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Chapter 584 583 Which man can’t hold on for twenty days? For “

Chapter 584 583. Which man can't hold on for twenty days? -Additional update for "Crow_13" brothers【2530】

Murphy said that it was wrong for the Blood Alliance retinue to do nothing after the Hussars entered the battlefield. The retinue took action as soon as they saw that victory was certain.

But even brave men like the Blood Alliance soldiers did not dare to stand in the way of the Hussars' charge, so they spread out their formations and hunted the retreating Jackals on the periphery while trying to save those respectable Transian warriors.

However, their good intentions did not seem to be accepted by each other.

The commander of the army threw a flying spear and stabbed a jackal to death, then jumped off the horse and grabbed the arm of "Mother Fist". At this moment, this guy with a funny name had turned into a bloody man, like a wild beast.

He screamed, grabbed the broken war spear, and wanted to find another enemy. He was acting like crazy, with no trace of reason remaining.

But the more this happens, the more admirable the commander becomes.

he shouted:

"Stop! Stop! We have won, you don't need to fight anymore, warrior, you need treatment now!"

"Get out! Don't disturb me! I can kill another one, get out of here! My time is almost up."

The commander's kindness made the male fist mother surprisingly angry. He punched and kicked away the commander who wanted to help.

Dragging the broken spear, he let out a roaring war cry at the last moment of his life when the wine of victory was burning. He jumped on a jackal who was riding a warg and wanted to escape. He threw the latter off the warg, just like fighting with a child.

Riding on the opponent's body, he stabbed the opponent's eyes wildly with a broken spear.

But he didn't have enough time.

When the life-burning decisive wine burned away the last drop of blood, it finally failed to kill the rare template jackal hunter. The latter screamed and got up and tried to escape, but was roared by the commander who followed him.

Kill with sword.

Then, the commander half-knelt beside the male fist mother who had lost her breath. He was shocked to find that the Transian warrior was still smiling when he finally died.

The soldier's smile was full of fearlessness and shock. Running towards death seemed not a burden to him but an indescribable joy and expectation. Such bravery hit the commander's heart like a heavy hammer, making him

He remembered the vow he made when he was young.

He once swore that he would make it his mission to hunt jackals in this life.

However, my oath seemed so ridiculous in front of these lunatic Transians. I was afraid of death and did not dare to give it a try, but these guys who set foot on the dark mountains for the first time did.

"Rest in peace, warrior."

The commander half-knelt on the ground with a face full of shame, stretched out his hand to close the round eyes of the male fist mother, and whispered:

"Thank you for teaching me what true courage is."

A few seconds later, after praying, the commander stood up, drew his sword, and shouted fiercely to the brothers gathered behind him:

"The vanguard of the Black Disaster has arrived. Just like it happened more than a hundred years ago, the war sweeping the continent will begin here, but we will not retreat! We will continue to fight here! Kill every jackal we see.


We cannot let the blood of warriors flow in vain, let alone allow the warriors of Transia to underestimate us!

Continue fighting!

Warriors, until we embrace a glorious death!"


His cry immediately received a response from the soldiers, so in the background of heavy cavalry trampling the battlefield, the subordinate army that had suffered too many losses and should have retreated seemed to have found a new source of strength.

They return to the battlefield!——

"Ha! I killed someone when I died! The kind NPC helped me kill that rare monster. Now I have 19 kills! I'm ranked fifth on the ranking list. I don't know if that rare monster will be killed.

Will you drop something good for me?

Hey, with this number of kills, I’ll ask who else is there!”

In the forum, in a newly opened thread discussing today's battle, a proud male boxer mother who had just died showed off her prowess with data.

Although I like to mention the three-day Internet abstinence package, this wave of death is so fierce, ferocious, and powerful that it is not unacceptable.

But some people are happy and a little sad.

For example, after the male boxing mother finished her speech, the guy whose ID was "Ka Mian Lai Da" complained:

"I rode on horseback to get the title of 'reserve deserter'. Isn't that right! I clearly didn't run away! I've been fighting all the time. You guys are all dead and I'm still alive, following Brother Bang's powerful cavalry to kill them.

It's not a pleasant experience.

The number of kills has reached 27. Zhuo, this system is poisonous!

How could I be a deserter?

There must be something wrong, no, I have to report it."

Onboard Happy Stick: [What a stupid feedback! Let me ask you, did you just leave the combat area? Didn’t the interface remind you that you will be out of the battlefield if you go further?

You kept running outside. I knew you were planning to sneak around behind, but the system didn't know that. When everyone else was fighting, it looked at you sneaking out of the war zone and didn't judge you as a deserter. Who was?


