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Chapter 553 552 Your gun is pretty good. Do you want to sell it?

Chapter 553: Your gun is pretty good. Do you want to sell it?

The seven vampire clans all have their own sacred objects.

Except for the loss of the Thorn Clan's holy relic "Fallen Virtue", all the holy relics are in the hands of the Grand Dukes of their respective clans, and they have very special significance to the vampires of each clan. For example, although the Grand Duke Tris is the real person of the Blood Vulture Clan,

leader, but Murphy, who holds Necessary Evil, can still be regarded as the Grand Duke's presence in person.

In the past thousand years, the legend about vampire relics has also been an enduring "treasure topic" on the mainland. Many idle and boring people will argue about which vampire relic is the weakest, because the strongest one

There is no dispute that it is the sacred object of the Blood Alliance, that is, the Holy Spear of Eternal Silence owned by Lord Pa Ying.

That is a weapon that makes all the blood clan princes feel like a light on their backs.

"Eternal Silence" is not a good word in the legend of vampires, so this weapon does not represent a beautiful meaning in the eyes of the Midnight Vampires. It is the other side of "Millennium Lord" Paying in the eyes of vampires.

Cruel, indifferent, absolutely rational judgment.

There are also many treasure hunters who are exploring every ruin in the frozen sea in the north day after day, trying to find the sacred objects that were lost by the Thorn clan due to the death of the ancient Oksana eight hundred years ago.

According to legend, the combat gauntlet named "Fallen Virtue" will give the user unparalleled power and reach the sky in one step.

But in fact, as one of the owners of the holy artifact, Vampire Lord Murphy can tell those who spread rumors without knowing the truth that the vampire holy artifact is not as powerful as the legend.

They are indeed very powerful and are the undisputed top magical weapons on the continent, but how powerful these sacred objects can be exerted still depends on the skill of the holder.

For example, the power of Necessary Evil, the Demonic Blade of Desire, in the hands of Sarokdar is completely different from that in the hands of Murphy.

But the first appearance of the Blood Terror Relic: Good Luck in the Dark Night really shocked the audience. The power of this strike to instantly kill the enhanced Silver Werewolf made Murphy unable to help but think about the topics that boring people always argue about.

Could it be that the weakest of the vampire relics is actually a "necessary evil" in his own hands?

No way

The explorer who transformed into a werewolf was instantly killed by Pablo with one shot, which meant that this encounter was completely over. The remaining cultists could not even think of running away under the raging power of gold. They were sent to meet them one by one by Claire's first officer.

The fallen god.

And as these cultists were killed, the rat-man rebellion completely subsided in a short period of time.

Perhaps the loss of their controller caused these dangerous rats to return to their wild beast habits. After realizing that their enemies were powerful, their cowardly fear defeated their incomplete hearts.

The big rats howled and retreated along the tunnel they dug, like a black tide receding, and they were all gone in just a few minutes.

However, the second chapter of the main storyline of the vampire race certainly could not end so easily. After rescuing the blood-dread pirates who had been besieged for several days, Lord Murphy issued the final stage of the mission.

"Warriors! The duty of eradicating evil has been completed. Now, let's pursue them along the tunnel!"

When the fog of war began to dissipate, and on the messy valley battlefield, Murphy shouted to his aggressive little players:

"These dangerous rat-men must be exterminated. We must find the lair of these vicious things and end this terrible depravity with a flaming sky burial. However, the Transians never fight without rewards!

Therefore, I promise to give you my precious sword as a reward."

The vampire governor raised high the staff sword "Hidden Beast" that he had used for some time. Under the longing gaze of the players, their handsome and generous governor said:

"Let this hunt be the first battle of the Blood Vulture Clan in the Dark Mountains! Whoever kills the most ratmen in three days, this staff and sword will belong to him or her!"

"Oooh, long live the generous Lord Murphy!"

Waves of cheers rang out from the crowd, and without any further micromanage from Murphy, the players who were determined to seize the magic weapon rushed back into the dark tunnels and began to chase down the damn rat-men one after another.

But not everyone went.

For example, the girls from Cheche and the Silver Moon Group stayed where they were. They hated mice or had trypophobia. In short, the generous rewards given by Murphy could not arouse these guys' desire to win.

They would rather stay here and clean up the battlefield.

"Thank you for the selfless assistance of your warriors, Governor Murphy."

