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Chapter 691 690 Alien Tiger! Charge forward!

Chapter 691 690. Alien tiger! Charge forward!

The chain sword modified by Old Flywheel and enchanted by Tris is very easy to use, and the weapon with a name seems to be quite sophisticated to use.

Especially after Murphy took it and led his vampires to parachute to position 7, and rushed forward through the armed kobold position, this buzzing thing did not get stuck or impacted once.

It is heavy, noisy, and difficult to control accurately. Indeed, using this thing is a kind of torture for anyone who is not proficient in martial arts, but the chain saw that rotates crazily will tear all enemies in front of it in half,

When seeing the horrific blood splattering, all complaints disappeared with the brutal destructive power.

Murphy's last complaint at this time was limited to why this two-handed sword-style chain sword can't be operated with one hand?

In this way, you can hold two of these cool gadgets and be unparalleled on the battlefield.

Old Flywheel promised that he would help Murphy design a one-handed sword-style chain sword in his spare time.

But he expressed pessimism about this. After all, this thing is a mechanical creation. A micro steam furnace alone takes up a part of the design area. If it really needs to be changed to a lighter and lighter one-handed chain saw, the destructive power will definitely be seriously reduced.

Murphy expressed great regret for this.

Just as he expressed regret for the fighting power of these kobolds at this time, he fought with swords and swords all the way. No armed kobolds could stop him. This kind of boring battle was like chopping down trees with an axe. It was really pointless.


This is certainly a kind of Versailles.

However, having such a brave attacker is enough to make the players and NPCs following Murphy feel excited, especially those players who are advancing behind the walkers, especially those who are controlling the walkers to kill kobolds."

Ace Crew" people.

"It's great! It's so great!"

The Hell Tiger controlled the six legs of the walking machine and stamped on the spot wildly. The heaviness of the steam walking machine itself was enough to make any collision with this thing fatal.

This thing is really big!

When it lunges forward in the form of a spider, let alone a kobold, even a tall jackal can only look up to see the chassis covered with spikes.

Next to the roaring Hell Tiger, the "rat-style fat man" who was responsible for operating the twin hunting crossbows was also yelling.

He grabbed the heavy handle and kept shaking the muzzles of the two connected hunting crossbows around the battlefield. Wherever there was difficulty in advancing, he would pull the trigger towards that place.

Although the fired crossbow arrows lack the thrill and power of heavy bullets blasting flesh and blood, the scene of watching the kobolds being killed by the flying crossbow arrows still makes people excited.

"Move forward! Keep moving forward!"

The last person in the three-man crew, "Steel Leopard", is very calm.

His position in the three-man crew is the sighter, and he also has to control the only Halfling rapid-fire cannon currently in the player's hands.

This thing is very complicated to operate, especially since there are two computing orbs inside it to assist in aiming and firing. Steel Leopard not only has to adapt to the strange feel of this alien weapon, but also learns to manipulate the functions of the special computing orbs.

Issue various commands to the rapid-fire gun's mechanics.

This gun has three ammunition boxes, with a total of 120 gold-fired small shells. They will be gone after being fired, so use them sparingly.

"Stop killing kobolds here, it's meaningless! Follow Lord Murphy and rush forward, open the front for the brothers behind, and leave a retreat route for the NPCs in front."

Steel Leopard stretched out his hand and knocked the armored head of the commander Hell Tiger, who was already on top. Only then did Hell Tiger, who was addicted to "whack-a-mole", wake up.

He immediately pulled the lever at hand to increase the output of the steam furnace. After thicker black smoke came out from the smoke outlet at the rear of the walker, the speed of the thing immediately increased, and the six mechanical legs clicked like a swooping spider.

Still rushing forward.

"Fat man! Turn on the flamethrower!"

The commander of the vehicle, Hell Tiger, shouted while rushing:

"Burn all the kobolds in front of you, and help Brother Zhongzhi test the destructive power of this thing."


The big fat man in the firepower rat style immediately pulled the lever at his hand, causing two nozzles to pop up under the front armor of the advancing walker, and then flames nearly seven meters long spurted out from them. The fuel used in this thing was the combustion aircraft.

The kind used in bullets, so when the flame is sprayed out, it doesn't just burn.

It will adhere to the body of any living creature that is set ablaze and continue to burn until the latter becomes a withered skeleton.

That is to say, many weapons have been removed from the interior of the walking machine to give it enough room for modification. Otherwise, just the storage of fuel would be a big problem.

The front-mounted flamethrower only burned for five seconds before clearing a large area in front of it. Facing the rattling walker like a mechanical giant, the ignorant armed kobold was already afraid, but when he saw this monster, he would spray

After the fire, the last bit of poor morale collapsed.

My gnoll master is here!

