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Chapter 603 602 Warning! Warning! Meteorite detected on the way

Chapter 603 602. Warning! Warning! Meteor strike detected on the way!

Brother Meow Meow's tactics were a great success, which doubled the confidence of the brothers in the first battle group.

After experiencing the feeling of multiple enhancements, even newcomers who have just entered the game for a few days think that a mere jackal can't do anything to them.

In particular, players and witch hunters have become more and more skilled in weaving hunting illusions together. This auxiliary skill that was once no one cared about has also played a clever role in dividing enemies in team battles. This wave can only be said to be brought about by the great improvement of skills.

Combat strength increases.

However, as the commander, Brother Miao Miao is not so optimistic.

He knew that this victory was just the enemy's reconnaissance and could not represent the destructive power of the Dark Mountain Gnolls at all.

Therefore, after completing his combat skills, Brother Meow Meow hardly relaxed and immediately asked players to sow more seeds near the high ground and conduct more temporary enhancements to the preferred terrain to ensure that his tactics can be maintained smoothly.

But Miao Miao actually held a bit of luck in her heart.

More than ten days have passed since the death competition. The jackals left more than 3,000 corpses on this highland. Although most of them were miscellaneous clans and the number of elites only accounted for a quarter, but for an absolute

For a small highland battlefield in a non-strategic location, this damage is already terrible.

If the jackal commander on the opposite side still had some brains, he would know that he should bypass this tough nut and try to attack the Black Flame Pass from other directions.

When Happy Stick's battle group was guarding here before, Brother Mew Miao observed that although the intensity of the battle increased rapidly, the number of battles dropped significantly, which showed that the opponent also realized that this place was like a useless place.

Coupled with Mrs. Tracey's previous wave of spell deterrence, no matter how stupid the jackals are, they will not send people to add fuel to their deaths.

If the opponent wants to launch a general attack, it will take time to complete the assembly, so maybe I will be lucky enough to have a "bye" during the few days I guard here. If that really happens, Brother Miao Miao will laugh himself to death even in his dreams at night.

And things seemed to be going as Meow Meow imagined. From the end of the battle of 300 people on the first day until noon the next day, the jackals did not come to see him off again.

Could it be that the other party really gave up?

Is it really a piece of pie in the sky? No way? He, the great chief of the Black Hand clan, is actually lucky for once?

Wow, this feeling is really great.

But is this really the case?

In the temporary camp of the Dirty Claw clan, Popok, as a guide, was called into the chief's tent. As a result, he saw the haggard and lifeless Chief Dirty Claw standing next to several priests wearing priest's cloaks.

The cold gnoll.

The opponent's clothes had the emblem of the Splitclaw clan, which made Popok immediately lower his head.

It knows that support from the Splitclaw clan is coming!

The end of Blood Flag Highlands has come.

But it couldn't figure out why Chief Dirty Claw called him over, until a gnoll-style bone staff was thrown at Popok's feet.

"You, Popok of the Black-Eye Clan, have become a laughing stock in the entire Splitclaw Clan because of your stupid commands and ridiculous failures. Your cunning father is ashamed of you. If you are really a pure and noble person,

Blood Gnoll, you should know what you need to do now to wash away the shame you have brought to the Black Eyes Clan.

I'll give you a chance, Popok."

Sitting on the chair, Chief Dirty Claw said in a cold tone:

"I have prepared an army of 1,000 people for you. You are now the commander of the barbarians in the direction of the Blood Flag Highlands. Now, take this scepter, lead your army to the Blood Flag Highlands, and use your last

Have the courage to lead your soldiers to charge there!

I and several powerful priests from the Splitclaw clan will command the spellcasters to assist you from the rear.

Once that damned high ground is leveled, your shame will be wiped away, and your father and your clan will be proud of you.

Now, go ahead.

I have only one request for you, don't look back! Rush all the way."


