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Chapter 727 Chapter 726 The Future Prophecy of the Wise Wolf: Your wife will be raised by me.

Chapter 727 726. Prophecy of the Wise Wolf’s Future·I will raise your wife

If ordinary people suddenly and unexpectedly see their long-dead great grandfather one day, they would probably have a lot to talk about.

But this routine cannot be applied to Xu Gesen and the Bone-gnawing King. First of all, the jackals are a race of indifferent emotions, and there is not so much warmth between father and son. This is not only determined by living habits, but also by the level of civilization.


Secondly, Xu Gesen’s life experience is also quite sad.

As an orphan, it was raised by Chief Potana from an early age. Although Mistress Splitting Claw was kind to it and regarded it as the most perfect work in her life, that kind of affection stemmed more from Potana's love for the Bone-gnawing King.

Morbid adoration, not how much Portana really loved it.

Mistress Splitclaw didn't even teach her own three children well, so you don't have to expect her to be a good mother here in Xu Gesen.

If he really wanted to love her, he wouldn't have left so many scars on Xu Gesen's body due to so many times of voodoo enhancement. Even his vocal cords were burned. Although it was an accident, it's hard to guarantee that it wasn't because Potana was too lazy to listen to the cub.

's mournful cry.

The reason why Xu Gesen fell in love with Nanak Black Eyes is hard to say because this lonely guy has never been treated tenderly since he was a child, and the first female of the same age he paid attention to happened to be the smart and wild Nanak.

Causing it to get stuck in it and find it difficult to extricate itself.

But having such a childhood made Hugersen destined to have difficulties in dealing with people.

Under such circumstances, it was normal for Xu Gesen to be at a loss when he encountered the "talking therapy" attack from his great grandfather. As the great man of the jackals who had overturned half of the world, although Lord Philip was not

Too much use of intrigue, but not because it can't be used.

Facing Xu Gesen, a "problem child", he easily handled him in a few sentences.

Grandfather and grandson could not be said to be friendly, but right next to the stone where the Bone-Gripping King sat when he first appeared, under the guidance of the Bone-Gripping King, the silent Xu Gesen quickly related his growing experience and its

I plan to speak out.

"Ah, that's it. Potana wants to create another me. She is really ambitious! Unfortunately, her strength is obviously not worthy of her ambition. Look what she has trained you into.

I didn’t see the second bone-gnawing king, I only saw a scarred dog with broken spine.”

Philip was not angry because of Mistress Splitting Claw's evil deeds. He just said with regret:

"That ambitious chief obviously can't understand where the true power of the Jackal comes from, and she doesn't even know how this power can exert its true power. It doesn't matter if she dies, it will save me the time to explain to you.

What is called cultivation, what is called utilization.

I don’t have that much time to teach you how to distinguish the human heart, and encourage you to bravely fight against it and ultimately defeat it.

Ah, I owe that gentleman another favor.

But your dog leash has been loosened, and you are planning to put on another collar again. Alas, Chief Murphy's evaluation of me is really accurate. I have been working hard all my life to make the jackals live like humans instead of beasts.

, but after I struggled for more than ten years and even overturned half of the world, and died for a hundred years, I found that nothing seemed to have changed.

You are still so stupid and reckless, and you are willing to be a loyal dog under the feet of others."

"Murphy? Sir?"

Xu Gesen can't hear this name now.

It jumped up angrily on the spot and roared in this mental space:

"It was that vampire who killed my mother! He is the most terrifying enemy of the jackals. How can you, as the King of Legends, collude with him!"

"Sit down! Don't be so excited."

Philip glanced at it and said lightly:

"If you interrupt me again, I will teach you combat skills while crushing every bone of yours. I will call this process 'education of love'. You little brat, remember this,

Portana is not your mother!

She doesn't deserve you to use such a warm word to describe her.

She is just an ambitious person who wants to take advantage of you and tame you like a dog. You can be grateful to her for sheltering you and for leaving an entire clan to you, but having more feelings that you shouldn't have because of this can only prove your weakness.


I think you may have realized this yourself.

Otherwise, you would not have a secret love affair with a girl from the Black Eyes clan. You knew what would happen to your child once Potana found out about you, so you hid it from her.

well done!

This proves that you are quietly resisting, it proves that you are still a little wild and have some brains.

This proves that you are still saved.

This action alone shows that your feelings towards Portana are also complicated, and that you are not as angry as you described about her death.

I guess you even felt a strange sense of relief the moment it was confirmed that she was dead.

Okay, you don't need to explain it to me. I'm not interested in listening or giving you psychological counseling, but I will tell you some things. What Hogg and I are doing and Chief Murphy are doing, you must participate in.

things in it.

I don't even need to convince you.

Because my blood is flowing in your body, if you inherit my power, you will naturally inherit my responsibilities and mission.

