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Chapter 700 699 Heather’s Secret Devour the Light of All Creations!

Chapter 700 699. Heather’s Secret: Devour the Light of All Creations!

"Damn it! The development team is working hard again. The Gate of Scourge has been re-created! The bastard gnoll's plague barrel has been smashed down! Run, brothers!"

The crews of the five steam walkers who were left on position 8 to suppress the formation and provide support were all going crazy. Hell Tiger almost watched the entire process of those plague barrels from being smashed to taking effect.

He really didn't expect that the development team of "Real World" would actually engage in such ruthless work and use plague weapons in such a realistic environment. You bastards are really not afraid of leaving any incurable wounds to the players.

Psychological trauma?

But the development of things did not allow him to think more.

It seemed that in just an instant, Position 8, which had been extremely noisy just now, fell silent. Green smoke was everywhere. The thing looked very poisonous, and the surrounding soldiers fell one after another.

Fortunately, the crew responded very quickly.

When the first plague barrel exploded in the kobold position, the walkers began to withdraw from the battlefield as quickly as possible. After all, everyone is from another world. Have you never eaten pork and seen pigs running?

Shouldn't such an obvious chemical weapon be run away?


If the jackals can't afford it, they'll use poison gas bombs.

While Hell Tiger was driving his walking machine to evacuate quickly, he did not forget to pull the NPCs who were not poisoned to death into his tank. Fortunately, the six legs of the walking machine were flexible enough, allowing them to quickly cross the ridge of the rear position.


But even so, the last walker still couldn't escape the plague.

The three brothers above lasted less than ten seconds and then went offline, cursing all kinds of obscenities. Hell Tiger felt a little sad for the loss, but he didn't dare to rush to take the car with him despite the spreading poison gas.

The walking machine comes out again.

The brothers could only run backwards desperately.

The only thing they were lucky about now was that there weren't enough gnoll wyverns, and there weren't enough plague barrels thrown down. Those damn green things were spreading, but they were spreading at a speed that would allow the lucky ones with good legs and feet to escape.

The big fat rat in the Hell Tiger's crew no longer cared about controlling weapons. He stood in the crew cabin, dragging three or four half-dead young soldiers. When the walker rushed through the artillery position, the fat rat was still there.

I saw the Gorse artillerymen standing there dumbly.

This is high ground, and it will take time for the poisonous gas to spread.

"Quickly retreat! What are you doing standing still? Run!"

Fatty Rat shouted to the soldiers over there.

Some people reacted and immediately ran back without their lives. Others were more chivalrous and carried the soldiers who rushed out and were still coughing violently behind them and rushed out. However, Major Ron's reaction was a little slower.


It wasn't because Ron wasn't keen enough, but the green poisonous gas plague in front of him reminded him of some experiences buried deep in his heart.

"Why do gnolls use this too!"

Ron looked back at the ugly-faced Captain Ironhand. He was mentally shocked by the scene in front of him, and shouted a little uncontrollably:

"Isn't this exactly the same thing that the Pioneer Legion threw into Xiko City back then? Why? Did you get this thing from the Jackals? What the hell is Marshal Loren doing!

Did my father know those things were related to gnolls?

Didn't he say that it was a secret weapon developed by Ring Tower?


We use Gnoll weapons to fight humans?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this, Major! Run!"

Captain Ironhand grabbed Ron and ran to higher ground.

They were lucky, because just minutes after the artillerymen withdrew, the second round of plague barrels was dropped.

Captain Demes and his rangers formed a defense line in the air, forcing the Jackal's air cavalry to not get closer to the rear of the position, and could only throw plague barrels near position eight.

This can buy the warriors behind a little time to escape, but to be honest it's better than nothing.

The spread of the plague gas is very fast. As long as the concentration of the poison gas on position 8 reaches a limit, all the positions behind will be unable to escape. What's worse is that the kobolds who were killed by the poison gas first will have "different movements" by now.


Those mutilated and ferocious corpses are getting up staggeringly. This time there is no need for the feast of souls, nor the undead warriors prepared in advance at dusk. The Splitclaw clan is using the plague to form an army to defeat the enemy.

This scene made Dames feel even heavier.

The plague used by the gnolls during the Fourth Black Disaster did not have the ability to awaken the dead. These barbarians actually modified the plague.

This doesn't sound like a job they could do.

The most reasonable explanation is that someone is secretly helping the Jackals to make weapons of war.

"Captain! The jackals have begun to march. They are crossing the ruins of the front line. A large number of kobolds are digging out the blasted tunnels. Those guys have calculated everything, and they are carrying weird huge totems.

Now that the plague has broken the defense line, they will directly attack our rear positions from underground."

A young elf panicked and drove his vulture to report the situation, but Captain Dames was no longer in the mood to listen.

He looked down from the air and saw that the Transians with war flags were leading everyone left on the position to flee to the rear like a herd of animals migrating.

