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Chapter 707 The participants in the 706 war get glory, while the bystanders

Chapter 707 706. Participants in the war receive glory, while bystanders only deserve humiliation

The nightmare night finally ended, and when the sun shone in the early morning of the next day, the last group of defenders who evacuated the Black Flame Pass finally set foot on the road away from here with complicated emotions.

When the astral tear occurred, they almost passed by the astral rift.

Like those jackals who tried to escape the disaster, they also ran in embarrassment before finally reaching the safe area. They spent an excruciating three hours in the "New Mejeva" village where the shadow elves stayed before, and almost

He witnessed the entire process of the Great Rip of the Star Boundary from its occurrence to its stability.

The pale light falling from the sky and the disorderly flow from the star realm form an "energy waterfall" falling from the sky. This bizarre scene is destined to be engraved in the memories of these people, and they will not be able to forget it until the moment they die.

The scene last night.

Not only did they witness a spectacle, but it also indicated that everything they were familiar with on this land had disappeared, and the completely destroyed position also represented that the old days were gone forever.

All the soldiers' memories of Black Flame Pass remain at the moment it was destroyed.

Love it or hate it, it no longer exists.

When the soldiers left in the early morning, there was not much morale to speak of. Most of them were in extremely low mood, but there was not much time left for them to rest and recuperate.

They couldn't even get a short but satisfying sleep. The Shadow Valley, which was the second line of defense, could not carry so many people. The Cadman People's Army soldiers who stayed there could only provide these soldiers with some drinking water and food.

Captain Paula's airship is already waiting in the valley.

A large part of these soldiers evacuated from the Black Flame Pass will be sent directly to the Maginot Line further north in the Filthy Swamp, where they will spend the rest of the Black Disaster.


They have no way to escape from this cursed war, and the oaths they made before the war must be fulfilled until the last moment.

The worst thing is that even the blood alliance knights are currently unable to contact the blood alliance clan headquarters. After losing the leadership of Lord Heather, even the staunchest members of these vampire societies have become confused.

Fortunately, their fellow blood vultures have arranged everything for them.

There are still many things they have to do next, including treating the wounded, counting losses, and reorganizing the organization, but this is not a bad thing. The organization is generally intact, which means they can continue to fight.

I just need to find the reason to fight again.

But that kind of thing.

For the soldiers who have experienced the attack and defense of Black Flame Pass, there are too many, whether it is in the name of inheriting the will of the dead, or in the name of revenge or protection.

Of course not everyone retreated.

There were also some people who were advancing in the opposite direction while the defenders were retreating to Shadow Valley, including Tris and several high-ranking commanders of the Blood Vulture clan, the leaders of various Transian factions, and the earth priests of the Silver Dwarves.

These people need to return to Black Flame Pass to evaluate the situation there so as to prepare for the subsequent battle plan.

It is worth mentioning that among these people there are two "new members" who arrived just last night.

Major Fraser, who returned to the battlefield on behalf of the Plantagenet Kingdom, and Winter Wolf General Baldwin, who came to the front line in person.

The former had a plan to return to the front line, while the latter, after receiving the news of the fall of Black Flame Pass, almost supported his flying mount all the way across the filthy swamp and arrived here at dawn.

For General Baldwin, the fall of Black Flame Pass was too sudden, which almost disrupted all his plans for the Black Disaster.

He had to go to Black Flame Pass to see for himself.

For Colonel Fraser, this journey seemed too heavy.

Because he lost a subordinate and a friend, Major Dunn Hope died heroically in the final battle of Black Flame Pass last night. His friend Major Ron was seriously injured and was sent back just two hours ago.

Field hospital at the Maginot Line.

In the end, only half of the 5,500 people of the Plantagenet Kingdom's vanguard battalion deployed at the Black Flame Pass survived. Such horrific battle losses made him, the vanguard commander, have to come to the position for both reasons and reasons.

Not just for mourning, but also for the military questioning that I will definitely face in the future.

He must complete a battlefield report in the shortest possible time and submit it to his superiors and King Louis who is far away in the Fog City.

This "exploration team" had little verbal communication along the way. Everyone, including Tris, looked very bad. Even though they had confirmed that the Splitclaw Clan's army had been wiped out, it still couldn't be considered a battle.


"It's right here! We can't go any further."

Tris's carriage stopped on a hilly plateau three kilometers away from the Black Flame Pass. Grand Duke Tris warned the others:

"The dirty spiritual energy of the great tear in the star world has disrupted the spiritual energy environment ahead. The spiritual energy here has always been unstable and now it is under impact. God knows what kind of bizarre things will happen in front of us. Take Cadman City six months ago

As a reference, it will not be suitable for any life to come close to this place for at least half a month.

We have planned to prepare a large amount of alchemical fire oil nearby. After the concentration of foul psychic energy drops, we will imitate the cleanup operation in Cadman City and burn the entire mountain pass ruins with flames.