Is this your first time participating in such a large-scale team battle?

Hey, let me act like a kid and remind others of the rules of team battles. You can go around the back! You can be mean! But you are not allowed to leave before the battle is over.

Your temporary commander, Mr. Qin, did not give you orders to guerrilla and you dared to run around on your own. Do you know this is called desertion? If this were to happen in reality, you would have to go to a military court, so be careful.]

The card surface comes to play: [Ah, are there such outrageous rules? I thought this game was really completely free, but this reserve deserter can be cleaned. As long as you kill twenty jackals within three days, you can restart it.

Go back to the honor system.

Brother Bang, let’s discuss it and help me get twenty kills.】

Onboard happy stick: [Our support mission has ended. Now the system requires us to return to Black Flame Pass to rest. However, the NPCs in the army are still fighting. You can join them. Be smart this time and don't cause such trouble again.

Something wrong.

In addition, it’s up to you to pick up the dog tags and calculation orbs from your brothers. After that, there will be a special NPC to clean the battlefield. Just watch!

That is our harvest and no other army is allowed to touch it.

If anyone wants to pick peaches, just call me quickly. It’s up to you to watch the falling of the brothers.】

The card came to play: [Ouch, okay, um, I think the Hussars are so handsome, can I join? Brother Bang, give the kid a chance.

You see, Kamen Riders all have their own vehicles. Although I can’t get a knight’s belt, I really want a shadow-maned horse.】

On-board happy stick: [Okay, go to the recruiter to sign up. You guys are in time. The Valander Knights have put recruit training in the Dark Mountains. After the next version is updated, you recruits will not need to undergo the training.

We were guilty at that time.

This time, 1,500 people will be recruited, and 500 places will be allocated to players. Brothers who want to fight on horseback, please sign up quickly, but please be careful if you get motion sick. The high-speed charge of the shadow mane horse can make you spit out your last night's meal.】

Chief Cultist of Multi-turret: [Look at the official post! Just now Brother Fa personally announced that the development team has temporary activities, and it is related to the battle just fought! ]

This shout made the guy who posted this post immediately jump to the forum homepage, and then he saw a brand new official post standing there, and the popularity was rising rapidly.

This is probably due to its eye-catching title:

"The closed beta phase, the last work of the development team! Come and see, come and see! Give your closed beta career a perfect ending."

Well, it's full of headline-grabbing gimmicks, but it's really attractive enough.

Happy Stick, who would take the hussar brothers back to the Black Flame Pass position, jumped off his horse and planned to find a place to take a good look at the post, but the surrounding soldiers saluted him one after another.

The veterans looked disapproving, but the recruits were full of admiration. This stunned Brother Bang for a moment, and then he realized the special effect of this battle.

The Transian people's fighting in front of the Black Flame Pass position allowed the defenders here to see their courage and strength. And under the background that the Black Disaster has arrived, such bravery will undoubtedly be recognized and praised by other soldiers.

Oh, it turns out that Governor Murphy is waiting for them here, no wonder a support mission is suddenly assigned to him.

Happy Stick, who already had a certain understanding of the truth of "Real World", curled his lips and said to himself that Mr. Murphy was really a clever little guy, but he did not refuse the praise of these soldiers.

After all, they did outnumber the enemy and wiped out a vanguard of hundreds of Jackals in one battle, and also saved a precarious retinue.

This is the moment of glory that the winner deserves!

Brother Bang quickly entered the rest fortress specially prepared for them. There were already many players walking around here, but most of them were in the "temporarily offline" state. They looked like they were resting, but in fact they were browsing the game.

Internal forum.

He found a place to sit down comfortably, and then clicked on the post. The content of the post was still the same as Fa Ge’s style:

"Hey, brothers! How did you feel about your first fight with the Black Scourge? Did you pee your pants in fear? I specifically asked the programmers on the development team to make the Black Scourge Gnolls full of their desire to attack.

But it’s really enjoyable to watch your battle process, especially that wave of ‘decisive charge’ that made several girls cry. You bastards who regard your life as a fighting resource!

Okay, I admit that you won beautifully, but fighting with your life is not what the development team wants to see.

Therefore, in order to correct your wrong view of the game, the development team decided to start the last large-scale in-game event before the end of the closed beta test as a perfect ending to this stage of our game.

The following is the activity content:

1. Ms. Dorothy, the current operator of the Fight Club, saw a different kind of opportunity from the bad luck of the Black Disaster. She decided to take advantage of this God-given opportunity to promote the barbaric hobby of the Transnians to a wider world.