The Grand Duke of the Blood Vulture Clan, Mrs. Tracey, has also appeared and is setting off a storm in an attempt to slow down the spread of the plague. In order to allow more people to escape, the Blood Vulture psionic masters took the risk to open teleportation in this psychically chaotic area.


In this case, jumping into the portal is equivalent to stepping into hell.

No one knows where the portal that cannot be accurately positioned will send them.

But what is certain is that even if you are thrown to the other side of the world, you will be much happier than staying here and being washed away by the plague.


The scene that Dames saw from high altitude was a standard rout. The Black Flame Pass, which had been hit continuously on this disastrous day, finally fell. Those extremely brave soldiers did not even dare to look back.

This is an area they have guarded for many years.

It seems that in an instant, this place has turned into a monster with its bloody mouth open to devour anyone.

"Where is Lord Heather?"

Dames shook his head vigorously to wake himself up. He looked for the defense commander of Black Flame Pass on the ground, but could not find Heather among the panicked retreating crowd.

Until a ranger reminded him that Lord Heather had not retreated at all.

She is still in the center of position eight.

"This is crazy! How could she abandon her responsibilities at this time?"

The high-ranking ranger cursed.

He took out a small statue of the Moon Girl from his arms and held it in his hand. He gave himself a temporary immunity to toxins and then flew towards the center of the No. 8 position. He wanted to take Heather away from this ghost before she died.


Vampires can indeed persist longer in the Gnoll Plague, but the facts of the Fourth Black Plague prove that vampires can also be infected by the plague, and they are even worse.

There will be no chance of being resurrected as an undead, and you will go directly into eternal silence.


The high-level ranger rolled in the air, then opened his cloak like wings and glided down to the position that was already dead and completely covered by green smoke.

He saw Lord Heather at a glance.

The latter took off his armor like crazy, and even the battle helmet that he never took off was thrown aside.

She was half-kneeling there and didn't know what she was doing.

"Hey! Lord Heather, come with me quickly, you still need soldiers. Here is the Mother of the Forest! What the hell is this?"

He shouted, putting his hand on Heather's shoulders to pull her up, but in the next moment, Lord Heather turned back, allowing Demus to see her true appearance under the helmet.

Many people are curious about what kind of face Heather Hoffman, the second lord who never takes off her helmet, looks like. In other words, everyone who has heard the story of Heather, including Murphy, is wondering.

Curious about what's hidden under that helmet?

The answer is revealed at this moment.

There is nothing under the helmet

There is no face, no head, no facial features, just a group of strange "faces" that are constantly shaking like black quicksand. Only two scarlet light spots representing the identity of the vampire can be vaguely seen from the floating darkness.

Those are her eyes.

The high-level ranger who had experienced a lot and had even faced the Bone-Gripping King was startled. The Moon Girl statue in his hand almost fell, but Heather stretched out her "hand" to steady it.

"Take it and get out of here!"

Lord Heather put something into the ranger's hand and spoke, but it didn't sound like a sound at all, but more like the buzz of some kind of energy vibrating in the real world.


Demus really wanted to curse at this moment.

He felt that what he had experienced today was really exciting, even crazy according to the standards of the elves' mediocre life.

He really had a lot of questions to ask, but Heather ran out of time to answer them.

She said briefly:

"The power of the Lord of Darkness will be released, and the plague and the undead will be blocked, but I can't control it. Lord Paying warned me when he rescued me, that once this power gets out of control, I will completely lose myself.

I don't care anymore, I just want these jackals to pay with their blood.


Find Murphy!

Tell him that I want to see the revenge he claimed to me. I am the commander of Black Flame Pass, and I will live or die with my position! Whether it is resisting the enemy or going to hell.

Don't look back!

No matter what you hear, don’t look back!”


Dames knew that Heather was determined to die.

After all, even this kind of terrifying power was released. It was too late to regret it at this time. He made a military farewell ceremony to Heather on the spot, and then called the wind eagle to take him away from this place.

Dead zone.

The protection from the Moon Girl prevented him from being harmed by the plague, but the second he flew out, the terrifying dark power exploded like a bomb.

But it did not cause impact or physical damage. On the contrary, it was like a dark curtain unfolding.

It is even deeper than the night at this time, like a layer of black veil that swallows up all the light, plunging everything into endless darkness the moment it unfolds.

"Demus, help me!"

A vague voice sounded behind the high-level ranger, causing his body to tremble.

That was the voice of his wife who died in battle a hundred years ago. Demus immediately wanted to look back, but at the last moment, the warning from Lord Heather forced him to stop his neck, which had been turned less than halfway.

That's not his wife.

I don’t know what it is, but it calls itself the “Lord of Darkness”.

"Why don't you look back, little one."

Seeing that this trick could not seduce the ranger, the strange thing used a vicious voice to project into his mind and lured him:

"The light of your life is so beautiful, give it to me and blend into the warm darkness! Just like poor Bonnie Goldleaf, the weak Avalon cannot take away her soul! She was also

Trapped in the battlefield of the past, waiting for his lover, come on, Demus.

Blow out your own light and I will take you to save your wife.