But I hope you can understand that the complex terrain of Black Flame Pass, coupled with the underground tunnels dug by kobolds and ratmen, will definitely make this place one of the most dangerous areas on the continent even after it is restored.

Last night's tearing of the astral realm not only threw the dangerous forces of the material world into the astral realm, but also 'threw' some things from the astral realm.

Colonel Fraser should understand this.

After all, you are the only outsider among everyone present who has seen the ruins of Cadman City with your own eyes."

"Well, I can understand the danger."

The haggard Colonel Fraser was riding on a war horse, and his four guards were observing the surroundings vigilantly. The others also dispersed to observe the situation at Black Flame Pass in their own way.

But to be honest, from this position, we can only see the sky and land ahead filled with dark smoke. Even at dawn when the solar energy is most active, sunlight cannot penetrate the smoke there.

The torn traces on the sky are as unforgettable as the creation of the star realm in Transia. At the top of the dim sky, you can see the purple-black crack that looks like a devil's mouth, like a shocking scar.

Huge purple-black filthy spiritual energy continued to escape from it, falling like black snow into the haze below.

The entire mountain pass and even the battlefield area were shrouded in such a desolate scene.

On the ground position, all the remnants were covered with an uncomfortable black curtain, and nothing of value could be seen with the naked eye. However, the more this happened, the more ugly General Winter Wolf's expression became.

He himself has inherited the family tradition and is a very outstanding winter psychic.

Although most of the time the general does not need to go into battle to perform psychic spells in person, his professionalism is still there.

With the perception of a psionicist, he could clearly feel the chaotic and filthy power entrenched in the front position. From such a distance, the remaining filthy psionic energy on the battlefield was still affecting his mind.

The majesty left behind after the most dangerous wave of disordered turbulence that caused the great tear in the star realm dissipated. If such a force appeared over the Crimean Fortress, his fortress might not be able to stop it.

The Transians made all this happen.

These guys can already use the astral tear like a natural disaster as a weapon. From this perspective, they can force the Transians to release such terrifying destructive power at the cost of destroying the Black Flame Pass. They can also use it from the side.

Proving the danger of this black disaster.

"Are all the Splitclaw Gnolls dead?"

General Baldwin asked.

This time it was not Tris who answered him, but Maxim, who had completed the Silver Trial and was stronger and more majestic. The monster general whispered:

"Astral Rip will not kill all living creatures within the effective range, Mr. Baldwin. It is not essentially a ritual for destruction, but we can be sure that the most intense energy conflict in the Astral Rip last night was

Within ten minutes, most of the Splitclaw Gnolls on the surface were either annihilated in the conflict of psychic powers or drawn into the astral realm.

There should still be some Splitclaw Gnolls within the Black Flame Pass, but even if they are lucky enough to survive, their bodies will be filled with fear and chaos caused by the foul spiritual energy.

The longer they stay in this area, the greater their impact.

Don't worry about their fate.

The astral beasts still wandering in these ruins will take care of them for us. However, those dangerous things thrown into the material world during the tearing of the astral plane will become new troubles.

If we plan to regain this place in the future, then a large-scale cleanup is imperative."

"It'll dissipate, right?"

Colonel Duke, General Baldwin's aide-de-camp, asked:

"So, after a period of time, this will still be the path forward for the Jackals? Now all the defensive positions have been razed, which means that we can no longer snipe the Jackals' army here."

"Worse than that!"

The silver dwarf architect Ilych Um Warheart, who had completed the measurement using earth magic, came over with a measuring cane. The old dwarf, who also looked haggard, shook his head and said:

"The entire Black Flame Mountain Pass was torn apart by the star realm and swept away one-third of the soil, which is equivalent to the volume of a small island. This means that after the dirty spiritual energy dissipates, the originally towering mountain pass will become transformed after simple repairs.

Become a 'flat' avenue.

The jackals didn't even need to climb the mountain to pass the Black Flame Pass.

The nearby ley lines have been completely contaminated by foul spiritual energy. Mother Goddess Gaia has lost this holy land forever, and the effect of our spells here will also be greatly weakened.

What's worse is that part of the complex underground structure of Black Flame Pass has been preserved. It is difficult to say what is there now and what will appear in the future.

From a war perspective, Black Flame Pass has completely lost its meaning of existence.

But the biggest problem is that Shadow Valley is not a terrain suitable for defense. Not only does it lack depth, but the outside has never undergone large-scale war transformation. It is simply not feasible to rely on the weak terrain there to stop the Wolfmen.

If the Black Flame Pass cannot stop them, it will only be a matter of time before the Shadow Valley defense line is breached. Then, the gnolls will pass through the Filthy Swamp and directly reach the Maginot Line and the Crimean Fortress."

