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Chapter 613 612 Battlefield Daily Mission Unlocked - Castle of Courage

Chapter 613 612. Battlefield Daily Mission Unlocked: The Meat Grinder Major of Fort Courage

The final battle in Blood Flag Battlefield was quite crazy. After the last whiptail elites were killed, even the most energetic players now urgently need to go offline to rest.

This is a very simple truth.

Although the current online time of "Real World" has reached 20 hours a day, it is actually impossible for most players to "play the entire game." According to Murphy's private survey, including the 8 hours of sleep link, it is impossible to play the game every day.

A time of 14-16 hours is a relatively standard gaming experience.

Although there are "severe addicts" like Xiaowei Ming and Brother Mingmiao who play for 20 hours a day, and the average online time of "professional players" within the top 100 in combat effectiveness has exceeded 18 hours, they are only a small number of individuals after all.

Most players' energy and real-world work and chores cannot support them to wander around Transia. However, during the 17 days of the death match, the online time of each group during the rotation exceeded 18 hours.

You should be tired, that’s what you should be!

The gaming helmet can only stabilize the spirit, but it does not mean that it can turn players into energetic supermen. Therefore, after the event, 90% of the players chose to go offline. The Black Flame Pass position was specially set aside for these "Transcian Warriors"

The rest area was filled with sleeping people.

Many of them didn't even wash themselves and maintained the "original appearance of the battlefield", which made the NPCs who had withdrawn together once again lamented the "affordability and ease of use" of these foreigners.

The legendary version of the bloody battle flag brought back by the proud "Flag Officer" Miss Pinkie stood outside the "Players Rest Area". Many commanders of the subordinate army came to "pay respect" to this "holy statue" forged by the war.


There are even several elven rangers and bards who have begun to think about it beside the blood flag, and want to use their poems to spread the legendary battle that took place in the Black Flame Pass to all parts of the continent.

Obviously, if the defenders of Black Flame Pass have a reputation bar, then relying on this "death match", the soldiers of Transia have pushed this reputation to above "respect".

Although the players have gone offline to rest, their lords cannot rest. Now that the reputation has been achieved, rewards must be obtained. Murphy and Tris are currently fighting for the "interests" of their own warriors.

In Lord Heather's command room located in the mountains behind the position, the Governor of Transia was discussing a series of "preferential treatment conditions" with the commander-in-chief of the defense line.

Probably because of the outstanding performance of the Transian warriors, the dwarf vampire lord, who had always been difficult to talk to, became tolerant.

She was wearing a comfortable dwarf robe, holding a bottle of dwarf barley wine in her hand to celebrate victory, but still wearing a heavy helmet to cover her face. A vampire attendant stood beside the lord to record what Murphy proposed at this time.

Various requirements:

"First of all, my warriors must have their own independent position in Black Flame Pass. You can set up commanders but give them some control.

They are brave and free at the same time. They are not willing to be bound by military regulations, so my suggestion to you is to put them in the outer position. They are not afraid of death, but boring defensive preparations will kill their enthusiasm."

Murphy said slowly:

"Secondly, since my warriors have been recognized by most of the commanders from you down, the equipment arsenal of Black Flame Pass and the Blood Alliance Knights should also be opened to them.

You can specify gold coins as the purchase currency, or you can more directly let them exchange the heads of gnolls or kobolds for their favorite protective gear and weapons.

You should also shoulder your responsibilities in terms of consumables. My warriors are in great demand in this regard, whether it is engineering explosives, burning gold projectiles or refined arrows, various potions and potions, and heavy items that cannot be provided elsewhere.


I mean automatic hunting crossbows and even small-caliber field guns. My warriors are very interested in these things, and they are willing to pay any price to get such cute things.

You can increase the price.

But I think with what they've done for the position, you can't say too much."

"No problem, these demands are a bit excessive, but the performance of the Transians deserves a little preferential treatment."

Lord Heather waved his hand and said in a low tone:

"But I always feel that you don't regard your warriors as well-trained soldiers. You seem to be persuading me to treat them as mercenaries? And you are suggesting that I send them to dangerous areas to perform dangerous tasks.

Those are your people!"

"Come on, your lord."

Cuisi, who was flipping through the "Book of Curses" next to her, raised her head and said:

"Don't lie to us. You are a high-level lord. The true identity of our warriors cannot be hidden from you. They are indeed spirits from an alien plane. They will not really die in the material world. It takes three days.

Time resurrects.

This means you don't have to hesitate before sending them to their death, and it also means your Black Flame Pass will have a tactical ranger capable of taking on any role.

This is the power that every commander dreams of, but there is a catch!