This thing moves on its own, can stomp on pathetic kobolds with ease, shoots dangerous arrows, and if that's not enough, it can breathe fire!

Faced with the continuous approach of something they had never seen before, the kobolds immediately dispersed.

They are quite peculiar group creatures with a very serious tendency to follow blindly. Their morale was shattered by the walkers and they began to retreat. This defeatist sentiment soon spread to other kobold warriors.

The kobolds that were not attacked by the walkers also began to retreat, and this quickly turned into a great rout.

Its poor performance made Grand Overseer Xu Gesen, who had been observing the battlefield, couldn't help but sigh. No matter how many kobolds there are, they can't fight a tough battle. This is indeed one of the barbaric truths of the Dark Mountains.

"Ha, handsome Murphy! I thought you didn't dare to come."

When Murphy entered the battlefield at Position 6, Lord Heather, who had been bombarded with all kinds of bad news all day, finally smiled for the first time.

She held double shields and killed enemies like a crazy short berserker. The dead jackals in her hands had piled up into a mountain. She shouted on the "hillside":

"I thought you vulture vampires were frightened. I was already prepared to laugh at you."

"Then put your ridicule back into your stomach. At least you won't have to use it today."

Murphy waved his left hand with the chain sword, and the blood around him was mobilized by the scarlet secret energy to form a cool "blood river", blocking the arrows and psychic energy shot at him, and then transformed into

The scarlet storm's bloody blade rotates at high speed.

As Murphy advances, any kobolds and jackals who dare to get close will be mercilessly pierced, and even if they escape by chance, they will be accurately killed by the necessary evils cruising around.

His steps forward were surrounded by dead bodies, and it looked like he was treading a path to death.

"Position No. 7 has been withdrawn. Take your people and retreat!"

Murphy shouted to Lord Heather:

"Position No. 8 is about to be destroyed by meteorites. You must retreat to the back. My General Maxim has re-established the defense line at Position No. 9. We will make the final blockade there."

"Not at position nine! There's something down there."

Heather was startled, and immediately jumped out of the battle circle, rolling and landing next to Murphy. Two vampires, one tall and one short, wearing heavy armor, fought back to back to resist the incoming gnolls. The second lord warned:

"Lord Ofgor is suppressing the breakthrough of the underground undead there. Those bastards also launched a vicious spell. Look at the resentful spirits around the battlefield! Murphy! Those things can't be killed at all! Once Lord Ofgor can no longer suppress it,

, Position No. 9 will be quickly attacked by the undead."

"I knew what was out there, I just didn't realize they were playing it so big."

Murphy whispered:

"I don't expect to be able to save the entire front! My warriors have broken out and are retreating to Fort Courage. I noticed that they are preparing to implement a super explosive counterattack tactic. All we have to do is cooperate with them!

Believe me!

Retreat to the rear and let the jackals enter their position.

Lure them and their vicious minions in, the more the merrier!

Heather, I know it's hard for you to accept, but your position is no longer safe. You can use it as a last-ditch effort. I guarantee you that the Splitclaw Jackals will not win. All they can get is a painful attack.

Marrow failure!"


Lord Heather obviously couldn't make up his mind.

But the next moment, loud war drums and horns suddenly sounded from the main camp of jackals, and the war flag of Warlord Xugesen also began to move forward.

The jackals sensed that the blood alliance knights at position six were about to retreat, and they wanted to trap these difficult vampires to death.

Grand Overseer Hugersen has also boarded his own armed warg, and is rushing toward Murphy and Heather with his powerful Overseer Guards. He seems to want these two vampire leaders as his proudest trophies in this battle.

But unfortunately, it can't get anything!

Because at high altitude, Femis personally led fifty of the best flying vampires down quickly, which was exactly the same as the bombing tactics before attacking Wolfsburg. Each of these elite blood vultures carried a heavy aerial bomb on their backs.


Femis's bombing tactics were quite sophisticated. She dropped aerial bombs at a distance of a thousand meters, and added vicious whistles to those aerial bombs painted with bloody skulls, causing those things to make hellish screams when they fell at high speeds.

, causing the jackals who were moving and trying to enter position six to look up in shock.

Murphy and Heather also raised their heads. Xugersen sensed the danger, and he immediately controlled the warg to retreat quickly, barely managing to rush out of the explosion zone before the bomb hit the ground.

"Boom boom boom"

Aerial bombs fell and exploded along the precisely calculated impact point. Adding fuel as a combustion accelerant doubled the explosion and burning effects of these aerial bombs.

Of course, it was impossible for more than fifty aerial bombs to ignite the entire position, but seeing the "line of fire" of destruction explode in front of his eyes and instantly engulfing the Jackal vanguards who had rushed into Position 6 still made Xi

Lord Se and the blood alliance knights under her command roared with joy.