Popok was shocked in vain, he knew that the other party wanted to use him as cannon fodder.

As a young gnoll who worshiped the Bone-Gripping King, he had heard the story of the Bone-Gripping King's attack on the Black Flame Pass from the elders of the clan when he was a child.

In that story, the warriors under the Bone-gnawing King bravely entered the enemy's position to attract the opponent's army. When the battle between the two sides was in full swing, a meteorite summoned by the Bone-gnawing King himself hit the battlefield.

The gnoll warriors who went to kill the enemy and their enemies were buried there forever, and the Black Flame Pass, which was defended by layers of layers, was also broken through the turtle shell that night, and was completely destroyed in less than ten days after that.

In the hands of a jackal.

Summoning meteorites is the specialty of this group of psychic priests from the Splitclaw clan, and now it is clear that they are trying to lure the enemy.

The young gnoll felt bitter in his heart, but he knew that he had no right to object. Once he resisted here, his head would become a "prop" used by Chief Dirty Claw to boost morale in a few minutes.

Damn it!

This cold bastard probably saved himself until now just for this time.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you organize your army?"

Chief Dirty Claw said quietly.

Popok gritted his teeth and picked up the scepter from the ground, and then strode out with anger. This rude behavior made Chief Filthy Claw's eyes flash with coldness, but he finally forgave Popok.

Why are you fighting with a dead man?

"Leave the highlands of the Transansians flat, and the road to the Black Flame Pass will be leveled."

In the chieftain's camp, Chief Dirtypaw whispered:

"But the defense of that position is terrifying. The kobolds' underground diggings cannot be hidden from the dwarf earth priests as long as they get close. So, how can our great matron capture it?"

"Of course I won't let your clan be used as cannon fodder, Dirty Claw, just relax your mind, the mistress has always been generous to her own people."

An old Cleaverclaw priest responded:

"The Mistress has prepared powerful weapons for this battle, and we are still 'persuading' the die-hard Plague Clan to join us. Once the clan that is good at controlling the undead is brought to our use, it will be easy to break through the Black Flame Pass.

I heard that those stupid humans and vampires buried the bones of those who died there during the last black disaster under the earth, and also made cemeteries for those so-called 'warriors'.

Haha, you are really asking for your own death."

"But the Plague Clan is not so easy to bow its head."

Chief Dirtypaw frowned and said:

"I have some friendship with Old Shredded Flesh. That guy would rather join the Bone-gnawing clan than respond to the mistress's kindness. Although Shredded Flesh is missing now, his tribe is just as stubborn as him."

"This is not something you and I need to pay attention to, Dirty Claw, let's first remove the stronghold that makes us jackals lose face."

The old priest Splitclaw said in a gloomy tone:

"According to your request, we have prepared a legion-level spell. The war meteorite spell used to destroy the fortress in the past will now be used on that small highland. As long as you give the order, that place will be completely crushed within a few minutes.


But I can’t understand why more than a thousand people are sent to die?”

"That's not one of our people."

Dirty Claw said casually:

"Those are the defeated soldiers who escaped from the previous failed attack. They are all members of small clans that no one cares about. Even the Whiptail Clan doesn't want them! The lives of losers are meaningless in the Dark Mountains. Only by eliminating these cowards can we make peace.

Gnolls are great again.

Besides, the mistress's order was that she wanted the Splitclaw clan and the vassal clans to have exclusive access to the spoils of Transia and the mainland.

I just obey the orders of my mistress."

"You're just venting your anger."

The old priest said clearly:

"Your clan has suffered heavy losses, so you want the same fate to befall others, Dirty Claw, and it's not without reason that the mistress hates you. Your heart is as narrow and vicious as a mouse, which limits your achievements."

"Whatever you say, I am loyal anyway, and the mistress will see my contribution. Everyone, go and prepare. I will join you in a moment."

