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Chapter 745 744 Cheer, believers of the Holy Light, I will find it for you

Chapter 745 744. Rejoice, Holy Light believers, I have found a big daddy for you!

In fact, when Murphy heard the harsh contents of the frontier contract, he had an uneasy premonition.

Quetzalcoatl's next warning also verified Murphy's guess. The contract between the Sentinel Legion and these new gods was more like a transaction than mutual aid.

The Sentinels use the power of the Creator to help the astral giants enter the realm of gods. The price is that these new gods must continue to fight in the subspace battlefield until they die. As long as the contract remains, they cannot retreat.

Although the new gods who had contacted Murphy before did not say so clearly, the story of Avalon and the Spider Lady and the birth process of Varmu all show that this war is very cruel even for the gods. This kind of fight or death

This situation has lasted for more than a thousand years, and it is actually normal for some giant spirits to want to regret it.

After all, they are not born gods.

They are just powerful creatures born in the star world, and they cannot be expected to be born with some kind of "divine nature".

This is a God who was created, and as we all know, no matter what the reason for creating something new, there will eventually be a day when rebellion comes.

To put it nicely, freedom cannot be restricted. The harder it is suppressed, the stronger resistance becomes.

To put it harshly, it is the instinct or bad nature that exists in the heart of every being.

All living things seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, even if they are not intelligent, they will do this instinctively.

However, Murphy had seen the world along the way. He did not panic. Instead, he looked at the projection of Quetzalcoatl that was shaped by the fire of the sun in front of him. He said in a subtle tone:

"So, do you have a place among those despicable gods who try to break the contract? Ms. Kurkan is in a bad situation and doesn't know who to turn to for help."

"I didn't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

Quetzalcoatl immediately gave a negative answer, but Murphy also got the answer he wanted. Well, it seems that there are quite a few individuals among the gods who want to "take a step back."

He probably felt that there was no point in pretending to do this in front of Alpha, so Kulkan simply changed the topic.

she says:

"Let's talk about us.

As you can see, those warp scoundrels have used very bad methods to pollute me in my realm. A dark manic consciousness has been born in my divinity. I must expel it before it completely changes me.


"Avalon has done similar things, why not go to Him?"

Murphy asked rhetorically.

Kurkan was silent for a moment, sighed and said:

"Because in His eyes, I am a cowardly traitor. I am the first God who dares to discuss these things openly."

"Ha, I understand, you are the 'Judas'."

Murphy smiled and said:

"So, Avalon is a loyal performer of the frontier contract. I guess the gods of the old continent are loyal, because they are now fighting to the death against the subspace invasion in their respective divine kingdoms, and they don't even have

Ignore the calls of believers.

But divisions arose among you, so they sat back and watched as your situation worsened day by day. You were unable to contact them on the battlefield in the subspace, so they sent your priests across the ocean.


Does the great Sun God intend to express repentance to his companions in this way, so that they can help you because of their past friendship?"

"Shut up, vicious Alpha!"

Kulkan said very annoyed:

"We are not traitors, nor do we want to take refuge in the subspace. Facts have proven that even if those of us who rely on the power of the Creator to become gods surrender, we will be transformed by the subspace into something quite terrifying.

This is a life-and-death war!

When we accept the power of creation, there is no turning back, but even the bravest warrior cannot stay on the battlefield forever!

do you understand me?

We need a rear to allow the injured and weak among us to have time and space to recover, but the frontier contract stipulates that we cannot do this. Do you know when the differences between us were born and intensified?

Just when the war spirit Lioguk was besieged to death by the servants of the subspace, he was the bravest among us. He did not bow his head until death, and still called us to continue fighting.

But what's the result?

His giant mountain-like divine body was torn apart, most of it was snatched away by the shadow of subspace, and only a small part fell into the material world along with the broken kingdom of God.

Well, you may not understand Him well when I say it, but you will understand it when I say another name.


Wamu was born from the broken body of Luguk.

That can be regarded as another kind of resurrection, and it is Wamu's resurrection that gives us an opportunity.

Vamu never misses any battle with the subspace, and he has been injured many times, but he is much happier than us poor gods.

He has a choice!

Do you understand?

At the most critical moment, Varmu can retreat from the subspace and return to the material world to recuperate, but we cannot. The tragedy of Guruk is once enough.

We're not trying to break the Frontier Compact, Alpha.

We just want to modify it!

You know, if Avalon could have returned to the star realm and slowly healed himself when he was contaminated, he wouldn't have had to do what a strong man does by cutting off his wrist and digging out a part of himself to form the Spider Lady.

Ah, what the hell!

I'm facing the same dilemma now.

What's even scarier is that I'm just a victim, and the Warp has found a way to corrupt us from the physical world.

Haven't you discovered it yet?

Gaia has just escaped a disaster. Avalon had to give up his faith among humans in order to avoid the recurrence of disaster. In the east far away from you, Ao's human servants are doing their best to purify the pollution among them.


And Leviathan.

The mermaid followers of the God of the Sea fight every corner of the Misty Sea against enemies who seek to pollute Him.

But all gods have similar hidden dangers. The rear is no longer stable, and the frontier contract that has made us a success has become a shackle that binds us.

