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Chapter 65 64 Let the flame purify everything!!!【460】

 Chapter 65 64. Let the flame purify everything!!!【460】

(Added update for the brothers ‘Taipal, the village chief of Novice Village’ [4/5])

Lumina received a notification that the hidden mission was completed when she first went online today, and she was instructed to go to the survivor camp to obtain hidden rewards.

This is the first time that a large-scale hidden mission has been completed. Other young players are also very interested in this unique reward, so when Lumina, Jie Chong and Brother Heisi rushed over happily, a few people followed behind them.

Lots of people watching the fun.

They also rented two trucks from Maxim. Adhering to the principle of not making empty trips and maximizing the use of time, they took on the daily task of "delivering supplies".

We drove all the way here, and the people responsible for receiving supplies happened to be a dump truck and a shovel.

These two brothers are already famous among the 40 young players. After all, while others are still struggling to kill monsters, they have become officials.

Naturally, there was a lot of teasing when everyone met, and the two brothers didn't care. They smiled and directed the assistant NPC to receive the supplies. They were also participants in the task, so they also had to receive the rewards.

And when the players arrived at the place and took a look, oh, it was a big scene!

Not only Murphy is here, but also the camp director Miss Miriam, and basically all the important NPCs in the camp are here.

Thousands of people gathered together, it really felt like a huge crowd.

Many of the survivors in the camp were still wearing bandages or carrying crutches made of wooden sticks. They looked at the little players in front of them, with nothing but gratitude in their eyes.

They will never forget that it was these warriors who rescued them when they were waiting to die in fear.

These tireless warriors escorted them out of the dark city, pursued by monsters, and sent them here. They also continuously collected supplies and sent them over so that they could survive the disaster safely.

This is a kindness that must be remembered!

"We all know who rescued us from the city of despair. When we had lost hope and fell into hell, they were the ones who pulled us back to earth."

Seeing that all the little players were coming over, under the signal from Murphy's eyes, Miss Miriam, who was wearing a scarlet cloak, stood on a stone and shouted to the people around her with a draft she had prepared in advance:

"But we have not yet expressed our gratitude to these saviors and warriors in a true sense. Transians never forgive their enemies, but we will never forget our kindness.

We scraped together some items from the camp supplies to represent our gratitude.

We will always remember the names of these saviors and their stories until the moment we die, until their feats will be passed down forever on this land!

Hail to our saviors!

High respect to them!"

There were bursts of enthusiastic shouts from the crowd, and those who survived were shouting thanks.

Even if the players don't understand their language at all, the translation of the calculation orb allows them to feel the true gratitude of the group of NPCs in front of them.

Not to mention a group of students, this scene even made people like Brother Mingmiao, who had seen the world, feel paralyzed.

This was the unanimous shouting of more than a thousand people, and the momentum was astonishing.

"Well said."

Murphy smiled and clapped his hands, and whispered encouragement to Miriam:

"You are as stable as a retired veteran cadre. It seems that you are very suitable for this line of work."

This encouragement made Miriam roll her eyes.

But what Murphy said is not wrong. She does not hate the feeling of a manager, and has a deep understanding of the thing called "power", even if she is currently only managing a "refugee camp".

"Come forward, my warriors!"

Murphy called out. The five young players who had completed the task looked at me and I looked at you. It was the middle-aged duo who took the first step forward. Then they saw a man next to Murphy with his head wrapped around him.

A middle-aged NPC wearing a bandage came over with something and handed it to them with both hands, saying thank you constantly.

It was a signboard with the name "Nur Farm Tools Store" on it.

The "NPC" in front of me is the owner of this store. He hopes to give his store and land deed, together with the inventory of agricultural tools inside, to the warriors who manage the camp in front of him.

He didn't feel sad about it.

Because Miss Miriam had given him a large amount of money privately, which was enough for him to take his family and leave Transia to live a better life elsewhere after everything was settled.

The destroyed city lacked everything except money to go to the owner. Murphy had obtained a lot while "hunting" in the city these days.

"Damn, this store is just for the two of us?"

The dump truck was a little confused as he held the signboard and the land deed, but the shovel was as sober as ever. He curled his lips and said:

"The store is still in the city. It is estimated that it will be in ruins. The management rights are given to us, but it is still far from being operational. But it is not bad. The development team is very generous. I guess there will be similar stores in the future.