After the players dispersed, the commander of the Blood Alliance Shield Knights who came from the Black Flame Pass to support him limped to Murphy. The half-elf bowed to Murphy very appropriately and said:

"We were filled with arrogance when we came. We thought we would be the saviors of the Blood Terror clan. However, it turned out that the strength and courage we were proud of were not worth mentioning in the face of the bravery of the Transians.

Not only did you save the Blooddread clan, you also saved us who were besieged by the ratmen.

Without the risking assistance of your warriors, my soldiers would be sadly buried here."

"But without your hard work, my warriors would not have been able to break through the rat-men's tunnels to block them. This wave belongs to us, brave knights, who achieve each other."

Murphy has a good way of talking about business exchanges:

"The Blood Alliance clan is worthy of being the conscience of vampires. I thank you for your help in critical moments. My friends will also be grateful to you."

As he spoke, Murphy glanced at Captain Bloody, who was holding the weak Claire and constantly licking him. The latter noticed the hint in Murphy's eyes, and reluctantly stepped forward and made an exaggerated pirate etiquette to the man who was looking at him.

Blood Alliance Shield Knight Captain said:

"Of course, of course, our Blood Terror Clan is not a white-eyed wolf. As a captain, I also thank you for your selfless assistance. Brothers of the Blood Alliance, please tell Commander Heather that we will fight under Governor Murphy in the subsequent Black Disaster War.

, she doesn’t have to worry about us running around and destroying her position.

If you encounter trouble on the foggy sea in the future, my fleet will try its best to help you."

"Well, I'll bring the conversation to you."

The shield knight leader had no intention of staying.

He put on his battle helmet that was full of rat-man bite marks, turned back to Murphy and said:

"Lord Heather is waiting for your visit at the defense line, Lord Murphy. We will leave the map and look forward to the visit of you and your warriors."

"I still have some things to deal with, such as establishing the defense line in Shadow Valley and so on."

Murphy took the map and said to the Shield Knight:

"Therefore, please tell Lord Heather that in seven days at the latest, I will visit her personally at the Blood Alliance Knights' camp. I also have some issues regarding gold-burning armaments that I wish to discuss with her. Lord Heather, please be prepared."

The shield knight nodded, mounted his horse and walked out, but after walking a few hundred meters, he turned back.

The half-elf blood alliance knight said in a low voice with some embarrassment:

"I would like to purchase some of the 'iron barrels' in the hands of your warriors and their matching ammunition, and bring them back to Lord Heather for a look. We realize that the weapons you use are very sophisticated. They not only ensure the firepower but also have super

Strong mobility.

If the Knights want to defend Black Flame Pass, this new weapon must be used.

I know this request is a bit excessive, but "

"It doesn't matter. In the face of pressure like the Black Disaster, there is no secret knowledge that cannot be shared."

Murphy smiled generously, pointed at the few warriors resting aside, and said:

"You can go buy them from them, but my warriors are all descendants of mountain people. They are rough and greedy, so the price is high."

"I understand that I will pay three times the price for samples, but large-scale purchases must be made by Lord Heather."

The shield knight politely gave a generous price, which made Murphy very satisfied.

He secretly sent a reminder message to Cheche who was making a fire there, asking Cheche to make a big move and triple the ex-factory price of several tubes in their hands. After settling this detail, Murphy looked back.

Towards the back.

They will be outside the valley now.

The dug tunnel was hit by aerial bombs and bombed and turned into a huge gap. It exuded a disgusting barbecue smell. Fortunately, the task of hunting down the rat-killing enemies was just released, otherwise the number of rat-killers would definitely be the largest.

It was Ashina-chan who dropped the aerial bomb.

The aerial bomb mixed with burning gold powder exploded in the center of the tunnel in a semi-enclosed space, killing most of the ratmen in the tunnel almost instantly.

Destructive power MAX!

The task of hunting ratmen is given to players, so the NPCs of the Blood Vulture Clan are still resting in place. At Adele's suggestion, Femis plans to use a large-scale fossil as mud to seal the tunnel.

Get up and bury the rat-man corpses underground to avoid a large-scale plague.

These guys all carry deadly germs, and something will definitely happen if they are left alone.

"They say Transians are very brave and fierce. Today is an eye-opener for me."

After the dust settled, the bloody captain Pablo, while holding his first mate's wife who had fallen asleep and was still talking in her sleep, took out an exquisite little wine bottle from nowhere, opened it and took a sip for himself.

