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Chapter 697 696 Ah! Priest Bayek! This is also your plan

Chapter 697 696. Ah! Chief Priest Bayek! Is this also part of your plan?

"The elites of the Splitclaw Clan have withdrawn, and they have been replaced by small and medium-sized clans that are dependent on them. The quality varies from good to bad. They no longer throw meteorites randomly, allowing the artillery at Position 8 to resist. Lord Heather has gone there in person.

Sitting there, the blood alliance elites are also there, and some warriors are at their disposal. This allows us not to worry about threats from the front for the time being.

The most important task right now is here!”

On Position 9, Murphy pointed to the hanging map in the command post and said to several people around him:

"In an hour, Lord Orfgor will end the magic of suppressing the dead souls. His return will speed up the transfer of supplies by the earth priests, but it will also allow those dead things to rush out from the ground.

Our architects have chosen four blocking points with excellent terrain for us. The opening of the four passages can also ensure that each side will not bear too much pressure. Lord Orvger will seal the other tunnels with boulders, so the rear

How much evacuation time a position can get depends entirely on how long we can hold off the undead.

The undead in the underground dead space are very ferocious.

They were the defenders of Black Flame Pass a hundred years ago. Dusk used some kind of evil magic to seal them to strengthen their power.

There is also the vicious ghost ritual that is still running, and those violent ghosts will also attack together. This job is difficult, but it is necessary to preserve the living force as much as possible. With the transferred materials, Shadow Valley

Only then can you persist longer.

In addition, the artillery, ammunition, military supplies, etc. that are urgently needed for the Maginot Line can be greatly supplemented after this transfer.

We cannot give up these supplies, let alone leave them to the gnolls to use to harm us."

The Governor pointed to one of the points and said:

"So I will guard point A with Villanse. I need 300 blood vulture warriors to defend this tunnel with me. Kudel and Maxim will guard point B. This is the tunnel with the largest area.

It will be the tunnel with the most undead, and they need at least 1,000 people there.

The last point is point C, I plan to."

"Let's do it."

President Natalie, who had returned from the Broken Position before, took the initiative to take a step forward. She touched the big oak blade behind her and said:

"The holy blade of Avalon has a purifying effect on the undead. This is the most suitable battlefield for me. It is even more suitable for me than fighting the gnolls on the front line. I will lead 300 witch hunters to guard here."

"Su's divine power can also restrain the undead. I am also a four-image monk who is good at communicating with the elements. I can deal with those resentful spirits better."

Iron Fist Turner also volunteered and said:

"Wraith spirits can move around regardless of material obstructions, so in order to prevent them from impacting the evacuation operation, I need a large number of psionicists to accompany me. If there are enough people, I can arrange a winter ritual to suppress evil spirits, so that the resentment spirits cannot

Move freely.”

"Very good, the psionic masters of the Blood Eagle Clan are led by Femis, and she will fully assist you."

Murphy nodded, pointed to the last two passages, looked at the surrounding Transian commanders, and asked:

"So, does anyone volunteer?"

"Me me me me!"

As expected, Miss Pinkie Pie was the first to raise her hand and shouted:

"As a knight of the Holy Light, I can"

"Your Holy Light has not yet been born in the subspace. My eldest lady, you must be a little self-aware."

Brigitte's best friend Liwen Knight sat in a wheelchair and covered her face helplessly. She felt a little embarrassed and pulled Brigitte's wrist, but Tapal, who was standing behind the idiot Knight of Holy Light, said loudly:

"What Peach Knight said is right. As walkers of the Holy Light, it is our duty to restrain the souls of the dead! Especially in the face of warriors from a hundred years ago, we, the Riptide Knights, will face them with a hundredfold courage and defeat them as a comfort.


Please leave the defense of point D to us, Lord Governor.

We will not let you down.”

"Oh? Is the establishment of the Torrent Knights still complete?"

Murphy glanced at Tapal in surprise, who coughed a little embarrassedly and said with a straight face:

"Today happens to be the 'preaching day' of our Torrent Knights. Our members did not gather at the front line but spread the teachings of the Holy Light to the confused believers in the Shadow Valley. Therefore, they accidentally escaped the disaster.

The Riptide Knights are currently fully established, Sir Murphy, we can definitely shoulder this important task!"