Listen, she is crying.

Oh, Demus, Demus, help me."

"Evil! Don't even try to tempt me!"

The high-level ranger's San value dropped rapidly at this moment, and he covered his ears and screamed.

But the wind eagle under the crotch could no longer bear it, and after a mournful cry, it quickly began to "transform" as if it were covered in black smoke, and threw its master from the sky.

Obviously, it is not just Daimus who is tempted by the Lord of Darkness. All sane creatures will be affected, and this kind of mental disturbance is rapidly intensifying and expanding. What method did Heather use to seal it?

The high-level ranger fell down. He closed his eyes tightly in the air and protected the things Heather gave him in his arms.

His mind was full of all kinds of dark sounds that were constantly echoing, almost driving him crazy.

But at the moment before falling to the ground, a figure flew over, grabbed the screaming Captain Dames by the collar, and slapped him across the face.

A white light lit up in front of Demus' eyes, and the stinging power of the slap instantly dispersed the overwhelming voice in his heart, and also made the weak Ranger Captain wake up.

He opened his one eye and saw the face of a handsome vampire.

"Are you awake? What's wrong with Heather?"

In the rapid transition of the night sky, Murphy asked in a deep voice.

Dames shook his head and tremblingly handed the thing in his hand to Murphy, which was the last item Heather asked him to bring out.

That is

A candle.

A thick candle covered with strange runes, the wick is lit but does not emit any heat.

It wasn't until Murphy caught the candle that Dames realized that his back was facing the Lord of Darkness, but Murphy was facing the evil demon in front of him.

He said sharply:

"Close your eyes! Don't look! It will seduce your spirit."

"No, it can't be done."

Murphy glanced at him, flapped his wings and landed on the ground, saying quietly:

"It's just an evil god who hasn't awakened yet. Look what a bear he has scared you into. Are all elves so timid? Stand behind me and it can't affect you."

Only then did the high-level ranger notice that Murphy was surrounded by a circle of vague white light spots. The light spots constantly collided with the dark power spreading around him and produced strange sparks.

These are obviously two opposing forces.

Dames took a deep breath, turned around behind Murphy, and looked at the scene behind him for the first time.

All he could see was darkness.

The darkness that extends from Position 8 to the front, back, left, right, and even to the sky and the earth is devoid of any light. It seems to have cut off that piece of land from the material world, and all the light and everything in the light has been swallowed up.

But it is still not satisfied, it continues to attract and devour the surrounding light.

Whether it was starlight or the torches held by the evacuating soldiers from behind, the light was dimming, as if it was being absorbed by a black hole.

Even under the protection of Omega's purifying power, when Murphy looked directly at the spreading darkness, he could still feel the dark things reverberating and weaving in front of his eyes, like a pair of invisible but malicious eyes.

It's staring at itself, telling some things about the past that it doesn't care about and trying to seduce itself with these things.

Although it won't be disturbed, it is really annoying to have it nagging in my ears all the time!

Lord Heather said that she wanted to live and die with her own position. It seems that she was not kidding. This kind of strange power, let alone the jackals, would probably be numb when the group of mysterious cultists came at dusk.

This dark light that swallows up all light is like some kind of supernatural entity that transcends reality and can obviously be classified into the category of "god".

"Then what is that?"

Dames asked in a low voice. Murphy glanced at the candle still burning in his hand and started the item identification:

Name: Heather Hoffman’s Life Candle

Quality: Sealed Rare Item

Efficacy: Before the candle is burned out, Heather Hoffman, the "human body" of the Lord of Darkness, can also suppress the resurrection of the Lord of Darkness. Once the candle is burned out or blown out, the sleeping Lord of Darkness will enter the material world.


Current candle balance: 98%.

Estimated burn time: 60 days.


The Lord of Darkness who swallows the light of all things is a member of the old gods. He sleeps in the cage of the Creator. Please maintain his sealed state as much as possible.

Producer: Heather Hoffman Cappadocia/Vernon Paying Cappadocia

Item description:

[Don't be afraid of it, it's just a pathetic indigenous nature god born out of malice. Just pick up [DATA EXPUNGED] and leave you with the Glory Artifact and beat its head hard. Uh, you don't have the Glory Artifact? Uh-huh, brother, that's trouble for you.


"Don't be afraid, it's just a pathetic nature god that has been forgotten by the world. As long as you find the glorious artifact, you can kill it."

Murphy explained to Demes expressionlessly:

"He is still in the seal. He will not be in danger for the time being. Well, that's it for the time being. Heather, don't you have anything to say to me?"

"She said you promised her revenge?"

The Ranger Captain was suffocated by the way the vampire talked about the evil god like a fool. He quickly repeated Heather's words, making Murphy nod.

The vampire governor narrowed his eyes and looked at the spreading dark power, and he said:

"Okay, although the situation is still a little far from perfect, we can't delay it any longer. Come with me!"

"Hmm? What to do?"

"What else can be done? Of course Heather wants to see a counterattack!"

This chapter has been completed!
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