Shop buying and selling mechanism.

Now it’s a pilot test for the two of us.”

"You deserve this."

Murphy said with a smile on his face, and the dump truck and shovel also showed decent smiles, just like the elementary school students receiving the certificates on the podium, they were strict and orderly.

Although it was clear that this was just a game, the two middle-aged men still had feelings in their hearts when they saw the grateful looks of the NPCs around them who had been saved by their flash of inspiration.

no way.

This game is so realistic that people will always inadvertently ignore the boundary between fantasy and reality.

When the two camp managers returned to their NPC assistants with cheers and honors, even these selected assistants straightened their backs and seemed to be honored.

This also makes the full-risk semi-danger and the chosen gray player who just entered the game a few days ago look envious. After all, they are all playing games, who doesn’t want to have a good time?

In other games, if you get a good piece of equipment, you have to spend half a day going to the main city street to get envious eyes, let alone this kind of "anticipated" scene?

Then he called for the numb brother Heisi and Jie to rush forward.

In reality, the two of them are employees of Brother Meow Meow. How have young people in their twenties ever seen this scene? Especially when the four girls came forward with skill manuals and two sets of weapons, the two young people immediately reached out to take them.

exceed their rewards.

But it's not over yet.

As Brother Heisi, Jie Chong and other players watched in stunned silence, the four girls left grateful kisses on the faces of the two young players, one on the left and the other on the right.

This immediately caused the surrounding young players and the onlookers NPCs to whistle and cry like wolves.

Hehe, come more, I like to see this!

This also fully proves that no matter which world the men come from, they all have the same pursuit of certain "low-level tastes".

But as the "protagonists" at this time, Brother Heisi and Jie Chong have no idea of ​​enjoying the girl's gratitude. Both of them are stupid at this moment.

This, this, this, is this a "hidden easter egg" from the development team?

Depend on!

Isn’t it too exciting?

It’s just that there are too many people, so I’m embarrassed. Also, can you give me a tongue kiss?

I have lived for more than 20 years and have never experienced it, cough cough.

Brother Heisi has a good memory, and he immediately discovered that these four girls were the two neighbors he and Jiechong rescued during their mission.

The girls obviously remembered them and whispered thank you to them.

The bold one also stuffed a note into the palm of his hand. This small action made the young players and NPCs next to him even more booing, making the two young people run away as if they were carrying something with them, their cheeks turned red.

But after taking a few steps, he waved to his brothers very proudly, which caused another burst of whistles.

"The warrior who came forward and saved 20 lives by himself, I feel honored to gain your loyalty!"

Murphy finally looked at Lumina.

The reward for this young lady is the top priority.

Although she was not the first to discover the hidden mission, she rescued the most people in the three days of rescue. Thirteen children and seven adults. She encountered danger at least three times while rescuing people. If it weren't for good luck, she would have been in danger.

It's already gone.

Lumina has basically not leveled up in the past three days, and has been wasting time on this hidden mission.

She is not a strong person per se.

But in Murphy's view, small players like Lumina who have their own way of playing and can insist on doing one thing mean much more to him than the intensity party.

Such "heavy role-playing enthusiasts" are the group of people closest to NPCs among players. In the future, they may really become a bridge between the player group and NPCs. Many things that cannot be left to ordinary players can be done with confidence.

Let them do it.

Murphy has decided to put Lumina Yanghen on the first-sequence training list, and pay attention to special talents like Sister Pomegranate and Niu Niu.

He had a feeling that this young lady would definitely bring surprises to him in the future.

The reward given to her is also the most special.

It was not given by the NPC in the camp, but by Mrs. Adele, who was quite mysterious in the minds of the player community.

The new vampire, who was always indifferent, took a step forward. She stared at Lumina, who was a head shorter than her, with her blood-red eyes. After looking up and down, she said:

"I heard that you like elf culture?"


Miss Lumi was completely confused. Is this the easter egg arranged by the development team for her?

"Don't be interested in them! No matter which ethnic group they belong to, the elves are not as perfect as you think. In fact, most of them are very dangerous."

Mrs. Adele shook her head and handed her the "Megeva Family Secret Swordsmanship Manual" that she had copied by herself. When she left, she whispered to Lumi in a very special accent and quite strange language.


Her player interface could not be translated immediately, until Murphy whispered to her:

"That's a warning in Elvish.

