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Chapter 687 Chapter 686: The Plan of Splitting Claws: The Day the Earth Exploded the Stars

Chapter 687 686. The Claw Plan·The Day the Earth Exploded and the Stars Exploded

Villanse did not follow the warriors through the Ratman Tunnels back to the Black Flame Pass.

She had more important things to do, so she returned directly to the Scarlet Castle in Transia through a teleportation ceremony hosted by Tris herself. While giving the Diamond of the Abyss to Tris to prepare the antidote, Villanse

He also told Tris what the players had discovered.

After hearing that the mysterious rat-men were most likely to merge with the jackals, Tris's head started to hurt.

Skaven are not gnolls or kobolds, they are a new species!

The various forces in the mainland have very limited knowledge of them. There is not much information that is certain at the moment. They only know that rat people reproduce quickly and are very good at digging, and they have strange abilities to avoid detection by the earth priests.

But just knowing this is enough to be scary and incredible.

After all, theoretically, all the earth, mountains and rivers are the territory of Gaia, and nothing that happens under the earth can be hidden from the observation of the Mother Goddess. However, now a species has appeared that can bypass Gaia's divine power. This is just the truth.

It is enough to make all the earth priests vomit three liters of blood.

But even though Tris had a headache, she also felt a little bit lucky.

Murphy didn't think that the Black Flame Pass could stop the Jackals from the beginning. He said it was just an intuition. But now, the advance preparations that Murphy had been making finally came in handy.

Although the defense line in Shadow Valley is not as solid as Black Flame Pass, it can at least provide a place of refuge for evacuees there to prevent the tragedy of 100 years ago when the entire Black Flame Pass garrison was annihilated from happening again.

Kudel died in that desperate war. At that time, not one of the tens of thousands of warriors who blocked the Bone-Gripping King at the Black Flame Pass came back alive.

"You should return to Shadow Valley immediately. A person of sufficient weight is needed there to take charge."

Tris was quickly mixing the antidote in the laboratory, and she said to Villanse:

"Go over and stabilize your position and let Lisa help you prepare to receive the retreating soldiers from Black Flame Pass. Murphy and I will arrive there this afternoon at the latest."

"This is a big conspiracy, Grand Duke Tris!"

Villanse shook his head worriedly and said:

"I don't know if this is the work of the gnolls, but I am more inclined to think that it must be Dusk doing something secretly. They never do things in one go. If the ratmen are their secret weapon, then it will definitely not be possible to bring them out now.

Just for a Black Flame Pass.

You should alert Lord Paying and the Brass Fortress now!

The same tactics are likely to be played out there."

"Well, your thinking is very correct, I will... eh?"

Tris took out the blood crystal that was used to contact Lord Paying and injected spiritual energy into it, but there was no response. This made Tris frown and said:

"Even the contact with the blood crystal has been interrupted? Damn it! It seems that some superior forces have intervened in this black disaster. They will not allow the bloodshed and death they want to see to be prevented in advance."

"So, the Brass Dwarves and their proud fortress are doomed?"

Villanse asked:

"Is there no other way to contact them?"


Tris thought for a while, and while the Diamond of the Abyss in front of her was added to the beaker to heat and various extraction agents were put in, she took out another blood crystal and injected it with psychic energy to connect smoothly this time.

Madam Shani's projection appeared in front of Tris with the blood crystal as the core.

She is now fully armed and marching, and she doesn’t know where she is going?

"I need your help with something."

Tris directly told Shani the news of the Ratmen's participation in the war, saying:

"Use the channels of the Thieves Guild! Send it to the Brass Fortress as soon as possible, but don't give it to the dwarves and send it directly to the Blood Alliance Knights. The Brass Dwarfs are hopeless bastards who are obsessed with making money. The Earth Mother is determined to give up.


I guess this is to avoid being contaminated like Avalon.

Although the situations of the two sides are not the same, and can even be said to be polar opposites, but as I said before, although the power of faith is powerful, this thing is really not a good thing!"

"Got it! I'll make arrangements immediately."

Shani is also very straightforward.

she says:

"The Crimean Fortress has requested support. I am leading people there. It is said that General Baldwin sent nearly 20,000 people to Shadow Valley. You Transians are very good at diplomacy! You can actually convince someone who is as stubborn as a stone.


"Just in time."

Tris nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Now the shortage of manpower in Shadow Valley can finally be improved, but I advise you to be prepared for a hard fight, Shani, the jackals are doing a real ruthless job. You have to be careful, lest you end up like this

Beauty will also fade away and die."

Faced with Tris's malice, Shani didn't even bother to respond. She cut off the blood crystal communication and continued to do her thing.

Seeing that the warning had been sent, Villanse stopped staying.

Ms. Spider’s KPIs are weighing heavily on her head.

