and my relationships will change.


Let me tell you honestly, I was not actually prepared.

but if.

If a hundred years later I really degenerate into a bad guy like Tris prophesied, maybe you will be one of my targets. After all, I can't deny your amazing female charm without conscience.

You are truly outstanding in every aspect."

"Thank you for your compliment. I feel honored from the bottom of my heart."

Murphy's straightforward answer stunned Adele for a moment. It was a rejection, but then she found that there was no anger or loss in her heart, and on the contrary, she was filled with a kind of joy of being affirmed.

She lowered her head, took a step back, and whispered:

"Then, my master, it seems that I can only wait for you for a hundred years. Fortunately, as you said, time has no meaning for vampires. I will prepare for you to go to the Blood Terror Camp

Maps and various information. There are still three hours before the action. Considering that your schedule is very different from that of other vampires, you may need to take a rest.

In addition, Earl Baishan has just sent news, saying that he and his faction also hope to join this rescue operation."

"Ah, Andre is that idiot who is eager to show off himself and really doesn't want to let go of every opportunity to achieve success. Okay, okay, tell him, Adele, I will only wait for him for three hours."

Murphy waved his hand, flapped his wings and flew into the night sky.

As a unique vampire who "goes to bed early and gets up early", he really needs to take a break during these three hours to recharge his energy. After all, his biggest killing move requires an energy bar as a spell-casting resource.

Watching Murphy leave, Mrs. Adele remained in the same place in the dark night, letting the wind in the shadow valley blow her hair. Her face was as calm and indifferent as the former intelligence director, but the heart in her chest was

The beating frequency of a vampire's heart has caught up with that of a normal human heart.

Murphy could never understand how much psychological pressure it would take for a woman like Adele, who had been educated as a conservative aristocratic servant since she was a child, to say that kind of thing in person. Rounding it off, it was basically equivalent to a "confession."

Unfortunately, Murphy chose to decline.

Fortunately, he didn't refuse completely.

"a hundred years"

Adele stroked her hot cheek.

For a vampire, skin heating is not a good sign, it means that she has lost control of the blood in her body.

Mrs. Shadow tried her best to calm down, she touched her tempting lips, and let out a sigh of relief at the unique touch.

"It's only been a hundred years, Adele, you are such a shameless lucky man."

Even though she was scolding herself like this, when she turned around and flew towards Shadow Valley, preparing to persuade the elders again to send more rangers to support the rescue, Adele could not hide the smile on her face at all costs.

Alright alright.

In fact, she did not fully tell Murphy about her true changes. She did not tell Murphy that she decided to fall in love with her handsome and great master only after she sobered up.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Smart women always know how to reduce the pressure on the men they admire.

Adele is smart enough, and she also knows very well that she does not need to wait stupidly for a hundred years before taking action. She decides to use this hundred years as a foreshadowing, and let today's night a hundred years later become the sublimation of her relationship with Master Murphy.

Not starting.

Oh, only fools would start exerting their strength on the race day. In fact, the results of all races are already determined before the starting gun sounds.

Well, thank you to Mother Midnight for giving you this wisdom, thank you to Mother Midnight for giving you this charm, and thank you to Mother Midnight for allowing you to be born in such a charming body, so that you don’t have to spend more time shaping yourself into


Adele, you are such a lucky guy.

Of course, Adele did not forget to thank her "personal relationship consultant".

"Mrs. Shui, I did it. According to your unorthodox suggestion, a straight shot. You are right, this is the most direct way. He, he refused, but he gave me a hundred-year agreement."

"Well, this is great, full of vampire romance. Although I definitely can't see the day when this relationship comes to fruition, I am really proud of you, Adele, for actually being so.

You did as I told you! You are so brave.

Also, don't call me Mrs. Shui, that's too offensive.

We are already best friends across the world, right? We share our thoughts with each other. So, please call me Awen from now on."

On the other side, Murphy, who was high in the air, put down the core orb in his hand with a cold face.

He finally knew who provided "military advice" to the conservative Adele in terms of relationships. What a water lady! You dare to participate in such a thing. You are so bold. It seems that your "Book of Hatred"

There is one more name on the list.

very good.

Tonight, the Black Hand clan has added another strong general!——


The dazzling purple fire was exerted in the fog of war in the bloom of vicious spells, like a distant fire rising through the fog, even though I knew something bad must have happened there.

But it always takes a little more courage to see through the fog.

This is true for ordinary people, but it is even more difficult for a group of pirates.

The Blood Terror Clan has just lost the left flank of their stronghold. It stands to reason that they should send a spearhead to recapture it at this time so that they can stabilize what little they have left in this painfully long offensive and defensive battle.


But among the gray-faced vampire pirates in the central trench, no one took the initiative to take back the captured flank.

Hey, does the bastard stationed there have a good relationship with me?

Will he give himself a lot of money?

If they don't, then why should I save them?

Is it just because we are a group and are now being attacked by a group of vicious cultists and are on the verge of death, that we have to give up the first rule of pirates and do some stupid things that will not bring benefits to ourselves?


What good thing is this?

Besides, it was almost time for those "underground monsters" to attack, and they had to save all their ammunition and firepower to give those bastards some color.

"Ah, the idiots on the flank are finished. Now the treasure they hid on an island in the Mist Sea belongs to us. We only need to escape back to Blood Raid Port and find their treasure map, and everyone else can make a fortune.

A small fortune.