"Very good, then point D will be left to you and other warriors who volunteer to assist."

Murphy sent a task to Taipal like a qualified mainline NPC, thinking that these RP gangs must have gotten together again to do something that other players couldn't understand, but this time their RP spirit really saved them.

This makes them the most complete guild among players currently, and they are also able to take on serious and important responsibilities at this time.

As the battle plan was finalized, the four teams rushed to their respective battlefields under the leadership of the Earth Priest.

Although the dead space of Black Flame Pass is under Position No. 9, because it connects the underground structure of the entire position with tunnels extending in all directions, the four defense points selected by Old Chentou and Ilyich are not all in Position No. 9.


For example, point A that Murphy and Villanse are going to is at position 11, which is close to the back of the position.

A large amount of supplies are being transported out by camel beasts, and the three airships of Perfect Shipping Company have also set off for Shadow Valley. Because the last crash has cast a shadow on the war, Captain Paula is unwilling to get close to the battlefield, so he

Only use Shadow Valley as a starting point for emergency transport.

As long as the evacuated personnel and materials arrive there, they can be quickly transferred to the Maginot Line via airship.

The two places are actually not far from each other. Although the mountain road is difficult to travel, there are already portals in the area with stable psychic energy as relay support. Femis will go to the front line to fight, so this time it is the players who take the lead.

Two guys, Mengha and Honest Goudan, who are gifted in space psychic powers, lead a group of psychic masters there to maintain the operation of teleportation.

Murphy could still see enthusiastic young players carrying some inconvenient NPCs on their backs on Position 11, but as expected, every player would only carry those injured Xiangxiang soft little sisters.

As for the male NPC moaning in pain, it's as if he doesn't exist.

This scene of differential treatment made Murphy sigh helplessly, but also made Villanse cover her mouth and chuckle.

"How interesting your warriors are, my lord."

The fate-weaver girl held the weapon with her four hands, and moved her remaining two hands to put some alchemy potions on her combat belt. She whispered to Murphy in a dignified tone:

"If they could have entered my life a few years earlier, I would have loved them to death, and I would have given them the most precious treasure of Mejwa City. They have really brought me so much happiness and convenience.

, I don’t even need to wash my own clothes now.”

"You dare to let them wash your clothes?"

Murphy looked at Villanse in astonishment, and said in a strange tone:

"How dare you wear the clothes they wash?"

"What's there to be afraid of? Even if they want to do something obscene, they can't do it, right?"

The fate-weaver girl grinned and said with full malice:

"They are not born pure. I have discovered that you deliberately set them up like this. But in fact, some of their organs can also function normally, right?"

"Ahem, let's not discuss this issue."

Murphy waved his hand, put the helmet on his head, and followed the Earth Priest who led the way to take the elevator into a weapons depot that was being transferred below Position 11.

He said:

"I know that the shadow elves have many strange ways of playing. You'd better not let them do some strange things, Villanse. Once they complain about you, then I will have to punish you.

Also, I'm curious, were you really not affected when I died before?"

"Of course not. As you can see, this body was shaped by Lady Spider's will. It is born with divinity."

Spider Girl explained:

"The midnight blood contract only gave me the power and forced restraint of a vampire, but it did not change the original power of this body. The moment you were embraced by death, I felt the sting in my heart.

But that’s it.

My current situation is between a shadow elf and a vampire.

You want me to die for you, but you can't do it yet, but I'm also very curious, my master."

Villanse approached Murphy and took a perverted sniff at his neck. The seductive alien girl showed a weird smile, licked her plump lips and whispered softly:

"Have you lost your virginity? Oh, the little boy has finally grown up into a man. It's a pity that such a delicious fruit cannot be tasted by me. It seems that your death was not a bad thing. At least Grand Duke Tris made up her mind to

The final service is dedicated to you.

I'm curious if your first experience was a satisfactory one?

After all, I saw through at a glance that our Grand Duke Cuisi was actually a hundreds-year-old spinster despite her talk. Just like I saw through your purity at a glance, we shadow elves are absolutely perfect in this regard.


I believe I’m not wrong about it. Tsk tsk, how the two chicks had their clumsy first time is such a curious detail.”

"That's enough! You evil witch."

Murphy waved his hand in shame and pulled down his visor amid Villanse's weird laughter.