She must do her best to help Transia survive the black disaster as a righteous partner. This is a really difficult time for a fate-weaver girl who likes to play tricks.

Tris had a bad premonition at this time.

But after all, she was the Scarlet Witch who had seen strong winds and waves, so she safely completed the preparation of the antidote and returned to the restricted area of ​​the swamp an hour later.

Murphy was finishing detoxification from the biological cabin at this time. When faced with the antidote handed over by Tris, he simply opened the lid and drank it.

The taste of this stuff was quite bad, but the effect was very good. Murphy soon felt that the power of the toxin entrenched in his body that prevented self-healing from taking effect and made him constantly weak was dissipating.

While he was coughing and spitting out black blood, he looked at Tris who was about to stop talking. Under his questioning eyes, the Blood Vulture Archduke told him the current situation.

"The Black Flame Pass is coming to an end."

Murphy was surprisingly calm and seemed not surprised by the result. He wiped the black blood from his mouth and said:

"As I expected, there is no such thing as an invincible fortress. The word 'impregnable' became a flag when it was spoken. Send me there, Tris, we will be very busy next


As he spoke, he put on his Farstrider protective gear, but Tris stopped him. The Scarlet Witch reached out and touched the shallow scar on Murphy's heart.

she says:

"Your self-healing has returned, why not let it heal? It would be so ugly to leave a scar."

"I'm just learning from you."

Murphy rolled his eyes and stretched out his hand to touch the scar on Tris's collarbone. Such an intimate gesture would have been rejected before, but the relationship between the two was different after all. The Scarlet Witch did not stop her and just looked at her.

My own little cutie.

The Governor lowered his head and kissed the scar on Tris' neck gently.

He said:

"This allows me to remember the painful lessons of the past. Every time I touch it, I will know that I am not the chosen one in the absolute sense. Every time I feel it, it will tell me that I am also a wretch who will die.

It can help me learn to respect and cherish life more

Not just mine, but everyone else’s.”

"Villanthe needs more materials to craft a new Vial of Resurrection."

Tris also leaned down and kissed Murphy gently on the scar on his heart, as if completing a wonderful "ritual".

She helped the still weak Murphy put on protective gear and whispered:

"Before you get the bottle of resurrection, I won't allow you to go out and risk your life anymore! You know, you have a responsibility to me now, and I am not ready to be a widow yet."

"So, my proud Grand Duke Tris is ready to become the Governor's wife, right?"

Murphy smiled dumbly.

As a result, Tris hit her on the head with a knife, and the scarlet witch scolded:

"No flags allowed at this time!"

"I understand. I apologize to you, my lady."


While Murphy and Tris were flirting, the situation at Black Flame Pass was deteriorating rapidly.

Lord Orfgor Silverheart will be blocking the more and more activated undead from rushing out in the dead space behind the position. This direction is very vicious and connects all the passages below the position.

Once the undead rush into it, they can launch a wild offensive against the Black Flame Pass position from the core.

Those were the warriors who died here a hundred years ago. Dusk must have used some kind of magic to prevent them from resting in peace. This caused the destructive power of these past warriors to become undead instead of decreasing.

They are the angry dead who want to seek justice that they cannot rest in peace from their incompetent descendants.

Lord Heather's scalp was numb at the thought of having to fight a tunnel battle with the ancient warriors deep in the battlefield, but now she had so many things to do that she had no time to think about it.

Bad news is coming one after another, almost all related to the deterioration of the situation on the front line.

"The Gnoll Priests are disrupting psionic energy! Communications between psionicists are being cut off, and the Orbs of Arithmetic are being disrupted. I've sent out all my communications troops, Heather, but that's not enough!

Think of a solution quickly."

"A large number of undead jackals appeared outside the No. 3 position! Those are corpses that have not been burned before. They are attacking the Serenade barrier."

"Undead also appeared on position 4! And many soldiers heard strange noises coming from the underground, like countless claws scratching the earth. They said there was something moving underground! Where is the Earth Priest?

We need them!"

The elf rangers who flew back from the front submitted battle reports one after another, and Lord Heather's head almost exploded.

Damn it!

She also had to quickly arrange for the evacuation of subsequent positions.


The door of the command post was kicked open.

General Maxim strode in and shouted to Lord Heather:

"Don't worry about the retreat, we have already planned the route! Let the civilian personnel on the position immediately follow the shadow half-elves to retreat, take everything they need to bring, and destroy what can't be taken on the spot. Especially the food

,ammunition and supplies!

Can't leave them to the gnolls."

"Okay! I leave the retreat to you."

Lord Heather knew that Murphy had been making plans secretly. The arrival of Maxim solved her most troublesome problem at present, but before Lord Heather could take a breath, the commander of the Elf Ranger, Daimus Golden Leaf,

The captain rushed in full of blood.