The premise is that those guys have to really die here, so who is going to give our poor compatriots a shot?"

A bastard wearing a black pirate turban and dressed almost exactly like a classic pirate chuckled.

In appearance, he is no different from the scum of the Misty Sea, but his scarlet eyes and overly pale skin represent his unique identity. Behold, a rare vampire pirate!

Pirates are high-end products in this profession.

And even if there were more destructive spells hitting them near them at this time, they could not stop these bastards from the foggy sea from letting out cunning laughter like wolves.

They were all dressed very vulgarly, and they wished they could decorate all their valuables in their exaggerated costumes. Everyone had a pirate knife inlaid with gold and silver, and they had dwarf muskets stuck in their belts or chest weapon belts.

, some guys are holding a sharp harpoon in their hands, or carrying strange nets full of barbs.

These guys who shouldn't be dominating on land were suppressed miserably.

But they were so cunning that their losses in several days of offensive and defensive battles were actually not large. These veterans who were used to fighting naval battles at sea knew how to protect themselves in danger, and more importantly, they were just a group of vampires!

They are not afraid of death, and they will not die.

The seven major clans each have their own abilities. The blood vultures control the sky, thorns run in the night shadows, the blood alliance can judge sins, the wolfsbane gallops in the wilderness of strange power, and the talents of the blood fear clan are based on their greed.

A weird power that extends from nature.

These guys can plunder the power of others for their own use in battle, and if their desire for plunder is not satisfied, they will not die contentedly.

It can be said that this clan is a perfect fit for the profession of pirates. This also allowed the Blood Terror clan to be exiled to the foggy sea for 200 years after the end of the Blood Terror. This vampire clan, which was almost eliminated in history, became the entire fog.

The most terrifying nightmare at sea.

Eleven out of ten bad things that happened on that sea were related to these guys!

They are one of the four major forces in the Sea of ​​Mist, along with the Wave Fishmen, the Mysterious Sea Beasts and the Atlanteans. Over the past 200 years, the Blood Terror Clan has extended its tentacles to every corner of the Sea of ​​Mist. They have prospered and even

This directly led to the vigorous development of piracy on this continent.

Unfortunately, the Blood Terror clan is still just a part of the pirate business and not the real pirate king.

After all, there are few of them.

Of course, if you include those developed descendants and blood servants, then the Blood Terror Clan is undoubtedly the most prosperous among the seven major clans, and even the Wolfsbane Clan cannot compare with them in terms of numbers.

However, in this black disaster, Lord Paying showed mercy and allowed the Blood Terror clan to return to the mainland. There were requirements. The sins the Blood Terror caused must be repaid by Charlemagne's descendants. Therefore, only the current ones were allowed to enter the mainland.

The backbone of the Blooddread clan.

It was a 2,000-man pirate marine, commanded by their current leader, Captain Blood of the famous "Plunder".

but to be honest

Lord Paying felt that he had shown mercy, and the other blood clan grand dukes also believed that this was the Lord's last act of kindness. However, for the members of the Blood Terror clan, few of them were willing to take the initiative to participate in the mess of the Black Disaster.

This mentality may explain the reason why these guys still haven't entered Transia even though they have landed for almost two months. They don't care about "salvation" at all.

You can't expect a bunch of pirates to have a conscience

They just can't afford to offend Lord Paying.

The mercy of the noble ones was so heavy that Captain Bloody did not even dare to say the word "no".


Just as the old seals were whispering among themselves and discussing how to distribute the treasures of the idiots who died in the battle, a strange muffled sound erupted from the mist.

That was the explosive sound of a strange firearm. To the seals of the Blood Terror Fleet, they all knew that this was the captain's order to counterattack.

"Ah, my dear Claire, hurry up and take a bath, put on the most slutty clothes and draw a mouth. When your captain returns from victory, he will eat you. My dear first mate, we are going to do something different today.

of ~

Where did you put my whip? Why can't I find it?"

"Go away, you dirty scoundrel! Be careful of your head being chopped off. I have predicted that you will have bad luck today."

The voices of a man and a woman sounded from behind the mist, with ridicule and obscenity, but when they heard this voice, all the pirates who were fishing screamed excitedly.

That was their captain, the legend of the Misty Sea, appearing.


The wine bottle smashed into pieces on the trench, and the captain's yelling also sounded in the fog of war. Facing those unsettling sounds coming from the strangely quiet position in front, he yelled loudly:

"The looting has begun! As per the old rules, everything you grab today belongs to you! I don't want anything except victory! Rush! Rush over and bring back the cultists' heads! Who are you idiots more afraid of?



still me?"

So the next moment, those lazy seals rushed out of the trenches one by one, waving their vulgar pirate knives, pouring the last sip of precious rum into their mouths, and then howling to kill the majestic enemy on the opposite side.



Landlubbers, the pirate masters are going to use your hearts to drink wine!

The morale of the pirates was stimulated, but no one knew the worry in the heart of the confident captain. They could no longer hold on. If there was no support, they would have to escape with their charming first mate, and they would not dare to

Run alone.

Who knows if my beautiful first mate will steal my treasure and then spend a lot of time and drunkenly cuckolding me?

Alas, being a pirate is difficult!

It's harder to be a man.

Being a pirate man is really difficult.

Curse this damn earth, curse Lord Paying, curse the Blood Vulture clan, curse the entire world except for my ship and my first mate!

Go to hell with everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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