You can refuse.

I will only tell you this once.

I won't interfere with your choice, but you'd better behave in front of me. You don't have to respect me, but you have to respect the power."

Xu Gesen fell silent.

Of course it wanted to resist, but it turned out that even the King of Bone Crunchers was too much to fight with one hand.

In the next few minutes, the Bone-gnawing King described his life experience and the fall of the Lord of Hunting to Hugersen in a very simple tone. By the way, he also explained the origin of the birth of the gnolls and Hogg's upcoming journey.


There is no need to say more, Xu Gesen is wise enough to understand the significance of this operation to the Jackal civilization.

But it still has some doubts.

After Philip finished speaking, it asked quite incomprehensibly:

"I can understand why you must destroy the Lord of Hunting, but why do you want to cooperate with Murphy? Is there anything unique about that vicious vampire? Is this black disaster also part of your plan?"

"I've already called him 'sir', what do you think he is?"

Philip said calmly:

"Chief Murphy is the last hope left by the Creator for this world. You may be trapped in the situation and unable to understand the sad role played by the Jackal civilization in the conspiracy of subspace. You may still be distraught because of the tragic failure given to you by the Transians.

Hate them, but you must understand the difference between primary and secondary contradictions.

You can't be a jackal like Hogg, who holds the future of the entire race in your heart. Your childhood experience makes it difficult for you to empathize with the suffering of other jackals, but you should at least think about your lover and your children.


The Lord of the Hunt cannot be born, otherwise the only person you care about would suffer as well.

This is also my only request to you. In this matter, you must fully assist Wise Wolf and Murphy and those God Killers. In addition, I have no intention of getting involved in your grudges with Transia. Your future

I don't care where it goes.

My blood of war flows in your body. Perhaps dying on the battlefield is the best destination for you.



Hearing the Bone-gnawing King mention Nanak and her children, Xu Gesen could no longer utter any words of resistance.

In fact, it was not only the King of Bone Grinders who described to it the threat after the birth of the Lord of Hunting, but even the dead Portana also said similar words, which is enough to prove that its grandfather, Lord Philip, did not do anything about this matter.

Deceive it.

And Hugersen does have common interests with Hogg and the God Eaters in this matter.

it says:

"So, shouldn't I be the chosen one by the Lord of Hunting? Maybe I should take this opportunity to attack the shrine? With a weapon like the Wolf Blood Holy Sword, maybe I can do it with just one chance."

"No need to try. I have tried your martial arts just now. You are still unable to do this now. Potana used voodoo to interfere with your power, preventing you from exerting the destructive power that this body of blood and bones should have."


If it were three times stronger, it would still be enough.

I used the Creator's lathe to turn that shrine myself in the Jackal Civilization Museum. I know better than you how strong it is, not to mention that it is blessed by divine power."

Philip shook his head and said:

"So we can only take a more risky approach. You, you, follow your original plan, return to the Mossy Valley to become the God of the Lord of Hunting, and use the divine power to cleanse all the voodoo from Potana's body.

I will leave you with some of my understanding of martial arts and power, which you can learn after you are purified again.

You don't have to worry about being contaminated by the Lord of the Hunt.

Chief Murphy has a magical talent that can easily purify this kind of power given by the evil god. As long as you hold on to the high ground of your soul and don't let the thoughts of the Lord of Hunting erode your mind, you can return to purity after doing the big things.

In status."

"I won't pray to him!"

Xu Gesen said stubbornly:

"Murphy is my enemy! As you said, Potana may really just want to use me, but without her, I would not be alive today, and Murphy killed her, I must take revenge! This

It’s the tradition of the jackals.”

"Whatever you want! I said, I'm really not interested in how you arrange the end of your life. There's no need to report it to me if you go to die."

Philip sneered and said:

"Actually, even without the help of Chief Murphy's talent, you can rely on your own strength to fight against the thoughts of the Lord of Hunting.

It sounds difficult, but I am a perfect creature from the Golden Era. I am born to be a superior protector in the Creator Sequence. You have inherited my potential and genes. Although it is not full power, your resistance to things in the subspace is also

More than a hundred times stronger than ordinary jackals.

After all, it hasn't been born yet, and it's not that easy to corrode your mind. But if you are weak and can't resist the temptation and become a demon, then you can't blame others.

Now listen up.

After you become the divine choice of the Lord of Hunting, the priests of the Bloodscar Clan will definitely ask you to perform various sacrifices in the material world to speed up the birth of the Lord of Hunting. All you have to do is delay this process as much as possible!

At least until Hogg's journey to find his roots is completed, and at least until the belief in the Creator takes root in the Gnoll civilization!

In this way, even if there is no longer the Lord of Hunting, our civilization and the soul consciousness of our people will have the correct destination.