"Retreat! Stop looking!"

Murphy had already turned around. Like a qualified and handsome guy, he didn't look at the fire behind him and let the scorching wind blow his red cloak. The players also quickly retreated with the main NPC.

Lord Heather pushed up his battle helmet and quickly caught up with his short legs.

She pulled the skirt of Murphy's Scarlet King armor and whispered:

"Is there any more powerful weapon like this?"

"I really want to tell you that we have enough artillery shells and give you and your subordinates a little courage, but the fact is, there is none."

Murphy sighed and said:

"Transia is short of everything. My engineers and technicians can't get more raw materials to make this kind of aerial bomb. This is the last inventory they sent to Shadow Valley."

"We have!"

Lord Heather immediately replied:

"I can give you all the materials rescued from Black Flame Pass! I can ask the shield dwarves to send supplies there. I only have one request, make this thing! The more, the better! I want to use this sky fire to kill all the split claws

Burn all the jackals to death!

Fuck you!"

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

Murphy smiled.

He turned around and glanced at Position No. 6, which was exuding the stench of barbecue. He saw the soldiers rushing to disperse the completely defeated kobold servants, but the ratmen who single-handedly directed the fall of Black Flame Pass were nowhere to be seen.


Those guys don't seem willing to go deep into the position. Maybe their evil master gave some orders?

Murphy shook his head, no longer thinking about this, but spread his wings and hurried towards the rear where Maxim was.


There will be the final battle at Black Flame Pass.


"Grand Overseer! Mistress orders you to take the clan elite back to the base camp immediately."

Xugersen, who had just escaped from the aerial bombing, was organizing a new offensive, but a gnoll messenger riding a wyvern stopped its advance and brought an order for it to retreat.


Xu Gesen frowned and stared at the messenger in front of him.

Although it was wearing a clan war helmet, making it difficult for the messenger to see the eyes of the great warlord, it still felt a fear from the bottom of its heart and hurriedly explained:

"The purpose of the Mistress is to retain the power of our Splitclaw clan. The situation in Black Flame Pass has deteriorated to this point. It is only a matter of time before we capture this place. Those clans that are attached to us are eager to get a share of the credit.

They are asking for battle from their mistress, and we cannot swallow all the prey alone.

You should go back and prepare for the next tough battle. Just leave the rest to the small clans. Besides, we found a lot of supplies on the battlefield and need to transport them back to our camp.

You know, we have been suffering from a shortage of food and grass."


Hugersen seemed convinced by this argument.

But it's not stupid.

It was riding on the back of its charred warg, looking towards the distant position. It was certain that its vicious "adoptive mother" had definitely left a trick behind the position.

She didn't want the elites of the Splitclaw to be harmed by those dangerous things, and took advantage of this situation to weaken a wave of vassal clans so that they would be more devoted to the Splitclaw clan.

Xu Gesen understands the truth, but...

Alas, how can you still be so precious about your life when doing such a big thing?

The Grand Overseer shook his head and thought no more.

It was an orphan picked up by Potana from the land of death. If there was no adoptive mother, it would die as a cub. Although Potana has continued to strengthen it with voodoo over the years, the Splitting Claw Mattress is indeed

He is raising himself as his son.

She had said countless times that she would leave the Splitclaw clan in her hands.

The most important thing is that Xu Gesen knows that Botana is not fooling her, she really intends to do this!

Underneath her cold appearance, she worshiped the Bone-Gripping King so brainlessly and fanatically that she planned to cultivate a second Bone-Gripping King herself.

Although jackals are indifferent towards emotions, they are not cold-blooded creatures after all.

Xu Gesen did not resist the order, and quickly evacuated the captured No. 6 position with his elite troops, leaving the subsequent offensive to the jackals who came as substitutes.

These guys really felt that the defenders at Black Flame Pass had been defeated.

So they organized a major attack as soon as they came up, and successfully captured the abandoned No. 7 position, and found a lot of supplies and weapons there that they had no time to take away, which made the Jackal warlords even more excited.

They didn't stop at all and continued to rush forward.

Then, they crashed into the rearmed No. 8 position. Major Ron had already reorganized the artillery position. In addition, the players attacked frantically under the front line composed of walkers. First, they were bombed by heavy artillery.

Before the wolf man could recover, he was met with fire, and the Transians riding on the mechanical monsters opened fire wildly.

They are simply being killed like pigs.

Small clans are small clans, and they cannot compare with Pi Claw's army in terms of the quality of their soldiers or their organization. The first wave of attacks was quickly repulsed by the formation of players and subordinates, but everyone knew that this

The long day is not yet over.

The disaster at Black Flame Pass has come to an end, and it will definitely end with an explosive ending.

This chapter has been completed!
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