Chief Filthy Claw issued an eviction order, and several Splitclaw priests left the camp. When only Filthy Claw was left alone, the cold and lost gnoll chief took out the strange pendant from his neck.

It stared at the pendant, and after a long silence, it said:

"According to your order, Master Yuan, this land is now filled with fresh corpses and desperate pain. May I ask, what should I do next?"


Yuan's cold voice came from the pendant, and she said:

"When the Splitclaw clan enters the Black Flame Pass, activate what I give you. Use the despair and pain accumulated in the Blood Banner Highlands as the key to awaken the undead sleeping under the Black Flame Pass. The endless hatred pouring out from the ground will tear the battlefield apart.

Everything above, the arrogant and arrogant Mistress Splitclaw will also perish.

The clan she left behind will be under your control, and the road to Transia will be opened.

I have prepared everything for you in Xiko City, Dirty Claw, you will become the guide of the Hades army. I want you to lead the dead to break through the Scarlet Castle, kill Murphy, and completely destroy the Blood Vulture clan.

But don't hurt Lady Tris.

Of course, with your pitiful abilities, it is impossible to hurt her.

The Scarlet Witch has strayed from her destiny, and you are the cards I have played to bring her back."

"I can't understand it, but I won't try to understand it either."

Chieftain Filthy Claw whispered:

"I'm just curious, how many guys like me are there in the Splitclaw clan?"

"Not as little as you think."

Yuan's voice gradually faded away, and she said:

"But if you succeed, you are the only one. Embrace the dusk, Malice, and you will gain everything you desire in your journey of destruction."

Dirty Claw sneered.

It doesn't believe the source's promises, but it has nothing to lose by giving it a try.

As a former member of the Splitclaw clan, it knew that the narrow-minded Mistress Splitclaw didn't like it, so she kicked it out of the clan and gave itself a weak clan to rule in name. That was a terrible shame, but it was okay.


Why are you angry with a dead man?——

"Brother Mew! The jackals are rushing up again. This time there are many people, densely packed."

In the afternoon, the student party quickly brought the news.

Brother Miao Miao immediately appeared on the sentry post. He asked Yan Sang to cast an eagle eye spell on himself, and he could clearly see a large group of howling jackals pouring into the position at the edge of the combat zone.

But this time their formation was very scattered and without any structure at all.

"Why does this feel like another group of miscellaneous troops? In addition to the large number, there is no sense of oppression brought by elite units. Is this because the development team felt that the previous battle was too miserable, so they lowered the intensity of the battle?"

Brother Miao Miao complained, and Yan Sang next to him filled his shotgun with flaming gold bullets and said:

"Perhaps the development team secretly changed the process to give us a group of miscellaneous soldiers so that we can increase our support points. How many points are we now?"

"Including the last rotation settlement and the accumulation from the previous battle, and then getting rid of the summons of Ms. Dorothy and the Blood Rat Killers, there is still a little more than 2,000 left."

Brother Miao Miao replied:

"Originally I planned to summon Maxim to be the T again, but it turned out that it was so calm this time. I want to save up more and just like Lao Bang, I can directly summon a golden person to help us win. After this battle, it will definitely be enough.

, and also open the eyes of brothers to see the battlefield performance of other gold medalists.

Why don't we summon Lord Heather."

"I think Spider-Girl Villanse is more suitable. Not only can she fight, but she is also very fierce and spicy. She has a great boost to morale. Trust me! You are right to summon her."

Yan Sang whistled and winked and said:

"Then I will take people to guard the high ground?"

"Well, go ahead and be careful with the vampire vines."

Meow Meow waved his hand, jumped down from the sentry, and guided the divine magic inspired by nature to completion, allowing the players in the trenches to feel the added power again.

Just like a replica of yesterday's battle, the witch hunters opened the hunting illusion and quickly separated the wolf men who suddenly rushed into the position into the surging illusion.