The foreigners in Transia believe in equal trade. Heather, before you send them to hell, you'd better prepare a reward that will excite them. This trick has been tried and true.

I'm not threatening you either.

But if they are not satisfied with the rewards and feel deceived, then you will be the one who suffers. According to my observation, our warriors have always been flexible in terms of moral bottom line. In addition, because we are already friends,

Do you want your heirloom 'Butcher' tomahawk returned to you?

If you lose the family heirloom at the gambling table, even if you are a big shot among the shield dwarves, you will still have your spine stabbed, right?"

"Well, a group of enhanced undead mercenaries? I understand. As for my family heirloom, I don't need you to worry about it. After I became a vampire, the butcher's battle ax has been gathering dust for decades. The least I can do is give it to a warrior. Let it continue to create its own legend.

Besides, it was lost at the gambling table, and sooner or later I will win it back at the gambling table! We shield dwarves have always regarded our reputation at the gambling table as more important than our lives."

Lord Heather laughed like a dwarf, and she said loudly:

"And our conversation should be so direct, you two! Although I am the second lord of the Blood Alliance Knights, I can never learn the dark and cunning way of conversation praised by our compatriots. Since you have made the request, Then I won't be polite.

To be honest, your warriors are really easy to use and have amazing destructive power. They are like an alien sword that has not been fully tempered. I don't mind helping you sharpen this sword, but I am a commander after all. Make the most of it!

Therefore, I require that the number of foreigners stationed at Black Flame Pass should not be less than 1,500, otherwise it will be of little use.

I will specially assign one of my descendants to manage and lead them. If they do a good job, I can even continue to give them treasures from my personal treasure house as gifts. The secret treasure of the shield dwarf is more than just a butcher's war ax.

To be honest, I actually quite like this kind of deal between mercenaries, it always makes people feel happy when money and goods are cleared."

"1,500 people? No problem!"

Murphy nodded and said:

"I will send the people you need in about ten days. They need to rest recently. In addition, you should also know that Lord Paying is advancing an important plan. When the Lord orders something, my warriors need to be If you are dispatched to the depths of the Dark Mountains, in that case you need to arrange things in advance to avoid mistakes.

Is there anything else that needs to be said?

If not, Tris and I will leave here temporarily and return to Transia."

"Of course! About the battlefield you had before."

Lord Heather picked up a drawing from his desk and handed it to Murphy. The latter took a look at it and his eyes widened. He said:

"You want to build a fortress in the Blood Flag Highlands? Why? The terrain there is not dangerous. From a practical point of view, this is a waste of precious resources."

"But we commanders can't be practical about everything, Murphy."

Lord Heather shook his head and said:

"As the commander-in-chief of the defense line, I have to think about many issues from the perspective of morale. The seventeen-day offensive and defensive battle in the Blood Flag Highlands was a miracle that cannot be replicated. The story and every detail about the flag has become the most popular on the battlefield. Popular battlefield gossip.

Some commanders from the headquarters of the Blood Alliance Knights even wrote to inquire.

Lord Murphy, you are not a soldier and cannot understand this rare emotion. I also admit that the location of Blood Flag Highland has no strategic value, but the way things have developed can be called a miracle.

As the commander-in-chief, I must make good use of this small miracle to achieve the purpose of promoting morale.

As long as the Blood Flag Highlands are still in our hands, as long as the Blood Flag does not fall, my soldiers will continue to be inspired, and all I need to pay is to send a few earth priests to repair the terrain there and build a strong fortress.


I want to name it ‘Fort Courage’!

And stationed an army of retinues to stay there for a long time, continuing the legend of Blood Flag Highlands.

But there is no doubt that I need your permission, because that is the position of the Transians! That is your legend."

"I have no objection, I even feel flattered."

Murphy handed the drawings back and said:

"But since it is our little military miracle in Transia, can Transians be involved in this matter? Our Masonic Brotherhood there is also good at construction, and I believe they can come up with a better fortress.


That bloody flag can stay in Fort Courage forever, but I have a small request. Can the earth priests under your command create a few statues by the way?

I mean that kind of monumental statue. It doesn’t have a specific face. It just needs to record this ‘glorious event’. Please understand, but I also need to use this event to inspire the courage in the hearts of Transians!

This is what a ruler must have.

And after the construction of Fort Courage is completed, if a battle breaks out there, I require that the warriors under my command must go to support it. It is a miraculous place for the Transians, and every warrior has the obligation to protect the legacy left by his predecessors.

War epic.

It’s like an easter egg-like battlefield routine, I guess, this will definitely make them feel excited.”