All the gods are tired!

This is no exaggeration at all, we have been fighting on the front line for more than a thousand years, and even the most courageous Su is overwhelmed. The evil villains in the subspace only need one chance to severely damage him."

Quetzalcoatl Kurkan is now like a branch manager who made a mistake, trying her best to explain to the inspectors sent by the head office. She is trying to rationalize her behavior, but this cannot change that she once tried to be a

Suspected of "deserting".

But there's no point in worrying about this now.

Murphy is not the perfect administrator. He has not yet completely inherited the gifts left to him by the Creator. He only has a deterrent effect but no real jurisdiction over these gods.

Therefore, the vampire lord asked directly:

"Let's talk about these things later. It's not me you want to confess to. Tell me, how can I help you?"

"It's best if you can unlock the frontier contract."

Kurkan said angrily:

"But I know you can't do it now. You don't even know where the Sentinel Corps is, and they won't obey an administrator who doesn't even have permission to create.

Therefore, I can only adopt the old method of Avalon and split a dark side to keep myself pure.

The astral dragon can help purify me, but Ao’s character

He is even more extreme than Avalon. He is the one among us who most longs for the birth of true divinity. He takes the power given by the Creator as a mission and responsibility. He longs to be the incarnation of certain rules, so we have a big talk with him.

No need to.

As long as a "deserter" like me dares to appear in front of Him, He will kill me with His own hands.

So find the original shrine of the Spider Lady. I want to learn some knowledge of self-division from her so that I will not be too weak after completing this 'surgery'.

In addition, if possible, I hope you can intervene in the increasingly bad situation in the Aztec Kingdom. My mortal servants are very loyal. They are still resisting the evildoers in the subspace, but I no longer dare to give them too much.


Because I am becoming more and more filthy.

Ah, damn it!

Belief is as enjoyable as it is to use, but it can be deadly when something goes wrong.

When we accept help from the material world, we are tied to believers.

I really envy Su and Ao now, they have never used the power of faith too much, so they don't have such terrible hidden dangers and problems."

"Well, that's right. This is consistent with my goal. I can help."

Murphy agreed, but then he reached out and touched the bright sun fires surrounding him, and then changed the topic and said:

“But I can’t do it for nothing, right?

Considering that I will become the only spokesperson of the Creator in this world in the future, at that time, even if we have a good personal relationship, I will have to consider the opinions of other gods and punish people like you who try to evade responsibility.

It wouldn't be good if it really got into that situation.

So what I mean is, since you have the heart to repent, why not start correcting your mistakes seriously from now on? Let other gods who still stick to their duties see your atonement."

"I am already regaining my responsibilities, and I am also fighting against those filthy servants in the subspace. Otherwise, would my corruption be so serious?"

Sister Kurkan said very dissatisfied:

"I admit that my behavior that has lasted for hundreds of years is very wrong, but I have now rejoined the battlefield. Strictly speaking, I have returned from my lost ways. Mortals don't always say that they can correct their mistakes."

"Your explanation is like saying that I killed someone on the road because I was in a bad mood, and then I decided to change my mind and become a good person again, so I can escape punishment?"

Murphy said quietly:

"Although this metaphor is not appropriate, I think you can understand what I mean. If you know that you have done something wrong, you should make amends to express your regret, instead of just bowing and apologizing and treating the world as peaceful.

Nothing happened.

That is trying to deceive the world, and the saddest thing is that you are still trying to deceive yourself.

A god like you wouldn’t say a stupid answer like ‘I’ve already apologized, what else do you want’ in front of me, right?”

Kulkan was speechless.

It seems that this powerful elder sister is not a good debater. She hummed and moved the sun's fire into various sacred forms. After a few seconds, she sighed and said:

"So? What are you going to ask me to do? To directly participate in your black disaster?

I don't mind lowering the fire of the sun to burn your enemies, but the problem is that in my current state, do you really dare to let me lower my incarnation in the human world? Not to mention, you want to let the gods transcend subspace, astral world and matter.

The barriers between these three planes of the world come down to the incarnation, so you have to prepare a powerful enough 'human body' for me.

In the past thousand years, only the sharks have accomplished such a great feat with the help of the ancient kingdom of Callum, and the human body of Leviathan is still patrolling the Sea of ​​Mist.

That thing is too troublesome to make."

"It's not that complicated. The philosophy I have always believed in is that there is a battlefield between gods and gods, and a war between humans and humans. It is better for both sides not to interfere with each other, so as not to cause the tragedy of Avalon and Gaia."

Murphy waved his hands and said:

"But not long ago, there was a wave called 'Holy Light' in the subspace. I think you felt it too, right?"

"Well, I do feel that a very strange seed has been planted. Of course, the filth of the subspace will not let it go. They tried to corrupt that thing immediately, but it is very strange."

Quetzalcoatl said in a strange tone:

"The idea carried by that thing is very pure and cannot be corrupted by the subspace, and the entity that carries its beliefs is incompatible with other believers, and there is nowhere to start even in the subspace. That thing is currently the most discussed topic among the gods, and many

The gods are wondering where this strange thing came from."