Therefore, after discussing with the Black Flame Pass Defense Commander Ms. Heather, the Fight Club will temporarily have the management rights of today's fighting area (near the unnamed high ground).

Ms. Dorothy will plant the bloody battle flag, which symbolizes the honor and majesty of Transia, in the center of the battlefield, and the heads of the gnolls killed in today's battle will be piled under the battle flag as "bait" for provocation.

The gnolls in the Black Calamity cannot stand such provocation, and they will continue to send their own warriors and warriors to destroy our battle flag.

And your task is to hold the battle flag until the end of the event.

Ms. Dorothy calls this cruel and crazy event the ‘Arena of Death’!

This event will last for twenty days, but if the event BOSS is killed early or the battle flag is destroyed, the event will be declared to end early. Once the second situation occurs, it means that the face of the Transians will be lost in public.

In the mire, let the jackals tease and ridicule you.

And you will become the sinners and doormats of the entire Transia. I don’t think anyone is willing to endure such a bad ending, right?

Of course, Fight Club has always respected the strong, and the fighters who gain glory in this death match will receive huge rewards. However, there is only one champion!

2. This competition will be conducted in a rotational manner!

We have noticed that a subtle "mountainism" has emerged among the player base. Although the cunning treasures will never admit this, various factions have taken shape, which may directly affect the game experience of subsequent players.

However, the development team advocates a free atmosphere, so we do not intend to interfere more.

But in this operation, all players who signed up will be randomly assigned to three different groups, and you must get familiar with unfamiliar teammates as soon as possible and fight for your own group!

In this event, the monster refresh frequency is random, the monster strength and the number of monsters are random. After certain conditions are met, the combat intensity will increase. After the combat intensity increases to a certain level, the end of the level BOSS will appear.

Each Chapter must guard the battle flag in the Death Arena for a minimum of 12 hours and a maximum of five days!

The system will decide based on the casualties of each battle group whether to allow the evacuation of the position and arrange for the next battle group to take over. After the twenty-day competition ends or the boss at the end of the level is killed, the battle group that has guarded the battle flag for the longest time will be selected.

will gain victory.

According to the cruel principles of Fight Club, the loser will not get anything except drops, while the winner will take all the reward pool.

According to the real-time data provided by the test team, the number of players in the game is currently 1,654, and the number of combat professionals excluding administrators and manufacturing players is 1,425. In order to ensure that a large number of new players who enter the game in the next twenty days can also experience

In order to enjoy the fun of battle, we have deliberately adjusted the total number of participants for each group to a maximum of 1,000 people.

This is also the most unique part of this event!

The development team will be very bold and will not set rank and level thresholds. Even if you are only level 1 when you first enter the game, you are still qualified to participate in this death match competition and hunt for your first jackal head.


Of course, the development team does not recommend that level 1 newbies charge into battle with level 20 black iron bosses. You'd better do some logistical work on the battlefield that suits your situation.

3. Support rules for this activity.

The bloodthirsty and cunning Ms. Dorothy originally planned not to set up a support project. She felt that this kind of desperate fighting was the most shocking entertainment. However, the kind-hearted Governor Murphy felt that it was inappropriate to throw his babies into the battlefield like this.

Be responsible.

Therefore, after repeated discussions with the decision-making team and the testing team, the development team decided to set up special support. After the battle group enters the position, the 'support score' system will be activated and the 'support list' will be unlocked.

The rules for obtaining support points are as follows:

Every time you kill an ordinary gnoll, you will get support points +1, rare gnolls +3, elite gnolls +5, gnoll warlord +50, and gnoll chief +100.

Each time a large group of gnoll attacks is repelled (number of enemies ≥ 50), the support score will be additionally +100.

For every 24 hours of holding the position, the support score will be +300.

When the support score reaches 300, you can request support from the Black Flame Pass position through the battle group commander.

This score will not be cleared during each rotation, and each battle group can retain the support score for use in the next rotation.

The support projects currently provided by Black Flame Pass are as follows:

Summon Thorny Nightcrawler (50 people) to kill and clear at a fixed point -300 points.