Brother Meow Meow rushed up with an ax and killed several jackals with his sword. He frowned and looked at these guys, always feeling that there was something wrong. There was not even an elite among these guys, they were all ordinary jackals.


Why does it feel wrong?

In a hidden place nearly a thousand meters away from the Blood Flag Highlands, Chief Dirty Claw stared indifferently at the area wrapped in hunting illusions in the distance. Behind him, more than twenty voodoo priests from the Splitclaw clan

The psionic energy has begun to be activated, and the guidance of the legion-level city-breaking meteorite technique has begun.

The high-quality earth crystals obtained from the goatmen in Abyss City are being consumed as casting materials, and meteorites entangled with dirty energy in the star realm are being pulled into the material world.

"Psionics are surprisingly active today."

Behind Chief Dirty Claw, the old priest who had scolded him before said:

"It seems that fate is also expecting a massacre."

"'Destiny' is not what we gnolls call us. Sir, you seem to have learned too much from the civilized camp. Mistress Splitclaw does not like this kind of 'wisdom'."

Dirty Claw replied coldly, saying:

"In the name of the Lord of the Hunt, let's end this disgusting tug of war."

"As you wish, huh huh."

Amidst the laughter of the jackal who wanted to be beaten, the magic bone staff in the old priest's hand waved forward.

Several spells behind him were activated at the same time, and the originally gloomy sky seemed to be torn open at this moment, and meteorites wrapped in purple flames fell accurately towards the direction of the Blood Flag Highland.

This scene was quickly observed by the position at Black Flame Pass, and a few seconds before the release of the meteorite technique, Tris, who sensed the psychic disorder, had already flashed to high altitude with Murphy.

"The Highlands are over!"

Tris said sharply:

"That's the war meteor technique used to attack fortresses. These jackals are really crazy! They actually used it to attack a barren highland, where there is nothing!"

"No, there are their enemies there, our warriors. Bring Dorothy and the others back! Quick!"

Murphy's eyes were filled with an icy cold light.

He also expected that the death match would be terminated early due to an accident, but he did not expect that a small highland would have to withstand the bombardment of five dimensional meteorites.

As Tris cast the spell, at the moment when the meteorite was only a few hundred meters away from the ground, Dorothy, who was still in the hallucination of hunting, raised her head and looked desperately at the sky. The muttering Dorothy was wrapped in a scarlet stream of light.

She knew that someone was trying to pull her out of a desperate situation, and the moment she disappeared, she quickly grabbed the two subordinates beside her.

But the rest of the people really have no choice.

Brother Meow Meow, who had just chopped down a jackal on the battlefield, raised his head. His eyes were wide open, reflecting the meteorites getting closer and closer above his head. At this moment, he stopped thinking, and a thousand words were combined into one sentence: "Throw away your Rem."


Depend on!

Can this still be played like this?

On the sentry tower on the high ground, with the meteorite falling in the background, Mrs. Shui was hugging her husband, while Lao Huo picked up Shen Yu who was still looking up and looked at him and ran out of the high ground. If he didn't care about this scene of destruction,

meaning, the composition of this scene alone is legendary enough.


The terrifying shaking on the ground represents the falling meteorite.

One confrontation caused the loss of one-third of Brother Mew Miao's first battle group. The battlefield area was so large that even if the young players ran at their wits' end, they would not be able to escape from the impact area before the meteorite fell.

Dimensional meteorites do more than just fall and impact damage.

The astral psychic energy and foul fire attached to it can also cause severe damage to the mind and body.

The second, third, and until the fifth meteorite hit the ground, everything in this area was riddled with holes as if it had been touched by naughty children's hands. The terrain that had been transformed with every effort was full of holes, and the blood flag


There is no high ground anymore, it has become an impact crater.

All the glory, all the shame, all the anger and joy were brutally buried in this way.

Except for some vampires who could fly and react quickly enough, the first battle group was almost completely wiped out. Along with them, more than a thousand jackal cannon fodder were sent to the battlefield.