"No need to guess, that was my attempt, and it seems to be working well so far."

Murphy waved his hands in a Versailles gesture and said:

"But it's too difficult to create a god. I need your help, Ms. Kurkan. Your priesthood includes 'purification', right?"

"Yes, there is, but my purifying power is derived from the combination of the symbols of 'sun' and 'flame'. It is not my main priesthood. The purifying fire is more of a side effect of the fire burning away the dirt, so

I cannot purify myself."

Kuertan said very depressedly:

"I'm not like Ao, who takes 'Purification' as his main priesthood, damn it! When I signed the frontier contract, I laughed at Ao for choosing the most useless auxiliary ability from the Creator's treasure house, but what happened more than a thousand years later

Prove that I am the fool.

The Astral Dragon has fought bravely against the warp for more than a thousand years. He is the most troublesome enemy of the warp shadows. He fights bravely in every battle but is still the purest among us. The warp shadows are all right.

His all-pervasive purifying power feels like it has nowhere to go."

"Since it's an incidental ability, you can't use it well, so why not strip it off?"

Murphy narrowed his eyes and said:

"Give your 'Fire Purification' power to the Seed of Holy Light, you don't even need to give it to him, just give him that 'symbolic' power. I learned from my girlfriend that the conceptual power between gods can be

It's a 'gift', right?"

"Yes, yes, but why should I do this?"

Kulkan snapped:

"It's going to take some of my strength away! I'm already in a bad situation."

"If you don't give it, I can still find the Brilliant Sun! I'm not a personality god like you, I'm a concept god! Don't think that I don't know about the grudges and grudges between you and the Creator. He calls you 'little ones'


This is not entirely a compliment!

Little animals are so cute when they are good, but they are so annoying when they are noisy."

Murphy stopped pretending and threatened:

"The two concepts of the Death Moon and the Brilliant Sun are probably some kind of 'iterative update' carried out by the Creator after he was annoyed by you stubborn guys. They are symbols of death and rebirth given by Him personally.

Their form of existence is completely different from yours, and they are more advanced than you!

As long as the sun and moon are still there, these two conceptual gods will not die.

I think it is much easier for me to borrow strength from Him than from you, so please understand your current situation, Kulkan, I actually don’t need to help you.

You can also reject me!

But one day in the future, when you sit in the court of creation presided over by me, I hope your eloquence will be better and you can convince me and the 'jury' to ignore your crime of 'deserting'.

Maybe a little more extreme!

You can just go to the subspace and crush me to death before I grow up, but I think the Sentinel Legion may not sit idly by.

Since they can create new gods, it shouldn't be difficult for them to kill one or two stupid gods.

To sum up, I can tell you clearly that I am not begging you!"

"Let's find another way."

Because the situation was so bad, Kulkan had no confidence to speak and said very tiredly:

"I help that seed grow in the warp, nurturing it with the fire of my sun, and at the same time giving power in his name to his followers in the physical world. This is also a symbolic process of empowerment."

"Don't promise Him! Murphy."

The Endless Manis suddenly said in Murphy's ear:

"My seemingly rude but cunning fellow is trying to trick you into not understanding the mysteries of these gods. He is trying to use this method to bind himself to the Holy Light, so that when the Holy Light is born, he can proudly call himself

'Mother of Holy Light'!

And He has been polluted.

Allowing Him to nurture the Holy Light might lead to the intrusion of the Warp.

This fellow of mine is really cunning. No wonder he can do such things as deserters and let him strip away the power of divinity. Oh, by the way, help me get the power of 'flying'. I suddenly feel that growing wings seems very good.

Cool looking.”

"Shut up! Mannis, do you think I can't hear you?"

Kulkan scolded:

"You don't want to mess with me after messing with Ao, right?"

"Okay, don't worry about my collaborators."

Murphy spread his hands and said to Kuhl about the showdown:

"Strip off your purifying power of fire and give it to the seed of holy light. And I promise you that I will help you complete your own purification as soon as possible. You don't even need to completely peel off the dark part of you, you just need to

Drain it with assistance at some point.

I will help you persuade Ao to help, I think I have the face."


Kulkan looked at Murphy suspiciously and said:

"You are so cute when you are confident. Okay, I believe you, but you have to remember, Alpha, you are the administrator, and every oath you say is symbolic.

If you promise, you must keep it.

Therefore, I suggest that you don't swear randomly in the future, lest you cause some trouble that you can't handle. In addition, I don't know what you want to do by shaping the Holy Light, but you are doing a dangerous thing.

You can create holy light, which means you can also create crazier things. Not only can you use faith, this is a double-edged sword.

That’s all.

Thank you for your help. By the way, help me put in a good word in front of those guys. I won't let you do it in vain, Alpha.


We must help the Aztecs, because the Heart of the World is in the forest they guard! And the country I protect is the gatekeeper of the Heart of the World in the material world.

This is why dusk must pollute me.

Avalon still owes me a favor.

His damn servants killed so many of my followers, and he was able to return to the old continent alive all because of my kindness. I now give this favor to you, Alpha.

You took something from me, why not take something from Him.”

(End of chapter)

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