Looking at the messy valley behind him, the pirate captain who traveled across the foggy sea whispered:

"Okay, I'm convinced. I've been making a living on a boat since I was a kid, and I've never seen anyone so crazy about fighting. They're even willing to rush into the tunnels to hunt down those disgusting rat men just for your order and a small bounty.

You are their king!

He is their leader, so no wonder you have the confidence to confront the Jackals head-on. If there are tens of thousands of such warriors, then you do have hope of winning."

"Tens of thousands of people? You really dare to think that."

Murphy complained:

"These people are the essence of the entire Transia. It will be good if I can gather 3,000 people before the black disaster comes, but don't we still have you? You old sea dogs who have landed ashore are also very capable.

, being besieged by ratmen for so many days, the damage is not much."

"Haha, do you really think we survived?"

Captain Bloody shook his head.

He touched his beard and whispered:

"I have always had speculations before, but I didn't dare to say them out for fear of damaging the military morale of my brothers. Now that they have all escaped, I don't have to hide anything.

Don't think that we defeated these strange ratmen. You know, the feeling they gave me in the past few days is not actually like they are attacking the city. They are attacking in waves and sending them to death in waves. It's more like



I can feel!

Those ratmen were clumsy when they first appeared and could only bite people with their teeth, but after a few days they learned to make warhammers out of bones and tied some strange wood to themselves as armor.

They are learning and making progress.

The speed is much faster than we imagined, and there is another problem. I wonder if you noticed?

It seems that this is not the first time these guys have carried out such a large-scale attack. They move in separate groups in an orderly manner. They also know how to dig tunnels to get close to the target and then launch a wave-like charge. They must have fought similar difficult battles before.

These bastards give me a weird feeling, Landlubber Murphy, they're going to be trouble!

Perhaps more troublesome than the gnolls, there must be something happening in the Dark Mountains that we don't know about.

terrible thing

Alas, if it weren't for Lord Paying's order, I should have taken my poor scared brothers and left here and returned to the sea now. This is not the place we should be at all."

"You have nowhere to go, go back to Transia, or rest in the Shadow Valley."

Murphy said casually:

"We made a bet, and I won and you lost. The big pirates who roam the foggy sea don't even have such a bit of magnanimity, right?"

"whispering sound."

Pablo curled his lips in displeasure and gestured to the pirates below, asking them to help the Blood Vulture Clan burn the rat-man corpses.

We can no longer have this valley!

With so many corpses piled together, even if they are burned, something similar to a skeleton army will definitely appear.

"Can you show me your gun?"

Murphy stood next to Pablo. He glanced at the silver-gray revolver carried behind Captain Bloody and asked in a low voice.

The Blood-Dreaded Pirate Duke glanced at Murphy, touched his beard and said:

"Generally speaking, anyone who dares to make such a request will be tied to the bottom of the boat by me. I will forgive him if he survives for three days. Do you know what happened to the last person who wanted to touch my lover?"

"You mean Nefertari?"

Murphy rolled his eyes and said:

"You know, that mummy wants to take your gun not because she is really a thief, but because it is a legacy of the Creator, right? Those Songhai people are unreasonable in this kind of thing."

"I know that I have a secret port off the coast of the place of origin. I know that the people of Songhai have a bad temper, but I am too lazy to tell! She is just a thief and deserves to be punished. It would be the same if her brain got wet and she became a madman.

I'm fine!"

Pablo scolded:

"This is the sacred object of the Blood Terror clan, and it must be held by the Grand Duke himself! Even if I have no interest in the glory of the Blood Terror, I will not give my weapons to others for appreciation. This behavior on the ship is tantamount to rebellion.


"Unless I give you an irresistible reward, right? I know your pirates' ways very well."

Murphy waved his hand casually, and the roaring Necessary Evil was held in his hand, and he handed it back to Pablo and said:

"This is my blood vulture's sacred object! You can also appreciate it as a commemoration of the first contact between the blood vulture and the blood fear. I can bind necessary evil, which proves that you can also bind good luck in the night and soul objects.

How could it be stolen so easily?"

"Okay, okay, you are the Governor, one person is inferior to ten thousand people. I have to kneel down and lick you to have a good time in Transia."

Pablo pretended to be a servant and said in a very unsatisfied way:

"You didn't let me kneel down and lick your boots, so you're doing me a favor as a stinky pirate. How can I ask for more? Give it, five minutes, it should be enough for you to appreciate my blood-terror sacred object."

He did not take on a necessary evil.