"Of course, that's not a problem, although I don't quite understand your Transnian dialect."

Lord Heather is worthy of being a dwarf, and his temper and behavior are quite generous, and a cooperation agreement between the two parties was reached.

Heather personally sent Murphy and Tris out of her headquarters. Before leaving, Murphy did not forget to hand over a calculation orb to Lord Heather. It was the same as the one given to Villanther before, and it contained a summary of Miriam.

"Strategy for Foreigners' Favorability" and "300 Effective Sentences for Communicating with Warriors" a must-read for Transian civil servants.

Look, it's not just the players who are trying to gain the favor of the NPCs, the diligent NPCs are also working hard to gain the favor of the players in private.

This wave is a two-way street.

"Sure enough, respect is earned!"

When Murphy and Tris were strolling through the Black Flame Pass position, he looked at the respectful eyes of the surrounding soldiers and said to Tris:

"I still remember how the local soldiers ignored me when I first came here. Now they regard us and our warriors as trustworthy people. This is all due to the brave warriors fighting on the Blood Flag Highlands.

War destroys everything but also creates friendship.

It seems that the warriors will not have a hard time at Black Flame Pass in the future.

This will become the hottest 'leveling area' in the closed beta version, and the treasure troves of the Black Flame Defense Line and the Blood Alliance Knights will also complete the arming of generations of warriors on our behalf. Ha, I finally don't have to rack my brains to design for them.

Various weapon sets.”

"You are lazy."

Tris snorted, and while assuming the aura of a psychic master, she whispered:

"But you also expressed your concerns to me before. You think Black Flame Pass cannot be defended in the end, right?"

"Well, there is a high probability that this place will fall. Although I can't guess the specific method, the Maginot Line of Defense will definitely come in handy. The shadow of dusk hangs over this black disaster. Lord Heather may be aware of the problem, but

She is still fighting against the coming war simply by fighting against the gnolls.

This will set her up for failure."

Murphy put his hands behind his back and said:

"But it's not a bad thing for us, can you understand? Tris."


The Duke of Blood Vulture nodded and asked again:

"Miriam completed a new census in Transia yesterday. At present, the number of people we have gathered has exceeded 300,000. The number of foreign warriors who have entered the game is about 2,200, and you still have 800 in hand.

Do you want to stay until the closed beta starts? Or do you want to summon it now?"

"Tomorrow night."

Murphy said in a deep voice:

“Use up all 800 quotas at once, bring those militants and bloodthirsty commanders into our world, give them the last five days to adapt to life here, and then start the version update.

When they return to Transia again, the minions of the Black Scourge will officially start the war, and Transia will also join this sacred and difficult war under their leadership.

The miracle of Blood Flag Highland proves that young players can take care of themselves in danger. They have grown up and it is time to leave the cradle.

Let's go, Tris.

Go to Shadow Valley first, and then return to Transia to prepare for the final summons."


Mr. Qin slept hard for six hours offline before regaining his energy. This frightened his wife so much that she thought she had contracted a pandemic and almost sent him to the hospital. The first thing the old man did after he woke up was

I just had a big bowl of rice and then went online again to check the situation.

As a result, Mr. Qin had just logged into the game and left the rest area when he saw Lord Heather of Black Flame Pass standing in front of the blood flag and saying something to several dwarves wearing sacrificial robes.

After noticing Lao Qin, Lord Heather let out a roaring laugh and greeted:

"Come here quickly! Brave Major 'Meat Grinder', we are discussing making your bloody battle flag into a strategic artifact. Maybe you can give us some inspiration?"

"Huh? Meat grinder? Major?"

Mr. Qin was a little confused for a moment. After checking the character interface, he discovered that he had been promoted to the rank of Major of the Cadman People's Army by General Maxim because of his meritorious command.

As for the honorary title "Meat Grinder", it is the nickname attached to the "Transcian War Hero" medal personally awarded by Lord Murphy. It is a unique one, and it also lights up the "Server No. 1! Commander Medal"

What about the hidden achievements of "Winner"?

Of course, the medal is still being produced at Scarlet Castle, and Lao Qin needs to go back to collect it, but the nickname "Meat Grinder" has already spread in Black Flame Pass.

Not only Lord Heather calls it this, but the soldiers nearby will also shout this name with respect, which brings courage and pride to everyone.

"Tsk, this feels pretty good."

Lao Qin felt proud in his heart.

But then I told myself to be humble. Where did that lead me?

In the real world, I have flowers on my shoulders. I can't be lower than my current military rank in another world, right? Hey, the road to war has just begun.

We’ll see!

This chapter has been completed!
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