The face of this elf who wore an eye patch and was always cold and calm could not hide the shock and anger.

he shouted:

"Position No. 1. Position No. 1 has completely collapsed! Something is rushing out from the ground!"


Heather and Maxim were stunned.

The two people and the surrounding commanders rushed out of the command post and climbed to the high sentry tower to look over there with binoculars. Maxim could fly. He saw a clearer scene from a higher place. Position No. 1, which had been repeatedly fought over before,

It will be like experiencing a big earthquake.

In the low explosion sound like an earth dragon turning over, the entire layer of defense began to collapse downwards, and smoke and dust shot straight into the sky. Large areas of the strata could be seen peeling off, as if the bottom had been completely hollowed out.

Maxim could even see the retinue on Position 1 trying to evacuate, but they were swallowed whole by the sudden cracking of the ground and fell into the torn underground.

What's even more frightening is that the huge tear caused by the underground vibration is still spreading to the second position and further back.

That's not quite accurate.

A more accurate description is that when the No. 1 position collapsed, other positions also collapsed together.

The front third of the seventeen-kilometer area of ​​Black Flame Pass is like a sandcastle struck by the tide. Except for those fortresses and areas that have been reinforced with spiritual energy by the earth priests, other areas are collapsing downwards.


Players who have always been brave and fearless were also confused by this sudden change.

Fortunately, those with wings can fly into the air immediately.

But those without wings will suffer. Master Qin and a group of his soldiers were hit by nothing as soon as they rushed out of the resting place.

In the weightless feeling of the ground suddenly tearing apart, the old man and more than thirty soldiers were screamed and swallowed by the violently shaking earth.

The good news is that they are not dead.

Falling four or five meters downward will not kill the Black Iron Warrior.

The bad news was that before Mr. Qin could get up, the noise that he remembered so vividly rang out all around. Ignoring his bleeding head, he grabbed his chain sword and stood up, looking outside.

Good guy!

In the dark cracks of the tunnel, pairs of green eyes were shining with strange light.

rat man!

These ugly bastards who will never be forgotten after seeing them once appeared again, and this time, they caused even crazier things than before.

These bastards dug through the defenses deep underground, and by digging holes upwards and burying explosives, they lifted the position that Lord Heather had worked so hard to build into the sky at once. It is absolutely impossible for an earthquake of this magnitude to be caused by just an explosion.

, maybe there are also jackal psionicists working together to release a super large-scale earthquake spell.

"Quick! Climb up!"

Master Qin knew that this battle was impossible to fight when he saw the terrifying number of ratmen around him. He saw at a glance that where he fell, there was a fortress reinforced by dwarf priests that remained intact. From the torn slope, he could

Climb up.

Happy Stick's Scarlet Hammer and Sickle Regiment was guarding there. When they saw Master Qin and his soldiers being chased by a group of rat men, players immediately dropped ropes and tried to pull them up.

But before this wave of rescue was over, the damn violent vibration struck again.

The center of the earthquake this time happened to be at the core of the triple position. The earthquake spell failed to destroy the Serenade barrier but opened an underground tear, allowing the hiding rat men to rush out of the ground screaming and move forward in a "burrowing way".

"The posture bypassed Serenade's thick barrier and went directly into the center of the barrier.

This caught the soldiers protected by the barrier off guard.

Now they not only have to face the angry earth that is shaking the earth, but they also have to fight with these damn rat-men.

Could this situation get any fucking worse?

It turns out that every time you think you've hit rock bottom, fate shows you how to punch a hole in the bottom.

Almost at the same time that the Rat Men invaded the Serenade Barrier, A Yuan, who was at a loss to defend a lonely fortress on the completely collapsed No. 1 position, heard the excited roars of the Jackals.

The disgraced Ah Yu spread his wings and flew into the air. Then, he saw the army of jackals bearing the battle flag of the Splitclaw clan, charging toward the messy Black Flame Mountain Pass under the leadership of a large warlord.

The big jackal man was wearing black armor, but he was holding a huge sword in his hand that was obviously human-style.

"Fuck! Fuck your mother's development team!"

Ayuan cursed.

But scolding couldn't change the reality. When he turned around, he could see the Serenade barrier flickering with unstable light, which completely dissipated after a few seconds, and the entire area where the barrier stones were stored collapsed.

The original layers of defense at Black Flame Pass have now been destroyed beyond description. Those fortresses that have not collapsed are like remaining stone pillars and "isolated islands" in the terrain of the Great Rift Valley.

I don't know how many people died, but no matter how many survived, don't expect them to be able to withstand the chopping-clawed gnolls that were like tigers and wolves in this situation.

Black Flame Pass is finished!

But this is just the beginning, yes, the fangs of Black Calamity have only just been stained with blood.

This chapter has been completed!
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