He probably felt that this kind of weapon with its own consciousness was very dangerous, and it might jump up and stab him. It was not worth taking such a risk just for the sake of curiosity.

He threw the good luck of the night to Murphy. The vampire governor took it in his hand and found that the gun was quite heavy.

This thing is really beautiful!

The overall shape is the classic shape of a long-barreled shotgun. The silver-gray barrel is made into a silver-gray barrel that occupies two-thirds of the length of the weapon. The gun body is made of an unknown material. It may be some kind of alloy, and there is a beautiful iris engraving on it.

, and a few mottos from the Blood Terror clan.

However, what is different from ordinary shotguns is that this shotgun uses a revolving cylinder to feed ammunition. Just like the cylinder of a revolver, it can hold six bullets at a time.

To be honest, this thing doesn't look like a hunting weapon at all. Instead, it looks like a fine work of art. It should be placed on the fireplace as a family heirloom, rather than actually being taken to the battlefield to kill people's heads.

Murphy made an over-the-shoulder shooting motion, with perfect balance and artistic aim.

At this moment, he activated the item identification, and the entry for this thing quickly jumped into his eyes:

Name: Good Luck in the Dark Night·Classic Revolving Shotgun

Quality: Miracle Creation

Traits: Extraordinary Accuracy·Extraordinary Puncture·Extraordinary Heavy Attack·Excellent Swiftness·Excellent Range Enhancement·Superior Eagle Eye Technique (Permanent)·Heart of Plunder

Special effects:

A midnight of good luck:

Every time Dark Night Luck is shot, it will grant the user one of the six states of [Super Sense Hunting], [Charged Heavy Hit], [Split Attack], [Poison Projectile], [Scorching Blast], and [Deep Freeze].

One or more.

The way it takes effect is completely random, not affected by any external force, and is only related to the user's luck.

When a lucky person uses this weapon, there is a chance of triggering the [Strong Luck] effect, increasing the chance of triggering multiple states, and increasing the ammunition's attack power to the level of "one hit kill".

When the doom-ridden person uses this weapon, the [Curse of Fate] effect will inevitably be triggered, reducing the weapon's lethality to the level of "weak/non-lethal/toy gun".


Everyone's luck is different at every moment of the day. Please make sure you are lucky before using this weapon.

Two Plundering Guns:

The core of the Blood Terror's power lies in looting, and their holy objects also have the same effect.

When the enemy being hit is not dead, some kind of power belonging to the enemy will be exerted on the user. As the battle time prolongs, the power robbed will gradually increase, until the enemy dies and the robbery is declared over.

Part of the plundered power will be used to strengthen the destiny core of Dark Night Good Luck to enhance the shooting power of the firearm, and the remaining power will disappear after the battle.

The current level of strengthening of the destiny core is: medium.

The current destructive strength enhancement level of Dark Night Good Luck is: medium.

The legacy of three creations:

This weapon is a mysterious creation of [DATA EXPUNGED] after a sudden whim. It is one of his most proud works. The design of this weapon can be extracted after meeting a "destined person".

Requirements for use: The user must be a member of the Sinborn Blood and Blood Terror clan, and have [Hunter] and related professions. Those who are plagued by misfortune should stay away from this weapon to avoid tragedy.

Currently bound to: [Captain Bloody/Grand Duke Blooddread/Disaster of the Misty Sea] Pablo Juan Giovanni

Item description:

[I always thought that I was a lucky creator, until one morning, when I used this thing to drive away uninvited guests who broke into the laboratory, and ended up firing six shots without being able to kill an evil god that was scurrying around with its head in its arms, I knew I was wrong -

[Data deleted]


Reifno Murphy Lesembra is the "Alpha Manager", there is no doubt that you are the "destined one", the Vientiane Device Learning Program has been started, yes/no to extract the "Dark Night Good Luck·Mechanical Edition" design drawing



Murphy grinned, and the all-encompassing device on his wrist began to quietly emit a faint light. Within a few seconds, the design for good luck in the dark night was extracted.

The next second, a prompt popped up on the character card:

"The special personal protection form of Vientiane Device [Dark Night Good Luck·Mechanical Version] has been unlocked!"

"Ah, what a good gun."

Murphy pretended to sigh and returned the good luck of the night to Pablo. He also patted the pirate captain on the shoulder and said meaningfully:

"We are friends now. Your generous sir, do you want to play in our best casino in Transia? I can ask Lao Huo to give you a discount or something."


This chapter has been completed!
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