She hopes you will give up chasing dangerous things. In our world, warriors and elves are not only synonyms of elegance, but also synonyms of power and mystery."

"But how does she know Elvish? And this book."

Lumina looked at the note in her hand, a sense of surprise rising in her heart, and she repeatedly lamented that the development team was really reliable.

Murphy showed a mysterious smile and said to her:

"You need to explore this yourself slowly. My heir Adele is a person with mysterious origins. If you want to win her trust, you have to work harder."

After saying that, Murphy turned around and looked at the crowd in the camp behind him. Because this small ceremony had heightened the atmosphere, his eyes swept across the faces and eyes of the survivors.

He saw fear and respect in it, as well as alienation and enthusiasm.

But no matter what these people's feelings and impressions of him are, Murphy can be sure that these people in front of them all know his name and understand the significance of Murphy's existence to them in this situation.

So, the former marginal member of the Blood Eagle Clan, now the leader of the survivors, spread his hands and said loudly to the people in front of him:

"Survivors of Cadman City, we have done what was originally impossible, we have rescued everyone trapped in the city.

But this can hardly be called a success.

Because the filthy forces from the star realm are still polluting our city, and if they are not eliminated, you will not be able to return to the home you long for.

I am preparing an operation to eliminate the dangerous psychic energy that is still leaking out, but this operation requires everyone's participation!

In Transian tradition, we are used to using fire to protect ourselves and drive away dangers in the night. Now, we want to revive this tradition!

My warriors have finished their work, and now it’s up to us locals to finish our work! Starting tonight, we will use fire to burn the ruins and drive those monsters that almost killed us back to their star realm.


I need strong people to help me!

If you also hate those monsters, I hope you can sign up! When the flames are lit, the hometown that was taken away will be taken back by us, just like the tradition of the Transians!

Your houses, your ancestral lands, and your memories of the past will be returned to you.

In the name of the protector of the survivor camp and the clearer of the Cadman ruins, I, Revno Murphy Lesembra, hereby declare that the ‘Great Burn’ operation has officially begun!”

As soon as Murphy finished speaking, the computing orbs of the surrounding players all emitted light beeps, indicating a mission update:

[Prologue·The last night of Cadman City

Mission 3: Let the flame purify everything!!!

Explanation: With your hard work and selfless rescue, the survivors in the outer city of Cadman City have been rescued. However, the astral shadow entrenched in the city is still a very big challenge. For this reason, Mo, who has become the leader of the survivors,

Fei decided to take necessary counterattacks against these alien forces.

Goal: Help the survivors clean up and purify the astral shadow entrenched in the ruins of the city by burning.

Time limit: 48 hours.

Progress: The current progress of clearing the ruins of the outer city is 0%.

Reward: The player's safe area is activated, a new area of ​​'Cadman's Wasted City' is opened, and the next round of tasks begins.

Countdown to mission start: 3 hours.]

"Damn, I don't have enough game time today."

When seeing the new mission being triggered, little players were filled with grief.

It was already late in today's game time. Except for Lumina, who had just come online due to jet lag, everyone else was about to log off.

"It's okay, it says 'Assist' on the mission panel!"

Happy Stick was the first to discover the blind spot and said to other frowning players in the "World Channel":

"Even without our participation, the NPCs will take the initiative to promote the purification progress. We just need to go online early tomorrow to participate.

Alas, the underground gang stronghold was not taken down today. There are monsters suspected of being ghouls in the sewers, and there are also cunning water ghosts causing trouble in there.

Our equipment and level are still a little behind. After cleaning up the surrounding area, we only harvested some materials and some low-quality weapons.

But I think this is a good opportunity. Since there are monsters there, it means there must be money to be made!

When the fire gets there, maybe we can take advantage and get the spoils of war. Meow meow, get a group offline and let us discuss this matter."

"Sister Lumi, please help us summarize our experience tonight."

A few guys got close to Lumina before they went offline. They slept day and night, and the international student with a good personality agreed wholeheartedly.

However, her mind was currently occupied with the mysterious connection between Lady Adele and the elves, and she was also thinking about how to improve Adele's favorability. She was really not very interested in this new task.

After all, she's not a pyromaniac

You haven't read Lao Xiao's American comic masterpiece "The American Comic Deathstroke" yet, right? No, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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