There was a loud noise in front of the weapons depot, and then as the wall collapsed, a group of tiger-like and wolf-like undead warriors rushed out with a cold aura. Murphy stepped forward with some anger and struck with a buzzing chain sword.

Cut over.

"Stop playing around and get down to business!"

The Governor shouted.

"Well, it turns out you want to do business, and I thought you didn't have enough fun~"

Villanse shrugged and took the first step forward with cat steps. He started the second stage of transformation. When he took the third step, the ferocious spider form appeared, waving his two swords wrapped in dark shadows.

Enter the enemy camp.

With her as a golden person here, this line is impregnable!

But Villanse knew very well that Archduke Tris sent her here not to kill the enemy, but to prevent what happened last time from happening again. She had gained the initial trust of the Archduke Vampire, and the first mission she was given was to

Become the personal bodyguard of the weak Lord Murphy.

it's a pity.

Lord Murphy is not as good at discovering beauty as the foreign warriors he is.

He has no special interest in spiders, otherwise she really wouldn't mind protecting this handsome boy 24 hours a day.


"Buzz buzz"

Scarab Pengpeng carried his nervous mistress through the air at the fastest speed, but the beetle driver at this time was not a mummy, but a cute new Terranova who was scratching her ears and cheeks on the saddle, watching everything new.

"Hey! Maintain the height and speed, not too fast or too slow. This thing in my hand needs to be held steadily to accurately track the ritual core of the Ten Thousand Souls Banquet. This damn death curse is very troublesome. It must be created before it

Deal with it before the hell of a vengeful spirit that cannot be dealt with."

Nefertari, standing behind the scarab saddle, is holding a strange moon charm, like a pendulum used by hypnotists.

The mummy tied it in her hand with a rope, but it did not hang down naturally, but kept changing its position in the air, guiding Nefertari and her temporary servants closer to the core of the evil necromantic ritual.

After noticing that the Banquet of Souls had been activated, Nefertari rushed to the Black Flame Pass.

It's not that she is very dedicated, it's just that the problem is so big right now that she can't hide and fish with peace of mind.

The loss of knowledge about the Forbidden Death Curse can be investigated later, but if the Banquet of Ten Thousand Souls is allowed to continue to operate, the Black Flame Pass will not be the only one affected in the end. The jackals will not be able to understand what kind of dangerous force they are cooperating with.


"I said, is this thing really so scary?"

Because her scarab has not hatched yet, Terranova, who happily controls the champion insect Pengpeng, said curiously:

"It's just a matter of summoning resentful spirits, and doesn't the ritual have an effective range?"

"Just summoning evil spirits? Listen to what you said. Ignorant people are really fearless!"

The mummy kept tracking while complaining:

"Summoning the resentful spirits is only the first step in the feast of ten thousand souls, or even just a starting move!

When the number of resentful spirits increases to a certain level, their death spiritual energy will begin to corrode the boundary between the material world and Hades. Once the corrosion goes deep, real Hades creatures will "break out of the wall."

You are not a necromancer.

You can't understand the difference between ordinary undead and Hades creatures, but I can tell you clearly that the effective range of the Banquet of Ten Thousand Souls will expand as time goes by. This thing was studied by some extreme priests who wanted to die and used it.


During the Mamluk Rebellion three hundred years ago, the paranoid warlord destroyed the Tongtian Bridge, completely ruining the efforts of the Songhai Empire and the Castilian elves to eliminate hatred. His behavior angered the Pharaoh, so the army encircled and suppressed it.

his clan.

In desperation, the Mamluk pharaoh used the Banquet of Souls.

Do you know when that ceremony ended?"


Terranova said with a confused look:

"How do I know? Although I am from Songhai, I have never been to the place of origin since I was born. Please tell me quickly, don't make me feel uneasy!"

"Hey, that ritual is still running today! It has been going on for three hundred years."

Nefertari sighed and said:

"One-seventh of the Songhai Desert was affected, forcing the Church of the Death Moon to block it. No living person dared to approach the kingdom of resentful spirits. Three strong armies of Hades were always stationed at the border of the 'Mamluk Abyss of Death'


I heard that the Pharaoh from three hundred years ago also transformed himself into a wraith. He gave up becoming the king of Hades and still rules his country.

If this ritual is not controlled now, then there will be an additional kingdom of vengeful spirits in the already chaotic Dark Mountains.

that dusk

They're not helping the Gnolls at all!