Summon Blood Vulture Midnight Hunter (50 people) high-altitude bombing -300 points

Summon Blood Terror elite gunners (50 people) into the position for fire support - 300 points

Summon a group of winged cavalry (50 people) to impact and disperse -600 points

The current list of support summons that Black Flame Pass can provide is as follows:

Summon the corpse witch Bella and Lady Bernice to join the battle until the end of the rotation -1500 points

Summon Lady Dorothy and her Blood Rat Killers - 1500 points

Summon General Maxim - 2000 points

Summon Lady Adele - 2000 points

Summon Earl of White Mountain and loyal servant Vesta - 2000 points

Summon "Golden Peach" Pinkie Pie and her best friend Liwen Knight - 2000 points

Summon Miss Femis-2500 points

Summon Arch Knight Leonia -2500 points

Summon Tribune Kudel -3000 points

Summon Vulture Knight Valander -3000 points

Summon "Iron Fist" Turner-3000 points

Summon "Watcher" Natalie -3000 points

Summon "Captain Blood" Pablo and "Blood Terror Mate" Claire -3500 points

Summon Governor Murphy -3500 points

Summon Blind Prophet Valancer -3500 points

Summon Archduke Tris -4000 points

Summon Lord Heather -4000 points.


The above summons are all one-time services. When the reinforcement summoning project involves NPCs participating in the war for a long time, the supporters will take the initiative to evacuate when their lives are threatened.

All interpretation rights for this event belong to the development team. If you are dissatisfied, please complain. However, because your complaint-handling sister Cui has taken leave again and skipped work, the response to complaints will be very slow these days. Please forgive me.

Finally, I wish everyone a great time in the last event of the closed beta phase!”

Honorary Knight Tapal: [!!!What the hell is the 'Golden Peach'? No wonder I just saw Miss Pinkie Pie and Knight Livan leaving Stromgarde through the portal. Did they come here to participate in this death competition after a long time?

But the points for summoning NPCs to join the battle are terrible. Can any war group really accumulate so many points?

Why do I feel that the cost-effectiveness of summoning NPCs is so low?

For example, summoning Grand Duke Tris once can enable us to drive the hussars to charge 7 times!]

Uncle Qin, the concierge: [That’s not how it works! This kind of competition becomes more and more stressful in the later stages. The upper limit of 1,000 people per battle group means that the number of enemies we have to face in each rotation period is estimated to be at least a thousand units.

At the beginning, in that case, a short-term charge of 50 hussars would hardly be able to make a final decision.

On the contrary, summoning a golden strongman to sit in can ensure that the flag is not destroyed, and in the later stage, the score will be increased faster than you think.

This is the difference between calling for artillery strikes during an exercise and stationing several artillery regiments permanently. It is an opportunity that can determine life or death.】

Living well: [Haven’t everyone been discussing the strength and weakness of NPCs? Look, there is no need to discuss it now. The development team has used scores to list the strengths and weaknesses of NPCs. But Mr. Murphy’s scores are actually equal to

Like the golden strongman?

Does this mean that Lord Murphy’s strength has already reached its peak?]

Mrs. Gentle and Attractive Water: [Uh, maybe the development team specifically emphasizes the status of the mainline NPC? We also have to consider that Lord Murphy’s identity is indeed special. If he dies, this game may be...]

Meow Meow King: [Yes, yes, yes, maybe it’s just to put some money on your face. 】

Ashina Female Swordsman: [!!!Brother Meow Meow, you really need to think carefully about whether the root of your evil hand is your mouth that you can't control at all. Damn it, how can you rush the tower like this, you

How dare you?】

Meow Meow King: [Ahem, that message just now was sent by my cat and has nothing to do with me. I typed it with both hands to show my innocence.]

Chenlong: [Zhuo! Have the team activities in this game always been so exciting? How dare you let a first-level newbie directly join a team battle of this scale? Oops, the fighting spirit is aroused. @ ugly cow, we just can

After catching up with this wave, can other brothers catch up?】

Chou Niu: [It’s a bit uncertain, but Haizhu and Xugou should be able to do it. They filled out the application earlier and it’s their turn. 】

Deadly Orchid Flower: [???Another combination? Hey, there shouldn’t be exactly twelve of you, right? I found that anyone with this kind of name combination in the game is capable.

So, everyone, where are you from?]

Chenlong: [Hey hey hey, professional team, we are a professional team in gaming, we finally got into this big family and made everyone laugh.

There are more than twelve of us, this time a guild applied collectively.

@ Honor Knight Taipal, do you still remember the big PK in Nanhai Town? You lost so miserably.】

Lumina·Yanghen: [Zhuo! I know who you are? Unrivaled pride? Damn PVP maniacs, but stop coming. There is no PVP content in this game, you will definitely be disappointed. 】

Chenlong: [Nonsense! I have seen videos on the forum. The AI ​​design of this game is so realistic. It does not have formal PVP content, but every PVE can be played as PVP.

We didn't come in just because we were hot-headed. We can't let the Riptide Knights dominate.

Oh, by the way, it was your logistics manager, His Excellency Serac Fanta, who invited us, so we can all be considered our own, so please take care of us in the future~]

This chapter has been completed!
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