Moreover, the belief in the Creator can divert the control of the Lord of Hunting over the tribesmen, so that even if the worst happens, the tribesmen will not all degenerate the moment the Lord of Hunting is born.

But you have to be smart.

Delaying time is also tricky. From this point of view, your enemies are actually your allies. You only need to cooperate with their strategies to accomplish this easily.

at last!

You have to seize this opportunity!

What the Wise Wolf is doing is to save the souls of the people, but the jackals have been barbaric for too long. Especially in the hundred years after my death, the rise of the Bloodscar clan has caused our people to become more and more brutal and regard it as a kind of evil.


Okay, I admit, this is a bad start on my part.

But now that the situation is like this, you have to seize the opportunity to clean out these most brutal bastards!

Recruit them in the name of the Lord of the Hunt and throw them into the battlefield to be consumed."

"But wouldn't this hasten the birth of the Lord of the Hunt?"

Xu Gesen asked:

"What He needs is massacre, war and death. The more intense the battle on the front line, the sooner He will wake up."

"He will wake up if you don't do anything, but you taking away more brutal ones will make it easier for Hog's God Eaters to fight when they invade Mossy Valley, especially the members of the Bloodscar clan."

Philip shook his head and said:

"These are not things you need to consider. You just need to complete what you want to do according to the plans of those guys. You just need to ensure that your soul does not fall too fast. In this matter of devouring gods, you have already taken on the responsibility

The most important part.

You will eventually face a choice.

I won't hide this.

Whether this matter can be successful or not depends on your choice at that necessary moment. If possible, I really don't want to give such a task to a guy with a serious mental flaw like you.

However, such is fate.

Is there anything else you want to ask? Hogg can’t hold it anymore, I have to send you out as soon as possible.”

"Have you ever regretted it?"

Xu Gesen said:

"Portana was once very curious about this question. If you were given a chance to live again, would you still start the war that overturned the world?"

"What kind of stupid question is this?"

Philip showed a ferocious smile and said:

"I am the son of creation!

I was created to defend a prosperous world under the Creator's blueprint, and you all thought that the reason I started the war was to rule it.



You cannot understand the pain and loss in my heart when I wake up in this era.

I started the war not because I wanted to destroy the world. On the contrary, I just wanted to complete my mission. I just wanted to turn the wrong fate of the world back on track, and then protect it in my own way!

So facing this stupid question, I will tell you that if I were given a chance to go back again, I would still launch a war, I would still destroy this era built on the ruins of the Golden Age, then rebuild it and defend it.

We are jackals!

We are barbaric but not depraved, we are ignorant but not stupid, we are chaotic but not chaotic. We still have hope, but if you make the wrong choice at some point in the future, then we have no hope anymore.

Keep this in mind.”

Frederick stretched out his hand and gently tapped Hugeson's forehead. When he sent it out of this mental space, it said:

"Stop living for other people, little guy. From now on, you have to live for yourself, do you understand?"


Before Xu Gesen had time to appreciate what his grandfather said, his consciousness returned to his body. It seemed like a long time had passed, but in fact, the conversation in the spiritual world only lasted a few minutes in the material world.

It still maintained the action of holding the holy sword to kill Hogg, but the wise wolf in front of it was already crumbling due to energy consumption.

Xu Gesen subconsciously grabbed it and inserted the Wolf Blood Holy Sword into the ground.

This scene surprised Nanak very much.

What's going on with these two men?

They were fighting life and death just now, but now they suddenly feel like they have become good friends.

"Well, it seems that you and Lord Philip have a good conversation."

Hogg was helped to sit on the ground. Xianlang gasped for air. It stared at Xu Gesen in front of him and said:

"You may not know that for a while I was envious of your physique, and even had the opportunity to shape myself into such a perfect posture, but I finally realized that that was not what I needed.

Power is not necessary in many cases, let alone someone like you who has power but cannot use it well.

Listen to my advice, Mr. Xu Gesen.

When necessary, give up the sword in your hand!

That's not your thing and it will only bring you bad luck.

I can also guess that Lord Philip has given you a very dangerous mission. Maybe you will face a choice at some point in the future, but if you are standing opposite Lord Murphy at that time, you can choose to believe him.


That gentleman never disappoints those who have hope in him, even his enemies."

Xu Gesen opened his mouth.

But the damaged vocal cords in the material world still failed to produce sound.

However, the clever Xianlang seemed to have noticed what Xu Gesen wanted to express. It nodded and said:

"Don't worry, I will take care of Ms. Nanak on your behalf. If you can't come back, I will adopt your children, become their father, and do my best to cultivate them into talents, just like our tradition. Then the final

The brilliance of humanity.

Do not worry.

I am not Portana, and I will never be her."

This chapter has been completed!
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