The entire Black Flame Pass fell silent at this moment.

Lord Heather smashed his favorite pipe on the ground and cursed a vulgar dwarf curse. Brother Bang and Master Qin, who were observing the battlefield from a height, also looked at each other. This kind of change is something that commanders in the real world would not do anyway.


The old corpse witch Baldwin who was beside Mr. Qin shook his head and said hoarsely:

"You really pissed them off."

The elf rangers who were the most indifferent before were the quickest to respond. Several wind vultures had already taken off with the air cavalry to check the situation there, but just as the elf riders were taking off, a female elf suddenly shouted:

"No! Look there! There are people there!"


This shout made Murphy and Tris turn around at the same time.

As the smoke and dust from the highlands bombarded by meteorites were blown away by strong winds, on the broken land that was still burning with filthy fire, in the crater where the original Blood Flag Highlands were now, a figure huddled there was struggling.

Get up.

This is simply a miracle!

The high ground was hit by three meteorites in succession, and even the golden man could not escape unscathed.

Thirty-year-old Yan Sang looked at the broken rocks and terrifying meteorite impact craters around him with fear. The old man was really frightened by the scene just now, but there was a layer of emerald-green shimmer like an eggshell lingering around his body.

Still protecting him.

He is also a member of the Big Bird Group. Everyone else has learned magical skills, and he himself has his own skills to press the bottom of the box.

As a scout, his attack power is really low, and his defense ability is also very poor. In order to prevent himself from being killed for no apparent reason, he deliberately chose a rather strange skill when learning divine magic.

Avalon Divine Spell·Natural Sanctuary: While this magical spell is in effect, the user can transfer all the damage he receives to plants within twenty feet of him. The user will not suffer any damage until the plant dies.


At this moment, Yan Sang was only grateful that when the meteorite hit him, he was in the middle of a large area of ​​mature and split vampire vines, otherwise he would not have survived.

In this deathly silent battlefield, Yan Sang climbed out of the impact crater with difficulty.

He was like a person who woke up in the wasteland era, staring dumbly at the battlefield where there was no one else but himself. Not far away, Brother Meow Meow's legendary battle ax was stuck in the ground in a desolate manner.

The commander of the first regiment had no body left.

He also saw a group of Dirty Claw Jackals charging over from outside the fighting zone in the distance.

Yan Sang knew that he was doomed.

But at this moment, his heart was filled with anger and unwillingness. These damn jackals are just riding horses without any moral ethics! Don’t you just want this flag? I’m still here, so you can’t get it!

So while many people watched silently, Yan Sang spat rudely at her feet, took out the things she was protecting in her arms, grabbed a broken spear, put it on, and raised it high.


The next moment, Chief Dirty Claw, who had lost interest in the battlefield, stood up angrily.

On the battlefield that has been razed to the ground at the end of its eyes, a lone Transian is holding the damn blood flag high, still swaying in the strange purple flames in the ruins of the doomsday.

It's almost like a provocation.

That damn blood flag that humiliated the gnolls is still there! That flag dyed red with the blood of the gnolls is still there!


Not even a meteorite can destroy it?

All the gnoll priests behind Dirty Claw showed a look of astonishment, and even the old priest's eyes widened with cloudy eyes. What on earth is going on with these Transians? They were still attacked by Black Calamity four times, each time

The Transians who were treated like pigs by the violent gnolls every time?

That’s not right!

This shouldn't be a script like this!


Dirty Claw almost squeezed out the sound from between its teeth. Its vicious eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes at this moment. It staggered away and threw away the adjutant who wanted to help it. It stared at the battlefield.

Flying blood flag.

It seemed that at this moment it was the only thing left in the world and the flag that seemed to be riding on it.

It cursed:

"Charge over! Tear him alive! I order you. No! I want to kill him myself. I want to poof!"

"It's not good, the chief is vomiting blood, please come quickly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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