Ilyich glanced at General Baldwin, who looked ugly, and whispered:

"The Transians have been preparing for war, and I absolutely believe in their determination to resist the Jackals, but according to my observation, the preparations for the Crimean Fortress are still insufficient. Especially when there are ratmen in the other camp.

Down below, can you withstand an attack from underground?


Let me put it another way, have you ever considered that the enemy will adopt this kind of attack?

You must know that the original tactics to prevent kobolds from digging into the ground and raiding the ground no longer work. The threat of ratmen in this regard is more than ten times that of kobolds!

Perhaps the Skaven are digging that way right now as we speak, just as we haven't discovered their penetration of Blackfire Pass."

"Please do not exaggerate such idle threats! Master Ilyich!"

Colonel Duke retorted:

"Her Majesty the Wolf Lady's warriors are not afraid of any strange enemies, and the Crimean Fortress is not easily breached."

"Of course you can tell yourself that, but the danger won't disappear just because you ignore it."

The old dwarf, who was in a certain "stress state" because of the fall of Black Flame Pass, immediately choked as if he had eaten gunpowder:

"Instead of scolding me so loudly here, you should hurry back and strengthen the defense line, you Nord cowards! The Plantagenets who are good at planning have already bled in the Black Flame Pass, but I have never seen it from beginning to end.

A Nord who prides himself on being brave appears here.

When these brave warriors need it most, you are shrinking your eggs.

If the great heroic king who conquered the wilderness saw his descendants become like this, he would definitely crawl out of the coffin and roar in anger, and strangle every one of you to death!"

"Master, don't get excited."

Maxim stepped forward and held down the excited Ilyich. He glanced at the silent General Baldwin and said:

"My master once said that those distant disasters are just boring stories to them until the real tragedy turns into a punch in the face of those who are indifferent.

But after seeing the ending of Black Flame Pass with my own eyes, I think Her Majesty the Wolf Lady will also temporarily divert her mind from the domestic political struggle.

Right now there are more important things than stabilizing the royal power."

He looked at the silent Colonel Fraser again and said with emphasis:

"Of course, the same goes for King Louis. If your Marshal Loren still thinks that his pioneer fortress is stronger than the Black Flame Pass, we Transians don't mind sending a group of gnolls over to give you a try.

The quality of.

The Maginot Line needs real soldiers!

If you send criminals next time, you will have to taste all the bitter fruits yourself.

Transia will be the first to die, but then you will come!"

"Someone is coming."

Just as Maxim was angrily scolding everyone, Femis, who was hanging in the air to collect the situation, pointed to the sky and shouted.

Everyone raised their heads and saw a group of guys riding messy flying mounts flying through the haze in the sky and flying down here. They were hundreds of players who set off from Fort Courage, and the leader was impressively

His Excellency the Governor of Transia.

Murphy could see the crowd below and Tris in the crowd at a glance.

He folded his wings and quickly fell down, hugging and kissing his girlfriend in front of everyone.

But at this moment, almost no one paid attention to these two bad-ass vampire lovers who were giving people shit at this time. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the players landing behind them.

Brother Meow Meow and his team members were holding several tattered battle flags of Chief Splitclaw, and the glass box in Happy Stick's hand contained a head that had been processed by the Avalon cultists.

The most troublesome ones are Xiao Fu Ge and the student gang members.

They used seven chains to hang a jackal-style chieftain's throne in the air. There was a "Keep Out" flag stuck on the back of the manticore's saddle as it flew over unsteadily.

After the players landed, Mr. Qin, who was carrying a huge chain sword, strode up to General Maxim and handed over a set of blood-stained Gnoll Chief Armor with both hands.

He shouted loudly:

"The Cadman People's Army Raiders are reporting to you! Your Excellency General, the Splitclaw clan's chieftain, Potana Splitclaw, has been killed by us, and the culprit of the Black Flame Pass disaster has been killed! The heroic spirits who went to the dead will be accused.


we won.

Although we won miserably, we persisted until the end and severely punished those self-righteous guys."

"Salute to you! Warriors."

The anger in Maxim's heart dissipated somewhat when he saw these seizures. He took Chief Potana's protective gear from Master Qin and glanced back at Colonel Fraser and General Baldwin.

The Transian monster stepped forward expressionlessly, handed the chieftain's helmet to Frazier, and handed the remaining protective gear to Baldwin.

He said:

"Take it and claim credit for your king! You can share in the victory that the Transians sacrificed to gain, but then, if you still want it, just like a man, reach out and get it yourself!"


Colonel Duke couldn't stand it anymore.

He stepped forward to scold this extremely rude humiliation, but General Baldwin reached out and held down his arm.

General Winter Wolf glanced at the blood-stained armor in his hand. He sighed, looked in the direction of Black Flame Pass, and said:

"You will see us in the next war."

This chapter has been completed!
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