The stupid jackals can't understand all this, and when they react, their souls will also become part of this ritual. I now very much suspect that it was precisely because I suppressed the problems in Xiko City that they caused them to appear again.

This vicious forbidden curse is used here


I suddenly realized something!"

The mummy suddenly felt as if she was struck by lightning. She hugged her waterlogged head and exclaimed:

"The knowledge of the Church of Death Moon does not flow out from the Holy City of the Moon! There is no problem with our Holy City. Dusk has established a connection with the King of Wraiths, Mamluk! This can explain why they use the Banquet of Ten Thousand Souls!

The ritual knowledge of this forbidden curse has obviously been destroyed long ago!

That bastard Mamluk was a high-ranking priest of the Church of the Moon of Death during his lifetime, and his tribe also contained various underworld knowledge.

Ah, I finally figured out the cause and effect of all this!

Oh my god!

There is a problem with the Moon of Death's blockade of the Abyss of Resentful Spirits. The King of Resentful Spirits is escaping from his seal. No, the result may be worse! He may have escaped! The Moon of Death is above, I must put this terrible

Send the message back."

"Calm down! Focus, Commander Nefertari!"

Terranova couldn't quite understand the truth deduced by the mummy. She saw that the strange moon pendant in the latter's hand had stopped moving, and shouted:

"Are we there yet?"


The shocked mummy glanced at the motionless pendant in her hand, then waved her hand and shouted:

"Go down! The core of the ritual is down there. According to the knowledge I have learned, this ritual can still be handled at this stage, as long as we destroy its core."

"Hi, hello, little girl from the Pom family. I recognized your family emblem. Your bug is so beautiful. It reminds me of the past. I seemed to have such a beautiful bug when I was alive."

The sound from below interrupted Nefertari's plan. The mummy and Terranova turned their heads at the same time, and saw the "explorer" in a cowboy outfit holding a cup of coffee leaning next to him, soaked in the cold breath of death.

on the stone wall.

This mysterious guy also greeted the two girls very friendly.

But he revealed the mummy's origin and identity in one breath, which made Nefertari immediately alert.

"A soulless puppet so realistic?"

She scolded:

"Don't be pretentious, you are a member of Twilight, right?"

"You can call me 'explorer', little princess."

The explorer shrugged and asked:

"Let me ask you, is your beautiful but evil-minded grandma still working as a courtesan in Hades?"


The mummy was stunned, then she screamed and took a step back, protecting Terranova, who looked confused and was still holding the shotgun, behind her, and shouted:

"You! You are Mamluk! The Tomb King of Tyranny and Wraith!"

"No, no, no, I have already said it. My current name is Explorer, a nickname! Do you understand nicknames? Our organization all calls each other by nicknames. But there is nothing we can do about it. Who makes everyone feel a little irrelevant?

Where’s the ‘little secret’?”

The dusk servant waved his hand and emphasized:

"Although it is very nostalgic to see the little granddaughter of an old friend, I'm sorry, I have to send you back to see your grandma now. Remember to say hello to her for me. By the way, ask her how to calculate the love debt back then.



When the mummy saw the explorer walking towards her, she immediately shouted.

It might have been a cry of fear, after all, she was facing the craziest and most terrifying tyrannical pharaoh in the history of the Songhai Empire, but after a few seconds, Nefertari strangely stopped screaming.

The explorer also stopped suspiciously.

He stared at the little mummy whose aura changed drastically in front of him, until the other person raised his head in a draped manner like an old man.


A powerful spirit that temporarily controlled Nefertari's body moved its shoulders and said with a smile:

"We meet again, Mamluk, my vicious brother."

"Bayek?! You, the old coffin board, have been hiding in the soul of your disciple? No wonder she is so crazy! And you are also crazy. You dare to violate the will of Hades and leave the place of origin in the form of a spirit body!

You will be severely punished."

"Instead of worrying about me and my disciples, I think you should worry about yourself. When old Pa Ying told me that the knowledge of Hades was leaked, I knew it was you who was behind the scenes. You unwilling spirit escaped from the cage.

Does it taste good?

Finally taste this feeling of freedom, King of Wraiths.

Because after that, you won’t be able to enjoy it anymore.”

This chapter has been completed!
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